HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-25, Page 8•< •; ’ . A. PAGE EIGHT ■ . .. .. ’■ . ■ : •. ■ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1953 LUCKNOW MIDGETS WIN ONTARIO ‘D’ HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIP ''Lai This picture :of Lucknow Mid- the finals,Front row, rightto4eft, -CookeLBob. Mowbray, rjght; wing; McDonald, ?5~- —’ P’ gets, Ontario champions, was tak­ en in Wingham after the boys had tacked an 11-0 defeat on Hughie MacMillan, sub and alt.; Jack Qhin, centre; Char- THompspK/^who alonggoalie Kent Hedley, def. arid centre^ “Bud1 Kenneth McNay, def.; George with Jack Cooke, had change of def.; Ernie Gilbsori,- def.; Allan ship.: • , lie Chin, left wing; Roy -Stanley; Richards, goal; Ross McDonagh, the iboys under Legion sponsor- Nqbleton in the first game of right wing^ , Back - - ’ -row; Jack DUNGANNON Mr. Cecil Colbert who"under- ^instrument also. We join in wish- | likely as not his daughter too, as she is quite. proficient with the ing Mr. and Mrs. Robb continued years and anniversaries, good healthahd~“happiness. ^—— Agricultural Society Flans Track Improvement . The Dungannon Agricultural Society held their annual—meet­ ing in the hall on Wednesday; March 1 fifth. Omar Brooks was chairman for the' meeting, T. M. Dumin was secretary. Officers for 1953 are: president, Howard Sproul; 1st vice, Omar Brooks; 2nd vice,, Alvin Sherwood; sec.- treas., T.' M. Durnin; directors, ; Harvey Alion, Reg McGee, Alvin I Kerr, John Bennett, Eldon Cul- went ari appendectomy was able tocomehome Saturday from the Goderich hospital. Mr. and 'Mrs. Sam Swan of Belmore visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mole on Sunday. Forty Years Married Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Robb, 6th of West Wawanosh, were 40 years married last Thursday and were pleasantly surprised by cards, gifts and'phone messages of con­ gratulations. Celebrations were not so extensive as planned due to them lately undergoing a seige of ’flu. But as it was they were j not too bad and were glad to see! . n , all who called. For evening din- der they had their daughter Mrs. Mel Dickson, Nelson Culbert,Al- Leslie (Dorothy) Wardell and her; ^an\ . associate, directors, husband and family, Judy, Mild-(Chester Finnigan, Arnold Alton, red, Lois and Glen; Adorning the! Harvey Culbert, Hugh_Bennett, table was a lovely anniversary j 3^?®’ Crawford,; cake with1 pink and silver trim- Hobft. Bere, Harold Culbert, Ceo.- mirig and tea was poured from Ernngton, Elmer Graham, Neil ^■-lnvF4y-4papot~of the lHte Mr. and-^>ac^^rnj, Caldwell, _ Mrs.' Wm. Bray, parent's of Mrs. itors; W. A. Stewart and K. K. Robb, which had; been used for.• Dawson. ■ their golden wedding. Lovely pot-1 A committee was appointed to ted plants' and spring flowers look after the race track improve- rwere in evidence of remembrance ment comprised of Omar Brooks, by frtends arid neighbors. Mr chairman, Mel Dickson, Howard Robb .) livened^--^tte^xatmosphelrq Sproul, A; J. Sherwood. Another with tunes on the Violin and committee to attend to erection Boosted For Commissioner ' “Tory” Gregg, business mana­ ger of the Western^ Ontario Ath­ letic Association, is being (boosted for the post of Ontario Athletic Commissioner, a job-that-WiiF have a salary of some $5000.00. A petition signed by many West­ ern Ontario. legislators was pre­ sented—to- thePremierby John; W. Hanna, ■_ M.P.P., supporting Gregg for commissioner. The ap­ pointment will not be made un­ til the legislature prorogues. Un- til “Tory” came into the lime­ light, Howie Meeker was Consid­ ered as the guy likely to get the nod, ' •. ’ ment comprised .of Omar Brooks, •: . ■ . • a — . . •. Take To The Highway Thia Spring . In Any One Of These 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN, fully equipped. 1952 PONTIAC COACH z ? 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 1952CHEV.DELUXECOACH,funyequipped. 1951 1951 1951 1951 1949 ' 1948 ; 1948 > 1941 ;■ 1941 CHEVi SEDAN, completely reconditioned / 1938 CHEV. SEDAN CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. CHEV. STYLELINfe SEPANe PONTIAC STYLELINE COACIL CHEV. STYL^LINE COACH. CHEV. FLEETLINE COACH. : CHEV. SEDAN. CHEV. COACH. J I / . ■ TRUCKS K 1953 DODGE Va-tON PICK-UP, selling at b^low list | 1948 MERCURY HALFxTON PICK-UP * f ’ •• • ■ '' § Brussels Motors 1 Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers 8 .Cash, Trade, Terms Open Evenings Until 10 § Cities Service Dealer . ' Phone 73*; Brussels A • i of outbuildings, chairman, A. J- Sherwood, Howard Sproul and Mel Dickson. A new kitchen had ’been erected at an expense oj $700 plus material that was on jhand. This has added , much to the ^convenience of the hall. The prize mbhey was paid 100 percent. Dis­ cussions were held as to putting up bleachers, fixjng~the~~barn7 building a/ judges stand arid beautifying the grounds. The Erskine WM.S. met Thurs­ day afternoon at the church with 9 members present. Mrs. Herb Stoitihers conducted the meeting. Mrs. John Bennett led in prayer and gave the scripture reading. After a hymn Mrs. Stothers gave th4 Glad Tidings prayer. There was a collection taken for the. •bale and $3 sent to the Synodical for ittie, complimentary supper. Delegates were appointed to at-, tend/A di^ussion took place on the Easter Thankoffering .in .the church April/9th, “Africa” was. taken up for study and readings Were given by members. Mrs. Bennett gave a reading. Lurich; ;WasJsewed.‘ ~ -j- The United Church ‘ W.A. met, Triday"night“atrthe“home“of“Mrs” ^Durnin Dhillips with Mrs. Ever? ett Errington presiding. Mrs. H. Finnigan read the scripture les­ son. Mrs. Robt., Irvin read the lesson thought. The roll call was answered by 24 members. Mrs.. Q.’ Hodges repotted for the par­ sonage committee. It was decid­ ed to hold a coronation tea and bazaar on June. 1.2th and com­ mittees were arranged. Mrs. Popp gave" a humorous reading, Mrs. Wag > and. Mrs, Brooks showed sliues. Mrs/ Wilbur Brown gave .a St. Patrick’s readihg. The hos­ tesses were Mrs, Wilbur Brown, Ntrs, Robt. IrVhij 'Mrs, H, Horton Ahnd Mrs. J, J. Ryan, It was re­ ported $50 was cleared from the* •supper and pictures. GEORGE CHIN TOP TOURNAMENT SCORER The Ann, Arbor, Mich., College hockey team has . won the Nat- ional-Go,Uege^itleLJojL_the^hird year in; a rdw. Top scorer in the finals tournament was George Chin of the Ann Arbor team who scored two goals and four assists to tie a former record;, "George; was also top scorer in last year’s finals, A switch made a month ago that put George Chin, Pat Coon­ ey and Doug Mullen on Ann Arbor’s first line gave them the scoring punch thqt sparked a slumping team into the playoffs and from there to the National title. A commentary; on the series from a Michigan paper had this- ■to say:" 0 “Chin especially deserves praise. Thg chubby right winger from Lucknow, Ontario, scored four goals against Michigan State. He tied a tournament record with two goals and four assists for the most points in a tourney contest against Boston University. “Just the week before the playoffs the affable lad, who has ten brothers and three sisters, had-been knocked colder than a monkey ,in an ice house by an illegal Check from a Michigan Tech player. When he left for Colorado Springs, Chin» could hardly see. from one eye. That didn’t stop him from being J the tournament’s leading scorer for the second straight year”. Sparrow Applies For Port Job Guy Sparrow,, fastball hurler for Wingham Mercurys for the past two seasons, has applied for a.. position as‘ lifeguard... at. Port Eljgin Beach during July arid August at a salary .of $135.00' a •month. Daye Jeffrey, head^df'the Port Elgin team, has asked the Town* Council to give his appli­ cation every consideration/ Incidentally, Jeffrey and Alex McNeil h^ve become basketball “fans”; They made a trip to Lon­ don recently to “see?’ Sparrow perform with „the; University of Detroit basketball team against Western University. • . ' . ................... S. • .' ’ ' _..- j ■■ ■ ■ , — y,you donrt .think that women arJ dynamite, just drop one. I1IKEINGODERICHDISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL TAX RATC Higher estimates by the God* erich District High .School Board have uppM the rate by 2.9 mills to 6.9 mills on the basis of God­ erich’s- share, of $82,692.31 on the last equalized assessment.. . .The estimated levy on Ashfield [ .Township U $8,359.18 and oh W. Wawanosh $6,578.63. • . ’ ■ / . . MIDGETS COP ONTARIO TITLE Lucknow Midgets are Ontario “P’? hockey champions and worthy .of it. They coasted thru to the W^0,A.A. championship scoring 156 . goals in 8. playoff games, with but17 scored against them, and then stepped into ■ the O.M.H.A. semirfinalS to wiri three of four games with an imposing goal scoring performance of 45 to io, . They ,• took St, George" 15 to .1 1 here arid 'then dropped a 7-6 ver­ dict in Paris, .Against Nobleton they swamped 'them‘11-0 in the ’ opener and edged them 3-2 on their home fee on Saturday; And it was just that close. The Lucknow kids staved Off a desperate final drive by the Nobleton boys, and the final sec­ ond ticked off with -most every man on the ice piled up at the Lucknow net ^nd. the Nobleton players claiming the puck was in. . On Saturday night the Noble­ ton boys played the kind of hoc­ key it "was apparent they could •play, but didn’t in Wingham — dean and fast. , _ , The Lucknow squad Weren’t as ! sharp as in the first game, but had the edge during the first two periods and more scoring chances - but a stout Nobleton defence kept • the attackers from getting close; in on most of their- thrusts™- The first period Was scoreless with Jack Chin, Emmeptori ’and Charlie Chin drawing penalties. Charlie’s came with ten seconds left in the period. It was 7.05 in the 2nd frame When Kent Hedley’ batted in Bob Mowbray’s rebound for the first < goal. Spurred by this goose-egg buster, Lucknow added another in less than a minute and a half, when Jack Chin broke away^ (but Wa$ blocked at the net by the Nobleton goalie. Brothjer Charlie “swooped in to pot the loose puck;— - Emmerton, the “ibad man” in / Wingham, drew his second pen­ alty at 10.11 /■ but Lucknow couldn’t make anything of the ad­ vantage, nor could Nobleton when Mowbray was <penalized at <4.31 in the third frame.. With the minutes ticking off that two-goal edge was looming larger until 10.18 when Howman, who had ibeen dangerous all night slapped home Nobleton’s goal. That fired them to life but the Lucknow lads equally determined and at got the clincher. Charlie carried into the comer, slipped the disc back to Jack who slid off the comer of the net and who made no mistake. . That, looked like it? but the / strong - skating •/ Nobleton boys weren’t licked yet. They poured into the Lucknow end and gave Richards a busy time^locking rubber. With about tWo minutes to go Hill succeeded in punching one; past him, land the next two minutes wete hair-raising. Luck< now was rapidly tiring and lack­ ed the oomph to grit it out over /the blue line,.but hung on des- parately, checking frantically for the last two minutes, until that spine-tingling, last second riile-up, A team that has been rioted for their offensive attack arid power plays, they also proved they had ,, Jt. when backed into their own zone—ari. unusual experience, but which further proved they were a great little team and an honot to the. Sepoy town. .The teams lined up on the ice for the presentation of the A., Pi . McAvoy, trdphy, which was re­ ceived by Caipt. 'Charlie Chin, The trophy was held for the past two years by Pickering and. prior to-/— that by Tottenham, and Hastings, Several donations have been forthcoming for jackets for the Champs and anyone wishing to -add~to—the—fund-^ay^o_sojat__ Mason’s Garage. first new wefre 15.53 Chin ** >■ Husbands! Wives! Want new Pep and Vim? Thousands of couples arc weak, wom-dut, haunted solely because body lacks iron or nc - vim, vitality, try Ostrcx Tonic Tablets, Stipjww, iron you, too, may need, for pep: ....... tary doses Vitamin B.v Introductory ni , acquainted” size bnly 60^. At .all' dru.TXi' i •I 4