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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-08, Page 6
'*.1 i ■ * PAGE SIX ■ thevqiceoftemperance SPORT ♦ .* THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . 'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1953,. Whoever persists in asserting that there is more bootlegging un der the Canada Temperance Act than under the Ontario Liquor Control Act may find it difficult • to explain this one. I,t was at a meeting of the Hotel Keepers As sociation. It was? in Liquor Con trol Act territory. The complaint .Was aboi^tthe bootleggers who were taking business away, from licensed outlets. The situation . Was critical. The hotel niah in the case, was in difficulty.: The five bootleggers across; the street —-were—doinga thriving-business- .• .The .conclusion, of the Association Was5 that they would hire a de tective to gather, evidence, that b- would convict? the bootleggers. •The. contention of the , Huron Temperarice - Federation is that . where there are more outlets and ’ more drinkers there will ybe more, ■bootlegging. The people of Huron . are wish in maintaining the Can- . ada Temperance Act.—Advt. ;PJE^ WEES IN PLAYOFF ■ WITH MILVERTON TONIGHT Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim ? Thousands, of couples are we3k, worn-out, ex hausted solely because body lacks iron. For cow • • vim, vitality, try Ostrex Tonic Tablets. Supplies Iron you! too, may need for pep; suppleme - tary doses Vitamin Bi. Introductory or .- acquainted" size only 60^. At all druggist. Service and Satisfaction in Heating Automatic Oil Furnaces In- stalled-—See The Oil Ranges. FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs "^“^Eavetroughing; “ Air Conditioning. District Agent For * BEATTY PUMPS & REPAIRS } 4 1 * ■ I 1 > • • * J .’A. ' Art Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phone $l-r-13, Dungannon ■ .....‘ ------.................................... ■] •’. * ’’ .< 7 • • : •/. ' v’! WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB Wed., April 1.........J B-13 Thuts., April 2 .............. N-39 Sat., April 4.... G-5? Moil./ April 6 ....I..... G-ffft Tues., April ? ...... N-40 Still Time To Buy A Ticket For Full House. Lucknow and Milverton Pee Wees battle it out Wednesday night for the “C” series champ ionship of the 'Young Canada tournament being held in God; erich this week. z A 4*1 win over Brjdgepprt fol lowed iby a 1-1 tie with Milver ton forced/ Lucknow and .Milyer- ton into the tie-breaker garnet to decide the winner; bf the Elston Cardiff trophy. The “C’’ series, which consists of -towns With a population' of between 500 -and J 500, drew six /entries in the tournament. Three groups of two played off in the morning and afternoon in which Lucknow de feated the Bridgeport team by a 4-1 count. Goal getters for Luck now in this game were Jim Ped-'- ersen 2, Alan Chin 1, and Arthur Howald I. Jim Metz got the lone Bridgeport goal. - Lucknow drew a bye intp the night game finql: against Milver ton who defeated Zurich in a late afternoon game. - After three periods of real championship hockey, the game ended in a 1-1 tie. With three .minutes to play, Gerry Mowbray, who had played a standout game in the net, was gashed iby a fly- iriig puck. HqWever, this promis- irigr yburi^^gbirtendeH^amel^ turned to finish the game? Jim Pedersen got the lone tally. ^'iLuckhQw: goal, Gerry Mow bray; def., .Bill Robinson, Jim Pedersen; centre, Bruce Baker; wings, Alan Chin, Art Howald; alt., Doug Schmid, Paul ’ Hender son, Fraser Ashton, Barry Mc- Donagh. —Milverton :Tgoal,. Ken -Huffman def., John Scrimgeour, Robert Coulter; cen., Ron Huras; wings, Jim Toiriari, Barry Stover;/ alt., Jack Roulston, Garry Bundscho, Jack Coxon, Ken Miller, Murray $wartz, Donald Jant^i,' Norman Stickly, Eldon Slickly, Jim Baird. .. .. : v First Period 1— Lucknow, Pedersen .......... 1;17 Penalties: Pedersen, Coxon. Second Period 2— /Milverton; Swartz ............ 1 Third Period No Score. Penalties: Coxon, Pedersen. , —o-o-o— • _ The Port Elgin artificial ice cainpaign fund had reached $20,000 last week, and the Paisley drive for the same purpose has climbed to a similar figure. \ * :■ ,..j / LUCKNOW BOV SCOUT | nl Thurs., April' 9th | Please Have Paper At .. ' . - | TheCurbatlO.OOa.m, j IIICKNOW BOY SCOUT r t LEGION_NOT ES ’ The membership drjvp ip the lotal Branch of the Canadian Legion shpWed. promising results ji^ith one of the most enthusiastic meetings in some time, being'held in the Legion (Roonisr at the reg- -ularFmeeting—oh.-Tuesday--- night,. March 31st. The number of paid- up members fob 1953 already stands af 46j an increase^of 16 over last year’s total member ship. Presdent Clarence Greer an nounced that initiations for all the new iriembers would be held at the April meeting. The Branch decide^ to sponsor a public speaking contest in (con junction with the program set Up, by the Ontario^Comm and and Comrades Wm, Mal!®Wfeld and S. E. Collyer1 were appointed to make arrangements for this con test locally. « The meeting also voted to nate $10?6b to the Ideal branch of the Bed Cross. Bud Thompson and Jack Cooke were commended for their work in connection With the Legion- sponsored Midget hockey team for^the^honoFWhich-this" team has4 brought to the Lucknow Legion and the Village of . Lucknow and District iby winning the Ontario Midget “D” championship. The Legion already has a jacket fund- set up and voted to promote a banquet on April 23rd in co-op eration With the Legion Branch 309 Ladies Auxiliary to further honor the chaihips. ; ^Before adj ournirig,” the meetirig observed a minute’s silence in memory /of our deceased Com rade, Joe Whitby. The Publicity—Committee^_in=- tends to v report all the coming activities of our Branch through this column and with the Fast ball plans, rapidly taking form and a great variety of other seas onal events coming, up we expect much of interest to report. A final word to all veterans of Lucknow and District — If you haven’t returned your question naire, please do so promptly. , They served- till ’ death-’ Why riot ■/.x the roll call was a Bilble char acter. The evening was spent in sewing, knitting and fancy work. Prayer closed the meeting and a dainty lunch was served by the hostess and the lunfih committee. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hodgins spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Sieloff and Calvin and Mrs. A. Hodgins, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wall and Sharon; My. Jack Ludgate and 7 /daughter “Sylvia of London spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs/ Wm. Wall. Little Evelyn Nicholson visited with her cousin Marilyn Thacker who returned with her for a few dafys.' Mrs. Tom Hodgins will enter tain the Women’s Auxiliary at her home on Thursday afternoon. 7 I ■ 9.05 we? KINLOUGH Bob Groves' of. Wingham, and well known here in baseball and fastball circles, has moved with his . wife „ and family to Akron Ohio. , _ 0 t Take To The Highway This Spring In Any One Of These BIG VALUE CARS 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped, f 1952 PONTIAC STYLELINE SEDAN 1952 PONTIAC COACH ___ _ 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN . * 1952 CHEV. DELUXE COACH, fully equipped. 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH; DODGE DELUXE SEDAN. CHEV. CHEV. CHEV. CHEV; 1951 1951 1951 1949 1948 1948 1941 1941 1939 1938 STYLELINE COACH. FLEETLINE COACH. SEDAN. _____ COACH. CHEV. SEDAN, completely reconditioned DODGE SEDAN. ° CHEV. SEDAN / 4 TRUCKS . -g; 1948 MERCURY.HALF-TON PICK-UP : • Brussels Motors / Huron County’s, Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer — - Phone 73x, Brussels § .■ * kJ; » *• /■ Mr. and Mrs. George Haldenby spent. Friday with Mr. and Mrs. - -Howard—McG-LLire^—Oli v Mr. and Mrs. Cliff, Borthwick, St. Catherines, were recent ivisi1 tors with Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hodgins. We extend sympathy to Mrs. Wilbert Halderilby in the passing of her mother, Mrs. Fred Hum phrey. Mr. and Mrs. H. A.- Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Art Graham were recent ,visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cassidy, at. Clifford who are icorning to Teeswater sOon where joe has purchased a garage. < Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suther land of Toronto were recent vis itors with Mr. and Mrs.. James Hodgiiis? . . - Miss Veronica Murray, R.N. of Walkerton, Misses Eleanor and Margaret Ann Murray ’ of Tor onto spent the holiday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mur ray and joined with all the otheii members of their family for Easi er Day. : Mr* and Mrs. Harold Haldenby, Sheila and Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Clare' Sparling arid son Allan *speht Sunday, with Mr. arid Mrs. George Haldenby./ ? ; Miss^ Kay Gibson of Glanworth Visited on Saturday with friends here. The Evenirig Guild met .Tpes* jack' Hewitt with a good attend ance. Mrs. Ronald Thacker was ui charge and the opening hymh- Was “In Christ there is no East dr West”, followed by the pray- rirs. Mris. Howard Thompson gave the thought for the day. • May Boyle read the scripture lesson and Mrs? George Haldenby read- an Easter poem. -The word - for ■'<v *1 * , ,...■■■;.M/. ;.#:..v>y.. ............................. .• * a*. ■.......... / rSft^ARGEUrFERS^NP” LARGER PROFITS. FEED BRED SOWS THE) NATIONALFRESH-MIX WAY It’s the/e^fra pigs in the litter which ihean extra profits in hog raising,” says ^Nat” —“and to get them, give the sow the right feed before she farrows. Remember, she needs, feed not only to maintain her body weight, but to build her litter of 8 to 10 young pigs (as much as 25 to 30 lbs.)'and also to .store up material so she can give them art ample jnilk supply. To give your sow exactly what she needs, feed per a tasty 4 fresh -mix ’ ration made with, Rational Sow and Pig Concentrate 35%—^rich irt essential proteins, yitamins and miiiCrals?”-^ “ See. ,your> NATIONAL ©•«/•»; today— . Look for the bright Orango and Black Sign . F-«2 r V X IV's ’ /^CONCENTRATE ; WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED • INGERSOLL, ONTARIO fertilize , Yj>Uf Crop with ■ NATIONAL well-curtd, properly-blended FEHTIll^ c K * * D. R. FINLAYSON FHONfE 91 . .... LUCKNOW, ONT. , >•