HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-25, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1953 FQR RENT—150-acre farm, good water, good fences. Apply io John MacRae, Luckndw, pnone FOR SALE—Men’s CCM bicycle 7777 in good cohditipn; Ashfield Par­ sonage,Lucknow. , ■’ . . . FOR SALE—Duo Therm oil^burn- ’: * er, bedropm. suite, bed mattress r and springs, toilet set. Mrs.- Ir­ vine Henry, R. 2, Lucknow. FQR SALE six-room cement house, small barn, couple of lots, , -near new school. East Lucknow. Joe Wall. ' MAN WANTED- for • Rawleigh business, Sell to 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write today. Rawleigh’s Dept*. C-271-S, Montreal, ; . FARM FOR SALE—50-acre farm with good buildings* Con. 10, Ashfield; 15 acres newly seeded, rept ready for *cropl Les Ritchie, R.^7, Lucknow, phone 67-16 Dun­ gannon. : r . EIG-4 CHICKS—for healthy birds . and higher production, buy Big-4 Chicks. Lucknow District Co-op, •/phone 71. . WOOD FOR SALE—■choice body and limb'wood, beech and maple. Can” be cut to order ’any length for spring or summer .delivery; also quantity of cedar. William Griffin, R. 3, Holyrood, phone Ripley 27-r-24. HOUSE FOR SALE—seven-room ! house in Ripley, insulated, 3-piece bath* Apply to Jack Graham, Box 141, or phone Ripley 51-24. ; FOR SALE—Beaver and Roxton bats, suitable for seed; also a few •tons, of corn. Apply to E. G. Zinn & Sons, «phone 14-T-15 Dungan- XllOn->:-------■■■ \---■■■ OUTBOARD MOTOR FOR SALE —7~5 H.P. Evinrude. New last summer, in Al condition. Priced . for quick sale. Apply Russ But­ ton, Liicknow. t 7.7 ' . P;”' FURNITURE FOR SALE—Din­ ette suit, natural finish, red trim, table, four chairs, padded red, leatherette seats, matching cup­ board 32”x,16’’x56” high, in new condition. Louis Hogan, R. R.-.7, Lucknow, phone Dungannon 76- r-17. ■ FOR SALE—real estate property of the late Mrs. R. J. Cameron, on Main Street, Apply to Ken- —neth CameronMrs— Xz-BushbU.’ ■ * KINLOUGH SEED CLEANING PT.ANT is now in operation and 7 - -jv^~run Phone Ripley 18-16 for appoint­ ment GEO. HALDENBY," -./v. < YOUR' EGG supplies for rising markets depend on fresh young istcick-^-Bray- has day old chicks iri a variety breeds and crosses, for. prompt shipment. Limited quanta' ity started. Look forward and see you’ve enough. Prices, etc., agent-. D. R' FINLAYSON, Liicknow. DECORATING & WALLPAPER < Phone for an appointment for wallpapering arid . painting; also -haveJ-a—fine—selectionof—wall­ papers which may be ordered. Carleton St ingel, Phorie Dun­ gannon 96. ■ 6 FOR SALE OR RENT—100-acre farm, 70J acres for ^spring crop, . balance hay. Thomas Welsh, Con. 4, Huron Twp., phpne 14-17 Rip- ley.- FOR RENT — house, corner of Willoughby and Havelock Streets, available Feb. 1st, 6 rooms and bath, recently redecorated. Apply : E. j. FarriSh, Gorrie. - “ vMEAT-FOR SALE — 7— Good beef for sale by the q^Or ter. Beef killed under license from the Department of Health.. Hind quarters 39c, front 30c lb. <'■ Raynard Ackert, Holyrood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for S.S. No; 13, Huron, duties to commence September 1953. Apply stating salary expected and experience to John W. Scott R. 1, Ripley, Ont, telephone Ripley 14 ring 24. jCOMING EVENTS j “CONFIDENTIALLY” A ’ humorous one-act, play in the United Church, Tuesday,. Mar, 31st at 8.00 p.m., under auspices of Group 1. of the Women’s As­ sociation. Variety program, lunch served. Admission 40c, Everyone’ welcome. > t PLAY AT DUNGANNON The play “.Abigail . Goes Hay­ wire” will be presented by Win­ throp Y.P.U. in the Parish Hall; Dungannon, Wednesday, April 1st at 8.30; under auspices Dungan- ribn Presbyterian Youpg People’s Society; Admission 50c and 25c. . RUMMAGE SALE L q c k n o w Women’s Institute: will' hold a Rummage; Sale on Saturday, April 4th. Donations of . any item, suitable t.for such a sale will be welcome. Leave with I Mrs. W. J. Douglas. Keep it in mind and plan to attend this an­ nual big event. CALICO BALL Girls! How are you coming along with your pretty cotton, dresses for the. Kairshea Insti­ tute’s Annual Calico Ball, April 17th in the; Town Hall, Lucknow, Wilbee’s orchestra. $3.00 prize for the prettiest cotton dress and also this year a $3.00 prize for the prettiest ready-made cotton dress. SPECIAL SHOW UNDER - , LUC-TEE-WIN AUSPICES The Luc-Tee-Win Club will present a special feature “New­ foundland” at The Playhouse Theatre On Thursday night of this\ week, along . with the regular double bill. One show only at 8.00 o>’clock. “Newfoundland” in color portrays a sportsman’s par" a disein-ounnewiproA'ince.__ CONCERT AND DANCE A concert consisting of. a one- act-comedy in three scenes, -‘Scrambled- Eggs”; - -a --musical, revue, “Grandmothers Reveries”, and other numbers by Belgrave talent will ibe presented in St. Helens‘Community Hall on Fri­ day, March 27th. Dance after. Ladies please bring sandwiches. Admission 50c, children under 12 years, 25c. . ! I FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on late model car—-1951 l|2-foot John Deere combine; 1952 (John Deere A.R. tractor and 3-furrow plow, neW; 1951 Fbrd pick"up truck. Thomas Welsh* Con. 4, Huron Twp.; phone 14-17 Ripley. c. U S T O M CHAIN SAWING— Agent for all types of Mall chain saws, electric drills, sanders, planes, polishers, hand saws, tools. JACK BARR, R. R. 1, Holyrood, piione Ripley 18-29. FOR . SALE—attractive 13 V2-acre farm at Amberley. Good year- round ; Water, plus small- bush. Good barn with, two attached, hen -houses^—^Excellent—7-room-... ranch­ style brick1 home, plus. 3-room basement, built-in cupboards and breakfast nook an kitchen. Quart­ er mile off 21 Highway. Ideal for raising fowl, small down pay­ ment. Immediate possession. Thomas W. Koviak, Jr., R.R. 3* Goderich, phone 110-r-27 Ripley. : .-----------L-..X ;----- CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock and implements at Lot 8, Con. 6, Kinloss Tovmship, on Tuesday, April 7th at 1.00 p.m. See bills for list and terms. Hugh Sutherland, Prop.; Emile Mac­ Lennan, Auc. \ CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock and. implements at the farm of Mat MacDonald* Bluewater Highway, nqrth of Goderich March 26th at 1.00 Mat. MacDonald, -MacLennan, auc. six -miles! on Thursday, p.m. See bills, prop.; Epiile 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on Patrick S>t., just * off the Main St.«in WINGHAM 1 Professional Eye Examination Optical Services' Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. I JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 ’ Day or4 Night Ambulance, Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extfra Cost Moderate Prices MacLENNAM and MacKENZIE FUNERAL.' SERVICE Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at ydur Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at 'no additional charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night Agnews’Agency Howard Agnew —. Jos. Agnew MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago ; Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance [e~ I ■ . .... - V • .. ’ • I DR.T.B.CLELAND VETERINARIAN * * •. ■ * Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage LUCKNOW Telephone 175 BUSINESSand TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS For The Small Merchant, Professional . man and the Fanner. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74. * Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w 7 F, T. ARMSTRONG . --OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 ......'' Appbintnient or Ipfortnation See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow!■ I RANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE . AND LIFEX"" 7^ To Protect Your Jack, .Insure With Jack Today. , Xl^MaXjNAGH^ R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon I 5- T' • J)' —--------------- . . q r: w; ANDREW . Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW ■ Every . Wednesday and Saturday ; Afternoon • Office in the Joy nt Blocks Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J ELECTRIC MOTORS -r general repairs, re-winding,. cleaning, brushes, bearings, etc. Electric appliance repairs. Efficient^ Ser-, vice, reasonable rates. HAROLD HALDENBY, Kinlough, phone ; RipleV 18-20. , ; TENDERS TOWNSHIP. OF KINLOSS SEPARATE TENDERS .Will be received by., the. undersigned up to April 6th,* 1953,n at 2.00 p.m. for the construction., of the fol- lowing drains: (1) Moffat-Thomson, 4100 yards excavation and clearing tim­ ber, installing culvert, etc. (2) Emerson, 2800 yards excava- .tion and spreading* ■ 7 . < (3) Conley, 3700 yards excava- . tioh, spreading, clearing, in" • stalling culvert (4) MacIntyre,4200 yards, exca­ vation, spreading, clearing' & installing culvert; —~Tendersta-befor-lumpsum-in each case, with certified cheque for 10 percent of tender enclosed. Plans, specifications, etc.,; may be seen at the office of James A' Howes, O.L.S., Ljstow^, Ont, br at the Clerk’s Office. The lowest or any tender ^not necessarily accepted. * J. R. LANE, Clerk,. " ’ Township "oTKOtfoss,""... SEEDS FOR SALE ^Ontario grown Nd. 1 clovers and Timothy, per bushel, alfalfa $23.50; red clover $16.00; alsike $24.00; white sweet $6.60; yellow sweet $7.20; per lb , . Orchard. 30c, Brome 26c; Meadow Fesdue 25c; Blue Grass 75c; White Dutch 70c; Reed Canary 60c; Trefoil $1*00; Ladina $1.25. We do custom clean­ ing of Buckhorn and. noxious weeds from clover seed. v . ROY GRAMM & SON Pinkerton Phone Cargill 68W3 R*R. 2, Holyrood, Ont. 5 I CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock & valuable farm mach­ inery at the farm of Archie Ste- ? wart, Bluewater Highway, two miles south of Kincardine, Tues­ day March 31st 25 head of choice cattle and full line of' power machinery including an Allis- Chalmers 45 HP tractor nearly neW, and a Bell threshing mach-^ ine and straw cutter nearly new. See bills for list and terms. Arch­ ie Stewart, Prop;; Emile MacLep- nan, Auc. Co-Operative Aut Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance. Economical and Reliable. See ... T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone 70-rrl0 Dungannon I I .1 I AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION. SALE of NOTICE TO CREDITORS , All persons having claims against ,the estate of John MaC- Lennan McIntosh, late of the Township of Huron in the County of Bruce, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the tenth day of February* A.D* 1953, are not­ ified” to send to the "Undersigned on or before the fourth day of April, A.D. 1953, full particulars, of their ' claims in writing. InV- ,1 ’• Kenneth). Mackenzie R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at- Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley, 10. a.m.,to 9 p.m.', Wednesday, April 1st and every Secbnd Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-i>24 Ripley, I 4 Lot '23, Con. .10, East Wawanosh Twp;, 4 miles south of White-' church,. Division Line, on THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd , at 12.30 pan. , CAITlE: 2 Holstein Cows re­ cently fresh; 3 Durham cows .re­ cently fresh; 4 Durham cows due to.freshen in April: Durham far­ row cow; Holstein,* 2 yrs. old. ! -■ . ■ ■--------=- j Harris fertilizer , drill; Deering manure spreader; 4-section har­ rows; 2 rubber tired wagons; flat P. Stuart MacKenzie I Barrister and Solicitor / I WALKERTON, ONTARIO I IN LUCKNOW I Each Wednesday ' I OFFICE IN I HENDERSON BLOCK | ~ ■' .:=== R. S. Hetherington, Q*C. Barrister, Etc. . Wingham and IN LUCKNOW Eacli Monday— and Wednesday Located on the ground floor in the front of , John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 17 I mediately after^The- said: Fourth day of April, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to claims of which the exiecutor shall then have notice. . t * r ’ DATED this Twelfth day of March, A.D. 1953. Wingham, phtariO; • Solicitors for the Executor. vxu, hay ..♦rack; gravel box; scuffler; bred; Poll Angus bull, 3 yrs. old; Portland cufter; cream separator 1........ ” - motor; - National mjlkin£ machine; Little Beaver , , - , ' 7- 3 H\P. motor; market; 5 heifers, 800 lbs., ready wheelbarrow; fanning rmil; stone for market; 5 steers and heifert, I boat; barrels, pig crate;’ sling • ropes; hay .rope and fork; 32"ft 2 two-year "Old. Durham steers; 2 two-year-bld steers:. 3 two-year- _ old Durham heifers, ready for grain grinder with 3 I yr. old; 5 young calves. MACHINERY: Ferguson tract- extension ladder; shovels, chains or, tractor plow and lift type HAY & GRAIN: 400’bus of tamdem.^disc, 4 yrs. old. ip ex-(mixed grdin; 10 to‘I5'tons mixed cellent. condition;. Massey Harris bay* * - • - Ihbwer* like new: Massey* Harris,*.l®^lfeCA.S.IL 1 hay loader; Massey’Hairjs, side Stanley Snell. Prop. ' .7I rake; dump rake; 11 -d>sc Massey ■ . Harold Jackson, Auc. &K Insure With The rner llaotoaal I FIRE INSURANCE CO. . ft* '■ Reasonable rates, sound pro- i tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent ...... R. 3, Toeswater. , ’Phone Tees water 57-r-41 , ■Illi II r- Mii ■■■iiii.iRlilnii.a.ii^ iliiili IIII.I ' V lii "-'*T I t '/