HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-08, Page 3• p
It isn’t all in getting rich, it
. ' all in winning, fame.
'*■ A 'bigger thing, tjian . victory, is
how, you’ve tried, to play the
game: -
Success is keeping faith with-
; 1 pieh, and standing true to '
* what is best, . . /' ■
. And finding joy in humble things
7 and being fit for every test
. . The good man need not come to
wealth, ..nor need he rise tor
world ^renown, ■ • ...
Not often is the richest man, the
best-loved, citizen in town;
YouTl find he 'walks/in humble
- ways, and modest in the garb
he wears, .
And oh his back from day to day,
life piles a multitude of cafes.
kis glory , is a'generous heart, a
voice , that carries hope'and
cheer, '
A willingness' to do his work, a
wish to be of service here:
He asks nd favored place from
' - life; nor shirks the hardships
in his way,
/But meets all men with head
erect, and plays the friend
from day to day.
The best loved man in any town
is honrist, manly’ brave, and
true, ■ . . ■/'■
, Sharing his life with all who live,
' doing what work he finds to
He may riot climib to heights of
fame, nOr come to treasure’s
golden feej,.
- — BuLhe-is §till accounted^great in"
all God asks a man to be. \.
W.e hear reports that the Good
Friday service held by the Luck
now Council of Churches’ was
successful; It is ./fitting that all
Christians should worship together on such Occasions. The of
fering for the European Flood
Relief amounted to $5,7.20.
Church of the Air, CKNX
10.30 a.m.
---- April 9th, .kev.-’D/P
riston; April 10th, Rey. J, Buch
anan, Gorrie; April•: 13th, Rev. J.
Hutton, Pine River; April 14th,
Rev. J. E. Ostrom, Clinton; April.
15th, Rev. G. S. Baulch, kinloss.
Mrs. A. E. Thompson has re-
turned to Lindsay after spending
two weeks with Mrs. R. T. Doug
las and Miss MacDonald. Fred
Taylor of Toronto alsd spent the
week-end at the Douglas home.
■. j
Minister: .
'■ Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn,
B.A., B.D.
' » • I ’ ’ . )
'■'•i .
I ’
. I ■
i SUNDAY, APRIL 12th". j
I “The Delivery from I
111 a.m.i
Evil”. . . :
112.15 p.m;: Sunday School.
I ' p.m.: A Religious Film.
luclcnow / \
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., '
JLj^L^unday--Srihool—and— 7
• Bible Class.
11 a.ih.; Morning, Worships
3' p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon.
? p.rinf Evening Worship*. ’’
Wednesday, April 8th—Prayer
Meeting and BibleStudy
Mrs,. Alex MacLennan has re
turned Home from London. 7
. Mr. apd' Mrs.. N. E. Bushell
spent the’ week-end in Glencoe
and London. •
. MrS’/Spence Irwin spent a few
days- in Goderich with her moth
er who is bedfast, . \
Russ. Middleton returned last,
week after spendng the winter
in Toronto and Buflington.
_ Mx:- and Wm.' Alton of
Mr.-and Mrs. Sam Altqn. ' 7 1
t„ Miss Jean Nelson..; of Toronto
spent the week-end- with her
mother, Mrs; Robert Nelson.
Dr. R. L. Treleaven and Dick
TrCleaven of Woodstock were
callers in town on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart ‘Burns of
Detroit spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos*
Burns. : ‘ /...■■
Mr, and Mrs. Al Martin arid
Neddy of Detroit were iweek-end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs; Ed
ThonV. ' - -
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham and
Miss Lois Henderson were Easter
visitors, with Mr. and Mrs.. Well
Henderson. '
Mrs;. Wnm, McNall has returned
JoJier home after spending the
winter at James Golley’s near
. Miss Lorna Campbell of Tor
onto spent the week-end at the
home of her sifter, Mrs. R.. H.
Thompson, *
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley
and Miss Hilda Twamley of Lon
don were Easter visitors with, rel-
atives in the commuriity. ___L
Mr. and Mrs.- Elliott Fells of
Smooth Rock Falls were holiday
visitors with_herz„mother, Mrs.
_Jame&_W_ebs.ter . and other / rela
tives. ‘ .
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Leishman
and sons John, Grant and Neil
spent the Easter week-end with
Christina 'Carrick and Dorothy
Mr. arid Mrs. Calvin Irwin and
family, Allan, Ivan, David and
Terry of Oshawa, were Easter
visitors with relatives in the
community/ . /
.Miss Shirley Johnston, student
nurse at Western Hosbital, Tor
onto, spent the week-end at the
home of her mother, Mrs,. Ed
Mrs'. E. N. Hodgins has'. return-
the winter with Mr. and' Mrs.
Glenn Moore who spent the
week-end here. •
Week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. John England were Mrs.
Raymond Morrissey; Jr., Edward
England and Miss Jacqueline
Ackerman of Elora.. .
Mr, and Mrs. Roy L; MacKen-
zie and children Rhoddy and
Earry of Oshawa spent the week
end with Mr R. J. Mackenzie
and Mrs. Alice Robb,*
Mr. and Mrs, Wes . Huston and
Grace spent. Sunday here and on
their return were accompanied
by Ruth Johnstpn who is. spend
ing the week in. Kitchener.
Mr' ani^Mrs; Wm. fiewat, Bob,
Nancy• and- Ardonna spent the
week-end here and on their re:
“turn were accompaniect by■ Mrsr
Essie Hewat.
Mi’.' a nd Mrs.' E, H> Agnew
spent the, week-end in. Detroit
and on their return were accom
panied 'by their. little. granddau
ghter, Judy Agnew, who is spend
ing ; the we^k^here. ... -
. The annual meeting of Luck
now Women’s Institute 'will be
held in the Town. Hall on Friday/
April 10th at...2.30,= Rbll call, pay-
ectidn. of officers. Stapding com-,
rhittees'td bring/in reports.
Easter' visitors’ at the Richards
home were Mr.' and ,Mrs.
MacDougall, Anna and Roddy of
Raisley; Mr. and. Mrs/N.’;R. Ricly
ards and Robio of Guelph; Mr,
and Mrs. J.'A. Richards o.f Flosh-
MacDonald’of Lochaish’.
Toronto were Easter^visltors with
Well, the kaifshea kitchen,
Kapers learned how- to: make
cream of tornato soup at the home
of Mary MacIntyre on March 31st.
The meeting was; opened iby the
theme song, the reading of the
minutes by Helen Weiler which
were seconded by Irene Roulston.
The next meeting, is to be held
a^, the home of Mrs. Tom Mac?
kenzie • on April 15th, The next
roll call is a. picture of a fin
vegetable supper dish, bring one
raw vegetable and/one cooked
Vegetable. The_home assignment- —-
■is tq record trie vegetables eaten
during the past week, bring one
to. the meeting and continue on
thp record books. Irene Roulston
moved dhe vote of, thanks arid /.
the meeting was closed with
lunch. /■
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston
and children, Bob, Jim, Donna
Lynn and Mary of Rarkhill spent
the week-end here. Bob and Jim
remained for a longer visit.
Mrs. Joseph Whitby has return
ed home after spending the past
few weeks at Camp Borden with
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rouse. Mr.
and Mrs. Buster Whitby have
moved into a part of the Whitby
residence. ’•'■ • '-•/’
Holiday visitors at their home
with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart
were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart
Wilson of Stratford, Allan and
Winnie Stewart and Miss June
Chantier of London.- 1
PANTIES-^colors ........ 69c
. New arrivals in Cotton,
Silks, Prints, Nylon, Crepe,
Sheers. o'All over patterns .
and plain colors^ Sizes 10,
to 20, I61/2 to 261/2, 38 to
52; Budget prices for high^
est quality. DresS made to
t—no, charge. ■ .
Choice selection. Popular I
prices. See one. arid you’ll ]
want both. Shorties, AIL ,
Purpose, Dressy. Coats. -
Blouses, Scarves, Gloves,
Bags, Belts, Neckwear, 1
Camisoles, Brassiers, Cor- I
sets, Girdles, Skirts. |
SLIPS—crispy fresh with |
lace. 132 to 44. White, navy, ,
black, nylon, crepe, taffeta, I
Celanese. . I
$1.93, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 j
—7——:—-———---------h—u ■
■ Men’s, Youths’ and .Boys:
I. Stock and to measure.
j Checks, Gabardine*. Cordu- ■
I roy, short and . long styles. I
■ Gabardine, Pics, -Worsted, |
I—Rayon,—Checks,- “Duralqn;7
I Wide assortment in colors,
p Sizes-and quality prices. I
j;. SHIRTS >j
! by Arrow, Van Hueson, | ! Forsythe, Balfour? - - i
j Boys’ & MenJvests & shorts , 1
I Belts,_Handkerchiefs, Ties’, i
Hats and Caps,/Braces, j I Jewellery, Garters, Sox. j
I'. . v SPECIALS : -
I Boys’ and Men’s Sox, Ank- !
I lets, Golf" Hose ........... 79c I
Mrs. jChas. Budge of. Duluth | sori of Hainilton; Fit. Sgt Lloyd
visited Miss Christina Carrick and. T. Henderson, Mrs. Henderson
Miss Dorothy Douglas for a few and children, Adrise arid Lilias,
days last week and attended the
and children, Adrise and Lilias,
St. Hubert, Quebec; and Mr. and
of kitchener, Mr. and Mrs; - Jack birthday party for her aunt; Mrs. Mrs; George/ Wraith arid Patricia:
Tir.'l . . a rf-t a .a* a 9^' . . * *K/r o nrtovAl ’n4* w«« Al* • J
with Mr. and Mrs. jack Hender
son. '■ ■>
Margaret Fletcher; at the Baker of Goderich spent the week-end
Jiome on Wednesday, April 1st.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hender-
Enough for ten men, or even more, if he multiplies his efforts
with the latest farm implements, such as field cultivators,^
■ milking machines, combines and tractors. ^And, when ten''men* /'
— are hard at work, you make ten.times.as good use of e/ery hour.
And your income is, of course, greatly increased. • j., ,
So, if a lack of ready cash stands between you and any
one of these mechanical farm-hands* you owe it to yourself to look ♦,
ipto the question of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan. . ’-t .
in. one lx< rlit / y
■ ■ •’ * ■ 7 •
a ~ Jmb 3
L-? y*W
2_____Drop_in_at_your local B of M-office-just-as soon-as-
find it convenient. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the^
low' cost of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan, and
at. the easy repay merit terms that can be arranged. Boost
your income by multiplying the results of your work.
■ V
1 . ’
. Ban k ■: o f ; Mont real
...... ‘ t
I ft
Lucknow Branch' MURRAY COUSE, ^Manager
E V"E'.R V—W Al K -0 F L IT’E ■ S'( N C'F 18 T 7
......- .........-■ ...............................■;