HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-22, Page 10'!■ Z * ■ ■"■■■'' X <■. * ' r THELUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO it. NOTICE 1 Thf greatest thing .tjydt ever happened to sox—trimfit nylons! They wash in a hurry, dry in a breeze, last practically for ever. In white, soft pastels and high fall shades. ■v , *'4 ■ ■’ ' i- DuPont Nylon lined with comfortable Durene mercerized cotton. MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and Woollens NOTICE SUNDAY, APRIL 26th Lucknow Hydro-Electric System SAVE at these Everyday LOW PRICES IGA Salad Dressing, 8 oz. 25c Libby’s Fancy Peas.. 2 for 35c J King’s Choice Tomatbes .... 21c Saniflush .................. 29c ; —■■ SPECIALS -. > Dainty Rice lb. 19c ! Lux Toilet Soap ...4 for 25c Milko, lb. 37c 5 lbs* $1.69 Gerber Baby Foods .... 2 for 19c Pineapples, size 12 ........... 29c P.E.IJ; Potatoes AV..... 10 lbs. 29c Green-Pascal-Celery-2 for 21c Oranges, 220, 37c; 288, 25c Cabbage, lb. ,..u........ 7c SMITH’S FOOD MARKET J' Watch For Ad In Free Press Thursday I SEE BIT THE SENTINEL (Cphttaued frontpage 1) THAT Mrs. John McLeod is re- . covering from the effects of a fall on Good Friday when she suffered broken ribs. Mrs. Me- . Leod is 88 years of age, and makes her home , with her day- ghter, Ws. Harry Nixon and Mr.' Nixon.. THAT Bill Campbell of Amber­ ley had a successful sale of stock and implements last - “Week-^BiU has a-job-with^4 ; Kincardine Creamery, and he i \&nd Mrs. Campbell,, will move > there when living quarters are available. : ■\ 1 - THAT seeding operations which , were general zon many farms last week, Were brought to »a halt by week-end weather con­ ditions, climaxed by a consid­ erable fall'of snow on Sunday and Monday. Sunday’s snowfall converted this immediate vicin­ ity into a vertiable fairylaqd as it Clung to trees and shrubs and wires, The snowfall, how­ ever; was not general it seems and west of Lochalsh (there was scarcely a flake. In, fact the sun was shining while here we were having a heavy fall of wet snow.. THAT Elliott Sandy and Billy : and Doug (Farrisih bagged a fe- icfx .and her litter of six .young * pups last week. The bounty is $2.00 for the mother - arid $1.00 each for the pups; THAT Mrs. Charles Lorenz is ill with pneumonia and has been . in Kincardine Hospital for the past week. Her daughter^ Mrs. Clarence Bell of Cleveland is here on account of hef “illriessr She^flew to London. Mr. Lorenz •Who. has. been in Kincardine Hospital for several months from the effects of a stroke, is quite seriously ill. I THAT it was noted in last week’s Sentinel report of South Kin­ loss W,M.S. that the interesting paper and prayer on the topic “The Easter Story” by Mrs. Ted* Collyer and Mrs. Philip Steer was omitted. ■ ■—•O-^-'. THAT Caryl MacCrostie, who has . been attending Wirigham Dis­ trict High School, has complet­ ed,a special commercial course and has accepted a position in the office of Fry & Blackhall, ■ Furniture Factory, Wingham. —o— ■■■',•/■ THAT work on the standpipe was completed on Tuesday with the big*tank getting an outside -Ccoat of aluminum as the final operation. Spectators got quite a thrill watching the workmen \ at their unenviable job. THAT Mrs. Win. McNall, who is well past the * four score mark, received a fall on Saturday night and fractured a rib;- THAT District Deputy Grand , , Master H. J. Cameron paid his official visit to Olid Light Lodge on Tuesday evening. Paramount District Girls The Paramount “Salad Cut- Ups” held their fourth meeting at the home of Eunice Button bn ’Thursday, ’April” 16tK7 wH^ 12 girls present. After the roll call \“Name”some“vegetable’J7^Mrsr~Or Richards led a discussion djn vege­ tables and what they contained-. Most of the evening was spent in copying notes- A dainty lunch- • ■ ■. WEDNESDAY,. APRIL 22,. 195a Attention all those/of Sottish descent—and who is ....’ not jn these parts! i \ Under auspices of the CAnadhnJ-egioii , THE PLAYHOUSE, LUCKNOW will present r- * Thursday> FridaySaturday* May 7th, 8th, 9th t * ► 1? ►’ <!■ ► ► ► ► i “The Hasty / A wonderful motion picture—a story of a Scotsman away ,. fromdiome, and having fought for his King and Country , is going through a difficult convalescing period. V. IT HAS LAUGHS—IT HAS TEARS—BUT IT’S REAL! ► We are really expecting to fill the theatre for three ’ solidnights—that’s how good this picture is. • ;■ ■ • . ■ ' ■ " 11' A A A Al A A A Aii * i^vA^kgj FOR BETTER Gardens, Lawns, Plants 440-12 COMPLETE PLANT FOOD Specially developed for flowers, fruit, bushes and vegetables. Contains 4 percent nitrogen (for green growth), 12 percent phosporus (for growth and re- production), 10 percent potash (for tasty fruits). Free of fungi and weed seeds. Full directions for use on ■ ■ ^4# si.95 lie-6-4 PHOS^ORGANIC FERTILIZER A chemical and organic fertilizer particularly suit­ ablefor rich green lawns arid shade trees. Contains 10 percent nitrogen (to proinote greeri ’ growth), 6 percent phosporus (for plant reproduction), 4 per- ?cent potash (for balanced - growth). Apply 2 or 3 lbs. per 100 sq. feet. Full directions ^n bag. 40 ll»...... . . 12.25 Variey of Lawn Grass Seed Mixtures or cari supply grasses separately to your own formula. D. R. FINLAYSON PHONE 91 LUCKNOW, ONT. Will Go Into Effect IN LUCKNOW SUNDAY, APRIL 26th at 2.00 a.m. Lucknow Municipal Council. 0 was served by the hostess, Mrs. Robt- Button. home of their leader, Mrs. J.: El- phick. on Saturday, April 18th, with 11 girls out of 13 'present. The roll. call was answered by ? picture of a vegetable pftat c or a . salad dish,Instructions . were :given on how to make“sclffibped potatoes and a “pink salad".'A dainty lunch:was served by the hostess which'consisted of what ( we had prepared. / *0