HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-15, Page 4>• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1953 . PAGE FOUR SALE—Vz-ton Fo^d truck, wjil -seR cheap. Elmer Johnston; Phone 3, Lpckiiow. ■ft." ——' /FOR, SALE—-well ’ bred, one-year- ^old-^Shetland—pony,—a .^eaL-pet.- Apply to Gordon Kirkland, v . FOR SAL^—quantity of Alfalfa . seed; JErriesF'GJiuht; R< 1, Luck­ now* phone 64-r-12, ' FOR SALE—Red Wing flax seed and Red Clover’ seed. T. Allan MacDonald, R. 4/Ripley, phone Ripley 28-24. FOR SALE—bcjiby buggy in good condition, light grey; also baby’s car . seat. Mrs. Gerald . Wagner, phone 63-J Lucknow. FOR SALE Frame building 18x28. D. R. Mackenzie, R. R. 3, Lucknow, phone 62-22 Dungan- ' non. • ■" '/ ■ ■’ • • •• FOR RENT—56 acres grass land, part can; be used for hay and part for pasture. Apply to Mrs. C. Weatherhead, Lucknow. FOR SALE—-20 bus- yellow sweet clover seed, $7.00 a bus: Apply to K. L. MacKenzie,, Lochalsh, phone Dungannon 62-r-13. ■ 7 - BIG-4 CHICKS—for healthy birds and higher production, buy Big-4 ^Chicks. Lucknow District Co-op, phone 71. GRASS FARM FOR RENT—Lot 23 and 24 on the; 4th Con. of ible for the fences. Apply to Hugh MacKenzie, Box 163, Levack, Ont. FOR RENT — house, corner of WillOughby and Havelock Streets, available Feb. 1st, 6 rooms and j bath, recently redecorated. Apply E. J. Fairish, Gorrie. ( WHY DID users of 36 other milkers switch to Surge in this district last year? Send inquiries to Lovell McGuire, Wingham, phone? 593w. -• ~ - v-----------————— APARTMENT FOR RENT — on Station St., vacant . May 1st. Liv­ ing room, dining room, kitchen xwith 3 bedrooms and bath up­ stairs. Heavy wiring. Phone 193, W. L. MacKenzie. , LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses^ or cows -removed—free-of—charge^—Eor_ proihpt and efficient service call “STONES” Collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING— Agent for all types of Mall chain saws,. electric drills, sanders, planes, polishers, hand saws, tools. JACK BARR, R. R. 1, Holyrood, phone, Ripley 18-29. ELECTRIC MOTORS - repairs, re-winding, brushes, ’ bearings, etc. appliance repairs. Efficient ser­ vice, reasonable rates. HAROLD HALDENBY, Kinlough, phOrie Ripley 18-20, ' , -7 - general cleaning, Electric FARM FOR SALE — 100-acre farm* 15 acres bush, 70 acres workable; 20 acres, fall plowed, balance in hay and pasture, good- buildings, running water arid dug welT.^Hydro^atgate~For“further particulars * apply to Leonard Griffin, R. 3, Holyrood. NOTICE RE BICYCLE RIDING ' , That in the interests of public safety thh Municipal Council will have* to enforce the by-law that prohibits cyclists from riding bicycles on the sidewalks.?. Alex Havens, Constable. „ HURON CO. HEALTH UNIT FOR SALE—garden hand culti- vgtpr with attachment? for sow-, ing s6ed; also a strawberry plant­ er.; George Jardine, Lucknow. CLEARANCE JSALE^ pens, Wavejilers’* samples^ anch dis­ continued lines.. Regular value $1.06", $1.50,! $1.95,. io clear at 59c at McKIM’S DRUG STORE.^/ / , CUSTOM BULLDOZING — two outfits available. No job too big pr too small. Reasonable, rates. H H. Bannerman, Kinloss, phone 76-27 Ripley. CAR /FOR SALE — 1937 Dodge coach, $135, fair running condi­ tion, 1953 license included. Alvin B. Hamilton, Con. 2 Huron, phone- ll-r-7 -Ripley. MAN WANTED—to drive milk route and assist with farm work, single mem. preferred, Alvin B. Hamilton, Con. 2 Huron, phone ll-r-7 Ripley. FQR SALE—400 eight-inch con­ crete blocks/ enough for double garage, 22x22, $120*00, /delivered. Alvin B. H^iltdn, Colt; 2 H^UrW* phone H-rr7jRipley. FOR SALE—Orchard grass and Meadow Fescue permanent past­ ure grasses, 20c a pound; also one truckload of feed corn. E. G. Zinri & Sons/phone 14-r-15 Dun­ gannon. FOR SALE—rubber tired wagon, roller jbearing,__goQd__tires;__Mas^. sey-Harris double... lz6-plate. disc;; oil brooder stove in good shape. Fraser McKinnon, R. 6, Luck­ now, phone 26-26 Ripley. LAWN MOWERS Repaired . and sharpened. • For prompt and efficient service see or call, '■ ; E. W. RICE, St. Helens R. 2, Lucknow - Phone 211-ri«31 FOR SALE two only Singer Electric-console sewing machihes. These' machines Used as demon­ strators. For a free home dem­ onstration, write. Singer Sewing Centre, Hanbver or phone 403. MEAT'FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar-, ter. Beef killed under license frqm the Department of Health. Hind quarters 39c, front 29 c lb. ----Rayjiard-Ackert^-HoLyfood,----- Phone 24-30 Ripley. September - October -b November egg markets. Will you haye plenty of Grade A Large eggs When prices climib? Bray Hatch? ery has wide choice pullets; day- old, started. Order, now for your May broilers. Agent— D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. PERSONAL “SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight - builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Introductory “gettac- quainted” size ONLY 60c. All druggists. DECORATING & WALLPAPER Phone for an appointment for wallpapering and painting; also liave^a—-fine-^-selectiom of—walK papers which may be ordered. Carleton .Stirigel, Phone Dun- gannon 96. < Immunization COMING EVENTS | ANNUAL MEETING. The Paramount Women’s Insti­ tute annual meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Kingsbury on Tuesday, April 21st. Members are asked to bring the penny bags to this meeting ana all committee members to bring in full reports. HARD TIME DANCE 1 Sponsored by the St. Helens Happy Handicrafters, ih St. ,HeL reris^HalWn^Fridayr^^ Admission 35c if in costume;. 50c if not; Good music, Prizes for best lady, gent and child. Ladies 'please bring sandwibhes. TENDERS TENDERS for Book-mobile of 1 ton capacity for the Bruce Couri> ty Library Co-operative he received from the undersigned (from whom; specifications may ibe obtained) to 112 o’clock noon (E.DS.T.)/May. 20th, 1953. S. F. Ballachey, Paisley, Ont. v GRASS SEEDS Government Standard/ No. 1 grades of Alfalfa, Alsike, Red and Yellow Sweet Clover Seed, Tim­ othy, Orchard’Grass, Brome, Red Top, Meadow Fescue, Kentucky Blue Gr^ss and Long Term Pas­ ture Mixtures. For sale at " Andrew’s Implement Shop CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements, at the farm of William Campbell, Highway 86, one mile East of Amberley,, on Thursday, April 16th. See bills for list and teriris. No reserve as farm is sold. Wm. Campbell, Prop.; Emile MacLen- ndn, Auc. INMEMORIAM / MacKENZlE-^In loving memory Of a dear father, William Mac­ Kenzie* who (passed away one year ago, ^pril; f6tb, 1952. Years of ‘striving, little of playr Loving and. giving the whole of the way; A cherished smile, a heart of SPM. Tq the dearest Dad the world could lfold. a..f. Happy memories, fond and true From us who thought the world of you. : —•Sadly missed by the Family. SEED FOR SALE Local grown No. 1 Clovers and Timothy. Per bus., Alfalfa $23.50, Red Clover 16.00, Timothy 8.00, Yellow Sweet.7.20; White Sweet 6.60, Per lb., Ladma $1.10, White Dutch .70, Reed Canary .60,: Or- cnara -Drome lvieaaow Fescue .25. Complete stock of other grasses. Beaver Oats, $1.50 bus. We do custom grain clean­ ing and treating. ROY GRAMM & SON Pinkerton, Ontario . Phone Cargill 68-W-3. G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just Off the iii wingham Professional Eye Examinatiori < Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. Z.....'.. y DR.T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN * Havelock St.,/south of Supertest Garage. . LUCKNOW Telephone 175 / TEACHERS WANTED Ashfield Township School Area will receive applications until April' 23 from qualified Protest­ ant teachers for two schools. All roads kept open, hydro/ Duties to commence in September. State qualifications, salary, phone num­ ber and former Inspector. R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas., R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario; t The first in a series of. pre- ^s^obWmmunizatiofccHhics^i^ Dunganpon and district will be, held in the Dungannon United, Church Hall, Wednesday, April 22, 1953, from 2.30 - 3.30 p.m* Children 4 months of age to school age may be brought to these clinics to' receive initial immunization or reinforcing in-* Diphtheria, Tetanus, arid oculations * ,f o r Whooping Cough, Small pox. * /* ’ ■/* JOHNSTONE’S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost I* Moderate Prices I - —J.- — MacLEHNAN and MacKEHZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services’ conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge.. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night Ajnews’Agency Howard Agnew - Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE Co?Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile _—Insurance-— -: Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. ■ ■ See . " T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-IO Dungannon I BUSINESS and tax Service MONTHLY AUDITS For The Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. . S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w ■■ - < ...... ' ’’ i ft F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT Thone 1100 , Appointment or Information See wit' A. Schmid* , ’Phone 167-w Lucknow . INSURANCE ; FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE y To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R.R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW » Every Wednesday arid Saturday? - Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie! Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO CARD OF THANKS Mr. Ueorge Burgess wishes to thank'friends here, and the Luck- how Branch of the Ladies. Aux­ iliary for so kindly remembering him in various ways while in Sunnybrook Hospital. The Murdie Family wish to most sincerely thank all those who were so very kind arid sym- vathetic at the4 time of their be­ reavement. The many kind acts and expressions of : sympathy Were indeed appreciated. The Pritchard Family wish to cpnvey sincere thanks to friends arid neighbors for their ihariy kind acts and expressions of sym­ pathy in their bereavement. They are/ deeply grateful to all who’ helped in any, way. j STATE FARM MUTUAL INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing / REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3, Goderiiih Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon J • V , * 11 •• Ii A c L CUM* Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.O, . Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona’s jewellery store, Ripley, lO' a'rn. to 9 p.m,, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29th and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined~Glasses_fittea For appointment ’phone Roy* MacKenzie, 19<5-r-24 Ripley. WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have. Been Memorial Craftsmen For Thirty-Five . Years; Always Using < THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing and' Workmanship.' Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering a Specialty’ R. A. SPOTTON •Phone 256, Wingham. Ontario IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK R. S. Hetherington, Q.G Barrister, Etc. 7 Wihgham and Lucknow " IN LUCKNOW and Wednesday Located on the ground floor in the front of John Kilpatrick’s /Building Thone Wingham Office48 ; Residence 17 1 1 Insure With The • 7 ‘ r‘-. ^irhsrMiitiia^ FIRE INSURANCE CO. '• .•. ; Reasonable rates, sound pro^ tection A prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Yotir Local Agent R. 3, Tocswaten/ ’Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 A* ;a.maiteaiMiiaaa58igfaiM^^ (