HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-18, Page 10.1- i Merchandise Surgical Flaw . from pur i » l f : Children’s Wear Pept« < < < < < < ■« < < I. i THAT Dr. R. B. Palmer of Wrox- eter will move to Wingham this summer where he will, be associated with Doctors W; M. Connell and Bern Corrin. . • < THAT during the past week that harbinger of -spring—the robin —has been seen in increasing numbers. ’ '? iawwyroiiiui.iwjwwni,ui.iiiiiyi) 4i • ’• ’ . » ' V . • r » ’ I * .'■ij 4 ■ 3 : I Although not all the stock was damaged 'by. the water, we have decided to put everything in this Department on sale for 10 days. , / PAGE TEN i THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW. ONTARIO .y .y..» y r. r... 10-0AY SALE Water Damaged Included Are.. ... NEW SPRING COAT SETS, for sizes 1 to 3x, 4 to Ox, and 7 to 14. ► Drop In And Look Over Our ' ■ LADIES’ SUITS /■' ?' Y SPRING COATS—LONG and SHORTIES and ■ ALL WEATHER COATS permanently treated for rain\ resistance. ASHTON’S . < •< < . < ■< . ■< J ‘ * ' ■ < < !< ■' J < • < _ •< ;< .■ a .< ■< ◄ < j : MEN’S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR \ Piece Goods, ^nd Woollens . * ... . ~ ~ AlAdh, PURPLE GROVE i ,■-------—, Quite a numlber of the Purple Grove ladi^ s^rit a socii^ even­ ing" at the home of Misses Lettie and Ada Gawley of Ripley oh Saturday of last week. Mrs. Andrew Patterson return-, ed home last week after spending the past few weeks with her son and daughter-in-law; at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Emmerson visited at the. home of Mr* and Mirs. Ralph Hill Today, evening. Mr. and Mrs. Aurel Armstrong ,-of Bervie, Miss Edna Boyle vis­ ited at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Peter Leeson, also Mt. and Mrs. Clark Needham, Helen & Nancy. . Mr. and Mrs. Harold* Campbell and Thelma spent Sunday with the latter’s father, {yank Stanley. « Miss Edith Stanley, Mrs. A. McGuire, Frances Gilmore of London,> Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stan­ ley Were visitors, with Mr. Mil- .ton -Stanley on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Francis Boyle vis-, ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hughes, Kincardine, Sunday. The Purple Grove Girls’ Club . “lield their meeting on Friday ev­ ening at the home. of Mary Mc- CoSh''with a good attendance. The Purple Grqye“Farin Forun^ met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Needham of Kinldugh on Monday evening of last ' week. The suibj ect“for”discussion , was “Farm appearance, do looks mat­ ter”? It was stated by some of the members that if the farm buildings are made attractive it may have a lot to do with »the attitude of the young folk toward staying on the farm. Others point­ ed odt that it was possible for a farmer to be efficient and pros­ perous without bothering about the appearance of his farm. He may.think that appearance does not matter but what counts is making money of. a goqd living. Other farmers consider that a good living includes having^an attractive, comfortable home. The question was asked by some “Why aren’t i Canadian farm homes as attractive as American ones?”. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins., • ,• I- ;S|EE! BY THE •S.ENiPit.' (Continued from page 1) THAT Alex Crawford, has been presented* with a. fifty-year jewell by Wingham Masonic Lodge. Alex is 80 years of age ■ *'■ but still an ,«aqtive member; / f..’■ 7? THAT Victor. JBaker celebrated1 * fiis 2lgt birthday on. Monday. , ^o— _ THAT the evening service in the United Church was withdrawn - as. Rev G7 -A. Meiklej ohp had had a severe attack of the ’fJu during the week. - , f'- ■■ THAT Mrs., Barkwell and Mrs. ;iC; Steward w'aro tied for the lady’s prize at the Auxiliary Shoot party on Friday evening with the former «the winner; Charlie, Mason was high man and Gordon Carter won the prize for the. youngest player, - The prizes /were donated by Ernie Crawford, itfrs. Bob ^ Simpson and Mrs, Bob Hamil? : ton. ' THAT Neil McLennan suffered an ankle injury last week when struck by a heavy roller while unloading merchandise at his Ripley store. He was taken to Kincardine Hospital to have it x-rayed . but ho bones were 7 brokenr ■ --—~“—i—r—-————- THAT on Monday evening Ken­ neth McNay and Jack and Charlie Chin of the Lucknow Midgets were interviewed on the CKNX sports cast. THAT there will now be more of those 50-cent pieces, which the ladies like to save, in cir­ culation locally. Greer Radio & Electric recently had a sale of oyer $100, paid in half dollars, . ‘ and The Sentinel had a $9*00 account paid in the same cur- ■; rencjr. THAT Elston Cardiff, M.P; for JEiuron, is a member x of the /parliamentary Committee head­ ed by Robert McCubbin, M.P. for Middlesex, assigned, the task of fashioning a “new deal” for Canada’s rural mail car- riers. _ ♦ THAT* for the second time in a Small Change jTalks AC| G A j SHOP WHERE YOU GAN ' SAVE ON'EVERYDAY LOW PRICES ' ■ ■ Challenger Fancy Pink'Salmon, % tin ........ 19c ■ Magic Raking Powder, 8 oz........7....:19c ■ Gerbers Strained Baby Foods *2 for 19c J i.G.A. Orange Juice, 20 oz. 2. for 29c ■ Babys Own Soap 2 for 29c J Kraft Dinner... 2 for 29c ■ Sunlight Soap 3 for 29c Sunkist Oranges, 200’s. . ..... ‘49c Wilson Tomatoes, Cello .................... j..19c Grapefruit, 96’s . .......... ...... 5 for 29c Texas Carrots, cello bags ..7„......2 for 25c Celery^ size 4 . J 2 for 19c MacLaren’s Jelly Powdery,..... 3 for 23c . Ogilvie Toy Oats. 3 lb. box ........... 39c » w»- , • » WATCH I.GA. AD, IN FREE . PRESS FOR GREATER BARGAINS. 1 A ■ ■ •< * < ■< < < < < < .< < ’■« -■ < <). <. ■< •< < < Full information will be sent to you without < < ' ■< .... LORNE B. EVANS, Secretary-Treas., Manager, , \ ■ Bruce Co-operative Medical Services, / PAISLEY, ONTARIO. - .. Please send me complete information, without obligation, < regarding the Bruce Co-operative Medical Services’ New ■ ► ►' ► ► ► ► ►. ► ► ’ K... ► '' ► ► ► ' ► ► ► ► ► ► . ; obligation. ►.? ► ' ► ■ k / Surgical Plan. .. ;^NAME ’ADDRESS-.... > ■ Medical Services ' • .• 9 ■ — NEW — . ■ . ‘ * ■ ’ . • . * is now available, at a very reasonable cost, to ■ give irou protection against heavy, ; crippling surgical bilh(. • * ■ ‘ . ■ • • . • • ■ ■ ' ’ - * ■ *■ Make your insurance dollar go where .it will do the most good, by paying the doctor’s bills, in surgical operations, fractures and dislocations. If you do not know a local grejup secretary, fill in the attached coupon, and mail. few months George Gibson has fished a tricycle out of the river near the Main St He was as­ sisted in the operation iby Paul Emberlin. In this case the own­ er'of the trike know it was there ibut didn’t have the equip­ ment handy to recover it. . BORN BOAK—in Wingham Hospital on Sunday, March 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boak, Lucknow, a' son, Robert John. JAMIESON—im-Wingham Hospi­ tal on Monday, March. 16th; to Mr4 and Mrs. Stewart Jamieson, Lucknow, t a daughter. CLELAND—in Wingham. Hospi - tai on Monday, March 16th . to Dr. and Mrs; T. B. Cleland, Luck­ now,' a son. . BOAK in Wingham General Hospital on Friday, March 6th, to Mn. and Mrs, Aaron Boak, a brother for Rickey. ’ IRWIN—in Wingham Hospital on Thursday, March 12th to Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Irwin (nee Wilda lr- win)J'R' 6, Lucknow, a daughter. GREER—in Wingham Hospital on Friday, March 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. , Harold Greer, Lucknow,, a daughter. ' 3VILKINS—in. Wingham General- I Hospital on Friday, March 6th, 1’1953, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles I’WilkiriSj. R. 3, Lucknow,. a dati- FRIDAY AND SATURDAY is your LAST CHANCE to get your ! Wallpaper ■'* ./ at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. / Kitchens and Bedrooms Ohly. _______ ' ■> MBS’ R. J. CAMERON ESTATE V FIRST CLASS CARPENTRY . Guaranteed Kitchen Cupboards Custom Work . Building — Remodeling FURNITURE Repaired and-Refinished > 4' V Estimates On Request. "A. ,'G. MITCHELL Box 58, LuckhoW -------------------------•—------------------------ . . .......................■ ■ ... ■. ■ - . . ■ ■— .- ,—.......................... The... 1 UARKI RT ST(■’ " r. ' t ................. ' r .................... *JLX JL JL w J L-Z; JL .< . ,-kJL-.JL A IV" I- J ■ ......1/...:.L............ L LADIES’DRESSES J ’ . ■ ' . • ' ■ ’■ : •!1 ' • ■ • . | r - ■ 1 . ■ ■ ' 7 - ' i , . ■ I ■ .- . . --- .■ BOYSr PULLOVERS Arrived Monday—Ladies 100 per- ! rent Nylon Dresses, new Spring •[ | , SOCKEES BOYS’ PANTS : •. Boys’ tong Sleeved Pullovers.-• colors and styles. Sizes 12/ to - |< Ladies and Children’s Sockees. . !■ Clearance Sale! Boys’ Fants, sizes |, ? ■ Reg. $1.95.24L>. Priced— k Priced ?5c a pair. !7 24-32. Regular $2.69 to $2.98. ■..-L VM to $8.95 ' . 1 ■» > ’», • ■ - * ' 3 Pair ifor 69fc ! ' t ' ■ C5' • . * . ............. . 1 , , . Z ’ •• r ' • • t .. . Sale Price — $1.5# 7 C: ' • ' 7 \ r ■ I ■ » Now only $1.25 , or Two for $2.39 . z'