HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-22, Page 9' • I. • . ' ’ • ? ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1953 PORTABLE ORGAN for kintail camp During last; week’s sessions of j h (he Hamilton-London Synod yoffG the Presbyterian Church, held in. New Knox Church, Goderich, the presentation of a portable reed organ, was made to the Kintaii CamP- presentation was made by Mrs, K, D. Taylor of Burlington, as a memorial to her mother, the. late Mrs., Elizabeth /$cotlt McKay qf Cromarty, ' ,. VTant Hamilton Area Camp’ ".•. A request from Hanfilton Pres- : bytery was presented to Synod for* a summer; camp in the east ? encP of the Sy n,od area near Ham - Atom At present the only Estab­ lished camp supported by “ the Synod is at Kintail.. A majority of the synod’s sum­ mer camp committee recommen­ ded that no action should be taken. Synod decided, however, to have a special committee ap­ pointed to consider the request, and to report to synod€ at the 1954 annual meeting. Synod members from the Ham­ ilton area argued that the num­ ber of campers going to Kintail from the Hamilton and Niagara Falls presbyteries is so small that a second camp, in the east end of the synod area, would not in­ terfere twiUh Kintaii. Rev. Fer­ guson J. . Barr, Stratford, chair­ man” of "the- Kintaii Camp com­ mittee, noted, 'however, that the number of campers at Kintajl last summer, from the Hamilton and Niagara Falls' presbyteries, _wasr„asgreaLprOportionately^. as frbm any other presbytery in the synod, with the exception of the Huron-Maitland presbytery, with­ in which the Kintail site is locat- ed. , .• —----- Suggests Three Camps, j _ As a policy for the future; said Mr; Barr, he would like to see three Presbyterian church camps in the Hamilton-London synod. He suggested that one. camp, for the central portion of the synod area, .might be established on the new lake that has been created near London by the building of Fanshawe dam. Mr. Barr s,ai.d he believes that the, Upper Thames Conservation Authority might be prepared to give free a'site for a church camp. There are mote difficulties than might be imagined in establishing a satisfactory'Church camp,-saijd Rev. R, g. MacMillan, minister of ■ Knox Church, Goderich. It has taken 25 years, he said, to bring .Kintail Camp up' to its present level; the investment is indicated, he said^by the fact that $30,000 insurance is carried on the build­ ings. ■ ‘‘We are rated”, said Mr. Mac- Millan> “one of the best camps along Lake Huron; Kitchigami Camp is neck^in-neck with us, find it is supported, by a very strong Rotary Club at Stratford”. . Mr. MacMillan said he believes synod members' ought to realize that, under , current condition’s, jvith complex government regu­ lations to be, )*met, it 'is not 'an easy matter to establish a church camp. He estimated that $50,000 [night be ' required to establish in the Hamilton area ,a camp to Match Kintaii. ......; ..............................................I-.I.............. Group III of The WtA/z I w The April meeting of Group HI I ’ of the W.A. was held on Wednes­ day evening, April 15th at the jome of Miss Catherine Mac­ Gregor with an ’attendance of 20 members, Mrs. Hunter presided for the. opening exercises.. Hymn 36Q was sung and prayer offered by Mrs? HUnter. Mrs, Kilpatrick, 'took the scripture and., explana- [ tion. Reports were given by the treasurer, also the Sewing com- 7. Huron County’s Most Modern Store—’Phone 590 Open Every Saturday Until 10 p.m V t? V. J i F "A I* x * I Timely values—-plus quality merchandise*—always a feature when you shop here. AFTER EASTER C ■ * ’ • $10.00 COME ■ ■ SEE FOR YOURSELF : Why thrifty style conscious people prefer THE FASHION SHOPPE ' Goderich t. .. * PAGE NINE • . . . • • • / . . * ’ I •, SUITS — DRESSES -------CAN BE . ' . ' .' ' ' ‘ ■ I • Sparkling plastic-finished Marlite pan-.? .. els go oyer old walls .or new . •, pro- i vide lifetime beauty at moderate cost. | Installation is easy arid fast. .< dCome: in today. Select colors and patterns to match—your decorative • scheme. Modernize With .Marlfte-^ As Low As per Sq. M >. t THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO rnititee and “thank you” letters , were read. Plans were made for the* May meeting to- b'e held- at the Convalescent Home.. M?;s. .Wil­ fred Ande rson'.. presided for the following program’' a dyet . by Mrs. Half and Mrs. MacMillan,, a reading by Mrs. Orland Richards, followed by a solo by Mrs. RobC Campbell. A sketch on “The life of Sir Harry. Lauder” was given by Hazel Webster. Hymn 376 was sung and the mizpah benediction pronounced, Lunch-was-served by the committee ih charge, Mrs! Wi. Anderson, Mrrs. Wm. Bushell and Mrs. Torrance. Anderson. South Kinloss Thankoffering ' Rev. Mr. Andrew of Hanover addressed the special Thankoffer­ ing ' meeting in South Kinloss church on Sunday evening. He told interesting highlights of his work as a missionary for three years in British Guiana among the East Indians there, The presr ident of> the W.M.&y Mrs. Baulch, presided for the meeting. Scrip­ ture portions .were read by Mrs. H, Lavis, Mrs. T. Collyer, Mrs. A. MacIntyre and Mrs. W. F? MacDonald and prayers Were of- feredTiby^Mrs; I. Dickie, Mrs. E. Keith, Miss Joan Cochrane ■ and Mrs. D. Grahafn. Rev. Mr Baulch spoke briefly on Christian en­ deavour in India and also closed I' John W. Henderson Lumber Limited Phone 150, Lucknow, Ontario PLASTIC-FINISHED WALL and CEILING _ PANELS _ riddles by, Carol Wagner (at the home of Mrs. Reuben Wil-, very worthwhile message; The son on April 9th. Mrs. Geo. Mon-* ro^b call , was answered by an* Easter verse. Mrs. Wm. Ross led in prayer and was leader for a Bible quiz. Mrs. A. A. J. Simp­ son read a poem. After the busi­ ness part ofHhe meeting Mrs. D. R._ MacKenzie thanked- the;- guest; speaker, the hostess and commit­ tee in charge. Mrs. Oliver closed. the meeting, with prayer. There1 were/Z32 present. A dainty lunch was served, and Marguerite MacKenzie. Mrs. Joynt read the second chapter in the study .book and Elizabeth Webster entertained the junior members. There were 47 present. We enjoyed a treat at the close? of • the meeting. ~ : Ashfield Presbyterian W.M.S. Mrs. A: A. J.; Simpson presid­ ed for the Easter meeting of Ash­ field Presbyterian Women’s. Mis­ sionary Society vvhich Was held crief conducted devotions by reading the resurrection record from Matthew 28, meditation and prayer. Mirs. Wm. Ross sang a pleasing Easter solo. .Appropriate and well prepared , papers were given by Mrs, Lizzie Rose and Mrs. Jack Collinson. The meeting was privileged to have Mrs.. Mar­ garet Oliver of Pine River as special speaker. She brought a Only 20 Miles To Greater.Savings the meeting with prayer. „__ Presbyterian Evening Auxiliary f ' Mrs. Morgan Henderson presid- jdjwer the April meeting which was held at/ the home of Mrs. James Little. Hymn 374 was sung followed with prayer by the pres­ ident. The topic and the chapter from “Jungles Ahead” were both very ably taken by Mrs. Ronald Forster; Hymn ,232 was sung and tiie scripture reading given by Mrs. Jack MacDonald and Mrs. Winn. The Bible study on the Fourth Beatitude was in charge of Mrs. V. Mowbray. The roll call was answered by a verse of scrip­ ture. Our bale money and any. clothing that we have for the .bale is to be giyen to Mrs.-Stewart Jamieson or Mrs/ Jack MacDon­ ald. An invitation was extended toz United Church Evg. Aux. to’ ^teird^ur^M^y Meeting whiclt is to be held in the basement of the church, May 19th. Mis& Kath­ leen Macintosh gave the‘current events. Following hymn 581 Mrs. Garfield MacDonald closed - the meeting with prayer. South-Kinloss F. & F. Group Mr. W, L. MacKenzie was the guest'/speaker at the educational meeting bf the Sbuth Kinloss Faith ’ and - Fellowship Group which met' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Campbell on Monday, April 20th. Mr. MacKen­ zie delivered an interesting talk , on the various phases of educa­ tion. The opening devotions in­ cluded hymn 446, prayer by Miss D. MacLeod, the Lord’s prayer. , the scripture .from Proverbs and ( hymn 494. During the business | portion %n invitation to Brussels Y.P.S. oiT April 27tK aTOO^nTH in the -Brussels Presbyterian church was accepted. A treasury er’s report was given.. The guest speaker spoke after which hymn 109, was sung followed by a hymn ; contest conducted by Mrs. Harry. , Lavis.-Belle Graham gave a hum­ orous reading. The vote of thanks I was given by, Torn MacKenzie followed by .the Mizpah benedic-. tion. The grace Was Sung and lynch Was served,■ ■ ........ United Church Mission Band > The April meeting was held in the church with the president, in the chair, and was opened by the singing of "Tell me the Story bf Jesus° and “Can a Little Child, like Me”, followed by the mem­ ber’s purpose and prayer; Eliza­ beth Webster read the scripture. Duets were sung by Lynn Couse; and Joan Marshall, Leona Collins and' Mary Allin; solo by Louise I I i tl’S IN THE BAG! BUT IHE Qt)ESTidN IS WHAT? Hf^hnrtly'yousee^Mr. and Mrs. ^uokiiow carrying a Shopping bag ull of what seems.teJbe.unreteted ; pnk, you’ll know they are mere- y on thgir way to take part in. i cheerful craze that has been weeping across Canada. A. turnip, a- calendar of 1930 mintage, even a brick from the ; lopse next doof-—any unexpected I tem-^cari win a prize worth hun* ^eds Of dollars when Roy Ward e- ? Wingham Arena’ on Friday, Jay 15th, with their all new “Fun arf?^e ^hpw”, . ' ’ • ; • That’s, why everybody and his r Will, be loading up with ax , oggonde^t things, as they ead for the big'show. 1 I r Perhaps one reason people wor- -aibout the future is 1,a- it & all they have left ; THE FASHION SHOPPE, Goderich Sale of Coats Sizes for juniors, misses, women, including youthful half sizes. Regular^$39.75 to $47.75 T NOW ON SALE $27.75 AT REDUCED PRICES J ■ I , Now You Can Save up to $20 ■ “ ” on your NEW SPRING COAT Featuring Canada’s Most Outstanding names in Ladies’ Apparel. POSLUNS RENE KAIMAN LOU LARRY , KLEVERKLAD DAYMAC LOKASH __JR. VOGUE •. . . ■ ‘‘ 1 > " ■’ • * • * , * _^_2L^STYLES-^-Eittedr&wing-back-and boxy stylesr “ COLORS—Black, Navy, Multicolors and Pastels. FABRICS-r-Gabardines, Flannels, Tweeds in the ' finest in imported and domestic cloths. Shorty Coats SPECIAL $16.95ancl ' ’ MP WE STORE .. FUR — COATS All-weatherCoats SAMPLES Water Repellent- ^-To Clear . LOW, EASY, BUDGET TERMS he Fashion Shoppe, Goderich