HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-22, Page 6wm*r six • '■ -f
Coafli i/ou com tuqlfawaq, Mfo ?n••
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for. your telephone . . i Think, of the difference
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purple grove:
- ;Mr$. Harold Layertry and
children of Toronto are spend
ing a few days with her mother,
Mrs. Harry Osborne, who is ill.
Mr. arid Mrs’ Jack Elphick and’ ley.
family visited, at the home of
Mr, and Mrs, Pqter Leeson on
Mr, and. Mrs. Ha^id ^Campbell,
and Thelma of Qrillia spent the
week-end with Mr* Frank: Stan-
* ' • . • *
Mr .and Mrs. Peter Leeson,
Iona* and Barbara visited with Mr,
R, W. Leeson of Kinloss recently.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Currie and
Brenda, Mrs. J. Colwell, Mrs.
Gertie^Walsh and Scott visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald
McCosh on Sunday. \ •
Mrs, Arigus Graham spent a
few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
The ^members of the Garden
Club field their meeting at the
home of Mrs, Wm. Arnold. The
mothers were also present.
' Miss .Mary Anne McCosh visit
ed Ker friend •Miss Rosylind
Swan over the week-end.
/'Mr*, arid Mrs. John ^Emerson
visited With Mr,, and Mrs,*Isaac
Nixori recently. •’
Miss Wihnifred McFarlane has
returned home, having complet
ed her training as a nurse in the
Wingham Hospital.
Mrs. Edbert Busheli, Kather
ine and George visited with Mrs.
Dan McDonald on Sunday.1
The Kinlough Orange Lodge,
No; 1139, held their, regular
monthly meeting on Tuesday ev
ening of last week with an aver
age attendance.
Worshipful Master John Emer
son presided over the meeting.
Remarks for' the good of the
Order? were given by Bro. Geo.
Haldenby. Biro. Alex Percy and
Bro. Wesley Guest.; The tfeasur-*
er’s report was given by Brs.
Wm. Haldenby which showed
that quite a substantial amount
had been netted from tfie enter-
tainments that had been held in
the Hall this past winter which
will be used in renovating the
hall in the near future. The sec
retary’s report was given by Bro.
John Barr, also reports from the
different committees were sub
mitted. The Lodge closed in due
form. ' ■ ’ ■ '■■■"
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372-Bay St., Toronto 1*3 Dunlop St, Barrio
Congratulations to Mri-&-Mrs^
Claytori . Meyers on the birth of,
a son in Wingham Hospital on
April 25th.
Miss Joyce Little of L.D.H.S.
spent “Tuesday night with Miss
Helen Schumacher.
Miss Joyce Haldenby is assist
ing with the work at Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Ackert, Holyrood.
Miss Gertie Wraith, Wingham,
spent. Wednesday afternoon at
her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins- &
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wraith spent
Thursday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Art Hodgins.
Mr. Donald Haldenby of the
Bank of Montreal, LucknOw, is
holidaying at the home of his
parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Ted Hal-
The sixth meeting of the Vita-
Gals was held . art - the home" of
Miss Nancy Needham on Monday,
April 13th. The theme song ..was
sung. The roll call was answered
with a raw vegetable that you
took to/school * today. The min-
\ites were read by Mrs. Dan Mc-
Innes and seconded. We discuss
ed the club exhibit and decided
to have a skit for Achievement
Day at Walkerton. Mrs. Hilda
Ackert gave shortnotes.' We were
shown how to prepare a lunch
box. Our home assignment was
to list three vegetables for each
month from the home supply and
check the ones which could be
used in the lunch box. If a mem -
ber of the-family carries”a~hmciir
box to plan the contents for, two
ing will be held at the. home of
Mrs. Jeanette Ross on Saturday^
afternoon, April 25th. Lunch was
^served by the hostess.
Miss Helen Haldenby and Mr,
Don Cameron of Wingham spent
Sunday With Mr. Howard Hal
denby and family. ' ,
Mr. and .Mrs. Harold Banner
map and family and Kenny Ban
nerman of Kinloss spent Sunday
with Mr. ad Mrs. Alex’Whyf ock
Mrs. Whitehead of Tees Water if
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mor
ley Wall.
Some excitement was caused on
Sunday when’a horse hitched to
a buggy broke loose at Kinlough
and ran away, It was later caught
by Mr. Ted Haldenby at West
ford. The horse Was owned by
Edgars. ' ■ ’ \ *:
community, have moved to north
of Lucknow. .
Mr? and Mrs. M. Kosmyna and
James of Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. K.
Jackson of Roseville, Mich.;
neth MacLennan of Detroit; Miss
Donna Hamilton, nurse-in-train
ing at Woodstock, and Miss Fran?-
cis Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Jas,
Spilsbury arid daughter of Lon^
don visited with* Mr?* and Mrs.
’ Hamilton whilo htfpndin.r
ily, who have been living in this the wedding and reception.
Looks as though Spring is here
by the hum and buzz of praetors.
Mr. and Mrs. White have mov
ed to their farm on the Second
Concession of Huron, vacated, by
Mr, and Mrs. Sam: Congram and
sons who .have moved to the
farm on the Boundary known as
the IsPac Ensign farm. . . A .14 ... . J;—Mr. and Mrs. Miller and fam-’ Robert Hamilton while attending
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