HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-08, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1953
jf ypii yourself were out of work—
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consider yourself something of a
failure, wouldn’t you? By the
same token-—MONEY should be
working, too, making more money
and making it safely; . ' .
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IN 5YEAR? $410.18 ACCUMULATES TO $500.00
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Toronto .2-3
Presbyterian W.M.S.
T Mrs. A. C.. Agriew- was in the
chair for the Easter meeting and
the program as drafted in Glad
Tidings was - followed. Scripture
readings were read by Mrs. R.
V. MacKenzie, Mrs. Yovan and
Mrs. Douglas. Mrs. Cameron Mac-1 les gave a 'temperance . reading
and reported on visiting the sick
people. The programme was in
charge, of Mrs. W, B. Anderson.
The, scripture reading was 'taken
by -Mrs/. t George Elliott and an
Easter /reading by Mrs. Andrew.
! “Our Risen Lord”, a violin and
• autoharp duet, /was played by
Mrs. Blake Alton and—Mrs. Web
ster. Readings on the ‘.‘Women’s
work in the Church” were given
by Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Roach, Hazel
and Mrs.- Alton. A .hymn, and
prayer by Mrs. Anderson closed
the meeting. Lunch was served
and .a social time’ enjoyed. The
May meeting will be at the home
of Mrs. Meiklejohn. /’
Donald and Miss Belle Robertsdn
gave a delightful Easter message
in song and Mrs, Isabel MacKen-
zie gave a very thoughtful Easter
ialk. Mrs. W. Porteous read the
minutes and the president, Miss
MacLeod, conducted the business
discussion. Used Christmas cards
will be taken and seat, on and a
donation of $100 from a legacy
fund Will be given, to Mrs. H, A.
MacMillan prior to her return
taken iby supply leaders Mrs.
Purdon or Mrs. Jos.' Agnew: on
or before the next meeting. At
the May meeting Mission and
Baby Bands • and their mothers
will be entertained, : ?
v v '▼ r"rv ▼ <i vy ,y '*’T. y * *' .* "5
Aluminum Roofing
' Lucknow 'Phone 150 Ontario ;
Mr, and Mrs; E, Austin and
son of Po wasson, spent the-week
end with Mr. and: Mrs. Donald
Martin and other relatives;, r
Mr, and Mrs. Irwin McClena-
ghan and daughter Mary Louise
of - St. Thomas and Mr. and -"Mrs.
Mplvip . MeClenaghan and son
Michael of Kitchener spent the
week-end1 at .the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B, D. Me*
Ciena.ghan, . “
Russell Moore of Preston spent
Sunday at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Moore.. ,
irig the holidays at her home. <
Rev, and Mrs. Geo; Watt and
family, of Dungannon spent Sat
urday at the home of Rev", and
Mrs. W; J. Watt, , . ‘ /
Mrs.. Toynbee Lamb and/Mrs.
.Harry Tichborne of , Goderich
spent a day last week with Mrs.
D. Kennedy. \
Mr. and Mrs, Cameron . Sim
mons and Nancy df London spent
the 'week-end at her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Martin.
Mr? and: Mrs. Sid, Payne ‘and
Raymond of Toronto spent the
holiday with Mr. and ..Mrs, -V.
Emerson and Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
_Tiffin and.:Mr...and _Mrs. Fr.ed-.T-iU
fin at Larigside. . , .
Mr. . and Mrs.. John Murray of
Toronto spent the week-end at
their summer, home at Langside.
■ Mrs. Amos Cornelius was able
J?.. hjome; from the; bpspitap on Sunday. ' ; .... .. ........
■■■ Mr. & Mrs, Murray Okes, Tor
onto spent the holiday week-end
with the Matters parents, Mr; &
Mrs. Jack Chisholm.
Sandra Bradley of Goderich is
spending Eastpr holidays with
Mr, and. Mrs; Herb Stothers.
Mr. and Mrs. W.• J.r Collins and
two- little sons of Preston spent
the iweek-end with Mr. and Mrs.,
Allan Reed & relatives at Luck
mow. ' "■
Mr. Ennis Comfort, St. Cath
erines, was a week-end visitor
with his uncles/ Harold & Cecil
United Church Afternoon Aux. <
The Afternoon Auxiliary Of the
W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs.
Ewart Taylor on Wednesday,
April 1st. Mrs. R. Robertson, the-
president, : opened - the meeting
With an'Easter message and hymn
360 was sung followed by, prayer
by Mrs. Robertson; Mrs; Thomp
son from Wingham, a missionary
home of furlough, will be the.
'guest speaker at the Easter
I Thankoffering on Tuesday, April
121st, Twenty-five members ans
wered the roll call'with a verse,
of scripture. Mrs. Drennan re
ported for the relief committee
and Mrs. W. B. Anderson gave
the treasurer’s report. Mrs, Breck-
for their
TBIake? . '•: ~
We-are sorr^ Mr.’Robt. Moore,
who suffered a spoke last week,
is not showing, my ch improve
ment, . // '■
Mrs.» Abner Morris had mem*'
bers of her family home for7
Easter Sunday, Mr... and Mrs. Rus
sell Drennan, Reta and Charles
of Brights Grove; Mr. and Mrs.
Anderson Mugfdrd, London; Mr.
and Mrs. Douglas Freeman, Clin
ton and. Mr. and Mrs. Leh Christ*
law,' Nile. Miss Reta Drennan of
Brights Grove, is renriaining for
the, holidays with her grand
mother, Mrs. Morris.
Miss Flora Durnin, home econ
omi st of.. Markdale; 'spent7 Easter
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. J. -Durnin:
. Miss Pearl Caldwell, Toronto,
spent Easter week-end at... her
home and with relativse nearby,
.: Miss. Clara- Sproul^ Stratford,
spent the week-end with her sis
ters. \
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd, and
family of Islington spent Easter
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J, J. Ryan; x
Mr., and Mrs. Harry Bradley &
family, of Goderich visited Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Herb
M-iss-PearHMcEacherh/- London;
-spent-Easter with- her sister, Mrs.-
Otto Popp and mother, Mrs: R,
A. McKenzie. /
Shower For Bride-Elect
Mr^s. Harvey Congram held a
miscellaneous shower at her home
for Miss-' Phyllis Gibson, ibride-
to-be. About thirty friends were
present and enjoyed a well plan
ned evening of bingo, games and
.contests and. lunch, served by the
hostess and assistants.
Young Canada Week is enjoy
ed by: hockey enthusiasts at God
erich this week. Lome Alton and
Norman Culbert' were on a lucky
team and brought home a lovely
trophy each- tp show
success for .the hockey
Held. Sunrise Service
The Young People’s
the United Church gathered East-.
er Sunday morning at the churich
at. 5.15 a.’m. for a sunrise service.
About 20 members were present.
Shepherded by the pastor, Rev.
George D. Watt, they’ motored
north of the. village to Glenn’s
Hill to see the sunrise. A short
service was held around a bon
fire in commemoration of the
resurrection. They returned to
the church, where a film strip
on the crucifixion and resurrec
tion was shown. An Easter break
fast served to conclude this an
nual event. . : '
The. three village churches were
filled almost, to capacity Sunday
to heat the Easter message,
Rev. H. L. Jennings, rector o?
St.- Paul’s Anglican church, held
afternoon service- and - Sunday
School, with a record" attendance.
Communion was ’administered.
Rev. C. A. Winn, pastor of Ers-
ducted the Easter service in the
afternoon. .Miss Margaret Black
sang a solo; and Jimmy Reed
played a trornbone solo accom
panied by- Miss Barbara Wilson
at the organ. .
The; United , Church morning
serviceiwas conducted by Rev; G.
D‘. Watt, with an Easter mess-
age’; Communion was served. Mr.
Heber Eedy, one. of the elders,
observed- that ij; Kas. the largest
congregatiprinn’ 25* years■to tatke
communion. The following new
members were received: Evelyn
"Smyth, Pearl Culbert; George Er*
rington, Tominy Culbert,; Sylvia
Stingel, Alma. Culbert, Carleton
Stingel ’ and Mrs. Janies Efring-
•ton; • . *** •.■
Miss Norma Sherwood sang the
obligato in ah .Easter choif ah*;
\ • •’ :
Union of
them, and, also accompanied the
organist at the piano ^for the
hymns., " '
Presentation For Wiggins Family
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Wiggins and
family were guests, of honor at
a farewell, party at the parish
hall where a large crowd of
neighbors and friends gathered
for a social evening. The “Triple
Q” orchestra supplied music 'for
dancing. During the evening Dur-
nin Phillies called. Mr, and Mrs.
^Wiggins forward. Allan Reed road
them ah address of-good will
and best wishes, .and Thornton
Eedy presented them with; a,
purse containing $56. Mr. and
Mrs. Wiggins have moved to the
Nile district, where they bought
a farm from Lome ^Pentland.
Wool salesman; Could I inter*
est you in some coarse yarns?
Housewife: Oh, I might listen
to a couple, of your cleaner ones.