HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-08, Page 1$2.50' A Year In Advance—-$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.* LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8th, 1953 EIGHT PAGES KINTAIL native is NlHFnyEVEN Baker’s Private Hospital was the scent of a birthday party last ■’ Wednesday, April 1st, when Mrs. Margaret Fletcher observed her 97th birhtday. ,Friends and. reL stives, members' of ,the" hospital staff, and residents of the hpnrie^ "gathered for: the celebrationv which, yras. complete with a birth/ /day cake an^ a serenade' ipn the bagpipes by Piper Wilfred Mc­ Quillan. Not only does she. love the skirl o’ the pipes, r but she talks Gaelic fluently. Mrs. Fletcher was formerly Margaret,MacKay of Kintail; She resided1 in the States for many 9 y ears and since 1944 has made her home in Lucknow. Since the death, of Mrs. R; H. McQuillin. > she has been at the Baker Hos­ pital, where she is a cheery and popular member pf that /“family -group-.--'--r— ---- - - •.... She enjoys coip^aratively good health, is able tp ib^ up and about every day,-can still read and is* mentally alert. She . thoroughly enjoyed the birthday celebration, which was staged in her honpr^ TO ORGANIZE CALF CLUB GROUP NEXT WEEK z ‘ ••• 1 -* 4 ■ ' . .An organi?atioh meeting of the Lucknow . Agricultural • Society 1953 Qalf .Club will be held in the Town Hall ^..Thursday even­ ing of next -Week at 8.J0: Mr. ? assistant ^gricultprab lepfesentatiye of Huron,. County, will be in attendance afttthe meet^ ing. Club; leaders are Totn Todd Ind George Kennedy.', I FORMER KINLOUGH BOY IN QUEEN'S FUNERAL ESCORT THAT Elliott Sandy won a pound of coffee in last week’s coffee contest at Smith’s Grocery, There .will be a prize weekly during April./. ’• < : —0-^ /.:/'' THAT the enquiry last week by! a Lucan historian for informa- { Death came/ suddenly and tipn regarding log houses, has j peacefully to Mr. Wm. Murdie v’brought at least one reply. A! early Tuesday morning. He pass- ~ Rfn. Edgar Guest, of .the Queen’s Own Rifles; who is stationed in Germany,. was one of twenty-one soldiers to ibp brought to, Eng­ land to act as escort in the pro'- -eession77^when~the"'~body~of~ the Dowager. Queen Mary was borne, from Queen’s Chapel; Marlbor-. ough Road, to Westminster Hall, Edgar is the son of Mr. Noble Guest of Kincardine and form­ erly of Kin lough/We understand Edgar will be in the .Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. ' LOCAL MERCHANT DIED SUDDENLY ./ TAKES OVER SUPERTEST NEW MEMBERS ON FIRE BRIGADE ' The -annual meeting . of ^the Lucknow Fire CompanyTwas held' on Monday evening when K. C. ' Murdie wps- re-elected fire chief. Other officers are: deputy chief, George Whitby; 'captains, Jbck- Cook and Bill Johnston; secret7 ary, Tom Anderson;, treasurer, Alf | Ritchie; trustees; H. D. Thomp- , sonv -Floyd Milne,-Lloyd -Hallr ^ • . New members recently added to the. brigade to replace older members who . revert to an hon­ orary or “semi-active”, status,, in­ clude Lloyd Hall, Albert Chin, Keith \^patnck,T Bud Hanpilton, Stuart Collyer, Harold Greer. ■ •< . ■. ———. ■ . MRS. W. J, PRITCHARD DIES Joe Wasney has taken over the Supertest Garage and Service Station previously operated by Mr. Cummings. Joe is personally in charge of the repair depart- , ment and has engaged Jack Ait- . chison to attend to the gas pumps and genefal” service.’™ " ™ " ZONE COMMANDER COMING TO AUXILIARY MEETING _ The death of Mrs. W. J. Pritchr ard of West Wawanbsh Township occurred in Wingham Hospital on Monday after a brief illness with pneumonia. . The funeral service was .held at -Johnstone’s—Funeral—-Home— on -Wedhesday afternoon—wit-h-inter-- ment in Greenhill Cemetery. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN DRIVE SLOWS DOWN ♦ Mrs. Luella Hall of Blyth,-Zone Commander,- will be present at the regular meeting of the Lad­ ies’ Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Lucknow,. on Monday ev- ening next when the initiation of new members will be held, and important business discussed. On Thursday'evening of this week Auxiliary members will, stage a pot luck supper, and on , Friday evening they will resume their weekly shoot oarties. I their weekly shoot oarties. . ~ ~———— ; FLEW FROM SCOTLAND FOR MARRIAGE SATURDAY ■■ / Thomson-Greig The home of Mr., and Mrs. Jas. McNaughton of Lucknow was the setting, for the marriage on Sat­ urday of a young couple who hail from the same home town in Auchtermuchty, Scotland. The groom, Petpr Thomson, came to Lucknow from Scotland last October. He . was employed here for a few months until se­ curing a position in Toronto. The bride, Miss Christena Greig, dau­ ghter of Police Sgt. and Mrs. John Greig of Police Station House, Auchtermuchty, flew to Canada for her wedding, arriving at Tor­ onto last Wednesday. The ceremony was performed on Saturday at 2:30 pam at the McNaughton home toy Rev. G, A. Meiklejohn of LucknpVr United 'phurch. The bffde was. given in —marriage-“-by^Mrr^McNaTigHTo'V With Miss Susan McNaughton as bridesmaid. The groomsman was Wm. Imrie of .London arid' recent- » ly out from Scotland. ’/ .For her marriage the ’bride ohose. an attractive suit iA lilac shade, with matching a^ess.ories. •The bridesmaid’s suit was of. pale .’blue with red accessories. /, A Wedding dinner was served at Johnston’s Restaurant. Besides bridal party and ■ ylRughfon family guests present included, Mr. and Mrs. John ^.oung, Toronto; Mi*, arid Mrs. t Johnston, Toronto; Rev. A. Meiklejohn, Mrs/ Margaret MacFarlane, Mr. & Mrs. / A J9hnstoh and- Ruth, Mr. • «nd Mrs. Alex Purdon and Mr. J°hn Ritchie/ > , . Mrrand/M^ , ^ue in Tof5n(Qa typical structure of pioneer —days_is’the well-preserved Mc­ Kinnon log home on the Sec­ ond Concession of . Kinloss 'where Alex McKinndh still re­ sides. Alex is the last of three brothers who spent their life­ time, in i this log home.’ Peter and John have passed on. o—; THAT the prize winners at the Monday night Shoot party were Mrs. Orville Elliott and Jack .Hall. /..'■' KIN LOSS FARM HELPER DROWNED The body of Elia Skukilfn, was, recovered from Lake Ontario on S^turddy by Toronto Police. The- body Had been in the water about • thyeeinbfithsni^t/^i^^icntfiefe~ yyere pp signs of violence. / Mr. Skukilin, a 60Tyear-old German, had -Ijeen employed last fall on .the farm of Mr; 2nd Mrs, Charlie ’ Moore, Second Conces­ sion, Kinloss. He had left iwith- the /Understanding he . would re/ turn in the spring—on March 31., The man came from Germany- last year directly to the Moore farm. He could then speak no Ehglisb-'He had at one time own-1 ed afarm in Germany, but dUrr ipg the war had not only lost •it, but had., lost his family. He had" four , children./. There' are grandchildren living iri .Germany... L MrALSkukilin had^been-in^a dis­ placed persons camp for two years before coming to Canada. He was listed as single as he had no dependents. His ambition was to work in a factory in the city, and it was agreed, that he would gcr t& Tor oh to? for The Winter and .return to the Moore farm in the spring. He left on November16th, with a letter of iritrbduction from Mr: and Mrs. Moore, “To Whom It May Concern”, - ? It is believed that he became despondent in , the city. It was by means of the letter thaUwas ;still _m^is^oat,_thad^polic.e...c^ tacted the Moore’s to advise, them of the end that befell him!. Mr. and Mrs. Moore plan to go to the city the- latter part of - the week to contact the’ authorities. ed away in his sleep and the "discovery /of■ “Itis"death in- “the morning came as a profound shock to his. family "andJ to the community in general. . Mr. Murdie had been at. church Sunday evening, had been at .W^fc.pnJMonday- andLhad.. retired in apparently his usual good health that evening. Mr. Murdie was one of Luck­ now’s longest established business men, having'came here from Sea­ forth some 47 years ago to go into the hardware business. The funeral service will be held at the MceLnhan - MacKenzie Memorial Chapel pn Thursday ^afternoon at 3;00 o’clock with- in­ terment in Greenhill-Cemetery. ' THAT a power drill is in opera­ tion on Main Street this week ^rimming out five-foot excava- ™-Tions^o]rtheHbases-Tor"then'ew‘ --—street /light standards;-— ■/.:.—O^/ THAT there was a very good con­ gregation at the Good Friday afternoon service promoted by the L u c k n o w Council of Churches, with Reverends H; L. Jennings, G. Aj Meiklejdhh and C; A. Winn taking part in the service... •'/■■ <■'. ■ —7-0-—■* THAT Mrs, Jessie Mclnnes, who returned recently from CalL fornia where she spent the win­ ter, is a, patient in Wingham Hospital. ' .. ■■ ' —-o— THAT Sunday School in the Presbyterian Church is now be­ ing held at- 10. a.m. prior to the morning service. I Donations to the Lucknow and District Branch of the Red Cross have slowed to 1 a trickle during the past week, with less than $50 received .during, the week. The total now stands at $1245.95. Those who have overlooked making their contribution are re­ minded to do so at an early date. SELLS AMBERLEY FARM William Campbell of Amiben- ley hasTsold his farm on Highway 86 to Wm: Kempton of Ripley, and will hold a clearing auction sale on Thursday of next' week. GARBAGE COLLECTION The Municipal garbage 'collec­ tion service will be resumed this week; Collections will be as for­ merly—'North side each Thurs­ day; South side each Friday. Ashes will not be lifted. • / .. • . /. T■ RECEIVE HIGHEST ORANGE DEGREE 9 , ................... • On Friday evening of last week a number of members Ti’orn the ! Roya^l Black Lodge of Amberley rnbtored to Woodham to be pres-, ent at one of the largest assemb­ lies of. Royal. Black-Knights in the history of the Woodham Pre- ceptory. Re presents tives from nearly .every Preceptory in Wes-* tern Ontario,. numbering about 200 were^-on hand tp see the Woodham home team confer the, Red Cross, or the-; 11th degree, .the. highest in the-Order, on the following, candidates: John Em­ erson, George Haldenby.- Roy iCulHert, Bert Alton;- Harvey Rit­ chie, ■•.Milv’ert Reid, Bert Ward, aS well' as fourteen other .candidates from London/ Sarnia, Woodstock and St. Thomas, making a total of 21’. to receive the’ Red Cross -degree. T .‘'a' r-r-n That the Royal Black Knights of Ireland are still alive and act- rive is "evidenced' by the. number of candidates that’ have been in.- itialgd into the different Precep- torys this past year. Many of the Lodges have . been ...dormant' for some time but are being Revived. This illustrious order dates back totheJ year'1793 -whehH t-was^fi-rst- instituted. '■ f THAT the Boy Scouts will be; picking up your waste paper on Thursday afternoon of week/ Please have it at curb fey one o’clock, and boys will appreciate if you box it, or tie it securely. 'O'— ■ THAT Allan Stewart- of London was guest soloist at the Pres­ byterian Church on Sunday. . . . -xb— ' , THAT Gail apd Karen Murdoch, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Murdoch of Toronto, took part in-the 41st annual carnival of the Toronto Skating Club. They were. in the playmates act, “Opce Upon A Dream”. Kar­ en’s picture appeared in the official program. . . • • 1 • '■—o-— ■ TH AT Harvey Webster, Roy Fin­ layson and Fred. Jackson rep- Club? at the. district nrieeting held in Seaforth last Wednes- day night, when .the season’s tournament schedule was draft­ ed. ’ this the the can THAT" Earl Jamieson has bought the former. Jim, Aitchison. farm iri West Wawan'osh Township from'Mr. Long of Brussels. Mr> and Mrs. Aitchison will move to the, house on the farm own- '■ed by his brother; Jack' Ajtch- isori. > FIRE COMPANY DONATES 425.00 TO JACKET FUND ’ Donations to the jacket fund: for the Lucknow Midget cham­ pions have reached a total -of j $123.50-which is about, the half- • way mark. It is expected the cosl j will be approximately $250.00. / Biggest boost during the week was a $25.00 donation by the Lucknow Fire Co. Donations not previously acknowledged are as follows: Ben Chisholm $2.00; Jack Fish­ er S^JO; Neil McLennan 2.00;/Art Breckles 5.00; Mac Graham 2.00; GrantMcDiarmid -1.00;- Dan L McKinnon 2.00; Jack McDonagh 2.00; Eddy Gaunt 2.00; Tom Mac- Donald 1.00; Hugh Cuming 1.00: N. H. Hedley 2.00; Bill Gollah 4.00; Keith Collyer 1.00; Jim Mc- Naughfton 1.00; Jack McDonald I. 00; George Taylor, Sr., i.00; Lucknow Fire Co. 25.00; Clarence Greer 2.00/Wm. McDonald 2.00; J. A. McLeod 1.00. .: \ KINLOSS GIRL DESIGNS CLOTHES FOR COMIC STRIP £> . • Beverley Casemore, 16-year- pld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ est Casemore of R. 5, Lucknow, has had several, of her designs accepted for publication in the Jane Arden comic strip. Her designs were printed last week in Jane Arden’s Wardrobe 'corner. ■ ■ . ■ Miss Casemore, a grade 10 stu­ dent at Wingham District High School;'submitted three designs of skirts, blouses and sweaters. She entered a similar contest last year but did not receive recognition. For the past two years she has taken a keen interest in design- ingSHer ambition is to toe a de­ signer. THAT Geoi/ge Irwin js home on le’ave from army camp iim the • Maritimes? He hitch-hiked home leaving the East on Tuesday. ’ and arriving at the home of his sister at Listpwel on Friday\ .the .first, of : tho:.. week on his return. j EASTER SERVICES WELL ATTENDED Easter services on Sunday were specially /marked in. local, and district churches with enlarged congregations joining in these special devotions. / Op Sunday evening iri the Un­ ited Church the Young People’s Union iriipressively presehted .the religious play “As Easter Dawn’’. The- cast included Kenneth Mc- Nay, George Anderson, George : TTfchardsrGladys 'Kilpatrickj Eliz- ’ abeth Webster, Billy Ritchie, Bev­ erley Ashton and Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn. The junior and primary,choirs, assisted, with special music/ Six girls sang, a. chorus, Joan Craw­ ford; Carolyn: Mathers,. Nancy Webster, Joanne. Hunter, Patricia T^oitfpson arid Marguerite. Mc­ Kenzie. Another chorus was sung By Donna Johnstori, Marilyn Kil- zpatrick, Nancy Johnston. . Ann.e_ Crawford/ Bessie Rfea\/e, Eunice. Button,, Margaret Rae and Reta Collins.. / '■ ‘ . . ^Tho presentation was effective­ ly concluded with a pantomime, “At The Cross”,' with Mrs.. O. Jones’ and Miss Margaret Rab rendering' a. duet while, the pan7 tomime was enacted by Betty arid Donn a.. Job ns ton/, G1 ad ys - Ki 1 pa t- j rick and Ruth Treleave’ri. J Brother Passes / Mrs. Roy McCreight of Pal- merstom and formerly of Luck­ now, received word recently of the death of her brother,, William xMann of.Vancouver. He was bur­ ied at Atwood. • : EXPRESSED HOPE CIRCUIT WOULD REMAIN UNCHANGED pobbinton, Ontario,' , '• • j' • April 1st, 1953. Dear Mr. Thompson: I have just come across out copy of The Sentinel for Feb- ruary 4th; and remembering that. was the issue you were needing, . am sending it, just in,case there is use. for. one more.; The article, “Do YoU Remember?” is indeed ’ interesting. Even though I knew1 none of the .people mentioned, the memories seem universal and recall similar conditions and'hap­ penings in my childhood. When, we. moved ,to;Lucknow one of my cousins wrote" that he had taken part one year in the Caledonian . games..menti.OAedUii-JTie-mL^ We do value The Sentinel arid Thursday * seems a /special day, when it comes w-ith news of bur old frieh^s.: We Sincerely hope Ashfield Citbuit survives the n.iari,ia. for Boundary changing; We atri well arid -liking: our ncy” place. Best wishes-from both of us. (Mrs/C. B_.) Helen L Woblley. r ■ *