HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-22, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 22,1953 t • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WHITECHURCH Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 ..... ’ \ ' s • all this * WEEK The Greatest Show On Earth Evening Performances at : 6,30 arid 9.15 ; •• MATINEE SATURDAY Evenings—75c and 35c Matinees—50c and 25c : \ ■ * t Monday, Tuesday, April 27, 28 DANNY THOMAS DORIS DAY "— in — I’LL SEE YOU IN MY PREAMS Wednesday, Thurs., Apr.29, 30 JAMES CAGNEY, CORINNE CALVERT, DAN, DAILEY ' — in — The Easter. Thankoffering ■ of the W.M.S. of the United Church was held on Friday evening The ladies of the W,M.S, of St; HeL eqs United Church and the W. M* S, of the Whitechurch Pres­ byterian church were the visiting guests. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Milan Moore. Mrs. Walter Bell sang a . solo “The Old Rug. ged Cross ’ acconipanied by Mrs. D, Tiffin at the piano. MF and ’‘Mrs? ^Ted^RiW sarig a solo "ac­ companied by Mrs. Chester Tay J lor. Mrs. J., D. Beecroft read 'the scripture, Mrs, Thompson enter-' tained them with pictures arid an interesting talk about Trinidad. ’Rev. Hayward’ closed the meet­ ing with prayer., Afjer the meet­ ing they all went down to the basement, where a social half hour was spent. Mr. Ezra Scholtz came home from the hospitaT on Friday. “ We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Lance Grain is seriously ill in Wingham Hospital suffering • a coronary thrombosis. . Mr., and Mrs* E. Gioskorth and family spent the. week-end with her mother, Mrs. Bagg at Willow­ dale and brother at Unionville. . Mr. and Mrs. B. D. McClenag-. han are having their, house wired this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coultes and family of near Belgrave, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Caslick & fain- ily of Wingham and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Caslick and family of Cul- ross all spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Caslick. ATTENTION FARMERS'! —I am purchasing* - BOARS1 at , 7c to 9c per- lb. liveweight. Phone Atwood 37-r-12 collect or write me LEROY ACHESON R.R. 3, Atwood, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett & fam­ ily are moving this week from:’ Tralee to Newman’s store and the Newman family is leaving* . „We_wilLmiss_them. < ---- - - Mr^~N. -Thompson ^attended ~ a Salvation Army conference . in Kitchener on Saturday.' There ; jwereLJabout—4000-^atterided—th meeting With a band from Chi­ cago supplying the music. Mr. and Mrs Barton of Dray­ ton visited on Monday with Mrs. M. Ross and Miss Olive terriff. Mr, and Mrs. Carl .Hemsworth and Don and Jean Anne of Gow- | anstown visited with Mr. arid Mrs, A. Moore, on Sunday. ' ' h EN JOY COMFORT - ........1'.'.....................................................J......................1 ...l . . .■!■■■ LANGSIDE i’ * ■ • ** • ‘ ■ ’ * . Sympathy is. extended to Mrs, Chas. Elliott • in the loss of her mother. Mrs.- Farish Moffat, who has’ been under the doctor’s pare with an ear inection following the ’flu, is improved, ’ Mr, and Mrs, John Crowston visited recently with his sister Cecilia, Mrs. Wm. Kennedy iwho is patient in a London hospital following an accident ^injuring heF~§houidW^ Al9* betic ponditidh. " " ’ ” 7" Miss Emma Richardson went to Toronto for a visit with friends who visited with Mr.. Foster Mof­ fat for the Wbek4erid.A Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mr* and Mrs, Elmer Scott, Mrs. Neil McDonald, Mrs. Chas. Tiffin, Mrs. Frank Miller and Mrs* Bill Scott attended the school of in-, struction Jfcr Sunday School •work in Teeswater Presbyterian church. 3 Miss. Dollena Orr sent the week-end at home. ' Mr. Newtori Crowston / and grandsons, Marlow and Earl Of Kincardine^ spent the week-end with Mr*" and Mrs. John Crow- ston. ' • . The Ladies Aid was held Wed­ nesday night at Mrs. Chas. Tif­ fin’s with Mrs. Bill' Scott pre­ siding.’ Mrs. Bert Moffat and Mrs* Wes Youpig were responsible for the program. Bqsiness was disA cussed. A dedication service is' to take place on Mother’s Day of gifts presented to the church* Readings -were given by Mrs, ; X3has, _ Tiffin, . Mrs. Bert Moffat, ; Mrs* Young, Mrs. Neil McDon- > aid, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Evans, Mrs* ; Crowston, Mrs. Bill Scott. The roll call was answered with a ■ hpusehold hint. Mariori Scott- - jtook. ugjthel collection. „A.Vote^of. thanks was expressed to Mrs. Tif­ fin for her home c and Mrs. Neil McDonald kindly offered her home for the May meeting. The Young Peoples . meeting was held in the church with a good attendance. Douglas Simp­ son presided. Mrs. Chas. Tiffin and Allan! Miiller got up the pro­ gram with Mrs. Tiffin giving the topic. Others taking part were Lois and Clarence Crowston, Donald Huffman, Allan Miller and Wim. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McKinnon and family visited on /Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ritchie. ► 1 ,r ’—. 5T—— FREE SURVEYS ANO ESTIMATES Oil BURNERS ' • OIL FURNACES • Oil BOILERS • WATER HEATERS HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham Presbyterian GuildI The regular Guild meeting Xas J I held on Monday evening/ April 20th with Bob Mowtbray in charge . _df—the—m eeti ng^Hymn-323—was sung followed by the Lord’s pray­ er in unison. The business was discussed. Hymn, .592 was sungy Miss Gladys' MacDonald gave a very interesting topic. Contests were then conducted on the topic. The meeting closed in the form of a worship service. ; (J.’ H* « DUNGANNON .J'X x. D. R. Finlayson PHONE 91, LUCKNOW Full Line In__Siock Of CLOVER & GRASS SEEDS COBBLERS SEBAGO KATAHDINS SATURDAY MATINEE At. 2.15 p.m.——Doors open at 2 P«m> I .________2.. ■? * ■ ’ ’ . •• ! •’ •/ •* • . >. PAGE SEVEN DONNYBROOK "CAVALRY SCOUT ’Phone 165 4 i Certified The PLAYHOUSE Presents . . . f , , Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 23, 24, 25 From the pages of World. War II comes a thrilling chapter of heroism and devotion with PAT O’BRIAN, the veteran of many good films, in Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 27, 28, 29 In soothing cinecolour comes . RANDY; SCOTT, in Start Your Chicks NEW LIFE CHICK STARTER - Ren O Sal Tablets in Solution Jamesway Feeders and Waterers ■>' . fr6m ' ..... Crawford’s Feed Store ORDER your 1953 CHICKS NOW I ! Lucknow J. The April meeting of the W.M.S. was held ait the church on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. R. Chamney was in charge and used the Easter program as outlined in the Missionary Monthly. Hymn 104 was sung. Mrs. Gorgon Nay-' lor read thejfirst seven verses of_L the 16th chapter of Mark, follow-, ed by prayer and the Lord’s I prayer in unison. Mrs. N. Thomp- •. son read a poem entitled, “A Housewife’s Prayer”, Hymn 87 Was sung, a paper on Christian Stewardship Was read by Mrs. S. Thompson. Mrs. H. . Jefferson sang “The Old Rugged Cross”. Mrs. S* Chamney read a poem. The chapter in the study book was Fead by Mrs. E. Robinson* The minutes of the Marph meet­ ing Were approved as read,; , - Hymn 107 was sung in closing.cipal Moore and his bride. A A bale of . quilts,' flannelette and i block wedding wasfstaged by the clothing, valued at $146.60 . was I PyPjJs a?d PrePared Mrs.. T._ packed. Lunch was served* by Mrs. J. C. Robinson and Mrs. S. Thompson. ' Dbn’f neglect renewing’ your Sentinel subscription promptly,* i Mixed Origin \ . alfalfa seed in sealed bushel bags. Treated With Arason for the control of yrilt. ‘ Grade No; 1 — $18.50 per Bus. Mr. arid Mrs. John Skirim of Wingham. visited••J^ErsL Sarah Er- rington oh Sunday. Rev. Cannon J*. H. Geoghegan, Woodstock, formerly of Lucknow, arid Dungannon Anglican church- es, is, We are sorry to hear, ill With pneumonia in. Woodstock hospital. ' r , \ MF./aricTMrs. Laverne Pentlarid and fanlily of Detroit speht the Week-end, with relatives here* Dungannon School Principal and Wife Presented The Dungannon Public School on Thursday night of last week enjoyed a social evening and. pre-' sentition in'’honor of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moore; newlyweds of Easter. Monday. Pupils and par- ents gathered in honor Of Prin- M' Durnin, Junior room teacher^ Those taking, .part were: wbride, '• Sharon. Park; groom, Larry Pent­ land: bri des m a i ds, _Sa nd r a_ B rooks._ __ raridrLynda akef best man, Billy .; Blake; Ushers, Walter Mole, and ■ “Nof ris“SwnpSori’"a hdT^bmi a Peritt“? land played the wedding music. An address was read by Patricia . Young arid readings by Elizabeth Pentland and Marlene. Maize. A. lovely set of chrome and plastic- table and chairs in grey and blue colors whs presented Oh behalf , of 1 the friends ib'y Donny Mole, Ray­ mond Chisholm, Wayne Brown. & Lorne Alton; Mr. .add Mrs. Moore both gave a fitting response of apprepiatiori-'arid showered with confetti. The evening went ; cn with card playing with four- teen jtaibies engaged. Prize win­ ners were firsts, Mr. Thos. Rivett. ' and. Mrs. Eldon Culbert; 2nd, to Mr. Otto Popp and, Miss Ada, Webster; A lovely lunch of sand­ wiches, eookies and white cake With pink, icing and coffee was. savved-to dlose a very enjoyable evening. “ Qi I, IU'’Wjr