HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-15, Page 6/ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1953 DONNYBROOK SPORT... MILVERTON TOO STRQW FO>R LUCKNOW IN TIE-BREAK THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ,..i . ’ ::J'. - >* l ...- ' . ... ■ - - Service and Satisfaction ijr Plumbing . ' and Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In­ stalled—See The Oil Ranges. FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures Bi Repairs " Eavetroughing," . ^—^-XAirConditioning. ^^ X District Agent For BE^^Y PUMP^ft REPAIRS Art Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phone ,61-r-13, Dungannon Langside W.M.S. . The Langside Auxiliary held .their Easter meeting in ‘the . ’ church on Thursday evening. The meeting was opened with hymn 4212. The scripture reading was read by Mrs.. Gordon Wall. Med- : station on Easter and prayer was taken iby Mrs. Bert Moffat. A •. “The Old Rugged Cross;”/was sung by Mr. arid Mrs. Steer. Of- / fering was taken by Mrs. D#yb ' : Scott aijd. Mrs. Dave Moffat, with /prayer by Mrs. Neil McDonald. \Mr. Sillick; had a splendid show- X.ingL of pictures of his trip thru - the Statesr A solo ;“Bles$ This House”, was sung by Mrs. Steer Hymn “Blest be the Tie that Binds” .was sung. The meeting closed with. the Lord’s prayer in unison. ’ - ' ' r i. 1937 FORD COACH f- Uaiwi | They’re Smart! Dependable! Economical! CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. ................. ' • / CHEV, SEDAN. , Brussels Motors Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade, Terms — Open Evenings Until 16 Cities Service Dealer ? — Phone 73x, Brussels* i ' ’ ’/i ’ R 'I—I' RlT-TT'i MUT W show you m AH < ^^picfu;e.. Vf'ith if w § 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped § 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN § 1952 PONTIAC COACH • L 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 1952 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, fully equipped. 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN.‘ » 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. 1951 DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. 1949 1948 CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. 1948 1941 CHEV. COACH. 1941 CHEV. SEDAN, completely reconditioned 1939 DODGE SEDAN. 1939 CHEV. COACH 1938 CHEV. SEDAN, — 1948 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP SURE OF PROPER Carnegie and Wyatt Opposite Town Hall • Phone 623 . , Walkerton, Ontario 1 “1 "vilui KINLOUGH ■' „ ■ ■' ■ ;.wi'.iJ! Mr?. Gertrude Walsh spent .the past week at her home in the village, returning then to the Os­ borne home in Huron where she has spent .the past, months caring for Mrs. Osborne. , ence Blackwell of Kincardine,. We ate pleased to report that. Mr. J. R. Lane is improving fitter being ill with pneumonia. , Miss Nancy Needham visited with her cousin, Mrs. John Sider- ius; .Clarks. • ___5 ' Mr. Ralph. Haldenby returned to his teaching duties at Primrose after spending the Easter .vaca- tion at his home here. , Mrs. Perry Hodgins and. Mrs. Wm« Wall were at. Paisley on Fri ­ day attending the Local'Leaders’, training schopl on “The Garden Club”;, These ladies are the lead­ ers from the Holyrood Women’s Institute. ’ Miss Nancy Needham visited on Monday with Mrs. Allan Coll­ ing, Ripley. Miss Donna Nicholson spent the" Easter holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard, Thomp­ son, Purple Grove. - Miss Nancy Irwin of Lucknow visited a few days with Miss Laura Breckdes. Mrs. Miller Hartwick & Wayne of Kincardine visited during the week with her mother, Mrs. Walsh. * Miss Helen lialcoim of Toronto spent >a few days with Misses Nellie and Margaret Malcolm. Mrs. Tom Hodgins was hostess to the Women’s, Auxiliary at. her home on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Maurice - Hodgins presided. The opening hymn “Work for the Day is Coming” was sung after which . Mrs. Howard Thompson _read__th_e scripture and prayers followed/ “Rejoice” was the word fof the roll call. An invitation/^ attend the Kincardine W. A. Tnankoffering- meeting was ac­ cepted. The meeting for the dean­ ery executive will be held in Walkerton on Saturday, April 18 at the home of Mrs. L. G. Croz­ ier, Plans were made to make further improvements on the, rec­ tory at Bervie, with Mrs. Howard Thompson representing Kinlough W.A. on the improvement com­ mittee. Letters of thanks we^e received from friends whp had been .remembered with get-well cards and sympathy message by the social service sec., Mrs. H. A., Graham. The Diocesan annual W1. A. convention will be held in Lon­ don the end of April. This being a work meeting the afternoon was spent in quilting and making _quilt_ blocks. The meeting closed with the litany and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. . Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnstone, of Listowel, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Cas­ sidy and family of .Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Eckenswiller and Douglas of London, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Graham. Douglas remained until Friday with his grandparents and rela-. lives here. ———-——---r..... Miss Joan Doerr has. returned to her home at Niagara Falls af-n ter spending the vacation at the Chamney homes here, < . * Miss Gladys Jefferson, supt, of Parkwodd Hospital, London and Miss Olive Jefferson, assistant supt. of Stratford' Hospital, spent a‘ few days at tiheir home here .before leaving for England where they will attend the Coronation in June. week^ of the passing , of Mrs. David Tisdale of, Saskatoon, fol­ lowing an illness. of several weeks; Mrs. Tisdale was a native of Donnybrook, being the young­ est daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson. Surviving besides her husband are one son, Dr, Hoy Tisdale /of Prince Albert one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Naylor of. East Wawanosh and two bro­ thers, Mr, James Robinson of Toronto and Mr. J. C. Robinson of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. J, C. Robinson had just recently re-*' turned from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tisdale. / ~WEDDINGS / SCHUURMANS— VANOSCH / St. Joseph’s Church, Kings­ bridge, was the scene of a pretty April wedding when Dora, dau­ ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Osch, Kingsbrjdge, was united in marriage to Mr.- Morris Schuur­ mans,/soil of Mt. aiid Mrs. Harry Schuurmans, also of Kingsbridge. Rev. Henry. Van Vyhickt officiat­ ed at the. ceremony. ’ * The powerful Milverton Pee Wees were too much for Luck- no w\ in the tie-breaker game last Wednesday night and took a 4-0 win to cop the °C” division ih the Young Canada Tournament at Goderich. ■ The two teams, had battled to a 1-1 tie bn Monday night. But Otto Pedersen's charges, ■ coached by Mdrley Chin, made a right good shoeing, These lads, short in*numbers,".arid handicap­ ped Jby a lack of natural ice, were no pushoyerforthe Mil­ verton" squad7 with their full com­ pliment of boys.who have had the advantage of three-times-a- week*ipractising all winter. The Milverton boys outskated Lucknow last Wednesday and were worthy winners-of the-.“C” sei-ies L. E. Cardiff trophy. . Just to show how good our kids were, Milverton ousted the Chat­ ham “AA” team by a 5-4 count in overtime on Friday, but these leg-weary kids playing their 3rd game of the day, lost out to God­ erich by a 5-2 score for the grand championship of the five-day. tournament. “Nip” Whetstone was quoted as saying:, “Milyerton was the finest team we’v& ever had here”. Saw the Simcoe-Elmira game in Elmira on Saturday . when the Polar Kings lost their first game on home ice this season. It was a 3-2 count until past the three- quarter m^uk in the third, when Elmira drew a couple of unnec­ essary penalties and playing five to four, Simcoe put on some ^eyo^PW^t^ bang inXth^^^^ gbals^ifTTshort—order. Elmira is- now down. three games Jn the1 semi-final set, and on Saturday’s performance Simcoe appeared to have, the smoother clicking club. ------o^oTo----- Johnston Gets O.K. Russ Johnston, the Hamilton pitching ace who performed for Meaford last year, and will be ‘back on the mound; again this year, has been given the official O.K. by the Ontario Amateur Softball Association. [ Johnson suid other W.O.A.A; imported pitchers who were commuting last season got in wrong with the Ontario body, but the Eastball Circuit went along irregardless. Walkerton,, eliminated in the W.O.A.A. round robin semi-firi- softball playdowns and won the provincial title. / / With Johnson now getting the approval pf the O.A.S.A. Mea­ ford appears to have an eye on. Provincial honors already this season. \ .. Check the label date on youi Sentinel this week. Choose color like . an expert put it on in a wink! than you think! PITTSBURGH hmim/h RUBBERIZED 5*47/^ PRY IN AN HOUR for rehanging pictures and drapes. —-■ . SCRUBS CISAN AGAIN ANQ AGAIN-—without harming its lovely . satin finish; NO MESSY CLEANUP —your hands, brush, or roller-coater all come dean with water. EASY “GLIDE ON” APPLICATION —goes on as easily as stroking a wall with a dry brush*. JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED 'Phone 150 - - Lucknow, Ont. — , ; I . .... . MacMILLANS TO SPEAK AT n-1 * 6"»9 W co, JB /• The 39th annual Hamilton- London Synodical meeting of the, > Women’s Missionary Society (W. D.) Presbyterian Church iri Can­ ada, will be held this year in Maitland Presbyterial at St. An­ drew’s Presbyterian Church, Wingham,' April 21-23 with Mrs. Arthur Hamilton', Atwood,^presi­ dent, presiding at all sessions. There are seven Synodicals in the Women's Missionary Society,, W.D., making up the Council, the highest court of the W.M.S. work; Of these, the Hamilton-London Synodical is one of the largest bodies. . In/ this Synodical? over 525 individual Missionary Aux­ iliaries are represented; the Sen­ ior, the Evening Groups, Young. Women’s Societies, C. G. I. T. Groups,^ExpTorers;“Mission“Banxis“-“ and Affiliated Societies. - The combined membership, inclusive of. Active and' Home Helpers, is over the 14,000 mark., Ten Pres-: byterials make up the Hamilton- London Synodical; Bruce and. Qwen Sound, Chatham, Hamilton; Huron, London, Maitland, .Niag­ ara, Paris, Sarnia and’ Stratfofca Each Presbyterial will be repre­ sented, by ten. accredited dele­ gates, whom the Ladiesof Mait^ land Presbyterial will ^billet. Air annual meeting sessions are open sessions and the public are very, welcome. The theme of this com* , ing conference will be“The Gos? pel of Power’V • / /It is; of special Ideal interest that Mrs. Hugh A. MacMillan uqll address the Wednesday afternoon sessionand herhusbandrpr.- Mac»r Millan, will speak in the even-, ing on rpission work in Formosa. . ’ S' 1