HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-25, Page 9»■ WEDNESDAY, MARCH- 25, 1953 'RESENTATI Dhi TO IOLYROOD COUPLE A very pleasant, time was spent, i Holyrood Hall on Tuesday ev- ling of last week when friends, eighbors and relatives gathered > honor Mr.- and Mrs. Frank jhnston on the occasion pf their ith wedding anniversary. The /ening iwas spent in cards and incing;xA bountiful lunch Was •rved. ' The bride and groom of 35 jars ago was called to the plat- and presented With two vely upholstered chairsj ,a wool anket and a purse of money, tie following address Was read / Mrs. P. A. Murray: ’ ear Maude and Frank, - It is with a gifeat deal-of pleas- :e that we, y<W friends, neigh- this hall tonight in honor of >ur 35th Wedding anniversary. When you were married, thirty- ye, years would seem a very ng time away, but the years > pass quickly. Looking back* >u will recall many . joyful rents, and; no doubt, as with ; all, some not soy joyful. How- rer, life is not all smooth sail- g in this old World and these rents of Iboth /kinds help to rengthen the'bonds of love and iendship. Our community has •en fortunate in having you in ir. midst,- as.-you- have - proven- Hirseives good neighbors who e always willing to lend a help- g hand. Although your family cannot I be with you tonight, no doubt ey will be in thPUght. Their rvotion toward you is very re- arding. ; As a token of our good wishies r many more years of health, ipgjhess and prosperity we ask iu to accept these gifts which e hope will give you" many ►urs of comfort , and pleasure. Sighed on behalf of your lends , and neighbors, Marjory jbb, Geirtie Murray, Cora lompson and Anne McInnis. ;hfieldPresbyierian W.MLS. MrsvDan Wylds was hostess c a well attended meeting of I shfield Presbyterian Woman’s j issionary Society on March 1J9. rs. Russ Bisset, 2nd vice presi- nt, presided. Mrs. Colin Mac- ’egor led in prayer. Mrs. Dick est read the scripture. Mrs. Bis - tt gave the meditation on it, jessing faith. The roll call was swered by a sentence prayer, rs. Jack' MacKenzie sang .two casing solos. ’African religion, 1 and new, was studied. After a the LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO . ST. HELENS Mrs. E. W. Rice was hostess for the’March meetings of the, W.M.S. and the W.A. When 17 ladies were present. The presi-' dent, Whs. W. I. Miller, was in/ the cham Mrs. G., MacPherson • read the scripture lesson, It was1 decided to invite Miss L’ Collar, missionary from Africa to address the Easter thankofferirig. Mrs, MacPherson and Mrs, Curran were appointed to buy yarn for mitts and socks for a bale. The Chapter from the study book on “The Church of /Christ in Angola” Was taken by Mrs. Hayward. Mrs. Curran presided, for the meeting’ of the W.A. which opened with the theme song and prayer. The roll call was responded to by a verse of scripture. The theme of the service was (working^ with was read by Mrs. Frank McQuil- lin and the lesson thoughts by Miss W. D. Rutherford. Mrs. Gi MacPherson was added to the Manse committee. At the conclu­ sion lunch was served with-Mrs. W. I. Miller and Mrs. J. Cam­ eron as hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McTavish? and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunt i were visitors on Thursday With | Mrs? Jos. Gaunt in -London. They I were accompanied by Mrs. John j Cameron who spent the day with : Mr. and Mrs. George Nixon at Ilderton. Mr. George Stuart .was in Tor­ onto last Week for the annual meeting of the Mutual Fire Un­ derwriters Association. . Miss Margaret” MacPherson,- Reg. N. of the staff of St. JoS-’1 eph’s Hospital, London, was home for the week-end. |—Mrs—Alex—Murdiespentthe week-end at her home at Water- !1°°. . . ' ■. Mr. and Mrs, Lome Woods and Mr. W. A. Miller were in Clinton on Thursday attending the an­ nual meeting of the Huron Fruit Growers’ Association. The. pupils of S.S. No. 3, West Wawanosh? With. their teacher, | Mr. Don Cameron, held a success? | ful progressive euchre party -in I the school on Friday evening. First prize for high score went tp Miss Apnie Durnin and Mr. Ross MacPherson, second prize to Mrs. Harold Gaunt and Mr., John.' Finnigan. , Dancing followed to music by Bruce’s orchestra. Mr* Fraser MacDonald of Sask­ atchewan called on' old friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd and ,rs and relatives are gatheredi Ch®;withi Le k.11 Mnioht in hnnnr nf i Christians.-The scripture lesson I r i-PAGE NINE mF Clearance e 0 ve- ENTIRE STOCK OF O 1 • - „ • • II I SILVERWARE ■ s. • > 5 Come And See These Sensational Values ALL SALES CASH 1 NO LAY-AWAYS NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS f X i f I A •«r STERLING SILVER—-Prelude and Enchantress. 1847 ROGERS BROS.—Adoration, First Love, EtemallyYours, Remembrance COMMUNITY—Morning Star,Lady Hamilton. WM.ROGERSandSON—Gardenia,Exquisite. WM. ROGERS—Memory and Society. Henderson’ GODERICH, ONT. I /■ ft OBITUARY MRS. ROBERT BURT igihg-an-rEasteF-^ymn^and-pra-y-r -Atndrew——;of &QU*t*ha-mpten were . There passed away suddenly on by Mrs. West, Mrs. Wilson; ’ ‘ ta ? presidentj ocnducted the busi- [ Todd. ss part when plans twere made r the" Easter, meeting, the bale, e Synodipal, etc. The meeting >sed by all repeating, the Lord’s ayer. A vote of thanks was /en the hostess and the- coin- -ttee in charge for a well pee­ red meeting and a delicious ich. . , [ visitors on Saturday with Mrs. D. Magistrate: You are accused of ■aling a taxicab and driving it over town. What have you to / about yourself ? Accused:, That’s what the taxi ind ad said, your worship: “If live been drinking, take a cab”. bers of Kinlough Y.P.S. in the church On Friday evening. Char­ lie Tiffin preside^. Wm.. Young Tead_the~sciriptw^”an^'<foTlow^ with prayer. Rev. Baulcti showed colored films with hymns. Doug­ las Simpson gave the, topic. A prayer wqs given.by Russell Barr. The film “Be a Missionary” was shown. Contests were conducted and. a social time enjoyed. Mr. F. G. Moffat attended the Fire Underwriters convention in Toronto last week. Mr. Wm. Orr is not as well as his many, friends would like to see him. Miss' Dolena Orr of London spent the week-end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Evans and family of Hyde Park spent the week-end with relatives here. Friday, March 13, in St. Joseph’s Hospital,, Toronto; Viola Winni- fred (Winnie) Groves, beloved | wife of Robert H. Burt in her 130th yeaf; ' - Married in Huntsville, on Sep­ tember 2, 1950, she is survived by her sorrowing husband and infant son David Charles. She also leaves to mourn her loss her father, Frederick R. Groves, four sisters, Helen Brice, Alice Cuss, Dorothy Willadsen and Joan Best and one brother, Jack Groves. , Funeral, service was held On < Monday, March 16th at Yorke ___ _ r____ .... j Brothers Chapel, conducted by ment in the Community Hall on i the Bev. Stewart B. .East of Is- Friday evenirig under auspices of | the W. I. Belgrave, talent will present the.play ‘Scrambled Eggs’ arid a musical revue. Mr.. John McQuillin has return­ ed from .a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Irvine McQabe at Windsor. The.. April meeting of the Wo­ men’s Institute will be held ini the ibasemerit of the church on I Thursday, April 2nd at 2.30. Rdll callj paying of fees and what I am. -willing . to do towards the year’s program. The reports of the standing committees will be received, Topic, current events. Hostesses, Miss Annie Dutniri and Mrs. McNeil. *. Plan to attend the entertaip- I »N OF FORMER ASHFIELD H'PLE HEADS RIFLE TEAM . * ------— ! Led. by Cadet Lome West of Jtowel, the 8-man team of, yal Roajds Military College at ctoria" defeated the Kingston M*C. team in an inter-military lege marksmanship competi- n.. ■ : " all-time record was set by det West’s team when they ’red 494 points .out of .a'.posfc- e The previous record was poinfs. Cadet West had in- a 'possible 100. *' jorne is the sori of Mr* and s«. Jack West of .Listowel and merly of •4shfimd.,-His mother s Mary. Ross of Lochalsh. roud spectators- at the marks; Wp’contest at Kingston were West and-her. daughter : Jodh i Miss Betty Wray of Listowel. s. Hbyal Roads team flew from - for the event. • -i 4— ❖ JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED r phOne“ 150 - r Ontaricr^ rr . j■■ i I X-. V - A _-L_: < •. ■■ ■. 7 - • - >■ - :■ -L, .■ 2,: — ■ — —f-L .. j- X j i 1 i lington United Church with in­ terment in Park Lawn .Cemetery, Toronto. The pallbearers were six,bro- thers-in-laWj William Best, Geo. Cuss, Va,gn Willadsen, JTameSj Ed-- ward'and William Burt. - The many beautiful floral tri­ butes showed , the high esteem in Which Mrs? Burt was held. 1 v; ards’ with 14 ladies a hd 2 child-!. Mr and Mrs. Charles Burt and ren present. The meeting opened Allison Collins- of ■. Kincar- with the ode >and Mary Stewart; ^jnej Mr. and Mrs*JCecil Mac- Collect* The pins were, given out | Mt. Forestj Mr, and Mrs. , to-.members? aLsd penny hags tp; jafne^ ^rs. Edwafd help Provincial mental hospitals 3urf; arid Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burt C Teri dollars will be sent to the Red Cross. Mrs. Dexter.iga'ye* an Irish reading. Mrs. A.'- Iiyivin conducted an Irish contest. Piano, r selections Were, given By Mi% T, McDonald and .the McNay..twins. The girls of the sewing cUss mod­ elled their dresses which w^s very, interesting. ter which a dainty v lunch was served by the hostess, I -.. V PARAMOUNT VV. I; MAKES DONATION TQ RED CROSS The" Paramount W. I. held theThe" Paramount’W. -I. held the ’ March meeting at Mrs. O. -Rich- *r 7idual scores of 98 and" 99 out ‘ren « L-i ... . L_- otnanToss funeral. LANGSIDE . The Ladies Aid met in churchon Wednesday evening.. ------ ---- Mrs. Bill Scott presided. Mrs. Tiffin conducted, a.can. -j tiinrh was test. ■ ( | The' Y.P.S. entertained mem- the I ♦ ' 9 4.I54- THE BOWMAN Six* Rooms i i I