HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-08, Page 3• p WEDNESDAY, ABRIL 8th, 1953 i THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CHURCH CHANNELS It isn’t all in getting rich, it . ' all in winning, fame. '*■ A 'bigger thing, tjian . victory, is how, you’ve tried, to play the game: - Success is keeping faith with- ; 1 pieh, and standing true to ' * what is best, . . /' ■ . And finding joy in humble things 7 and being fit for every test . . The good man need not come to wealth, ..nor need he rise tor world ^renown, ■ • ... Not often is the richest man, the best-loved, citizen in town; YouTl find he 'walks/in humble - ways, and modest in the garb he wears, . And oh his back from day to day, life piles a multitude of cafes. i'Sn’t kis glory , is a'generous heart, a voice , that carries hope'and cheer, ' A willingness' to do his work, a wish to be of service here: He asks nd favored place from ' - life; nor shirks the hardships in his way, /But meets all men with head erect, and plays the friend from day to day. The best loved man in any town is honrist, manly’ brave, and true, ■ . . ■/'■ , Sharing his life with all who live, ' doing what work he finds to He may riot climib to heights of fame, nOr come to treasure’s golden feej,. - — BuLhe-is §till accounted^great in" all God asks a man to be. \. W.e hear reports that the Good Friday service held by the Luck­ now Council of Churches’ was successful; It is ./fitting that all Christians should worship toge­ther on such Occasions. The of­ fering for the European Flood Relief amounted to $5,7.20. Church of the Air, CKNX 10.30 a.m. ---- April 9th, .kev.-’D/P riston; April 10th, Rey. J, Buch­ anan, Gorrie; April•: 13th, Rev. J. Hutton, Pine River; April 14th, Rev. J. E. Ostrom, Clinton; April. 15th, Rev. G. S. Baulch, kinloss. Mrs. A. E. Thompson has re- turned to Lindsay after spending two weeks with Mrs. R. T. Doug­ las and Miss MacDonald. Fred Taylor of Toronto alsd spent the week-end at the Douglas home. LUCKNOW | UNITED CHURCH i ■. j Minister: . '■ Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. ' » • I ’ ’ . ) '■'•i . I ’ . I ■ i SUNDAY, APRIL 12th". j I “The Delivery from I I J I 111 a.m.i Evil”. . . : 112.15 p.m;: Sunday School. I ' p.m.: A Religious Film. L 'O < luclcnow / \ Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., ' Minister. SUNDAY, APRIL 12th JLj^L^unday--Srihool—and— 7 • Bible Class. 11 a.ih.; Morning, Worships 3' p.m.: Erskine, Dungannon. ? p.rinf Evening Worship*. ’’ Wednesday, April 8th—Prayer Meeting and BibleStudy ..at'‘Tfic':MahSe.’' Mrs,. Alex MacLennan has re­ turned Home from London. 7 . Mr. apd' Mrs.. N. E. Bushell spent the’ week-end in Glencoe and London. • . MrS’/Spence Irwin spent a few days- in Goderich with her moth­ er who is bedfast, . \ Russ. Middleton returned last, week after spendng the winter in Toronto and Buflington. _ Mx:- and Wm.' Alton of Mr.-and Mrs. Sam Altqn. ' 7 1 t„ Miss Jean Nelson..; of Toronto spent the week-end- with her mother, Mrs; Robert Nelson. Dr. R. L. Treleaven and Dick TrCleaven of Woodstock were callers in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart ‘Burns of Detroit spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Thos* Burns. : ‘ /...■■ Mr, and Mrs. Al Martin arid Neddy of Detroit were iweek-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs; Ed ThonV. ' - - Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham and Miss Lois Henderson were Easter visitors, with Mr. and Mrs.. Well Henderson. ' Mrs;. Wnm, McNall has returned JoJier home after spending the winter at James Golley’s near Wingham. . Miss Lorna Campbell of Tor­ onto spent the week-end at the home of her sifter, Mrs. R.. H. Thompson, * Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twamley and Miss Hilda Twamley of Lon­ don were Easter visitors with, rel- atives in the commuriity. ___L Mr. and Mrs.- Elliott Fells of Smooth Rock Falls were holiday visitors with_herz„mother, Mrs. _Jame&_W_ebs.ter . and other / rela­ tives. ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Leishman and sons John, Grant and Neil spent the Easter week-end with Christina 'Carrick and Dorothy Douglas. Mr. arid Mrs. Calvin Irwin and family, Allan, Ivan, David and Terry of Oshawa, were Easter visitors with relatives in the community/ . / .Miss Shirley Johnston, student nurse at Western Hosbital, Tor­ onto, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs,. Ed Johnston. Mrs'. E. N. Hodgins has'. return- ■ed“TiTRn^iinTi^lton^ftcr_speTiding' the winter with Mr. and' Mrs. Glenn Moore who spent the week-end here. • Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John England were Mrs. Raymond Morrissey; Jr., Edward England and Miss Jacqueline Ackerman of Elora.. . Mr, and Mrs. Roy L; MacKen- zie and children Rhoddy and Earry of Oshawa spent the week­ end with Mr R. J. Mackenzie and Mrs. Alice Robb,* Mr. and Mrs, Wes . Huston and Grace spent. Sunday here and on their return were accompanied by Ruth Johnstpn who is. spend­ ing the week in. Kitchener. Mr' ani^Mrs; Wm. fiewat, Bob, Nancy• and- Ardonna spent the week-end here and on their re: “turn were accompaniect by■ Mrsr Essie Hewat. Mi’.' a nd Mrs.' E, H> Agnew spent the, week-end in. Detroit and on their return were accom­ panied 'by their. little. granddau­ ghter, Judy Agnew, who is spend­ ing ; the we^k^here. ... - . The annual meeting of Luck­ now Women’s Institute 'will be held in the Town. Hall on Friday/ April 10th at...2.30,= Rbll call, pay- -lng-nf-TecsT7rnnua^H’epo^t-aftd-e;l*- ectidn. of officers. Stapding com-, rhittees'td bring/in reports. Easter' visitors’ at the Richards home were Mr.' and ,Mrs. MacDougall, Anna and Roddy of Raisley; Mr. and. Mrs/N.’;R. Ricly ards and Robio of Guelph; Mr, and Mrs. J.'A. Richards o.f Flosh- MacDonald’of Lochaish’. Toronto were Easter^visltors with */< I f BOYS, DO YOU LIKE SOUP? Well, the kaifshea kitchen, Kapers learned how- to: make cream of tornato soup at the home of Mary MacIntyre on March 31st. The meeting was; opened iby the theme song, the reading of the minutes by Helen Weiler which were seconded by Irene Roulston. The next meeting, is to be held a^, the home of Mrs. Tom Mac? kenzie • on April 15th, The next roll call is a. picture of a fin vegetable supper dish, bring one raw vegetable and/one cooked Vegetable. The_home assignment- —- ■is tq record trie vegetables eaten during the past week, bring one to. the meeting and continue on thp record books. Irene Roulston moved dhe vote of, thanks arid /. the meeting was closed with lunch. /■ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and children, Bob, Jim, Donna Lynn and Mary of Rarkhill spent the week-end here. Bob and Jim remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Joseph Whitby has return­ ed home after spending the past few weeks at Camp Borden with Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rouse. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Whitby have moved into a part of the Whitby residence. ’•'■ • '-•/’ Holiday visitors at their home with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stewart were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stewart Wilson of Stratford, Allan and Winnie Stewart and Miss June Chantier of London.- 1 a SPECIAL PANTIES-^colors ........ 69c LADIES’ AND MEN’S WEAR....... DRESSES . New arrivals in Cotton, Silks, Prints, Nylon, Crepe, Sheers. o'All over patterns . and plain colors^ Sizes 10, to 20, I61/2 to 261/2, 38 to 52; Budget prices for high^ est quality. DresS made to t—no, charge. ■ . COATS & SUITS ; I Choice selection. Popular I prices. See one. arid you’ll ] want both. Shorties, AIL , Purpose, Dressy. Coats. - ACCESSORIES Blouses, Scarves, Gloves, Bags, Belts, Neckwear, 1 Camisoles, Brassiers, Cor- I sets, Girdles, Skirts. | SPECIAL SLIPS—crispy fresh with | lace. 132 to 44. White, navy, , black, nylon, crepe, taffeta, I Celanese. . I $1.93, $2.98, $3.98, $4.98 j —7——:—-———---------h—u ■ i SUITS &. COATS ■ Men’s, Youths’ and .Boys: I. Stock and to measure. I SPORT JACKETS j Checks, Gabardine*. Cordu- ■ I roy, short and . long styles. I i SPORT TROUSERS J ■ Gabardine, Pics, -Worsted, | I—Rayon,—Checks,- “Duralqn;7 I Wide assortment in colors, p Sizes-and quality prices. I j;. SHIRTS >j ! by Arrow, Van Hueson, | ! Forsythe, Balfour? - - i • ' UNDERWEAR ’ j j Boys’ & MenJvests & shorts , 1 | ACCESSORIES ! I Belts,_Handkerchiefs, Ties’, i Hats and Caps,/Braces, j I Jewellery, Garters, Sox. j I'. . v SPECIALS : - I Boys’ and Men’s Sox, Ank- ! I lets, Golf" Hose ........... 79c I Mrs. jChas. Budge of. Duluth | sori of Hainilton; Fit. Sgt Lloyd visited Miss Christina Carrick and. T. Henderson, Mrs. Henderson Miss Dorothy Douglas for a few and children, Adrise arid Lilias, days last week and attended the and children, Adrise and Lilias, St. Hubert, Quebec; and Mr. and of kitchener, Mr. and Mrs; - Jack birthday party for her aunt; Mrs. Mrs; George/ Wraith arid Patricia: Tir.'l . . a rf-t a .a* a 9^' . . * *K/r o nrtovAl ’n4* w«« Al* • J with Mr. and Mrs. jack Hender­ son. '■ ■> Margaret Fletcher; at the Baker of Goderich spent the week-end Jiome on Wednesday, April 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hender- 5 Enough for ten men, or even more, if he multiplies his efforts with the latest farm implements, such as field cultivators,^ ■ milking machines, combines and tractors. ^And, when ten''men* /' — are hard at work, you make ten.times.as good use of e/ery hour. And your income is, of course, greatly increased. • j., , So, if a lack of ready cash stands between you and any one of these mechanical farm-hands* you owe it to yourself to look ♦, ipto the question of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan. . ’-t . in. one lx< rlit / y ■ ■ •’ * ■ 7 • a ~ Jmb 3 1 < .1 L-? y*W /' •0 2_____Drop_in_at_your local B of M-office-just-as soon-as- find it convenient. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at the^ low' cost of a B of M Farm Improvement Loan, and at. the easy repay merit terms that can be arranged. Boost your income by multiplying the results of your work. Ji t i ■ V 1 . ’ 4k . Ban k ■: o f ; Mont real ...... ‘ t rz 1 ■» » I ft J Lucknow Branch' MURRAY COUSE, ^Manager «r 'fe 7" / f > E V"E'.R V—W Al K -0 F L IT’E ■ S'( N C'F 18 T 7 ......- .........-■ ...............................■; ■*