HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-22, Page 5this’n’that
. • /' . ; ■ by . •
T /
j^pNESDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1953
” All the way home from a .call
I was making this afternoon, I
■ ; .^s .thinkm^ of; the personajity
of houses, and : the difference in,
the atmosphere created by a good
housekeeper, and that .created by
a good homemaker. l{ve been in
houses where everything shone
of the outer , porch’, and I think,
“Oh dear., I "hope she never comes
'■ to my .'house”., , •. ,j
The house where I visited.this
afternoon was no doubt as well
kept as that, but the atmosphere
„ of goodThousekeeping was not as
• predominant as that of comfort
able homemaking,, which is as it
should be ... in my opinion.
Seldom have IJbeen in a room
that had as much of the ’sit-down
and make-yoUrself-at-home’ feel-
. ing. There were two very comfy
chairs that were quite evidently
where ‘Mr. and Mrs.’ sat at leis
ure, or ‘Mrs.’ with her needle
work perhaps. There were at
tractive bookshelves in the walls,
I couldn’t help admiring, them?
and the hostess said, “They used
to be doors”. (Now that’s a prac
tical idea for you.). On the wall
hung two plates; one above the
’other/bne" ^ of
her mother’s first set „of dishes,
the other of her grandmother’s.
Her grandmother’s spinning
wheel stood beside a couch with
the graceful flowing lines of yes
teryear. We had tea in pa’per-
■ thin cups, brought over with the
family from Scotland, poured
from a beautiful old silver tea-^otrPots^ofgrowirrg^lant^stbod
.- in two "bowls “Which I admired
too much to even covet (if you
can understand that) . . . a pat-
words Home? SWeet Home, and
a truly, wonderful glaze. .
Everything blended in a fine
atmosphere of objects, acquired
with affection, and cherished thru
the. years.
When z I sat down this evening
to write my column, my huge
scrap-book, full of clippings and
jotted notes, opened at this loose
page, begun some, time: ago .. . .
‘apd some houses rhave no per
sonalities’. .
I remember shortly after we
were married my husband taking
me to see some people/who had
been doing a great deal of re
modelling, laying of hardwood
floors^ etc., etc. We were shown
all over the house, and “oh’d”
and “ah’d” to their evident satis?
lattioh. When we came away, my
husband said perhaps he had
made a mistake in taking me
there ; . . it might give me ideas,
and he could not afford- to '’do
anything like that to our hous^,
I could honestly assure him that
I had no feeling of envy what
ever. . \
, It Was a beautiful house with
beautiful furniture, but gave no
suggestion of being a .‘home’. It
screamed of newness /. . if there
had been any pieces of small
furniture or bric-a-brac that I ad
mired, I should probably have,
Quite unconsciously, looked for a
price tag., There wasn’t one ob-
look brahid-new
• • • just like a furniture show-
Apparently the girl had
■Nothing—ffom her chndhood or
girlhood that she cherished.’ . If
1 had nothing, I’d hie me to a
second-hand store, and buy a vase
with a nick in it, or Something
that would look as if I had had
Q past . even if it had only a
chipped vase in it . . . before I
started homemaking in a home of
Jfry own. But everybody to their
taste. To me; the atmosphere of
the first home could Only have-"
hhd .chajrm; the decorating
«ud furnishing* of the second
louse might have been done; by
H^ttfaiture. sdiesman;
1 don’t expect,everyone to have
he same taste in home furnish-
y6u understand. You may.
a Quite honest liking for
,,?..ern furniture and furnishings,
frile all my clippings of hooked
g patterns and methods of re-
toishipg Qld furniture show that
that my interest lies in antiques,
x our house should look as if ’you’
Uved in it. If you .read a great
deal there will be shelves of
hooks, and books lying here and
there ,, . nothing makes a house
look more homelike. I have the
word of an 'interior decorator as
my authority for that statement..
I used to stay a great deal with
an.aunt whose .living room was
a model of still neatness, Actually
it was an attractive room, but,
since it Was used only to enter*
tain eallers,. it failed to attract.
Then her daughter carne_t.n-lRt:a-^
a couple of weeks: She often sat.
cri the .chesterfield to knit, and
sometimes, carelessly left her
knitting there? That, did more for
the room than the. beautiful drap
eries... ’ / it was. the' noe thing
needed to bring it alive.
‘Everyone is probaoly up to the
eyebrows in h'ouseclehning, and
you’ll be'thinking Jhat you don’t
care whether your > personality
Thousands of drivers are changing
to Ford because they’ve found that
. ' Ford’s smooth Strato-Star 110-Hp.
V-8 engine,is the type of engine that
powers the finest cars, thqtigh
Ford is priced with the lowest.
They’ve found that Ford offers a
choice oftfifee modern transmissions
(Fordomatic*, Overdrive* and
. Synchro-Silent shifting) and an
unusually wide selection of styles,
colours,, interior trims and fabrics.
; When you add up all the vitally
important -‘extras” thaL Ford provides-^like its ,.smooth. ,
■‘Wonder Ride”, its FulrCircle Visibility, soft foam rubber
/ seats, Centre-Fill Fueling and Key-Turn Starting—you
begin to realize how much more there is to FortTlhtin you
ever expected in a car that’s priced so low. When Ford
gives you so much more . . .
-----»K6»rw»wn»*« ..
‘ hmk m mOW*MO
® POI¥FfffJJi¥/f/ffhefinesf' Pfl/CH? wM ffie /owes f
i Miss Laura Breekles accofn-
panied her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Breekles to Tdronto
where they visited with "relatives..
Mr. Geo. Thompson zof - Purple
iGrove visited during, the week
with bis daughter, Mrs. Alex
i Mrs, .fames Hodge is jn Fen-
| wick visiting with her ikother,
Mr. Wm; Weaver and other rela
tives. \
■ Miss Veronica Murray, R.N., of
Walkerton, , visited. . during the
"week at .(her home here?
Mrs. P, A, Murray entertained <
the neighboring ladies on. WecL.
nesday at a quilting at her home.
Mrs. J. W. Colwell visited dur*
shows in. your house or not, just
so you get the draperies launder
ed and, hanging straight! Well, I
have to have something to talk
i ................f, ......... .................• ......................... ........ .......
ing the. week with Mr. and Mrs.
Don McCosh & family of Purple
Grove. ' ? ’■
Mrs, Clark Needham Was hos
tess to th$ Presbytqrian W.M.S.
on Wednesday afternoon, , .
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff' Borthwick
of St. Catherines spent the week
end with Mr. and ..Mrs? James
Hodgins, ■ '
Mr. and. Mrs, Art Hodgins, Con,.
10, visited bn Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, James Hodgins.
Mr. and Mrs. George “Bell of!
Kincardine Visited Sunday with-1
JVlL^ahdJ JHrs^Tom-Hod ginsr-^y-^Ladies^T-he^BeeF
And Buying Guide”
■ AmyAlden, cookery “. authority, ,
provides" recipes .-for roast beef/
deviled beef bon.es, broiled steak,
London broil and beef roulades, .
Also,. tips ,‘on * What cuts to - buy "' ,
and a roast beef temperature
time chart See The American *
Weekly, famous color gravure '
magazine, with
t April -26) issue
Sunday Times.
press Reporter, Miss. Joyce Hal-
denby;1 assistant, Mrs. Margaret
Wall. The leader, Mrs, Hazel
Hodgins,, explained the Garden.
Club and the vegetables for the
family’s health as well as the
Ontario Girls Home Garden Club
and ryles apd regulations of 1953.
Leaflets were inspected and it
was discussed what would be
used for covers. The next meet
ing is to be held, at the home of
Mrs. Hazel Hodgins on May 23.
Lunch was served by the hostess
Garden Clpb Girls' Organize
The first meeting' of, the - Gar
den- Ciub was held at the. home.;
.of the. assistant leader, Mrs- Mar
garet Wall on April 18th with
seven , attending.- The roll call
was the location of the family
garden and why grow a ’garden.
The_election of officers was held:
pres., Miss Helen Schumacher;
sec., . Miss (Lois’ Haldenby; vice
pres., Miss Irlma Jean- Percy;
_______:__■ _ ■ • ■ • : '■
this .Sunday’s
of The Detroit
★Fofdomatic Drive,
Overdrive and white sidewall
tires optional at extra cost.