HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-01, Page 4' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st, 1953 PAGE FOUR if I*. ’Phone 76 I * ■ Moderate Prices X a. Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew I INSURANCE c X Insure With The 1 of day Her X 4, Can be, cut to order any length for spring or summer delivery; also quantity of cedar. William Griffin, R. .3, Holyrood; phone Ripley;;27-r-24. “ > t I -WOOD-FOR SALE—choice body and limb wood, beech and maple. MEMBER OF ’ Ontario Insurance^*- Agents’ Association FILMS TO' SHOW NEW TYPE PLOW IN OPERATION FOR SALE — six-room cement house, small barn, couple of lots, hear new school, East Lucknow. Joe Wall. saws, . electric drills, sanders, planes, polishers, hand saws, tools. JACK BARR, R. R. 1, Holy rood, phone Ripley 18-29. ings. All bought •in. 195L Part crediUcan be arranged? Apptyuio. John or Joe ’ Falcdner, Box 86, Wingham,' phone 384-J, WltV LID users of 36 other jnilkers switch to Surge in this district last year? Serix} inquiries to Loyall McGuire# Wingham phone 593w. • ' ? ’ . FOR SALE—-20 ‘bus; yellow sweet clover see/ to K. L. J-ivujic phone Dungarinori 62-r-13. TRICYCLE} ASTRAY — anyone knowing of the. whereabouts of a/tficycle which disappeared from in .front of' the home of Russ Button, is asked to’’phone J52*w.: P. Stuart MacKenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW t Each Wednesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK f ; if- FARM FOR SALE—150 acres— ‘ 75 acres grassland and 75 acres I timber. Apply to ’Jo/ Weiler, R. 6, Lucknow. v ?ed, $7.00 . a bus. Apply i. ‘MacKenzie# > Lochalsh, GENERAL INSURANCE Established. Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 r . ' V « G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just Off the Main St. in WINGHAM .. Go-Operative-Life-Insurance— J- f'sk-Onai.i'af iim I a ! Telephone 175 ' GRASS FARM FOR RENT—Lot 23 and-24 on thd^ltfr^Con. of’ kinloss. Renter will be response ible for the fences. Apply to Hugh . MacKenzie, Box 163, Levack, Ont. with atta^hriw:ig courseSr^ — or — Day or Night, Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost -GAR . FOR SALE—1936 . Chev. ?n —gopd”condition^-ApplyrPlayhbuse_ * evenings or phone 160. ~ : L machine when you xiari. feuy. a brand new Singer Electric Port­ able fork only $95.50 complete; nts and free sew­ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO : X. J- •■■■■ GRASS FARM WANTED—Apply to Foran Bros., R. 2, Luckpbw, phone 56-r-l 1, Lucknow. ? \ OUTBOARD MOTOR FOR SALE ' —7.5 . H.P. Evinrude. New. last summer, in Al condition. Priced for quick sale. Apply Russ But­ ton, Lucknow. FOR R^NT — hq^se, corndr of Willoughby and HaVelpck Streets, ' available Feb. 1st., 6 rooms and bath, recently redecorated. Apply. R. J, Farrish, Gorrie. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of charge; For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect IngersolL ' 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. CUSJT.OM CHAIN^SAWINCJ— FOR SALE—10 to 15 tons baled hay @ $15 ton- D. F. Anderson, R. 3, Lucknow, phone Dungannon .: 68<r-13. ./''i-. ; FOR SALE—about 20 bus. Red Clover Seed, re-cleaned. Charlie - . McDonald, R.: 2, Lucknow# phone 210-r-12. BIG-4 CHICkS—for healthy\birds • and higher, production, buy Big-4 Chicks. Lucknow District Co-op, ? ‘ • phone 71..; \ ? ■ ■ /HOUSE FOR SALE—seven-room house in Ripley, insulated, 3-piece : bath. Apply to Jack Graham^Box . 141, or phone Ripley 51-24. BRAY STARTED PULLETS or day olds—-for prompt shipment. Get good, stock if or the good mar­ kets: Ask us for prices and par- ticulars, let’s have your order. AGENT-V- D. R; FINLAYSON, Lucknow. ELECTRIC MOTORS — general . repairs, re-winding, cleaning, .'brushes, bearings, etc. Electric appliance repairs. Efficient' ser­ vice, reasonable rates. HAROLD HALDENBY, Kinlough, phonte i / Ripley 18-20. NOTICE RE LUCKNOW CALF CLUB The. Agricultural Society is / again sponsoring! a calf club in connection with ithe Fall Fair. Good calves are available. Ent­ ries must- be made at an early date with, the Calf Club Leaders, Toih Toad and Fred McQuillin, or witbr A; T. .McNay, Sec; NOTICE TO CREDITORS . All persons Staying/ claims against the estate of John Mab- Lennan McIntosh; late of the Township of Huron in the County . Of. Bruce, Farmer, deceased, wljb died on or about the tenth day of February, A.D. 1953, are not- ~ ified to send to the undersigned oh or. before the fourth day of April, A*D. 1953, full particulars of their claims ih writing’. Im- mediately—after-^h^sald-~Fenrt-h day . of April, the assets of the said, testator wtH be distributed amohgst the .parties entitled • thereto, haying regard Only to claims of which the executor shall then have nbticpl \ DATED this- Twelfth drfy March, A*U. 1953. \ . CraAVfdrd & Hetherington, * Wingham#"Ontario,----- a, Solicitors for the Executor* 9 COTTAGE WANTED — modern cottage on Lake Huron for July, all conveniences. Write immed­ iately giving , full details'. W. G. Murdoch, 52 Edgempre Drive; Toronto’18. HOUSE FOR SALE—eight-room house, ^iew. roof, new Insul-bric Siding, newly decorated, hydro, 3-piece bath, garage, barn, 'hen­ house, good garden. R. B. Quance, LUCknpW. ■■■■' -Xr- ......----- 7---- bRI'WRrWANTED-^tractor-tFail-’ er truckjdriver for Hamilton and Toronto district deliveries of con­ crete blocks; Alvin B. Hamilton, R. R? 6, Lucknow, phone Ripley 11-r-7 .- ■ -a ■........... FURNITURE FOR SALE—Din­ ettesuit, natural finish, red trim, table, four chairs, , padded red leatherette seats," matching cup­ board 32”xl6”x56” high,, in new condition. Louis Hogan, R. R. 7, Lucknow, phone Dungannon 76- r-17-......, DECORATING & WALLPAPER Phone for an .appointment • for wallpapering and painting; also have a fine selection of, wall- papers which may be ordered. Carleton Stingel,. Phone Dun­ gannon 96. $18 AN EVENING For your spare time, Just 3 easy free trial sales amazing Pat- ented Automatic Refrigeratdr De­ frosters can^pay you that. Hun­ dreds of hot prospects. Commis-. sion. Rush name, address, for, guaranteed profit; offer, D-Frost- Q-Miatic. Co., Dept. 84, Newmar­ ket, Ont. : . FOR SALE^-attractive 13 Vfe-aere farm at Amberley, Good year- /round water, plus small „ bush. Good barn with two attached hen houses. Excellent 7-room ranch style brjek home, plus 3-rodm basement, 'built-in cupboards arid breakfast nook in kitchen. Quart­ er mile Off 21 Highway. Ideal for raising fowl, small , down pay;, meht. Immediate possession. .. Thomas W. Koviak*, Jr., R.R. 3, Goderich, .phone 110rr-2'7. Ripley. .. ' LADIES! 7 ing courseV — or — J Have your old machine repair-j ed by Singer, experts. All makes of machines repaired.'Write your Singer Sewing Centre, Hanover, Ontario, or phone 403 for a free demonstration or free estimate on your, repair. INMEMORIAM CAMPBELL—in loving memory of otir dear mother, Nancy Louise Campbell, who passed away April 5th# 1950. ’ . Not just todajr^but every In silence w/remember. .—Lovingly' remembered by daughter^, ........... Lorna.. ’Louie, Belle, 'COMING EVENTS J PLAY at blares “Top Ma'ny Relations”, a three- act comedy will be presented in Blake Hall under Ashfield Y,P.U. auspices on Wednesday, April 8th at 8,30 p^m. Admission 50c and ■ . .•■ .. DANCE AT KINGSBRIDGE The Catholic Women’s League of St. | Joseph’s Church, Kings- . ..bridge, ^siHioiding^A^ance^umL Efitster Monday, April 6th. Car- ruther’s orchestra; Admission 50?. Lunch counter. . - ’ . RUMMAGE SALE Luoknbw WQmejfe Institute will hold a rurifmage sale on Saturday', April - 4th in the Re- . .creational Centre. Donations of any item suitable for such a sale will be welcoirie, Leave with1 Mrs. W. J. Douglas. Plan to at­ tend this big event. Tea will be served'. CALICO BALL Girls! How are you coming along with . your pretty cotton dresses , for the Kairshea Insti- tute’s Annual Calico Ball, April 17th in the1' Town Hall, Lucknow, Wilbee’s orchestra. $3.00: prize for the prettiest cotton dress and also this year a $3J)0 prize for the prettiest ready-made ..cotton 'dress. "." PLAY AND DANCE , Belgrave talent will present a humorous one-act play “Scram­ bled Eggs”, and a clever musical review “Grandmother^ Reveries” -in-the-Towri-HalVLucknowv Mon-- day, April 6th at 8.00 p.m., under auspices of the Agricultural Soc­ iety. Admission 50c & 35c. Dance after 4o Wilbee’s Orchestra. Ad­ mission— 50c.---------------------------- WALKERTON SALES ”7” Zone 2 Yorkshire Sale, Thurs­ day, April 9, 1953—17 bred sowo, 6 open sows, 9 boars. ■ r- Bruce County^ Shdrthorn Sale, Friday, April 10, 1953—14 Bulls and 5 Heifers. ■ A film of particular interest to farmers will.be shown in the Par­ ish Hall, Dungannon,• on Thursday evening. This will show the new type Graham; Chisel Plough in operation, which is a revolution­ ary System Of working the soil, aimed at conservation, breaking up of hdrdpan?, storing moisture and preventing wash.^ ' District agerit is William A. -Culbert-ofHVfeple”EmblenrE-arrns7 Dungannon,, who is sponsoring the free show. He obtained the agency this winter. It is believed that the only plows of this type at present in the district are. on the? Culberfr farms at Dungannon and the, Joynt farms at St. Helens. i • .......... CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock and implements at Lot 8, Con. 6, Kinloss Township, on Tuesday, April /7 th at LOO p.m. See bills -for list and terms. Hugh Sutherland, Prop.; Emile Mac- Lenhan, Auc. . AUCTION SALE >^f 100-acfe fai;m', implements, etc. at t^e farm of the late .Wm. Mackenzie, Lot 20, Coil. 4, Kinloss Township, O-iday, April ,10th. See bills for -^y-f-a-imi-deser-iptriort-and—terms? (Donald- and William Mackenzie, Prop.; Wes Abel; Auc. • . .MEAT-FOR SALE pood beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed uncter license from the' department of, Health. Hind quarters 39c, front 30c lb., Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, ^ Phone 24^30 Ripley. ■ * 1 ■ ? * ; , J........ / MACHINERY FOR SALE (John Deere) — Tractor A Powr-Trol, rolo motion; 2'plows 57H, 3-fur- row, 12-inch bottom;. Vari Brunt 17 disc fertilizer and grass seed, ^hydraulic; 32-plate disc, 6 sec? tidns: harrows, rubber tired wagon complete with bracks on roller 'bearings, large 2^wheel. machinery ^trailer , on roller bear J ' incr« Ail. .IM 1QR1 . Daa* I ’ _ r„ „ROV CRAMM SON- - Pinkerton# Ontario f , PHone Cargill 68-w-3/ ) LUCKNOW 1 ’ ' . . ' ’ ’ . i Professional Eye Examination Optical0 Services ' , ? Ob ‘ • ,. Evenings; by. appointment. Phone:1' Office 770; Res. 5. JOHNSTONE FUNERAL HOME MacLENNAN and MacKEKZlE ""“FUNERA'ir^^^ Services conducted accord­ ing to- your wishes at your . Home, Your Church, pr at our Memorial Chapel, at no -additional-charge.---.------ — AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night. ' ; Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance ' Economical and Reliable. See . . ; T. & CAMERON • /.‘-y LUCKNOW Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon, I) l’l. ...................... ■■ • ' Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.O. ' :. ’ „ Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at.WrOna’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10 a.rh. to 9 p.m.,‘ VVEDNESI) A Y,APRIL15th- and every Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For. appointment ’phone' Roy MacKenzie, 96^-24 Ripley. SEED FOR SALST: Local grown No.-l Clovers and Tiniothy. Per bus., Alfalfa $23.50, Red Clover 16.00, timothy 8.00# Yellow Sweet 120, White-Sweet Dutch *70, Reed Canary .60# Or­ chard .30, Brome .26, .Meadow rescue .25. Complete stock Of ether grasses. Montcalm Barldy; cleaned’ and treated, $2 00 bus’ Beaver *and: Ajax oats, $1.50 bus.. We do custom grain,.cleaning and I'.......: ■ ’ '■ ■ ........ < DR. T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St.# south of . Superte$t Garage BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For The Smaill Merchant, Professional man . and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w F, T ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 Appointment or Information See Wm, A. Schmid,... ’Phone 167-w Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, ^AUTOMOBILE- - ; ANDLtFE To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow# Ont. ’Phone 61-5, .Dungannon r / R. W. ANDREW “ Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every" ■ Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Offibe in the Joynt Block Telephone: . > R. S. Hetherington, Q.C. Barrister, Etc. . Wingham and Lucknow. IN LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday Located on the ground1 floor in the front of John Kilpatrick's Building .. ’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 FIRE INSURANCE CO. for , Reasonable rates, sound prd: tection & prompt^ satisfactory, ; settleinent of 'claims.; PARISH MOFFAT ■. -r Yotir Local Agent . Tieswater. Phone Teeswater