The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-22, Page 1, » _ . ... :_______ « . •»
$2.50 A Year In A(jvahce-^$i.6o Extra To U.S A.
■’ ........... ' ". ..............’ " ‘..........y.1 1 ■
• Q
; Charles Sutherland of Toronto,
a nephew of the.late Wm. Mur-
die, >underwent;major surgery in
Sunnybrook- Hospital for the am-
putation-of-his-leg^.at~the lnpr“:
‘ Charles is"* a son .of the, late
Jack 1 Sutherland," who s was a
partner in the Murdie-Sutherland
hardware business here when
Mr. Murdie’first crime to Luck
now, Charles attended his-uncle’s
funeral in Lucknow/ two weeks
ago, rind then entered the, hospi
tal to undergo the operation, and
was reported to have come
through it well, apart from suf
fering from shock, . •
Mrs.A Sutherland was formerly
Lenore Logan of Huron Town
tatiori, Present were Revs. H, L. • SUFFERED WRIST FRACTURE
Jennings and C. A, Winn, Mr. El- j Mrs.- Jack Van Qscl^ of Ash-
mer Umbach and Mr. Alex B, 1 field suffered ’a fractured wrist
MeKaffue. The latter two renre-' and facial injury on Saturday af
ternoon, when she tripped • and
fell On the sidewalk in front of
Finlayson’s Store,
, Seventy-five students of Third
and Fourth Rooms-^Grades 5, C,
7, 8-^-of Lucknow Public School,
. ...received Gideon. Biibles Jat a
unique and impressive ceremony
at . the school last Wednesday
’ morning. -The,. presentation was
made during the regular,-weekly
half hour: devotions period con
ducted by, the Lucknow Minister
ial Association. Bibles were’^also
presented to the teachers of the
two rooms, Principal Stuart Coll
yer and Miss Ruby Webb. •
J The Gideon program is planned
hereafter for the annual presenta
tion of Bibles to Grade V. stud
The students assembled in the
Principal’s room for the presen-
LUCKNOW. ONTARIO,' WEDNESDAY; APRIL 22, 1953 -.........A- .......,
In common with other centres;
Lucknow will, adopt Daylight
Saying Time this .week-end,. The
official hour for the. change is
“fast - time” will be in effect on
Sunday., Better s0 that clock
ahead on Saturday night so you<
won’t miss church,'’ . ? ■* * .
Jenriings and C, A. Winn, Mr. El-1
McKague. The laitter two repre-1
sented the Wingham District
Camp of the Gideons. Mr. Mc
Kague took a photo Of the pres
- Rev. Jennings - opened with
prayer and Mr. Umbach explain
ed the work and purposes of the
Gideons. They were originally or
ganized as a Christian Traveller’s
group, and their first work whs
the placing of Bibles in hotel
rooms. The organization has since
expanded its membership and its
work.’ Members of the various
ckmps meet regularly for. Bible_
discussion and to plan> and organs
ize their work. The Wingham
district camp has an immediate
objective of placing some two^ th^e coiutesy pf :_Fred Biss'ett of
From the number Of enquiries
-received, it is evident that loyal
folk are interested' in heading
about Bob Thompson who is sta
tioned as a radio operator at the
meteorological outpost at Arctic
-Bay on-Baffin—Land.—.: J
As most readers are aware his
family is in frequent contact
with him by short wave through
; Last Sunday afternoon recep-
presented here last week to stud-j tion was good so far as Bob was
^ents and teachers are their own, concerned, but at this end it was
j personal property. They are the spotty^ However, he did tell of
New Testament, With the'inclus- an American aircraft which land
ion of Psalms and Proverbs, as ed recently to fly out a little
well as a few of the most fam- Eskimo girl who had been ill. for
iliar hynins. The recipients name some time, and whom the out-
was inscribed in each Testament, post boys had been attempting to
They were presented to the stud- treat as best they could on short
ents by Mr. Collyer and Miss (wave instructions of a doctor.
Webb. r Aircraft also brought out
some mail from the boys, but
1 took nothing in.' A Canadian
plane is scheduled to shortly
make an. air drop of parcels,.mail
thousand Bibles in this area..
The seventy-five or so Bibles
On Friday: and Saturday of this and essentials that the outpost
week, there (will be a demonstra- requires. 5 7
THAT Mrs. Charles Mason under
went an operation in Wingham
Hospital on Monday / morning
for , the removal - of cataracts
which have seriously affected
her eyesight of late.. ..
.. ' .* • ’ —*0—.. . '■
THAT it "will be 42 years next
' Monday since Bert Ward left
his homeland in England. He
sailed on April 27th, 1911, and
came directly to Ripley, Where
■he was placed on a Huron
Township farm. A few years
later Bert moved to Lucknow
- Where he has since resided.
THAT there was an immense
crowd at the reception in; the
* Recreational Centre bn Friday
evening in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald A. Hamilton (Dor
othy Gibson). The young couple
were presented with a liberal
purse of money.
THAT smelt fishertnen have had
Jto^_ contend with^some—pretty-
bad weather in going after
these delectable little fellows.
Catches have run all Hhe way
from bad to good, But anglers,
have their sights set on Fri
day^ May 1st, when the trout
season opens,
■ , ■ ' •?■ ■" -T—Orr ' ; / *
THAT there will be a hydro in-,
terruption in Lucknow on Sun
day afternoon from 2.00 to 4.00
.pm. (This is a district shutoff
arid will effect the whole area.
•'/ ' —O— . *
THAT a note from Mrs. G. S.
- Free of Brantford, which ac
companied their Sentinel-re
newal, informs us that Sid has
not been enjoying good health
but after being in bed—for_.a.
couple of weeks was beginning
to be up and around again. . •
The dieath of Miss Hanna
Thompson of Walkerton occur
red at the Baker. Private Hospi
tal on Tuesday morning. Miss
Thompson was brought here just
a little over a week before, after
suffering a . heavy stroke. The
remains were returned to Walk
erton, for buriail.
..—.—.— . » .
A 5 ¥2 - months’ - old English
Yorkshire hog from the farm of
BoBBoak sold well at the Walk
erton sale on April 9th. This hog
brought the second highest price
in the sale ring, and sold for
•• Stewart’s Decorating and Gift
Store, toy the Aulcraft factory
representative. Aulcraft colour,
scheme paints provide hundreds
of colour-scheme harmonies and
they are referred to as uthe new
way of buying paints”.
Mrs. Al Martin and son Neddy
of Detroit spent the week-end:
,p with her parents, Mr. and Mrs:
Ed Thom. They accompanied Mr.
arid Mrs. Hank Krueger who vis-
ited with relatives here. ' '
Mrs. Martin, formerly Jean
, Thom, is a graduate of the Tor-
- onto Mbthercraft Hospital, and
through the recommendation of a
-^Detroit—friend, Jrecently~hadthe
Opportunity to trike charge of the.
1 infant son of a ’ Hollywood moyie
• star and television artist, Lucille
.M* ■ *’ ■ ■ .. <
. The- actress won / Widespread
Publicity at the time of the birth-
bf her; s0n, Desiderio, on Janu-
ary 19th, which coincided with a
. Previously filmed TV show feat
uring the birth of a son on zhev
- - Program.- The' youngster, in TaVt
L ;J}e' whole family, are now, 0 n
| ^^^"prbgram. Her husband is
4 Res! Arhaz. They have a. 19-
^Pjih^old daughter, Lucy.
.■ .Mrs. Martin’s f engagement.
MrIuch riaturaliy would have, rh^
Quhed her going to iCaliiornia,
L < ha ye been for a consider
able length of timef and as she
na^8. school age boy, to mention
I °f her husband, Jean de-
I jraed to forego, this opportunity
•arid nights of darkness, this arctic
region is now seeing almost per
petual daylight .With a few brief
hours of twilight.
. Bob is counting the^ weeks—-
about nineteen of them—until
the C. D—Howe supply. ship is
scheduled to poke its nose thru
-the northern ice fields and re
turn hirii io civilization.
THAT The Sentinel did Dorothy
Gammie out of an Easter time
trip to New York City, along
with Kay Macintosh and Hazel
CulberL We had Dorothy “Gib
son” making the trip, but need
less to say, the’ iat,ter ‘Voting
lady was too busy getting ready
for Friday-s nuptials to go trip
ping .off to New York.
J Donations to the annual cam-
paigjn staged by the Lucknow and
District branch of the Red Cross
mow-standr at $i,322;98r"Branch'
officials are anxious to wind up
the drive which has been under-
-Wayforsome weeksandanyone
planning to make a donation is
requested to do so at an early
date. \\ ", '■
Donations not previously ack
nowledged are as follows: D.
Thompson, Con. 4, $2.00; Wilfred
Hackett 3.00; Dan T. McKinnon
5.00; Richard Elliott 5’00; Can
adian Legion 10.00; StarNMustard
2.00; Allister Hughes 5.00; Anony
mous 1.50; J. A. McLeod 1.00;
Albert Taylor 2.00; / Innes Mac-
Sween 1.00; Mrs. J. F. Dawson
:3;00; George- Hilftz~2;00; AlexHFar--
rish 2.00; Duncan Allan 2.00; Dun
can McKay 2.00; Wilfred Farrish
2.00;—Jack Gound ,2.0p;ft Arthur
Smeltzer 1,00;’ John Bradley 5.00;
Eldon Bradley 2.00; JamesBrad-
ley 2.00; James Shiells 7.00; A.
N. Courtney 2 00; Wm. Ross 5.00;
Thomas McDonald 5.00; W. Pit
man .2.00; David McDonald 1.00;
Flax Barkwell 5.00; Mrs. E. Rose
2.00; Donald F. McKenzie 2.00;
Allan MacLean 1.00; John Mc
Leod 5.00; D,. A, McDonald 1.00;
D. A. McLennan 2.00; Gordon
Finlayson 2.00; Duncan Finlay
son 5.00. .
’■' ?r '<•,z ■ ••s ■
r f
0 get a close-up view' of Holly*. E<
wpol and some of its celebrities/ S<
Pictured above arc those tak
ing part in. the presentation'last
week of .some .’75. G.idhon
to .students. Of the ’ Third ana-
Jdu’rth* Room of the Puqlic'
School.’ From left to right’ are,.
I ■ . , ' - ■ • V
. . « y v • » >
Stuart' Collyer,' principal; Miss
Ruby Webb, teacher of Grades
5 arid 6.; Rev. .C, A. Winn; Rev.
H?.L; Jennings. and Elmer Unv
bacli, ' a represents tiv’e of the
Gideons. The photo was taken ,by
Alex El - McKague of Teeswater,
also a‘ member of . th&. Gideon
tamp of Wingham District, which
.hhs ari its inimediate objective the
distribution of 2000 Bibles in the
$fea. - / '■
A beautification of the Recrea
tional Centre grounds will be the
tribute to Queen Elizabeth II, ,
This* project: by the local Com
pany will be part of . a Common
wealth’* effort of‘good deeds by ’
Guides throughout theTj^mpire: .
Not all the reports of these good
deeds will reach the young Qu<een
hut she will ibe interested in
learning of what is* being done
in her honor for she herself has
come up through the ranks of
Guiding and knows its tradition
of service.
Local Project
Already members of the Luck
now Company have cleaned and
waxed the kitchen in the Re
creational Centre, where their
headquarters are located. But ’
there real task will .commence
when our “winter weather”, ends.
The girls plan to clean up at
the rear otf the building, to rid
the grounds of weeds, waste wood
arid refuse. Then applied a
coating of chipped rock and an
evergreen8* planting program car- /
ried out.
Projects To Be Recorded
Cards on which to record the
Coronation tributes were sent out
from Imperial Headquarters, Lon
don, some* time ago to all Com-:
monwealth countries. In Canada
they were distributed through
p^roviricialTieadquarters to which
they- will be returned when fill
ed in by the various Guide units,
of which there are 4,500 in Can
ada, 7wi th a membership of about '
89,000, \
A few of these will be selected
and sent on to Dominion head
quarters, to be forwarded in turn
to London. Cards will be enclos
ed in large square envelopes
nicely illustrated an colors depict
ing various Guide; activities and
addressed to “Her. Majesty, Queen
Elizabeth II, in this Coronation
Year from hpr faithful subjects,,
the members of the Girl’ Guides
Association”. :
■From these will be chosen at
Imperial. Headquarters the cards
to be presented to the Queen.
And only the Queen will know
which cards are ■ selected for her
Complete secrecy is being pre- 7
served at every level about which c
cards have been chosen “so that
there will be* no feeling1 of com
petition between, or. evaluation
of, the. different records of trib- 1
ute offered,” explained Lady
Stratheden/chief comiriissioner of
the commonwealth, when she an
nounced the Coronation tribute
plan, ‘ Which began on Thinking
Day and will Continue until the
end of June. , “The Unknown* War
rior Tomb is the feeling We want
to get-into Our plan. It may be
the care} you send which repre- .
sents so many others, but none «
of us will know”. «
“Because We are sUch a far-
flung Commonwealth, . with a •,
great diversity of conditions and
opportunities, we will each: choose
dur own' offering of service”,, she
-suggested. '
• B
•Thursday is banquet -and pres-,
entati.on night for'Lucknow Leg- ••
.ions Midgets, Ontario “D” cham
pions. The event will be staged
in- the" Recreational Centre com- : ■
mencing, at. 7.00 O’clock, w’ith a
dance after.
Donations, to/ the;Jacket fund ■ ■,'
"Tor; the boys 7 had reached $265 '
the first of. the week. Contribu
tions not previously acknowJedg- '
ed.are: P. W. Hoag $2.00; Mrs.
Maude Sherwood 1.00; Bob Me- ’
lntosh. 5.00; Roy Havens 2.00;
Joe MacMillan 2.00; . Jinr Paries
1.00;. Wes; Joynt- 2.00; W. R.
Howey 5.00; John-Dahmer 1.00; • ■
Orland Richards, .2.0,0; Roy Coll- ‘.
yer 2.66; Jack’ Henderson 2.00; "
.Jack- Hall 2.00; Lloyd Hall 1.00;
Stuart Collyer 2.00.. "