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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-15, Page 3
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1953 to 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO J . 3 PAGE THREE Local & General Miss Rulby Webb spent Easter week in Toronto. ' ; Mr- j- C, Drepnqn of Galt spent- the week-end, under the iparental roof, ; • Mr. and Mrs. p. M, Johnston, ■spent.the week-end in Galt with' Mr. and Mrs. Al Guse. .^ Jjr, W. C. MacGregor of ChL cage is visiting .-.hiis .sister, Miss Catherine MacGregor of Luck- JriQW,^....'/...I. /.John. Murdoch has moyed into part oi the hou^e occupied by Mrs. James Purves, north of Bert .Ward’s? '/••, '• •. Mrs. James Webster accom panied Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Fells on their return to Smooth Rock Falls, where she is visiting. Mr. and * Mrs. Fred Cords and -son Donald, of. St. Catherines were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Howey. Mr. and Mrs. Wrh. Clements and Janice of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Os car Hodgins. Mrs. Charles Johnston and son Douglas of Sarnia spent Easter week with Mrs. Johnston’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs; Richard Web ster. ‘ . ", ^Visitors last week with.iMr^ and Mrs.. Wm. Bushell were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stanley and Mrs. Ross Martyn .of Ripley and Mrs. H. P. Heritage , of Toronto. Flora and Olive Webster of Toronto who; have/purchased the home formerly occupied by Mrs. Janet Helm on Quality Hill were visitors in Lucknow on Sunday. - ?Miss Mary -Radcliffe,- formerly- of Winnipeg and who now makes her home with Mrs. Wm. Mac pherson, spent the . Easter week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bumsiead 'pf Meaford; Mrs. Bumstead is a sister of Miss Radcliffe’s. Dr. A. E. and Mrs, Barnby of Hamilton called on Lucknow friends, on Sunday. They were ac companied back from Hamilton by the former’s father, Mr. Jas.. Barnby of 12th/ Concession, Ash field, who spends the winters in Hamilton. . Mr. George Burgess accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Merlq Burgess, from Toronto to spend the week end here with Mr., and Mrs. Jim my Mathers. George spent nine weeks in Sunnybrook Hospital, Toronto, receiving treatment for an arthritic condition. Mr. and Mrs. -Melvin -Stewart and Judith Ann of Breslau visit ed here at the week-end . and Were accompanied home by their daughter, Dawn, who spent the Ea?ter holidays with her grand parents, Mr. and~Mrs. Wilfred Drerinan. On Saturday afternoon Dawn entertained eight little girl (friends at a birthday party.- * How does your Sentinel label read? ' . . DUNGANNON Mr. Jack Eedy returned to O.E.A., Toronto, after spending the Easter season with, his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Heber Eedy. Jack has?been engaged to teach mathematics and . art in a high school at Stoney- 'Creek in the Hamilton district. . \ ^,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fowler and. sop Thomas visited the for mer’s . brother, Mr.-, Fred Fowler; Southampton, one day last week and on Sunday were visitors ■Avith-his-.cousin~rWill-jacksdnt5~ot" Ripley. • / ' ?A Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nivins of Cannington spent “the week-end with the latter’s parents, .Mr./, and Mrs. Robt. Moore/ Mr, Moore’s condition remains about the same after having, a partial stroke 3 weeks ago on the left side, Mr, arid Mrs. Bill McClure and three sons, Elmira,, returned home on Sunday after. Mrs. McClure and sons spent Easter' holidays with relatives here. Mrs/* Will. Kilpatrick, Melfort, Sask., who spent the winter with her son it Montreal, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. J. Kil patrick; her brother, Mr Bert Finnigan of Crewe and other rel atives. ... Mr. Ken McAllister returned to Stratford Normal school after the Easter holidays. Ken ha^ been engaged to teach in September at a school one mile north of White church. " Mrs. Henry Horton returned home after spending several weeks at the home of her daugh ter,.^ Mrs. .. Orland—Bere, where there was sickness. Mrs. D.. E. Anderson is with her daughter, Mrs. Robt. Stothers after spending the winter with her _dauglhters_7.atToronto . and Preston.- *The WMS. "tlON April meeting of the was held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Rayriard, (Mrs. Frank Ritchie opened the mqetirig $nd the Lord’s prayer was repeated. Devotional : was taken by • Mrs. Frank Ritchie and Mrs,-Bill Hun ter took the Christian steward ship, ' Readings were given by Mrs. Jim Hunter and Mrs. Ray- nard. Mrs, Gordon Ritchie is to get the program for .next meet ing, Three delegates Were . ap- -pointed tp-go to” Goderich~to ‘the Preslbyterial. Mrs. Bill Huptep & Mrs. Jack Mcbonagh, were nam ed to plan for raising money for the' building fund. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie took care of the study book.1 Mrs. F. Ritchie closed with prayer after which lunch was served arid a social time spent; ; Mrv and Mrs. Keith Webster and boys of Blyth visited Sunday with Mh arid Mrs. Nelson Ray- nard. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McKay of Port Elgin spent last Thursday with Mr, ahd Mrs. Wes Ritchie. , Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wylie and Marlyne of Wroxeter visited Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ritchie. ( ; . Miss Beryl Freeman spent a few days with Marlene Hunter. ............ MM -w LUCKNOW ! | UNITED CHURCH | 1 Minister:'- ' j j ' I t . ! : ‘‘The Guided Pilgrim”, j ii I 4— 1 11.am.: “Holy in . All His I Works”;.. | 12.15 pan.: Sunday School. | 7 pm;: Minister: y Rev. G. A. Meiiclejohn, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY APRIL 19th ’ • * V "SALADA ©UM 1 ;r-» * c j..’*- . ' ‘ ’ • Shower Held On Tuesday t of last ’ week a shower was held at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Marshall Gibson in honor of their daughter, Phyl lis, a Saturday bride. Marty nice gifts were received by Phyllis and a pleasant social evening en joyed. The program included £n instrumental by the McNay twins; a contest conducted by' Mrs. Gordon Kirkland;- readings by Mrs. Bill Hunter and Mrs. F. Ritchie; instrumental, Carol Gardner; duet, Mrs. Bill Helm and Carol Gardner; solo, Mrs? Peter Cook. -—— ■—-—-— .» 9 . ’ ',.••• jO.. . C' - WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB April 8 . ..........L;.....4......0-62 April 9 . .................... .. 0-75 r-April 10 ............ G-59 April 11 ............ B- 1 April 13 ...... April 14 ..... 0-64 ..... 1-25 BUY NOW— $400.00 still to be won. a I How does your Sentinel label read? YOU NEED! CHURCH CHANNELS INSULATIONPANELS*’ • I Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd, Ryan and'Sheila, Islington, spent Easter week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. -J. Ryan. Ryan assisted Mr. Thos. Webster on the farm during the week and Mrs. Ryan visited her daughter at Is lington. All returned to their re spective homes on Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Waldon Rudow (nee. Bertha Jones), Kitchener; have returned from, a month’s honeymoon at Florida and called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones at Easter, ‘ ' At Lowestoft,'-on the East Coast of. England, wave? suddenly crashed through the new wall. Tree 'trunks“tfife<f feet thick and forty feet long went swirling down the streets, like/battering rams. Forty children were hav ing a party in St. John’s Church Hall. When the waves .poured into the Sunday School the party sought refuge in the Church. As the waters poured into the^nave, the children went up .'into, the chancel, and-the tiny tots sat in a. row on the altar. But there was no panic. The pianist though. Up to his waist, in water continued Lucknow PresbyterianChurch ggj / Rcur r* A IHUm' n A .10 Rev. C. A> Winn, B.A., Minister. SUNDAY, APRIL 19th < < . ‘ ' * .V* siM; Sunday School and Bible Class. a.m<: Morning Worship. p>-m4’ Erskine, Dungannon. p.m.: Evening Worship. ——... , to play, and the children to sing. •Presently one . of . the grown-ups broke a window and hailed a policeman, arid it was 'not long before the children watched - a row boat make its way through the porch and up the aisle, Soph everyone was rescued arid' taken to the nearby yacht club for warm drinks arid.sahdwichcs. ' The. Church has always been a .spiritual refuge, here it^ became. Had they been in any other build ing, they likely would have per ished. \ ■ , ’ - . Church of the Air, CKNX, } ■ ' ■ 40.30 a.m; L ,. April' 16th, Rev, A- Lane/Brus^ seis; Api'll. 17th, Rev. Vi, E. Vol lick, Kin'cardihe;'April 20th, Rev. G. Eagle, Clinton; Api’il. 21st, Rev.""X ,R. MacUohaTd, Ripley; April-22001, Rev, G. Dl Watt; Dun- gannon. ■ \ BEFORE And You Can Build It In Waste Attic Space At LET US SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN CONVERT SPACE INTO A BEDROOM, A COZY STUDY, A COMPLETE APARTMENT- We will help you choose materials to suit your‘taste and your budget. UNUSED ATTIC OR EVEN A FLOORING . X .. Hardwood Flooring wi 11' § g finish With Fly wood Panels, batts will save. heat loss . look at low (Cost;, Available . g § Ten Test Panels or Gyproc - .and keep your room’com- x in oak and birch; § g Panels. .. fortable, winter or summer. \ As Low As 29^0 $ X' . As Low As 5-2.5c S<b Ft. . As Low As 5-1;5c Sq. Ft. Per Board Foot .§./ | Johnl W. Henderson Lumber Ltd. Lucknow Phone 150 Ontario v | ' . “» . ■’ ’ *’ \ t A- •■ ■■■ ■' Iiiiiiiiiiiiiillniftir'-irif I uklllnil illTIT-T-t '' ' —