HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT V.' THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL '29, 1953 s, . , ' Economical!They’re Smart ! Dependable! BIG VALUE CARS r ‘ ’ • I. • • J 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped, r 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN T5 I 1952 PONTIAC COACH ■ TWO 1952 CHEV; STYLELINE SEDANS : .il9527dHEV./DELUXE COACH, fully-equipped, * 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. / 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. >. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. , ! 1951 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. y- [ 1951 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. > 1950 CHEV. FLEETLINE SEDAN fully equipped [ 1949 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. < 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. 1948 CHEV. I [ TWO 1948 CHEV/ COACHES t 1947 PONTIAC COACH with radio ! 1940 FORD COACH 7 1939 WILLIS ?. '/'-'7: 7-/7'7'/ TRUCKS ■ J 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP I’4 • \ ‘ •" • • n -■ •?<•’ ‘ : •, Brussels Motors j Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers ‘ L y Terms — Open Evenings Until 10 I Cities Service Dealer . Phone-73x, Brussels ’<■'7 (fc>* SEDAN. SEDAN : L' X ' ■ ■ ■ • , • ■ . . , • • ‘ Receives/ PMC. Appointment : Hubert E.. Dickinson has been appointed secretary-treasurer of the /St. Marys /public Utilities Commission. He is a son .of Mrk andJi brother pf; Sr. C. H; Dickinson, general manager /of the United Church * Publishing? House. DONATED TO JACKET FUND Donations to the Midget Hoc­ key jacket fund not previously acknowledged* are as follows* Jack Bannister $2.00; W. C. At- tridge 5.00; "A. E. McKim 2 00; Gerald Rathwell 2.00; Clair John-, ston 2.00; Harold Greer 5.00. ' OBITUARY CHARLES ROBERT LORENZ . The death of Charles Robert Lorenz occurred last Thursday> in Kincardine Hospital where he has been a patient for eight months with a heavy stroke. He suffered the first of a series pf seizures four and a half years, ago.Mr. an^/Mrs. Lorenz had lived in Lucknow for the past fjew years, since Charlie retired from blacksmithing at. Amberley, He« had previously. blacksmithed at ‘Kincardine and Desboro; and had worked, at boat building with- the Russell Co, at Oweii Sound. Char-, lie was a capable smithy and at life International plowing 'match at: Port Aibdrt ’ a few years ago won second place. He was 64 years of age having (been born at Parry Sound on November o 18th, 1888. He was, one 6f a family of eight children of Carl and Teressa Lorenz. He was a’ member of. the United Church and an Orangeman. The funeral service was held at the Johnstone Funeral Home, Lucknow, ort?Saturday, Conduct­ ed by Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn. In­ terment was in Greenhill Cem­ etery, the pallbearers being Geo. Elliott, Jack Campbell, Harvey Webster, Elmer Umbach, Thos. Burns and James Shiells. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Dorothy Lorenz; a; daugh- 4eiv Mrs/ Tom McGarvey of Kin­ cardine; a step-daughter, Mrs. Clarence Bell of Cleveland; three brothers, Alfred and Joseph of Pontiac, William of Elmwood and four sisters, Mrs. /Ralph Dryer, Mrs. Ray McCaslin, Mrs. Alfred King and Mrs. Julius Kupskey, all of Pontiac. DONALD MacNAY MEMBER ; OF LOCAL LEADERS CLUB ■ I"11 ,IIU '/’’.■W!""* . ’* > Donald M^cNay, son of My,’ and Mrs. Alex MacNay of town, and a Grade XIII student at. Luck .now . District. High School, rep­ resents the school on the Free Press leaders’ club, vDonaid has had high academic standing, He is proficient in ath­ letics,' having won the seirio^ field and track championship. He • is president of the literary soc­ iety, a member Of the School Band, and has considerable abil­ ity as^a pianist.'."'77C Donald is considering entering University to take up engineer­ ing.. . >■’'. ; . , J 'r... . 7 ; born McCALL—In Listowel Memorial' Hospital on Friday, April 24th, to Mr. and Mi®. Jack McCall, Listbwel, a son,, John Barrie. CHISOLM—in Goderich Hospital on Monday, April 27th, to Mr. and Mrs, Grant (Chisholm, R. 3, [Goderich, a son, Allan James. HOGAN—at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on April 16th, 1953, to Mr; and Mrs. Louis Hogan, R. 7, Lucknow, a daughter, Kathleen Marie. \ • 0.' KIRKPATRICK — in Kincardine Hospital on Thursday, April 16, 1953 to Mr. and Mrs. James Kirk, patric^, Ripley, a son. x _ SPORT... SET SIX TEAMS AS LIMIT FOR FASTBALL LOOP ' The W.Q,A.A. /major . fastball loop will be ponfined this season tn six teams—the same as last year^it was decided the first 01 the week at the meeting of club officials ' and the league execut­ ive.Meaford, Port Elgin, Hanover, Walkerton and Lucknow are m, and the Wingham franchise of last season will, go to a sixth club, which ;yan produce the strongest, squad on paper; Wlarton; Chesley, Goderich & Kincardine were interested. Ap­ plication must be made by May 5th, when teams seeking entry must submit their battery and team personnel. . ,' . \ ‘. This move is aimed at elimin­ ating “weak sisters” from the loop to the detriment of all con­ cerned, and top flight pitchers for this brand of ball don’t ap-j pear numerous enough for every­ body to get in with a contend­ ing club. Each team has to furn­ ish a $500 bond guaranteeing completion■•■of the schedule. Kincardine w s ; interested when they were given to believe they might be able to land Hughie Hall, but no doubt their ardor has waridd .upon learning that Hall has signed a certifi­ catewiththel^gionnaireswho don’t plan to release him. The league is expected to open oh May 15th,: when an umpire’s school will be held in conjunct­ ion-with the opener. Ail teams are expected to' swing into action on the May 18th holiday. —^o-o-o----- The Port Elgin fastball team will discard the name “Lake- siders” this season and foe known as the Pojrt Elgin Pontiacs. They will step out in new uniforms that will set the Pontiac dealer ^^l^^TdwiF back about $400. ■ i g .r ■' ■■ i . i' ■ TROPHIES PRESENTED ••• ■ (Continued from page 1) Mr. WeicheTS was a voice of experience. A veteran of World War I, he lost a leg at the age of 23 which cost him the chance to play pro ball and to get the education he hadn’t received as a lad he went to night school.47 ' Their hockey success, Mr. Weichel attributed _to _ co-opera­ tion, ability and tearhiwork. He congratulated “Tory” Gregg on his appointment 'as president of the O.H.A., and called for sup- port/for him in the terrific job e 1 faces.". - -v .........'— Mr. Weichel traced the growth of the O.M.H.A. from 8 teams in 1935 to 315 teams during the past winter. ’ . Hugh Hawkins, head of the W.O.A.A., could claim 76 minor teams in operation in that loop and said he was proud to have an Ontario champion from among them.^‘‘Toiy.” dregg extended his congratulations to the boys, to Bud and Jack and io the Legion which was “doing a great work in fastball and minor hockey”. He said it was a pleasure, as business manager of the W;0.A.A4 to work with the Lucknow Mid­ get management. All they wanted was to play hockey; it didn’t matter who or where, . and they engaged, iri more series than' was necessary* in coping the ^.O.A.A; title, for the “great little sporting town of Lucknow”. He paid tribute to Stewart Mc- Tavish of Oshawa, who he suc­ ceeds as 6.H.A. president. *Mr. McTavish, at the age of 48, died in his ..berth enroute to Quebec to represent the O.H.A. at the ‘z T r fa ■ t to COLOR in your HOME "Rubberized ” Paint ■■ . v ■ •. . ■■ • Beautiful modern colors. • Rich velvety, finish that is so easy to keep clean * • Goesovermost anything—wallpaper/oldpaint, wallboard, cement • And to clean dp . just wash out brushes or v roller in water GALLON $6.00 QUART $0.00 ~ For the most beautiful modem colors we recommend COLOR —' SATISFACTION •t- STS Through the BettyMoore Service let us put you on* the rfoht road to Color— «nid. just ds important—give you the Service, Quality and Value that makes . successful painting easier and longer . lasting. Proper advice in choosing the right product for the job can help save you time and expense, You can depend on our experience^ for a successfuI •. , FREE ».y DECORATING SERVICE Betty Mooi*e‘s 1953. /Colorstyles . • booklet is how available. Get your free topy and let us tell you more. |^1iqtiWem ce<*IS<>hSf«hati* ■ ■ ■/ Service./-7 . .< ' / ■' ■' : ' ’7'- ' ' WM. MURDIE & SON » ■ ’■ ■ ... • 7. ’■ . I? ■’ " ’ ■ '* • » ' ’Phone 10, Lucknow, Ont T ‘ / WHERE YOU GET MOO^C M'WfW £ i PUBDON—in Wingham General Hospital bn WedhCSday, April 15th, 1953,. to Mr. and Mrs. Athol. Purdon, Wingham, a daughter. tiemen wherever they go. The jackets 7 they wear, with the crests on them, will result in good or bad publicity for their town -and^the-.JO^M.HA.,„accDrding_to__^ -their-jconduct.___.____'___ __ ___ “Bud” Thompson expressed his pride in the boys, and after re­ counting some of their prowess in reaching the Ontario HtTe/7- called them individually to their feet and had an appropriate word of commendation for them all. “They were a better balanced team then we’ve eVer had before’1, Bud said, and added that/, six were from town arid six i from the rural community, as" evidence that Lucknow’s hockey success in the future would require a con­ tinuance of the policy of develop- s ing rural boys. ■ / -Jack Cook expressed tri-s— “thanks to everybody”. ' After the presentations were made, Clarence Greer’s remark, “There they are, the best ind0jv_ tario”, brought ihe gathering to J their-f eetin-alustythree-cheers.— .A dance followed to conclude a red-letter event in Lucknow’s hockey history. Memorial Cup playdowns. /; ■ Tory repeated his advice to the boys that their? “education comes first”, and “not to sign anything” ■ He had ' a word for the Chin family, who been a - credit j to Lucknow Fandto sport footin' here and ih'the U.S.A. Tom Raf-| forty,- CKNX sports announcer, added that Mrs.. Chin, was’“the youngest looking mother in Ltick- now-’*.. . • ' ■ ’ . ► J. E. 07? Jim” Austin of Stouff- Ville, executive member ;of’the 4 O.M.H.A., emphasized that the I boys, cohduct themselves as gen- ’nwltmKr r WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB Wed;, April 22 ;...... B- Thurs., April 23 N-4 Fri., April 24 L.......,7-B-l Sat./April 25 ’...................,L2 Mon., April -27 ... G-5 FULL HOUSE IL Cook, Belgrave G-51-i. April 27. Service and Satisfaction in Plumbing and Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In­ stalled—See The Oil Ranges. --^-^URNACEUIEEA^ Bathroom Fixtures '&■ Repairs JEayetroughing, Air . Conditioning; District Agent For BEATTY PUMPS & REPAJKS Art Gilmore ' R. R. 3,'LUCkNOW'/- - : ’ ’Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon