HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-04-01, Page 3j
•NESDAY, APRIL 1st, 1953
pJtbyterian Young Peoples
The -regular Presbyterjap Young
peoples meeting was held *on
ivTnndav evening, March- 30th: The
meeting was opened with the call
tQ worship, Hymri' 136 was sung
■ followed , by the Lord’s prayer,
The scripture wasxread respons
ively. Miss Ddrbthy^)buglas gave
ithe topic. which was Christian
Friends in Formosa and also
showed some interesting slides.
Hymn 584 was sung atid thp busi
ness was discussed. The closing
hymn was, '374 and the mizpah
benediction was repeated/
There is a green hill far away,
Outside a city wall,
’ Where the dear Lord was cruei-
Who died to save, us all
We may not know, we cannot tell
What pains, he had to bear,
But we believe ij^was for us
He hung and suffered there.
7^-rHe- died" that- we might sbg~ for
given, • ..; . ' ■; ■
He died to make us good '
That we might, go at last to\
/ heaven, . ' .
Saved by his precious bloods
There Was no other good enough
- To pay the. price of sin,
He only could unlock the gate
Of heaven, arid let us in.
O dearly, dearly -has he loved,
And we must’love him too, ,
And..trust in his redeeming blood;
And try his works to do.
The strife is o’er, the battle done;
. Now is the Victor’s triumph won;
O let the song of praise be sung;
On the third morn he rose' again,
Glorious in majesty to reign;
0 let us swell the joyful strain.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Plan to attend d.he Community
Good Friday service at ^30 p.m.
' in the United Church. In His
temple: on Easter Day join with
other; Christians’ in prayer and
• victorious praise.
Church of the Air, CKNX
._____ i0.30 a m.
erton; April 2nd, Rev. H, L. Park-
. er, Wingham; April 6th, Rev. W
J. Rqgers, Hensall; April 7th* Rey.
> WT; B. Mitchell, Kincardine,; April
Sth, Rev,. S. Wittig, Hanover. Note
—Now five days a week under
the Wingham and District Coun
cil of Churches. •
1 / '• -' •' •...........•/ ■ ' i • • ■ > X ■. /
Local & General
Mr., and Mrs .Marshall Hall and
Mrs. Bert McCorvie of rToro'nto
and Mrs, Henry Willard of Sund,.
ridge spent, the week-end with,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burt-.‘ ’
Mr. and Mrs. Orm Moffat spent
the week-end
Rathwell who
pneumonia. He
city with theip,
Mr. and Mrs. Geotge Book left
for Loreburn,, Sask., on Monday
eral weeks with her parents, Mr.,
and Mrs. Janibs Beaton. They ar
rived home Thursday everting,
They were accompanied by Mrs.
Book’s sister, * Mrs. Florence
Campbell and young son Allah,
Who will visit in the West. <
Mr, and Mrs. Carman Beafon
of Detroit called in town on Tues
day* They had just returned
from a holiday in Florida, arid
had motored up to Goderich to
visit with his mother-, Mrs. Mal
colm Beaton, Wiho “Yias been a
patient in the hospital for four
years, since, suffering a stroke
which left-her paralyzed; •
: Messrs. . Dan T. and . John Mc
Kinnon returned: last week to
Kinloss after Spending the winr
ter at -Chatham . with 'their sister,
Mrs. W, J.. Allin/.Their nephew,.
Doug Allin, was in a motor ac-
«erden'tr7a- feW” months1; ago- Wheri
he suffered a fractured vertebrae
in his spine, arid wore a body
cast for 21 weeks, until’ a .few
days ago. .
With Mr. S, C.
had a touch. - of
returned to the
PAGE THREE ■ *. L...I.......■. - ------------r . .g,4,
The Red Cross campaign cur
rently being staged by the Luck
now and District . Branch, has
passed the $1200 mark. On Mon
day eventing it stood at $1213A5,
This is a creditable figure but
still considerably short of the
amount raised last year which
approached $1500. *
Returns n a v e tapered off,
which is to be expected, bpt
there are np doubt many yho
have neglected or forgotten to
make their donation. Rural resi
dents are not .. to be' canVasised
blit arp urged jto^ leave their do
nation at their neighborhood
rural store or at McKim’s Drug
Store or the Bank of Montreal.
Donations turned in during the
past two weeks have amounted
to about $300 and the donors
are as follows:
Lucknow Chapter Royal Arch
Masons $10*00; Orville Jones 5.0.0;
W. W. Hill 2.00; Miss Greta Hud.
son 2,00; Charles Webster 5;00;
Nelson Winterstein 5.00; A Friend
2.00; Lucknow W. I. 25,00; Wm.
Hunter 3.00; R. C. McKenzie 5.00;
Neil McLennan 5.00; Howard Ag
new 3.00; Gladys MacDonald 5.00;
Mrs. Maud Shterwood 2.00; Miss
Ddrothy Cook 2.00; George And
rew Vl'0.00; Gordon Montgomery
5.00; Miss Elizabeth Murdie 5.00;
W. S. McLeod 2.00; Les McKeith
7L00ij Don"Camerbh; 5.00F Douglas
Graham 5.00; Harry Anderson
2.00; Sam Gibson: 2.00; Wilfred
Drennan ,.i2.00; V. A. Mowbray
10.00; Mrs. Stanley Mallough 5.00;
Lewis Taylor 1.00; Mrs. S. Mor
rison L00; Mrs. Jack Hamilton
1.00; Miss K. MacGregor T0?00;
Mrs. M. Dudley 1700; Ewart~Tayr
lor 5.00;. Armstrong Wilson 2.00;
-Dorothy—Gammie—1.00fJoe Arm
strong 2*00; N. Bv^Taylor 2.00;
Mrs. John Jamiesbri" 4.00; J. W.
Joynt 20.0^; Anderson Flax Pro
ducts 10.00;- Kenneth Camerpn
2.00; Mrs. J, W. Colwell 5.00; Miss
M. A. Phillipson 2.00; Ernest
Blake 2.00; Mrs. Jean Gillies 2.00;
Mrs. Hollyman 2.00; Edward Mc^
Kenzie 5.00; Wm. Irvin 5,00; Phil
lip, Menary 5:00;. John Cameron
5.00; St. Helens W. I. 25.00; Colin
McDonald .2.00; Cliff Johnston
2.00; Charles Taylor 2.50; Holy,-
rood W.T. 10.00; Harry Lavis 1.50;
D. R McKenzie 5.00; Bert Ward
1.00; Brown Smyth 5,00; Elmer
( Alton 3.00; Fred Tiffin 5.00; Colin
McGregor 2.00; Wm. Andrew
On March-25th,» ten girls and
two leaders met at the. home of?
Misses Betty and6 Joan Hamilton
-third-meetirig. - —-:-
The meeting was opened by the
singing of the theme song and
the reading of -the- minutes , which
were seconded by Betty Hamil
ton. ' The business included the
discussion of the next meeting
with the theme being “Vegetables
in Evening Dress”. The home as
signment is/ prepare a vegetable
plate at home and record in re
cord book. The roll call was ans
wered by “a vegetable garnish
that is different”. The; next one
is “Two things to • strive for in
‘electing vegetables for the 'din
ner plate”. Minerals in meal plan
ning was..discussed. Marilyn Car-
1 uthers moved the vote of thanks
and a "salad lunch, was served by
the hostess.
The -Rapers met again on Tues
day evening, March ,31st at the
■ home of Mary MacIntyre.
SUNDAY, APRIL 5th, 1953 j
i ll a.m.: Sacrament of the j
j Lord’s Supper. f ;
I 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School.
- I
j Special Easter Music at both j
j services. A Primary Choir!
I xwili assist in the evening.!
Rev; G. A- Meiklejohn,
.. . B.A.,_ B.D.
■ ' < r7 p*m.: The Religious Play,!
“As Easter 0awns”. 1.■ .. I
Presbyterian Church
Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A.,
..,/’. Minister.
SUNDAY, APRIL 5th, 1953
11 a.m?. Morning Worship*.
12.15 p.m.: Sunda^School and
, Bible Class*
3 p.ih.:' Erskine* Dungannon.
fa Canada ?
i I
f *
Letters To The Editor
Dear Sir: '
Th^ Provincial Department of
Health lhas issued the following
information fe the Use of Thermal
Vapourizers for insect control.
Thermal Vapourizers release
insecticidal vapour, from-.lablets,
Crystals or other-^rnateriai which*
is heated by .electricity in a cup
or container/forming part of the
dispensing device.' This method of
insect control has met with suc
cess when properly used. Where
cafe is not taken the toxic effect
of the funies may injuriously af
fect persons exposed" for pro
longed periods. . .• / J ' '
; It should be pointed- out that
hrjuridus concentrations of lin"
danexvapour cannorbe^disregard’-
cd. The concentration .may vary
and will- be subject to such jin-
rent's, temperature and distance
from the vapourizef./ . :.7( t
The Use of lindane vapourizers.
may'be regarded as a hazaid .iri
food processing plants, including
dairies,..butcher shops, bake shops,
‘iruit 'Stores, hjtchens in eating
'establishments, /dwelling houses
Cd. The concentration, -may vary
fluences as ventilation,
. ^Without dctradting Irpiri the cf-
ficncy’ of any. insecticide Which
may be used, stress should be
given tp the obvious advantages
of cleaning and sound sanitary
practices such as .proper, .handling
ofi foods, utensils. and
prime requisites in the control of
insects and oilier pests:
• ModicalXWcT ol Health
». ft?:
7. 1 *
*# •’ *'
< Mrs. Clarence McClenaghan &
Eldon and Beatrice spent a few
days last week1 with friends at
The. churches are holding a
joint service .on Friday morning
at 11 a.m. in the United Church
with Rev. R, D. A. Currie as the
guest speaker.
. Mr. and Mrs. Va-rness and fam
ily from Wingham have rented
the house on the farm of Mr.
B. D. McClenaghan, formerly the
Orville Mitchell farm.
.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Newman i
of Hamilton spent the week-ehd
, at the home of his brother, Mr.
| and Mrs. Fred Newman?
I ; Mrs. J. J. Tiffin returned home
from the hospital last Tuesday.
Mrs. Tiffin is at /the home of
. her_sbn, Mr, apd Mrs. Geo, Tiffin,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Henderson
spent Sunday with Mrs. M. Ross -
and Mr. and Mrs.; G. H. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Small of
Toronto spent the week-end at
the home of her sister, Mrs. D.
MacGregor. ''■/';■ <•/
/. Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Small,
Mrs. D. MacGregor, Mr. and Mrs.
• Clark MacQregor and sori Bruce
Mrst Jos. Dosman of-Garlsrhue.
. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hayes &
son Dewayne of Detroit -spent
the week-epd with Mr. and Mrs.-
V. Emerson.
Mrs. E. Wei wood returned on
Sunday from London where she
was for the last week or more.
Mr. E. Wei wood is showing a
^slight improvement.
About 30 friends and neigh
bors gathered . at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCleriaghan
and presented Mr. and Mrs.. Or
ville Mitchell with an electric
clock. Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell and
family are leaving soon for then*
home in Toronto.. We, will miss
them in our community. .
A very pretty wedding was
solemnized in the Chalmers Pres-
church in WhitPcHvrcH
on Saturday, :March 28th at high
noon when Marilyn -Grace, dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred New
man arid Donald James, son of
iMr. arid Mrs. Jas. MacDonald of
Walton were married. <be *bride
was attended by Betty Newman,.
■ -*ih.
;Last week we gave oiir readers,
an insight into Cub procedure by
briefly explaining the Grand
Howl and its purpose. This week
we give you the Cub Law—-“The
Cub gives in to the Old Wolf;
the Cub does not give in to him
self”, and- The Cub Promise—“I
promise to do my jbest ito do my-
duty to, God,, and the Queen; to
keep the Law of the Wolf Ciib
Pack; arid to do a good turn to
somebody every day”. |
'.'A much looked for activity at.
each weekly meeting is-the• Inter
Six Floor ‘ Hockey.. .Last week’s
game erided Whites 3 Greys 0 arid
Tawnys 4 Reds *2. Because' of their
win'the Tawny Six climbed from
the cellar to second place, which’
should make for -Some .real ex
citement,in the remaining games.
With Spring just around '.the
^^n.e-^hGw,ever,. we.w.il'l. soon be
thinking of softball... and ■ open air
meetings when the evenings are
light enougm. •
.May wo suggest that you Sixers
get-youf Sixes .together during
'the week and give -instruction on
various tests,’ especially Sema
phore Signalling. Each Cub qan
his Cub Book often.
Wed., March 25 .....
Thurs., March 26 ,
Fri., March 27 ... ...
£>at., March 28 .....
Mon., March 30 .....
Tues., March 31 ...
<U .*
t i
J, .ft
i :*
Bingo under “O” by
Clarence Reid; Hensail,
March 25, 0-61
r Bingo under “G’^ Mar^ 30, G-4^«
Mrs. Lloyd Hinksten, Wingham
Mrs. John Riley, Bluevale
Miss Beatrice Potter, Gorrie
Mr. Wm. Austin, Seaforth
-A.s •i
her sister, as matron of honor in t
pink . nylon, Mrs. Robt. Kerr of
A^ngham'-as j3xi.de,smaid_in^lu<eL.
net: yand nylon and Betty Ann
Conn as flower girl in yellow .
nylon. The groom was attended
by his brother Kenneth. Rev. R.
D. A. Currie officiated; Douglas
Newman, brother of the bride and
Mr. Murray Heuther, iborther-ifx*
law: of the groom, were ushers.
Mrs. Johnson Conn was organist
and the soloist was Mrs. William
After the wedding they went to.
the Brunswick Hotel, Wingham,,
for a wedding dinner. The happy
couple will reside on a farm near
Miss Shirley Hamilton is hon^e
a(ter being a patient in Wing-
ham Hospiiai where she under- .
went an appendix operation.
Mrs’ Duncan MacKay is a pat
ient in Goderich Hospital where •
she underwent a serious opera
Mrs. Ray Dalton will be host
ess for the April meeting of the
Jtotail-/Women’s Institute.
? I • ’ ■ ■ ■ ’ ■ . ¥ • . .
Belgrave Talent will present a humorous one-act play
’. . ■ 1 •• ■ * ■ t . • . »’ • *• ’ ’ •
• . • and-a /
Musical ReView —t “Grandma’s Reverie^’
Commencing at 8.00 p.m. in the
A A'A 4,4 4 Ai 9k . -
t ft
Monday, April fctti I
j. ;
• *' M
\ . »
I *
7 •••<?.
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i< .•
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•Under auspices Lucknow Agricultural Society.
- You'll Enjoy It.,
Here’s. Somethiilg Different
ADULTS 50c ' ' — _ ' ' ~
■ County Health Unit.
i 7 lhnti Evening Worship*»
35c | ’
' I i
k >