HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-01, Page 10THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LVCKNQW; ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st, 1953 t .....•......... ...................................................................................................... 9 LOOK YOUR BEST FOR EASTER IN ONE OF OUR SUITS OR COATS § LONG COATS—swing back with flattering sh3$$/or rolli i ASHTON’S V- MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR Piece Goods and W oollens Gabardine and nylon for longer wear.' x * SUITS—in rayon gabardine, c&armalnes, all-wool pic ’n’ pic, !' sizes i2722y2, priced from ..........$22.95 up L-GOATS-^hoEtiesJiLsizes:. 12-20 in all shades. Check or. plain. L and novelty waives. : ; r * j 'collars. ‘ [j RAIN OR SHINE COATS—ih plaip or check, fitted or boxy ► styles with , matching hats. - ? * ACCESSORIES — gloves (in gll shades), handbags, nylon * hosiery, nylon tricot blouses, in. all the flattering shades ■■ for Spring, as low as .......... $2.98 ’ CHILDREN’S COATS & COAT SETS from infants «p to t size 12. “Little Nugget” coats for children is one of ’ . Canada’s outstanding, coat lines. You are invited to look / over their styles and fabrics. MEN’S SPORT JACKETS—New Spring styles in Men’s Sport Jackets in stock now, sizes 32 to 44. BOYS’STUDENTS- SUITS in J;he^new.;^ OBITUARY MRS. RODGER CORRIGAN The death occurred in Wing­ ham Hospital on Thursday, March 26th, of Annie . Ellen Caesar of ^Tuw^b^ry^Township; widow of ^Roidger Corrigaol; The deceased had suffered a lengthy iHness, being bedfast since mid-Novem- ber. ~.. ------------- - She was born in Kinloss Town­ ship in 1883, a daughter ol Henry Caesar and Annie Woods and re­ sided at the home near Langside until her marriage in August 1908 to Rodger Corrigan of Holy­ rood where she spent her entire life until his death in 1944, wheh she moved to live with her son- in-law rind daughter, Oscar Keif~ 'fer, near Wingham. The funeral was held from Cur­ ries’ Funeral Home, Wingham, to Sacred Heart Church where re^ quiem mass was sung by Rfev. R. Durand at 9.30 Mondayjnaorn- ing, March 30th. Interment was in .Wingham R. C. Cemetery’ Pallbearefs were Leslie Fortune, David Fortune, Price Scott, Dan- iel-Cassidy, Alex Sproul and Jas. Ste. Marie. . , ■ ■ She is survived by one daugh­ ter, Mrs. Oscar Keiffer of .Wirig- ham; two sisters, .Miss Leonice Caesar of London,. Mrs. Edward7 Lockhart (Lillian) of Weybum, Sask, and one brother, Heriry Caesar ?df near Wingham; seven grandchildren also survive. A niece, Mrs. Roderick Inglis, sides in Forest; I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1) THAT a determined effort is be­ ing made to save Teeswater High School (from being closed, and the latest move in this reT igard is a letter to the Tees­ water News signed by 'many students now being transported to Wingham. The pupils. stress­ ed the drawbacks of. the trans­ por tat ion system land express a preference to have their centre ™^f™ediTcatipnr-7in~the^ . town. '.t „ . .. ■ -I . / ' •■ • .; THAT Mrs. Al Irwin arid' A^tiP 2 Solomon were prize Winners af /the Auxiliary’ Shoot party, on Friday night. Prizes were do- ... nated by Keith Collyer and Mrs. Duncan Simpson. There will not be a party this^week. THAT Tom Harringtori of Kin- lough lodged a complaint with Constable Havens on Monday when he discovered that ; his ■ driving, reins had been slashed while his team was tied up in the*Murncipai Shed. THAT experienced workmen are. repairing arid pointing the brick in the tower of the Pres­ byterian Church. • ' / '.' — o— ' THAT Miss Elizabeth Murdie was taken to Victoria Hospitalf-Loh- don on Friday for treatrhent. She has suffered, a good deal of late from the effects,, of an at­ tack of-'Shingles which she had : a few yedrs ago. . —O— . • /■■' THAT Mrs. Robert Hamilton and • Jim Mathers were prize win­ ners at the Monday night Shoot . party. There <were_ 12 tables. * Pittsburgh FLORHIDE ■ ENAMEL It’s easy to make floors and steps look like new with the tougii, long-lasting Pittsburgh Florhide Enamel. Use it on wood, ‘ metal. Eleven durable colors, Black and White. JOHN W. HENDERSON , LUMBERLIMITED OntarioLucknow ‘ - ’Phone 150 - I in­ I re- A note from New York from Mr. Stanley J. Pymm says he expects to be back by Easter, • ' • . ' <U . 'nb....; . ■ • ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs.; Samuel W./Gib- son, Lucknow, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Dorothy Jean, to Donald A. Hamilton, soil of .Mr, and Mrs. Robt. A. Hamilton, Lucknow, the marriage ito, take place in April. The ^engagement/ is announced of Mrs.Haz^el Coetos, 28 Mary St,, Brantford, to Mr. William Stauffer of Kinloss, .the marriage to take place the last’of April. BORN HACKJETT—in Winghrim Hospit­ al onfFriday, March 27th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett ( nee Helen Gammie ), R. 3, Luck- now, a son. . ZINN— at Alexaridra Hospital, Goderich, on March 24th, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Zinn, R. 1, Dungannon, a daughter. WOODFORD—at Strathcona Pri­ vate Hospital Toronto, on March 24, 1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Maur­ ice Woodford,1 Toronto (nee Wilma Tr’eleaven, Dungannon), a son, George Brent. —o— ‘ . ?•". THAT Dick Turner KaFTetiirhed7 to Toronto after being in Buf­ falo for some time. . His mother, ^MrerAnWrTufner~left'*by train on Thursday for Fort Lauder? dale, Florida, where she will stay about three weeks. o^- THAT motorists are reminded that thousands of school child­ ren will be‘ “On the loose” this week-end for the Easter vaca­ tion; This freedom arid Spring weather can cofribine to make them carefree and perhaps’ -thoughtless of their own safety. Drive with extra caution. , Be .more than ever careful when there are youngsters about and be alert for the unexpected. ■ •/ —o-T- THAT' Brock, Davis and Durin, chartered accountants, recently concluded their annual audit of the municipal, school, library and arena books/ THAT Fred Blunden went to London on Saturday to undergo a major operation in Victoria Hospital? THAT from conservation officials comes word that night fishing MRS. CARRUTHERS | HEADS KAIRSHEA ■ •<, —_ -J. ‘ Mrs. W. ’F. MacDonald and Mrs. Herb Buektdn were hostesses for the March meeting of the Kair- she’a. W. I. It was held in Holy­ rood Hall with a large attendance: Mrs. Houston was in the chair arid in the absence of Mrs, Mof­ fat, Mrs. Wm. Scott acted as sec- l.rdtary. During > th|e ♦ business it. was decided to send delegates to the Provincial Conference in May. The reports of the stand­ ing committees were received and adopted. . f For " A^icuiture ^nd Canadian Industries Mrs. Stewart MacGillivray reported. For His­ torical Research Mrs, Walter Mc­ Kenzie,, who had been convener for six years, reported. The public relations? and community activi-. ties, Mrs. Archie MacIntyre gave .the report.. For Economies and Health, Mrs. Gordon Wall report­ ed and Mrs. ’ Eyaps for Citizen­ ship and Education. These reports showed the many, activities car­ ried on, by. the Kairshea during .the year; - * "" Mrs. Donald McKinnon told of the work done Iby the Sunshine Committee and Mrs. Geo. Lock­ hart reported for the Blue Cross; -—Atthis-point-Mrs.JarnesWeb- ster played selections on the auto harp with Mrs. Houston at the piano. These were much enjoyed. Mrs. Archie Maclntyretook the ■chair for the-election of officers. ,—-----------------------—L■' .'-..I FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY Guaranteed, kitchen Cupboards Custom Work Building I Remodeling . FURNITURE Repaired and-Refinished Estimates on Request. A . G” MITCHELL Box 58, Lucknow ■ Shop At Your I.GA. Food Market For Real Economy During Easter Week. J E Pie-Ready Cherry Pie Fili, 20 ....... 314 I.G.A. Raspberry Jam, 24 oz. 37e ■ ■ I.G.A. Grapefruit Juice, 48 oz. 31c Full line EASTER CANDY—attractively priced ■ ■ ENTER OUR COFFEE CONTEST—try our j.. ■ I.G.A. jj- Canned Chicken, ■ 3’/2 lbs. ... ... ... $1.99 Sunny Morn Coffee freshly ground in our new modem coffee mill, only ................ 88c lb. ■ Pineapples, 12’s, each . 29c ■ Florida Celery ...................... 3 for 21c " Head, Lettuce 2 for 27c ■ 1 FOOD market! of suckers and mullet is out. ..During April and May they may only be taken between sunrise and sunset. This, regu­ lation doesn’t apply to smelt. THAT the Agricultural Society is sponsoring a two-hour show in the Town Hall next Monday, consisting of a one-act play and a musical review that is rated exceptionally good. There’U be a dance after. . 7 THAT s.more than two hundred _Pgrgnn^: packed the Sunday School room of the United Church for, an entertaining pro­ gram and play presented by Group I of, the W.A. on Tues­ day evening. /’’■.. Mrs. - Cliff -Roulston - brought in. z c' the report of the nominating . committee with the following ' slate of officers elected for 1*953- 5.4: pres., Mrs, Dave Carruthers;' lstz Vice pres., Mrs. Wm. Evans; 2nd vice pres>, Mrs. Ira Dickie; sec.^treas., Mrs. Donald McKin­ non; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Scott; aud­ itors, Mrs. Fred Gilchrist, Mrs. Herb Buckton; district director, . Mrs. Harvey Houston. Conveners of Standing commit­ tees—Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. S. MacGillivray; Historical Research and Current Events, Miss Annie MacKay and Mrs. Harry LaviS;Public Rela-/ lions and Community Activities, Mrs. A. MacIntyre, Mrs. T. Coll-. yer; Home Economics and health, Mrs. R., Martin; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. D. L, MacKinnon; Resolutions, Mrs. Harold Camp­ bell; Sunshine Committee, Mrs;: T. A. MacDonald, Mrs. T. Coll­ yer, Mrs. W. Fi MacDonald; In- stitiite directors, : Mrs., G. Wall, Mrs. J. Burt, Mirs. C. Irwin, Mrs. R. MacMillan; Blue Cross, Mrs. .» Geq. Lockhart. Final plans were made for the Calico Ball on April 17th. The roll call was the payment of fees. The A.C.W.W. badges were dis­ tributed. ' J Mrs. -Tecf Collyer moved a vote df thanks to the retiring officers and Mrs. Clarence Irwin gave the. closing remarks. After the Queen lunch was served and a social I hour enjoyed. . r. . __^he_ApriLmeeting will be held •. at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mac- ■ Intyre with Mrs. Thos. MacKen- zie, Mrs. P. Steer, Mrs. Gordon” Wall and Mrs. Frank MacKentfie J directors. . * , LADIES! A WABASSO WHITE SALE GOOD QUALITY SHEETS, 94x109, slightly imperfect, : - ONLY’ ............... $6.98 PL Percale Quality HEMSTITHED PILLOW CASES, slightly; ; imperfect, ONLY,.a...;............. >$1.49 Pr/ ^..Rei.'FAMILYFILLpW^CASES^Np^ Reg. SUNSHINE PILLOW CASES, NW Only .. . .. $1.20 I MEN! Make that lady- of your happy on . Easter Day with , of our ‘beautiful new ■ ' y L ICE BOX CORSAGES < j Tifdd^ateiy prk • I i life • one SEE THESE BARGAINS . And Make THAT DOLLAR Go A LONG WAY RAYON TABLE CLOTHSi eolof fast’.,98c Ea. GOOD TEA TOWELS ....... 25c Ea. or 5 for SL<"> LADIES’ COTTON BRIEFS, reg. 49c .............. Now 35c Pr.. Men’s CUSHIONED SOLED SOCKS, both smart and , ■ Comfortable ........ 98c Tr. '“-MERCERlZED''COTTON'LSOCKS'““75:7;^T=,*r'""“;“^S:'89c-Prr'’ BOYS’ LONG COTTON UNDERWEAR, clearing at 98c