HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-25, Page 1are Legion a Very useful guide to the Legion’s pro- i'grams and policies. $2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To XJ.S.A, % film WJrtHWWH li. » I SPECIAL SHOW AT THE PLAYHOUSE; THURSDAY vote Mrs. pro- and I STARTING 38TH YEAR AS ^EEE-RING-BUTCHER—1_ above with her typical radiant smile is Anna , and her husband, just • ■< r' WARBLE FLY OFFICIALS NAMED IN W. WAWANOSH “Newfoundland’’, a color of our new province, vyill • be shown Thursday night at The Playhouse by ’ the Luc-Tee-Win Conservation Club, in addition to . . f ■/» ......; ; 7 / v / Graham of. Lucknow. : j BUYS KINLOSS FARM . •.•’■^•5"— • ■ -.................. —r • . • / show only at 8 o’clock. There will be no show Friday, as thesfe films will be shown by The Playhouse in Teeswater un­ der Luc-Tee-Win auspices. LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, 1953 .. ....._.........................................: _ ........^•'"7' 7 YOUNG COUPLE DIE IN HIGHWAY CRASH I plan rummage sale .....' 1 AT EASTER TIME ' Members of the Lucknow Wor men’s Institute are planning for their annual rummage sale, to be held, this year on Saturday, April '4th. > ‘ , .i The Institute solicits donations of . any article suitable for. this sale,, which may be left with Mrs. [ Wm; Douglas. , > 1 .- i /Further details will be an/ ! nounced next week, and in the meantime, residents of the com­ munity are requested to keep the event in. mind. \ . 10(j CHILDREN IMMUNIZED One hundred babies and pre­ school age children were given inrioculations at the immunization clinic conducted . by the Bruce County Health Unit in the Re­ creational .Centre last week. .... . The next in this series of three clinics, will be held at the same time and place on Tuesday, April 21st. . TEN PAGES Former Lucknow Girl In k ' ■ ■ • " • ‘ ■ • * ■' • : . • ■■■•; - Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes Robinson, formerly/Anna Graham of Kin­ lot Township, and his mother, Mrs. Alice Robinson, met flamr ing^death last Friday evening in a’.’highway- crash at their New­ market district farm. Pictured Early in April Tom Webster of West Wawanosh will launch JliSn3JtbLydaiL^asJbjeeJLring^ a job he ’started “as a kid” and has been at ■ ever,since. He has’ three rings—-Dungannon, St. Hel­ ens and St. Augustine. Tom has,4npthfer “sideline”. He has been treasurer ,<pf Dungannon United Church since j 925,\ and has* performed; this task, so ef­ ficiently the congregation won’t let him give it up. SUBMIT PLAN OF CIRCUITjCHANGE Huron Presbytery of the Un­ ited Church has conducted, a sur,-1 vey of the Presbytery, with , a view to making alterations that will serve the two-fold purpose of forming stronger charges that will be better able to meet the. higher stipends now approved, and to make available more min- lsters to fill .the needs, of the church. . > . . . ; [ Among the charges affected by 7es^yfery1s-^larr'is"thTeAshfield Circuit The plan calls for form/ jhg the. three, congregations of Zion, Hacketts and Blakes into ;one strong point at Hacketts, arid jo/join with St./’ Helens and Whitechurch. if or a three^point -charge; . . ; . ' .. We understand that the Boun­ dary and Pastoral Relations com­ mittee of Presbytery will meet representativves of the . Boards t*° discuss the plan and Tordeal' with the new,minimum stipend of $3,100 new approved. Among, those present at. ’the n<spyiery meeting in Bly th lafet Wednesday were William Hunter, gK/Huiifer, Waiter'Alton, ‘ake and Rev. Dickinson. '.Prest>ytery’s (boundary revision ™ proposes that Crewe congre- B10n.. j^unigannOh/elasihg- Lrewe Church; and that Nile be deluded in the Dungannon, Port thert and Crewe Circuit/ „ 1 ■ • ■ ,r : ' / ■' • • .. HAS FAITH IN YOUTH OF TODAY . Addressing a gathering of oyer taken , on'their wedding day four ! one hundred dads and lhds ..at a years ago. Mrs. Robinson is the j banquet in the United Church last daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus-1 Thursday evening, Rev. W. A, Albert Hedley/ of the Glamis district has bought Hugh Suther­ land’s farm in Kinloss Township and—obtains-possessiun--in-/Api4k Hugh, who has been suffering from arthritis, will hold a clear­ ing sale on April 7th. VICTORY PARADE HELD FOR CHAMPS .Young; expressed his faith in the present generation of young, peo­ ple. That faith had been strength- | eried by his intimate -contact with '■the^housand'young people, at/the Ontario Agricultural College. at Guelph '•where he serves as padre. Rev. Young was introduced in- i-formally-as■’“Biii’s"^ I Steve Stoithers, who knows him ! well. He is a son of Rev. and : Mrs. G. A. Young, formerly of I South Kinloss Church. ; After graduating from the OAC with his B.S.A. degree in 1926,I Rev. Young entered the. ministry and upon his ordination, had charges' at Hetnsall, Ottawa and Fergus. He served as a padre in World W^r II and four y&ars ’ago went to the OAC as padre and lecturer. ’ Rev. Young’s address was op Luck now Legion Midgets, On­ tario hockey champions of, the O.M.H.A. “D” series, were royal­ ly welcomed home early Sunday morning ab they arrived ■-back from Nobleton With a 3-2 win under their'belt that gave them; “Character Building?’ and he said the coveted silverware, in two............. straight games. It was about. two a.m. when the team anb their large follow- ing of supporters, arrived home t<\ be greeted at the outskirts by a procession;of cars .which had lined up awaiting the arrival. The players mounted the fire truck for the victory parade and were serenaded by the High School Band, the. blare of .horns, the waili of the fife truck siren.. Despite the hour Main Street was lined ’ with cars and spectators. | At Chin’s restaurant the jubil- ' ant. lads and their managers, Bud Thompson and Jack Cook, "were piped- into the restaurant .by Piper Wilfred McQuillan, where. Tom Rafferty, CKNX, sports com­ mentator, made a. tape recording of the festivities, To the'echoing cheers of the throng that packed the restaur­ ant ../and . overflowed in^9; street, brief remarks were made by~Bub~Tlmlbpsun7—Jiick-enokr Jack and Charlie Chin, Mrs. Chin, Ken McNay and George Richards. When order was restored the lads topped off .the celebration with'a steak, dinner. Members .of the'team are: goal, George-Richards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orland RichaiMs:'def., Ken-, n’eth McNay, son of Mr, and .Mrs. Alex McNay;' Ernie., Gibson, son. of Mr. and Mrs.. ’Sanl Gibson;^ cent fe . and . left- ’ wing,.J ack and that the greatest ; need of our ‘ time is men, young and old, of good character^ basM. on the foundation of the Christian re- ligiom Character—-the real you— is not. what-you do or say, but what you do 'when no one is. looking., • * The youth of today '• faces a great adventure and a great chal­ lenge. They haven’t been up to (bat yet, but he’s betting on them, ’Mr/ Yoting Concluded. Kenneth I Mur die thanked the speaker, i A delicious turkey dinner, serv- 1 e$»kfoy .,the' Women’s Association, I opened the banquet. Rev. G? A. Meiklejohn acted as chairman and led in «a rousing sing song with Mrs. M, R. Allin at the piano: Mr. Ernest Blake tendered a of thanks to the ladies and Grant MlcDiarmid replied.. The toast to the soils was posed by W. B. Anderson responded, to by Donald McNay. George Webster proposed the 4oast-to-the-fathers and Raynard- Ackert replied. , / Trumpet duets were played by George Anderson and Morley I iChinj, boys choruses by. Billy Robinson, Alan Chin, Billy- Ken­ nedy, Dick Murdie/ Harm Hof- st^de, Fraser' Ashton; solo by George Joynt with . Rev.. Meikle­ john as’accompanist. / Charlie Chin, sons of Mi’s. Rose Chin; right wing, Roy Stanley, son of Mr. and Mfs. Rill Stanley; alt., Ron Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy; drab am; Kent Hedley, son of. W. and Mrs. N. Med­ ley’; Bob Mowbray, so'n of/Mr, and- Mrs. Keri Mowbray;', Allan McDonald; ^son of Mr's; and, Mij ;Eai4-McDonai d;-Ross.. McDona son of Mr,’ and’ Mrs. Jack McDon- aoh and Hughie MacMillan,. son of Mi-, and Mra. Ross. MacMillan. West Wawanosh Township will have the same tWo Warble fly. officials as a year ago. Victor Errington is inspector: and Lewis Blake of Brussels, sprayer opera­ tor; . '• / - ' ' ,' ■ Mr. Errington will .shortly start his rounds of the Township with warble powder for those wishing. td^“ brUs&' their: animals/ "The. brushing’’fee- is 10c a head, 3nd» tlyj fee for. spraying 15e; ; • / ’ Triple, tragedy • stalked the highway near Newmarket on Friday evening shortly before ten o’clock, -and /took rthe ; liVes bf a former Lucknow girl/ Her husband and his mother/ ■ / v Trapped in their blazing motor car while would-be rescuers were driven back by the flames, dbath came horribly and shockingly to Mr. and Mrs. Hawkes Robinson and his mother, Mrs. Alice Rob­ inson. . “ A “Mrs, Hawkes Robinson was formerly Anna Graham, daugh­ ter'of Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gra-. ham of Concession 4, Kinloss. The young couple had returned1 re-” -;ceiut[ly from a holiday in Jamaica . and just the previous week had spent a- happy week-end here with her parents, who now reside in Lucknow, and on Sunday morning had attended service/in St. Peter’s Anglican Church. - ■ The day of; the fatality—in fact only four,, hours ftrlier—Mrs. Alice Robinson had returned from a six weeks’ Florida holi­ day, and to mark her .return she was accompanied by her son and daughter-in-law to Bradford to have dinner., It was . while returning home that the accident occurred at 9.42.' The Robinson car, southbound, had came to a stop on the high­ way to make a 4urn into their Jnniscarra Farms; a dairy, enter- ^pTise^of Consider able maghifude. A car from Barrie, also south­ bound, crashed into the rear of the Robinson car. Its gasoline tank burst in flames enveloping the car that was hurled about 100 feet by the impact. The Barrie car was splattered with burning gasoline, but rescuers succeeded in pulling the two occupants of this car to safety. / • j Jim Russell of Newmarket, who! witnessed the 4$ash, covered his hands and face with a coat, in a Valiant effort to rescue the Rob­ insons. The door handle came off as he wrenched at it, and as he. attempted to smash a Window .the flames drove, him back. Russell’s -yotrng—wife—and—an—expectantpity. mother, watched fearfully hep husband’s efforts without regard to his own safety. | A truck driver used a fife ex­ tinguisher to no avail. Meantime more helpless bystanders reached .the scene and .then the Newmar­ ket Fire Brigade. They could not effect a rescue, and extinguished the fire, ..but too late. Married Less Than Five Years Anna Graham was born in Kin ­ loss Township 36 years ago.. She attended High School iri Luck­ now and later went to Toronto where she was employed by the Robert Simpson Company. Four years ago. last October she mar­ ried Hawkes Robinson. He was 38 at - his death. His mother was 65. She was the wife of the late Dr. Edward Robinson, and had -tbeen—active—for—many—year s-^i nr the Royal Winter Fair. Mrs. Rob-X inson’s grandfather founded the Stueben Glass Co. of New York. Funeral service fof Mrs. Robin­ son .was. held Tuesday at eleven o’clock at ‘hef’ In’niscarra resi; dence^with entombment to follow at Corning, New York. Mr. and Mrs. • Robinson- rested at *he A. W. Miles Furieral.Horntf ’at Toronto, with which her bro­ ther Rennie is associated, Service Church, Newmarket’, on Tuesday afternoon, with ithe. rema.ins com­ ing to Lucknow' by train pn Tues7 day night. . ( A double funeral service Was held ’on Wednesday, afternoon, in South Kinloss Church, whbre Anna once 'wofshiped-^with her parents, and interment was made Tn* South* Kinloss Cemetery. / ' Mn Robinson, is survived by one sister< Mrs; McGregor Youhg lari on the home farm in Kinloss. V • ’ . w . r ’ fl MOURN QUEEN MARY Dowager Queen Mairy, be­ loved and, respected by mil­ lions, of . subjects throughout the Dominions, passed away peacefully late Tuesday af­ ternoon. She was" 85 and had been in failing health for a time. She was predeceased by her husband,' King George V in 1936, and by her son, King George VI, last year. A nation in mourning would \ have wished that the beloved ; ‘‘Grandmother of England”, had beeft spared to. see the coronation of her grand­ daughter, Elizabeth, Tittle more than two months hence. LEGION LAUNCHES MEMBER DRIVE A. drive 'for new members 4s currently being launched, by the Lucknow Branch of the Canad­ ian Legion. A personal letter over : the sig­ nature of the' Branch president; . a • questionnaire f and application form are going out to 'all veterans ‘ in the Lucknow area. Purpose of .the-que9tionhaire7is-to7tTy^to”fin_d~"” out why many veterans do not belong to the Legion, and to seek information orr why they are not interested and what they suggest to improve and expand the or- . ganization. .//■'• •. / It is pointed out that about I one-tenth of Lucknow’s . popui-a- , i-tion js made .up of veterans of : ' two' wprld wars, yet only about one-quarter of these members. The letter stresses that every Canadian veteran owes the/Leg- i ion a debt of gratitude for the unceasing work done and being done in connection with war ser­ vice gratuities, pensions, allow­ ances arid rehabilitation.. ■ Local officials ■ hope that the .questionnaires gofrigrout will be filled out fully-and frankly and by every veteran in the comm un­ SHOE SALE TREMENDOUS MERCHANDISING EVENT A monster sale which opened at Rathwell’s Shoe Store last Wednesday, has proved to be One of the most tremendous mer­ chandising events ever staged here. The store was4 jamrhed’ throughout the opening day,.and hundreds of pairs, of choice bar­ gains were snatched up before noon hour. ‘ ’ Custhmersj having no room to sit, leaned against each other in . an effort to try on slippers and the like. It wasn’t safe to lay down yoUr old shoes—someone was liable to snatch them. —Gerald^Rathwell“made“:abusl-“ ness trip on Thursday to.replen­ ish some lines in order to keep the hargain-halppy c'rdwd satis­ fied arid keep, the big sale in full swing; Itjs going on all this week and next, and 1500 more bills were distributed on Wednesday ■. for. another week-end Splurge of bargains’. , ■ 4 o^.AVillowdale. ^This cdmmmnty grieves in thi^” ~ tragedy, and extends its deepest ’’ sympathy to . Mrs. Rbbinson's parents,-Mr; arid Mrs,. Angus Gra-- harm and to 'her four sisters and - ' two brothers, 'Mrs/ Gordon Me-- Innes /(Margaret) of Wingham; ’’ Mrs. James ; Snowe. (Mary) j of Bellwood; Mrs. John Lowndes ’ (jJ.^n) of Queensyille; Mrs. Brock. McKehziF’ Wbrothy) /bf Tees­ water.; Rennie of Toronto and Al-