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•• . 7-
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club leaders are Chester Finn!-
7 ,
, cultural representative* for Huron
March 31st*
T»AGE SDC . /■’ '7
The monthly meeting of the
Colwanash Junior . Farmers was
held on Tuesday, March 17th in
Ithe. Parish Hall, Dungannon with yui, kjtcuuvs. wvic azpu
a good attendance, George Tur- lynch served* A vote of thanks
ton was present at the meeting
for the first time since last June
When he had, the misfortune to
fall off his house roof and break
.his back.; He is still unable, tp
Walk but gets arourid very well
in a wheel chair.. He spoke a few*
Words of appreciation and thanks
to the club stating how glad he
Was,to be among’them again.
The County president, Bob Al-
lin of Brucefield was present. He
touched on County work and had;
praise for, the Colwanash Club;
He extended a hearty welcome
to everyone to attend the: annual
- At Home formal dance to ibe held
in Seaforth Collegiate, Friday,
April 17th.
Mr. John Butler, Qssistarit Ag.
a Rep./ of Clinton, outlined the
swine feeding project, to the club.
The night before (the Calf .Club
was organized in Dungannon
’ Hall / - .
,-The “ DunganriOri Agricultural
Society held their annual meet-
/ ing bn Wednesday and Arnold
' Alton and Chester Finnigan were
chosen .to attend this meeting and
represent the Junior Farmers.
John Clark and Chester Hackett
* were chosen to attend the Junior
Farmers conference in Guelph on
April 26th, 27, 28th.
./The guest speaker, Mr, Hart-
' well. Strong, a farmer from the
Corrie district, was then intro-
*- duced by D. A, Hackett. His sub
ject was conservation and was
a very interesting talk. Chester
r Bethany Forum metU<1 Monday
night at the home of "Mr, and
Mrs. Ernie Hanna. As this .was
the last scheduled meeting of the
season the questiorinaire wakTillr
ed out, Games, were playbd: and
‘ ‘ Finnigan thanked the speaker.
The girls met in the Parish hall
with Miss Isobel Spiers, the pres
ident of the County Institute and
Miss Jean Stekley, hon\e econom-
ist, in attendance. A joint meet-
" ing was held when committees
were picked out to look after the.
, ’ dance held! Friday riighjk This
dance,. with music supplied by
Norm Carnegie, drew a very
large crowd and everyone enjoy
ed ,a good time; Another one is
arranged for April 10th. A short recreation period followed ! and
lunch closed the meeting.
I ■. '. • . ...
Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Huston
visited on Sunday at the home
- of Mr. Donald Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs: Andrew Patterson
and Gordon Visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Burton ; Collins
——on-Sundayr"———----- ----------
Mr. and Mis. Donald "McCosh,
Mary and Dickie visited at. the
> home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Ged
des of Kinloss on Sunday.
Master John D. McArthur of
Ripley spent the ./week-end with
Jimmie Emerson.
Miss’Margaret Robertson spent
a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Robertson of
Zion.. v
Mps. Donald McCosh attended
the County Rally at Paisley last
; Thursday night
On Thursday evening o,f last
xyeekasocial evening was held
in Purple Grove school Films
were shown, by the teacher, Mrs.
Victoria Smith. Community sing
ing was led by-Mrs.. Jack Em-
.. erson Who prie^ri^-atthepiano.
Euchre was then played, the high
spore prize going to Mrs. Russell
Collins /and Donald Robertson,
. .after which - lunch Was served* . '
, The Purple Grove Farm Forum
iriet at the home- of Mr. and Mrs.'
* Burton Collins .last, Monday night
with ci good attendance*-/
Organize Dungannon Club
John D. Butler, assistant agri-
County along with 4-H club lead-
■ ers are busy, organizing the van-
,. County. • . * ' ', .’ I
At ■ the, Dungannon, Parish hall, ?
z' Monday’ night, a 4-H Baby Beef
was tendered Mr. and Mrs, Hanna
for the use of their hoirie. - \
: Mr. and Mrs, Ernie „ Thacker,
4th Con!, visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wall and
family, ’ . > /
Mr. Jim Hodgins left last week
for Goderich.; Jun -is going sail-:
ing and, is helping to get tl^ boat
ready,. •’
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hanna and
Miss Edna Ross attended the fun
eral of the ldte Mrs. Ruby Har-.
•per at Gorrie on Tuesday.
Miss Helen Schumacher spent
the week-end with Miss Lois. Hal/
Mrs. Win. Wall of, Kinlough
spent a couple Of days with Mr.
arid Mrs. Jack Schumacher and
Miss Helen Haldenby and Don
Cameron of. Wingharri-spent Sun
day with Howard Haldenby and
familye «
The/first sheeting of the course
■‘Dressing Up Home Grown Veg
etables” ,was held at the home
of -Mrs. Raynard Ackert. There
were eight girls present, ’Assists
ant leader, Mrs. Jas. Smith; pres.,
Edna Ross; vice pres., Irlma
Percy ;J sec./ Mrs. Dan McIhheS;
press reporter, Helen Schumach
er. A dainty lunch was served,
The second irieetirig was held at
the.home of Mrs. J. Smith with;
711 girls- present. There are 13
girls taking the course.
■ The third rrieeting was held at
the home of Miss Helen Schu
macher rin Thursday evening
with ll girls -present. -The girls
chose the nairie “Vita-Gals” for
their club. The different ways of
Cookjng potatoes was demonstra-
fedk < <•’ .■ ■■ -■ \ " ./•/■■ 7 ■
The W.A. meeting was held on
Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Dune. Thompson. There
were 12 ladies present. The afr
ternoon was spent in quilting a*
Mrs. Jack Schumacher held a
plaster of paris demonstration at
her» home on Wednesday evening,
several of the ladies attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins
spent Thursday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins.
Miss Jovce Little of the L D.
H. S. spent Wednesday night with
Miss Helen Schumacher.
Mr. Fred Guest of Kinlough
spent Thursday evening with Reg
Brown. ;
Walkerton visited Saturday after
noon with Mr* and Mrs. Jack
Schumacher and Helen. ”
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hackett of
Paramount'- visited Friday after
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Midford
Wall «and Donnie* *
Miss Gertie Wraith of Wing
ham spent Wednesday afternoon
at , her home here.
MF^and Mrs. Frank. Brown arid
Reg .spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. jHugh Nicholson
family, Bervie/ . . .
• This is the most important job .in Canada, today.
The men and women who serve in .Canada s, Defence
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For full information apply fight away to
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Army Recruiting Centro, 230 Main St. W„ North.Bay, Ont
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Specialized training, travel, excellent pay and pension
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.annual leave with pay these are yours, in the Canadian
Army Active Force. But more important, there are out-
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Canadian Infantry are recognized and lwrioured as the
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infantry Regiments. But you have to be good to make
ibf grade,
You are eligible if jou ^re 17 to 40 years of age,
physically it and able to meet Army test requirements.
Mrs. George Morris of near
Toronto was a recent visitor with
Mr. and Mrs’ Wesley Guest. ,,
;r-"Mrs. - Wm. - Wall visited during,
the week with . her/daughter, Mrs,
Mr. antj Mrs. Clark Needham,
Nancy and Helen were.'guests at
the Siberius-Pollock wedding at,
Clark’s Church on Saturday last.
Mrs. Wesley Thompson, a for
mer resident here, underwent a;
tonsil operation last ’week and is
making a favorable recovery.
Friends from here attended the!
35th wedding anniversary ’party
at the Township Hall oh Tuesday
evening for Mr. arid Mrs; Frank
time was spent, ; ' . ’ ;
Mhs. Jack Hewntt Will enter
tain the Evening Guild at herCalf Club was- organized, and home on Tuesday evening next,
Club , leaders are Chester . Finni-^ March 31st ■;
gan, R. 1. Dungannon and John" Mrs. George Halderiby return-
CIMt, R. 5, Goderich; .?■
■ Advertising ■'■dbesnV’dost
• pay§!
bd home from Walkerton
Jsh'ri 'Spent the past 'three1
• her daughter,' ..Mrs*.
Mrs. J. W. Colwell visited on
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm,
Busheli, Lucknow.
Mr. arid Mrs* Re.x Stewart ^,of
Miliarton visited Sunday even-.
irig with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nich-
clsori and family. .
. The H.W.I. will meet on Thurs
day,4 April 2nd at the home of
Mrs. Frank Mauldem, Roll rail;
^payment tof fees; How I can im-
provethe. Institute .and help- the
president conduct the meetings^
Conveners, Mrs. P. A. Murray and
Mrs. Don McEwan.: Topic, The
story of Nylon; Motto, The en
vironment of the ,child under 5
.is merely .another term for par-
O. Elliott (sandwiches, Mrs. A.
Percy and Mrs. E.Ackert (cake)*
•Mr. and’ Mrs. .Clark Needham
and Helen visited on Sunday
With Mr. arid MrS* MetfVyn Arid-
erson and family at Millerton.
Miss Nancy Needham ,was maid
Of honor at the wedding of her
cousin, Miss Iris Pollock bn. Sat
urday .last. " .r:‘~
, Friends and relatives here
*were sorry to. learn of the- ill
ness of 'Mr, Budy Sieloff , of. De
troit who. isa... hospital patient
there at present.' A speedy re
covery 'is hoped .'for. ■ .. ■» ■
the menace of strong drink. May
be the. friends of the Liquor- Con
trol Act, with its many outlets,
better set their own house in
order. If the people of Huron are .
wise they will hold on to the,
CanadaTempe rance. Act which
does not riiake strong drink •'so
easily, available for either old or ,
! young.-—Advt. '■
A ■ ■ few. Weqks ago., a . series ’ of
articles in a TorphtO daily under
took to lecture-. Huron County
about the :liquor’ situation alleged
^Sere. Stories, about
drinking by minors Wer'e. offered
as evidence,of the failure ofAhe
Canada Temperance Act;. Now
comes word that Mr. W. J. Cum-
■nrn.ns..... of^the__JVjctoria—^Countv-
ChildrCn’s.Afd Society, in a'state-
ment to; .the l£iwanis Club, re-
ported ..that ‘‘four -br five of eveiy
ten-girls in Lindsay-of 14 or 15
have been drunk &• have ■ been’
^rinkirir* Theixiint h that Lind
say, and Victoria, County are un-
dvr Control‘Act This
'shocking' report' is just fufthbf
Control; uuiy.Act,js no. protecting miners from | Hospital, London.
Mrs, ‘Frank Hamilton, is home
after visiting with her daughters
i, in London. She spent part Qf the
1 time in St. Joseph’s Hospital tak-
| ing, medical’ treatment for prie of
i her eyes, ■ > . '
I Mrs. Gordon MacGregor; and '-,
/family have teturried to our coni*
riiunity after ah extended’ visit ,
with relatives in Scotland.
The Presbyterian. S u n d a y -
School opens this"jrear on the
first Sunday Tri April. .
I Miss Sadie , Johriston, R.N., is
g’MitflL.Ji;.. ...........