The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-15, Page 1I.
9 .
$2.50 A Year In Advance^$1.00 Extra To U.S.A, .LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th, 1953
jng at ./Paramount at the home ^0I^e ih Detroit shortly.
” A • ~ ' ' T? - ‘hi ’ -BW I
bought McKenzie farm
George Hassall 2.50; Ross Mat-,//up
Millan 2.00;‘Roy-Black 2.00; Ab ,dn £
..... >
Agricultural Soc-
i was organ-
THAT the Calico Ball, a popular
annual event sponsored, by the
Kairshea . Women’s Institute,
will be held in the Town Hail
this Friday evening.
THAT Derrick Logtenberg, son
of Mr.. and Mrs. Gerrit Log-
tenberg of Ashfield, has gone
to Toronto to take a course in
diesel engine operating.
mark. ■
Donations during the past week
have been as .follows: W.. B. An
derson,. $2.00; Lloyd' Ashton 2.00;
r-r—!—■7-prr-?r—— , r.-v r y .. .
“The Village Council Rad a four-. '
hour session at the regular meeU
Rev. G. Benson Cox arrived
back here oh Tuesday/after com-
|Vgl&l nt
Miss Dorothy Gibson, bride
elect of this wqek, has been hon
ored during the past week at
various prernupfial gatherings. .
On Wednesday. evening the
• “town .girls0 ipeLat thep home df<
Mm? Roy GibspnJ where Dorothy
wSs showered with Iqvely mis
cellaneous gifts arid _a pleasant
social evening enjoyed.
Staff Party
On Friday evening members of
the Bank of Montreal staff and
other guests met at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Couse, for
a faVew-ell party for Dorothy and
Mrs. Evelyn Gibson.
Presentation Saturday
On .Saturday evening^ Dorothy
was again honored at a gather-
"• ........... ..........
Little Judy Agnew, two-year-
old daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Agnew of Detroit, will-be
La .cast .Victoria
Hospital, London, to. correct a
j)ip condition that causes the hips
td go out, of joint. ) ‘ "
‘ Judy has been rwalkirig7 for
some time, but it. was apparentsome time, but it
that something was • wrong, "al
though the cause of the trouble
had not been determined. She re
turned to Lucknow at Easter with
her grandparents, Mr. oarid Mfs.
E. H, Agnew, and x-rays taken
here, and later in London, , con
firmed the hip dislocation.
To. effect a complete; recovery
Judy may have to remain in the
cast for upwards to two. years.
She will be able to return to her
The Sentinel mailing list
was brought up to date on
Saturday and a glance at
subscribers how their subr
.scription stands. • . y ; 1
There '• have been many1
changes since the list . was’
previously revised, and sub
scribers who have renewed
their paper in recent weeks
should check to see if proper
.credit has been given. /
th the case of some others
such a check will show that .
they are in arrears, and
prompt, attention to this mat
ter is requested.
■ ■' ...J".;,.? . r. II.'. ■« .
I fear permanent injury
It is feared that Bobby Hab-
kirk, son Of Mr, and Mrs. Bill’
Haibkipk of town, has suffered
permanentrinjury to the slglfFof
one eye, as u result of being
struck by a stone from a sling
shot,.-'. ? F'- ' /
A few young lads werQ having
some fun with sling shots 'qnd
a B.B. gun when the accident
Bob’s parents took him to a
London Specialist the first of the
week, who advised them that the
eye had been permanently in
jured. They are to take him back
to London in two weeks.
of Mrs. Robert Hamilton. Mrs.
James Ke tchabaw‘acted as mast
er of ceremonies and Mrs. Peter
Cook played the wedding march
as the bride-to-be was escorted
into the room by; Mrs^ James
Hamiltoh. Sybil Barger presided
at the piano for a trio by Misses
C. Gibson; R. Hamilton and Shir
ley. Readings were.given by Miss
Joan Campbell, Miss Sadie John
ston, Mrs. James Hunter and Mrs.
J, McDoriagh.Mrs. Robert Scott
sapg a solo and after the pres
entation Mis? Sadie Johnston con
ducted a contest. . , x
Raeleen. Hamilton made the
presentation to Dorothy pf a
hitlUmaid'S Outfit complete with
stool, Jeans, sun bonnett and
milk pail. She. also-received many
other lovely gifts?
The following address was
Dear Dorothy,
We have gathered this even
ing to honor you on your ap
proaching marriage.
We are glad that you are stay
ing in our midst so we will be
able to visit with you. ’
7 Please accept these -gifts as a
token of our friendship — hope
you find them useful in your
new home.
May you and Donald be bless
ed with good -health and much
happiness in your life together,
These are wishes of your many
friends and neighbors.
ening a trousseau (tea was held at
die Gibson .home.
The Langside District farm of
the late Wm. MacKenzie was sold
jby.Jpublic. auction bn Friday with
Ken Chester of town being the
successful. bidder. He gets im
mediate possession.
The farm was in the McKenzie
family for many years. Mr. Me-4
Kenzie was popularly known aS
“Curly Billy”, and he and Mrs.
McKenzie spent all their married
life there. It was previously own
ed by his father, Alex McKenzie,
-who JM>ught_it-from Mr. .McCal
THAT prize winners atthe Aux-"
’ iliary Shoot party on Friday
night were Mrs. Million and
George Elliott. Prizes were do
nated (by Keith Collyer and
■—Mrs. Noble Johnston/ The'final
■ party of the" season- will be on;
Friday of this week*
marks sth birthday
fortieth annbheRsaRy-^—
A ’ ................ ■
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Hunter,
I Zion, observed their 40th wed
ding anniversary on Thursday,
April 2nd. The occasion was cele-
ibrated by a surprise family sup^
per at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Button on April 1st, when
they were presented with a
Kroehler rocker and a^ trilight.
On the evening of their anniver
sary an enjoyable time was spent
when some-30 friends gathered at
the Hunter home for a social time
and to extend their best, wishes.
The Ladies’ Auxiliary to* the
Canadian Legion celebrated their
9th birthday last Thursday with
a epot luck supper. There were
thirty-five in attendance. . The.
birthday cake was .cut by Miss
Cora McQuaig,. overseas* nurse- of
World War L ..
Following the ’ supper some of
the members took in “Pa arid Ma
Kettle” at The Playhouse, while!
others played Shoot.
"/’The local water system stand-
pipe is undergoihg a cleanout arid
painting job at present at a cost
of $1J25. .
The wdrk is being done by
workmen bf the L. J. Lynch Co.
of Brampton. The contract calls
forgone application. of the best
grade aluriiinum bn the exterior
^ .the tank. The . interior is jo be
cleaned and wire-brushed down;
and then to receive one coat bfi
uon. .Cost of the exterior “Work
Was figured at $450 and the in-'
Wior. .work at $675. These fig-
urej cover, the complete job in
cluding labor; material and. Hg*
ging. < \ ’ ■
The ibig tank was drained last
Week to undertakev the job and
Pressure on the system, was main-
although some diffi*
cuties were at first encountered
niamtaining the pressure.
Silverwood Dairies, has purchas
ed the village residence on Gough
St. from Frank- MacKenzie, ad
ministrator of the Estate of the
late Catherine MacKenzie.
To older . folk it is known as
the Archibald home, arid of late
was , tenanted by the Carnegie
family, until they moved to Walk
erton. .
THAT-Kathleen Macintosh,^■Dor
othy Gibson and Hagel Cuibert
spent Easter week-end ifi New
York City, and saw the Easter
parade on 5th Avenue. The.
trip which was arranged for
Bell Telephone employees and
their friends was made by
train, with headquarters at the
Commodore Hotel.
o ■
THAT the Pa and Ma Kettle pic
ture which ran all last week at
. the Playhouse, drew big crowds
with capacity houses at the
week-end.. Approximately 1800
persons saw the picture. This
.pair, and the kids, are always
sure to give you a good laugh.
' • ' ~-O~ ■ <
The Lucknow Agric
iety’s 1953 Calf Club
ized last Thursday at a meeting
in the Town Hall, at which John
Butler of the Huron County Ag
ricultural Offioe was present?
The meeting had been adver
tised in error for this week, but
notices went out from the Clin
ton office to all of last year’s
club members, so that there was
W g<x>d attendance " last? Tliursday.
Any boy or girl interested in
joining the Clyb; and Who missed
last week’s meeting should get
in touch with Club Leaders Geo.
Kennedy or Tom ToddrAddition-
al1 entries-wilLbe- accepted until
May 1st.
Officers of the new Club arbf
President. Murray Gaunt; vice-
president, Ivan MicQuillin; sec
retary; Helen Little.
Fifteen members have already
joined the Club. In addition to
the above three officers, they
are: Bob Harris, Ann Todd, Joyce
Little, Barry Mcl^uillin, Crawford
McNeil, Gerald Murray, John
i Murray, Bill Kennedy^ Jack Keh/
jnedy, Leroy Rintoul, Jim Lyons
and Dick Curran.
Lucknow Midgets, Ontario V
hockey champions, will be honor
ed at a (banquet in the Recreation
al, Centre on Thursday of next
week that 'Will -be attended by
the “top brass’* in the W.OAA.
and O.M.H.A. The Ladies Auxil-
iary to the Legion will cater.
It is expected that the champs
jackets will be. on hand for pres
entation at this banquet; the
jacket fund haVing^ reached a
point that, warranted ordering
these mementos. ‘
- A $50 donation by the Village
Council and $25.00 from the. Lad
iesAuxiliary have given the fund
a substantial boost. The total
nbw stands at $233*00, but this
Chin 2.00; Wm. K McLeod L00;
Chas. Cook 2.00; Stuart Robert
son 2.00; -Bill Pappas 5.00; Chas.
Mason 2:00; Wm; MacIntyre l.OOr
Ladies Auxiliary 25.00/ X C.
jnurdie5.00;Alex,Andrew 2.00;
Viliaga Lucknow 5&0&
THAT the Shoot Club concluded
a successful season on Monday
night. A dance followed thriir
regular card party to music by
Bervie Orchestra and with Cam
MacDonald as floor manager.
Prize winners at cards' were
‘, Mrs. Barkwell and Les Purves.
There were 17 tables. '
Whitechurch, who had his leg
broken , when struck by a car
on ' the Highway near his, home
on March 1st, will be able to
leaye Wingham Hospital this'
week,; but will continue to have
the limb in a cast and will be
confined to bed for another
- month' yet at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
• Fisher, ' '
THAT Jack Price of Goderich,
errahean cruise and visits to a
number of Middle East countries
including Algiers, Morroco, Leb-
annon, Israel, ’Turkey, Yugoslavia,
He enjoyed his tour immensely
and notes progressiveness in most
of these countries. .
Rev. Cox spent -the week-end
at Brantford and the Brantford
Expositor carried this paragraph
about him:
“General Mohammed Neguib,
Who recently ousted King! Far
ouk, i? described as a personable,
purposeful arid approachable man
by Rev. G. Benson Cox of Luck
now, Ontario, a, visitor here.. The
guest of Dr. G. Howard Jennings'
and Mrs. Jennings, Mr. Cox was
for many years a clergyman of
the Episcopal Church, in New
York City. Hp recently returned
and the Mediterranean; Und had
the opportunity of Conversing
with the Egyptian leader”.
■ . i ■ .
The ladies of the Blake con-;
gregatiori in Ashfield served a
delicious Hot supper on Monday
evening /Of last week, followed
featured the play “The Minister’s
.New Car”, presented by ladies of
the Hackett congregation. Mem*
bers of the cast were, Mrs. Cliff-
Hackett; Mrs.. Wilf ted Hackett,
Mrs. Alex Hackett, Mrs. George,
Alton, -Mrs.,, Blake Alton, Mrs.
Bert .Alton, Miss Finances Alton;
MfS. Cliff penary, Mrs*. Andrew
Ritchie and ivfrs. Dynes Camp
bell. , ' '• '. ’ , *
______ Rev, DickinSOh hdted as eha if*
pie’s play /‘As Eastei*1 mart.' Readings wete given by
.. who finished the hockey season
with the Chicago Black Hawk?,
and took part in the* Stanley
> semi-finals, • was in town
Sunday afternoon calling on
his grandfather, Mr. William
Johnston. ' ' . , ;
THAT Carolyn Gibson’s name
wak ririiitted from , the east bf
the United Church Young. Peo-
ing . on Monday, adjourning at
midnight with spme unfinished
business laid over.' Deputations
occupied the Board’s attention,
early in the evening and it was
9.45 before they got around to
the usual preliminary of “read
ing the minutes”. All members
were present with the exception •
of Councillor Stothers, who was ‘
H. D. Thompson and Jack Cook
requested . a grant to? the Midget
Hockey jacket fund and received
W. B. Anderson, and Stuart
Collyer requested a higher per
capita grant to the library, with
the Library Board in turn pay
ing the Municipality for heating
the library. Council increased the
per capita grant from 60c. to 81c,
which will in turn earn a higher
provincial grant for J)he Library,
and-permit thepurcrns&hgofnew
books. The Library will pay heat
ing charges of $125 p£r annum.
. Representatives of an electrical
company gave Council details of
an* impulse . system of automati
cally shutting off electric water
heater^ at pead loak times each
day. The H.E.P.C., monthly ., bill
is based on the peak load, whi^h
soars at. a time when the heaviest
load- comes—on.—There -are—135—
heaters .in town at present, and
this system of carrier current
control would automatically cut
off water heaters fot a.brief per-;
iod to avoid the peak, and yet.
at no inconvenience or service
interruption tq hydro users.
The cost of installing this sys
tem would possibly rim to about
$8000, ibut would effect an Annual
saving in hydro chargfs .conser
vatively estimated at $2500, so
that the capital outlay would
soon be recovered by the System.
Council will receive more de
tailed information oh this at a
later date.
Council approved payment of
$150 to the District High- School
Board on the cost of underground
hydro service to the new school.
This figure ‘ represent? what it
would have cost the Hydro Sys-
Authorization .was given to soil
bonds in the amouht of $5000 held ■’
by the Hydro System, to provide
for costs of the new street , light
program.. This reduces the Sys--,
tern’s surplus in bonds to $13,000.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Wing
ham /Hospital was granted per
mission to hold a tag day here
on May 2nd. ./ •
Information1’ received from the
Provincial treasurer revealed that
uhder the new system of grants
to municipalities, Lucknow will
receive $1362 this year on , the .
•basis of a population of 908 at
$1.50 per capita. .
The auditors’ report wat re
viewed by Council and adopted.
Arrangements are to be made
to cut down a tree at Wm. j^ush?
ell’s residence,, that caused dam-
age when a big. limb blew down
last week, and also one at Roy '
Black’s residence which is in a
dangerous condition. - . '
. Council proclaiined Daylight
Saving Time to go into effect herq
af 2.00 a.m.rori Sundayf-April 26. '
. Council received a cheque fOF ~
$6,529.98 from the Ontario. De- •
(partment of. Highways, being the
balance of the 1952 highway sub
sidy of $11,010.57. .This represents
approved cost of road and bridge ,
work in the municipality. The
grant was' made up of $1,350.66
for maintenance of streets arid
bridges, and $9,659.91 on the con
struction of streets and bridges.
Mrs. Livingstone Meriary and**
Wm. Buckingham and Mrs. R. T.,
Kilpatrick' read a letter frbm a
friend in England depicting con-'
ditibiis, there at the. tithe. bf the
flood’s* '