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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-29, Page 2
V ' f p >AGETWC>THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, . APRIL 29, 1951 ,* PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Trayer and child ren qf London and Miss Edith Stanley spent the Week-end at • the1 home of Mr. Milton Stanley. Mr,1 and Mrs. Burton Collins, , Mary Lou, Johnnie and Sandra visited, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Young of Kingarf on Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leeson and children,, Visited with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Gawley on Saturday evening. . * ’■ Mary Anne and Dickie McCosh isited their cousins M the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waite? Forster for the week-end. Those that attended the-shower at the home of MrPand .Mrs. Frank Colwell for; their daughter Florence on Saturday were, Mrs. Herb Farrell, Mrs. John Farrell, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Donald Me? Cosh, Mrs/ John Colwell, Mary Colwell. ’ Mr. Mrsr-Donald McFarlane visited with the • latter’s mother, Mfs. Jones of Wingham, Wednes day. ' ;.■■■ ~^-hpmber-70^^ ed the Synodical at'Wingham Idst Wednesday. ’? A shoulder strap is h device for keeping an attraction from ‘becoming a sensation. - Don’t neglect renewing your MRS. J. KETCHABAW HEADS PARAMOUNTINS^ITUT^ The Paramount W.I. held their annual1 meeting ab Mrs. Kings bury’s.., After the ipiain part of the meeting was over Mrs. Mc- rKellar, District President/ took the Chair fpr election df officers. Mrs? McCoshj district secretary, took the minutes. The following officers were elected: pres. ~ Mrs. j. Ketchabaw; vice pres, Mrs. A; Irwin; sec.-treas.* Mrs. F. Mar tin; assitnats tin; assistant sec., Mrs. E. Hack’-- ett; 'sick committee, Mrs. W. Dex ter, Mrs. J. Henderson. The May 12th meeting will be held at Mrs? Robert Reid’s. . Don’t neglect renewing your ' . Sentinel'subscription promptly. Advertising doesn’t.cost—it pays!, <6 ft. "■T ■ £ "T' .T.l ..(ii.i.nij.i»iiiiir.i i iiiMiMirtiiiiiiiiriiitiiiiimyiliniiiili'iiiiiiTirtiimiiiroiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiirthTiiniTmtiliilpiinTOrMiliriiiililwwMilim looking backwards j THROUGH the sentinel FILES I -ri.. f Twenty Years Ago Mrs. James Reid died at h^r home west of town. Sidney Trowbridge of the Bank of Montreal staff was transferred to London and was succeeded by L. R. Bartlett of,Brampton. .;. A; barn on / James lrwin’s 50< acre, farm' in KinloSs, near the. home farm, w£s destroyed by fire.- ;• «• ■ Marshall Qrahaih’s house, on Outram^St., South, occupied by Mr, and Mrs. " E. H. Agnew, was considerably damaged by fire and water.’ A showroom was opened'at the Lucknow Table Company plant? “Bear tracks” were being “ob served” in the Langside district. Mr; and Mrs. Harvey Ackert and Clarence moved to Lucknow to the Albert Boyd residence pre viously occupied by Mf. and Mrs; W. A. Ponteous, Ten Years Ago The 4-cent postal rate went im to effect on April 1st.' • Gordon Morrison bought the Scott farm oh the boundary froin j. W. Joynt. —The-528th R,C.A.Fycasualty iWf~ reported Sgt. McKenzie Mowbray of Whitechurch : as presumed dead. JEie had. been reported miss ing on an operational flight ©ver Germany'oh October 1st. Over $300 was raised* by a bridge and euchre...marathon for war work purposes. Lucknow and District residents xontributed-over. $4000 tothe-Red- Cross campaign .,; . “ Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hamilton of Saltford were bereaved by the death of their daLUghter Phyllis Pauline in her 7th year. Alex McLean died in Ashfield at the age of 78. . The Lucknow Presbyterian con gregation decided to open a fund for the installation of an electric orga'n., ' Special application had to be made for canning sugar, to the Local Ration Board at Kincar dine or Goderich. < MlJM II f h MM’ Sixty Years Ago : The West Wawanosh Council authorized the reeve and clerk to sigh a petition asking the Gov-, eminent to submit to the people a vpte on the question of total, prohibition of the liquor: traffic-^ T Gross ’revenue at "the Lucknow post , office was $2,374;6Q and the postmaster’s salary was $740. The Whitechurch hotel owned by Joseph Nixon was destroyed by fire/': Wm. -Valens, county secretary of Bruce Patrons of Industry,, at tended a convention, of the Grand Association in Toronto. He was re-elected Grand auditor.. Moore’s Hotel, near the Grand Trunk station, was being offered for sale, Isaac Allan of Toronto, took charge of Thomas Reid’s bakery. Thomas Finlay, one of Ash field’s earliest settlers, died at his home known as “Hawthorne Bank Farm” at the age of 61, Thirty-Five Years Ago i. ■ J. G. Armstrong was advertis ing the New Edison, “The phono- ’ graph with a soul’’/ ■"r~~; ‘, Stephen Stothers, B.SA., was appointed Huron County Agricul tural representative. . Ashfield Council passed a by law authorizing the issue of a $4,500 debenture for the purpose Of building a new school at S;S.« No. 4. Mrs. James Lindsay died at her -home on-Ross-St—in—her_ 91st -year. - - - ... ' , In Room IV of Lucknow Public School,. Miss I. G.^ Sherriff was teaching A. Reid. P. Mathers, B. Murdie, W. Treleaven, S. Burns, C.. McKendrickj J. Cain, G. Doug las, V. MieQuillin, J. MacCallum, A. Murdie, H/Thompson, K. Hill, W. Huston, H. Blitzstein, M. Mc Lean, D. Mitchell, T. Blitzstein, A. Johnston,. M. Webster, R. And rew, L Rathwell, G. Hodgins, F. Andrew, R. Howey, A. Irwin, W. Thompson, M. McCallum, F. Cain, E.\ Nivins. TEESWATER IN FLORIDA - On Sunday, February 22nd, a unique group shared picnic lunch (together under palm trees, after the morning service at Pasadena Community Church; St. Peters^ tables in the church grounds were gathered an elder, two trustees, a steward, two C.G.I.T. leaders, a W.M.S. Auxiliary president, the minister,; and. five* other active members, all from one church in the Ontario village of Teeswaiter. Also lunching were ten more con* nected in some way with Tees- water, twenty-three in all. Mr. and Mrs. W, L. Thompson took their minister and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. David Proctor, to Florida; the Tees water Session granted a Sunday off; other friends in Teeswater looked after the Proctor ...children in their homes; and Rev. W. J. Watt, Whitechurch, conducted worship in Teeswater in. the absence of the™ ministerr-who-retumed with a tan and renewed zest, —^-O£_all—the—impressions-on-this* unusual trip (unusual, that is, for a minister in the pastorate of a village charge), nothing cduld Surpass the happy: experience of worshipping in the Paskderia Community Church, St. Peters burg," where eight out rof every nine worshippers sat in their cars. That anorning 2^548 cars wefe present in the park-like Church grounds. About 1,000 people were, inside the Church and an -estim-' a fine public address system. Forty “outside ushers”, and ten iiiside* looked/after the congrega tion. The service was pne of deep; reverence and spontaneous ferv our, The. minister,*Dr. Hamilton —a Canadian—^preached a* Splen did sermon on the Atonement, us ing as his title a college girl’s question “What the Dickens is sin?”—United Church Observer. RECOMMEND show COMING NEXT WEEK A number of local residents who have seen “The Hasty Heart” are recommending it highly. The show is coming to The Playhouse day of next week, underjiuspices of the Lucknow Branch of Can adian Legion. It’s a human, down-to-earth picture that comes highly rated. ’ RECTOR'S GRANDMOTHER DIED IN AUSTRALIA The Rev. H. L. Jennings has re ceivedword from Australia of the passing of his grandmother, Mrs. "ML A. Boyle in her 90th year. His mother, Mrs. H. Jen nings, of HoUyrood, . Western Autsralia, plans to return to Canada next December after visiting relatives in England. THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE It is in the nature of things that most laws are enacted for, restrictive purposes. If there is wrong .iri the eyes of the ethics of our civilization, there will be a laws attempting to cope with it. And7-if-there is a law there is restriction. One has only to Con sider ifor- a. moment the restrict; iveness of pur laws cohcei’ning hunting dr fishing or; speeding, to appreciate this fact. La:.v pro-, . Teets ’ ^eiiety/ by ex- cessiveness. If. the actions of a segment of society' is {basically Wrong, can ;there be any question, the’ law .dealing with it, the bet; ter it yzill be for the good of all? Not all countries or provinces or ; communities Have the same laws; Which laws are the best? When wrong is evident, the law that is the more restrictive will be the better law.—Advt. V • t V