HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-18, Page 7IT WAS DECIDED TO PAY FOR THE LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CALLS »* . V when the customeris phoning in for service' between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays and Holidays and 7.30 and 10.00, a.im on Week! Days. At a reednt meeting of the board of directors off this farmer owned and controlled, growing co-operative, non-profit enterprise, I (1) (2) (3) Lucknow (4) I v i w”1 I 1 c. t. I TERMS—CASH lU 6 I "Tr i r Crawford, governess to Elizabeth for 17 years. Starts in this week’s Detroit, Sunday. Times (two star edition), now on sale? ’ i < necessarily accepted. ' J. R. LANE, Clerk, \ * Township of Kinloss, . R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont. Stanley. Shell, Prop;, J Barkwell>fbr'the'sewing commit- ’’ . ■ Harold Jackson, ,A|ic..pee. Arrangements Were ma’de for Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 1 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN Wednesday, Thurs., Mar, 18, ”19 MILLARD MITCHELL, ’ ? GILBERT ROLAND in —__ _____ My Six Convicts 3. - -• 1 • •-■-••••■•■. ’ •'.•-V' ............VI-:- Friday; Saturday, March 20, 21 JOHN PAYNE, . - ARLENE WHELAN — in — ' ' PASSAGE WEST MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday .MARCH-23, 24, 25 JEAN PETERS, . . ; :_HUGH- MARLOWE •—‘in, — WAIT TILL THE SUN SHINES NELLIE ..... ;~rr-- . •;• •-•; •• Thursday, Friday, Saturday MARCH 26, .27 • 28 GENE AUTRY in • 1 * ■BLUE CANADIAN ROCKIES’ COOP^AUTO INSURANCE Can Now Accept TOWNTtESIDENTS & COMERCIAL TRACKS as well as the farm business. . For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon 70-r-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23 CARD OF THANKS Mrs; Jake ’Hunter wishes to thank all those- who so kindly remembered her during t her ilk mess with cards, letters and, boxes of ^ fi^uit. It was all greatly ap­ preciated. ./Elva, Ernie, Billy, and, Tony Carter wish;.to thank their teach­ er, Mrs. Annie Norman, and pupils of Whitechufch school for letters' and cards' sent to them while, sick -with mumps, and- ’flu, take this ^opportunity to express their sincere thanks to tfieir many, friends' and (neighbor,s who so willingly helped .at the time of the fire; Special thanks to those with, fire extinguishers and the Lucknow Fire Brigade. Mr. Albert McQuillin wishes- to. express his thanks* and apprecia ­ tion to all those who remember­ ed him while ill with cards, let­ ters, fruit, flowers and. treats, Al­ though still, confined to bed the -most of the time, I hope to gain strength with the nice sunny days of spring ahead. <• ' " Mr/ Irvine? Henry of Belfast1 wishes to .thank his many friends ■for cards, .smokes and fruit, I Blakes’ W.M.S., Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Legion, Branch 309, Nurse ]M. McDiarmid of London, Dr. Johnston and Dr. Co-rrin, “Luck­ now and to thank, those for. their kindness shown Mrs. Henry while I was in Victoria Hospital/Lon­ don and Mr. Alf Ritchie for car7. ing for my farm stock. These ■acts'vzere ‘very' much”appreciated7 $18 -AN EVENING For your spare' 'time. Just 3 easy free trial sales arnazing Pat­ ented Automatic Refrigerator De­ frosters can' pay ydU that. Hun­ dreds of hot prospects. Commis­ sion. Rush name, address for guaranteed profit offer. PrFrost-. O-Matic Co., Dept. 84, Newrnai- ket; Qnt. ~ NOTICE I have been appointed Raw- leigh dealer for Lucknow,? Kin-' .loss,_Huron?:-and-.^Kincardine Townships and will, be calling regularly. Immediate delivery of any. of dur products by writings or. ; calling Ed, Mboij$,, White­ church, phone 40Lw^l2fWingham. T The PLAYHOUSE Presents , . . ? Thursday,. Friday; Saturday, March 19, 20, 21 All the thrills of all the great Rocleos’across the country rolled up into one tremenduous motion picture, t and in color—that’s, “RODEO” .; ’?/ :? with John, Archer and Jenet Neigh. SATURDAY MATINEE' At 2.15 p.m.—Doors?,open at 2 p.m. / Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 23, 24, 25 M-G-M of- Hollywood brings you an array of stars headed by ETHEL , BARRYMORE, GARY CQOPER, VAN JOHNSON and many others in a picture called— ‘‘It’s A Big Country AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of farm stock and machinery at Lot 33, Con. 10, East Wawanosh Town­ ship, 4 miles south and 4 miles west, of Wingham on. , : Thursday, March 26th at 12.30 CATTLE: 6 cows to freshen in April; Black ..heifer with calf; 2 black heifers to freshen in Mar.; 4 .black heifers, 2 years old; black Poll Angus steers, ready for’market, weight 1100 lbs.?; roan cqw, freshened March 1st; Holstein heifer fresh­ ened in February; red heifer, freshened in November; black registered Poll Angus bull; Here- ford. cow. due in May; Holstein cow due. in April; $ red cows, light roan cow, due time of sale; 14 yearling heifers and steers; 3 calves, 5 months old.. HORSES: Grey Mare; Brown mare;'? r—----- „ . MACHINERY: W4 McCormick- Deering tractor 2 yrs. old;. Woods electric roller, 3 yrs. old; McCor- i mick-Deering manure spreader, flike new; Massey-Harris one-way disc;- 3-sectioh spring tooth har­ rows; 2-furrow McCormick-Deer­ ing tractor plow, 3 yrs. old; side rake; harrows; *MpCormick-Deef- ing power mower; walking plolv; scuffler; dump rake; wagon on rubber with good hay rack; ttail- ei. with rack; Case, forage harves­ ter and blqwer, like new-; steel posts; Vega LB Eaton cream sep­ arator; roll woven fence wire; roll barb wire; lumber, barrel of molasses; double harness; single i harness; electric fencer in good | condition; forks, shovels, chain^ and other articles. . > GRAIN> alfalfa seed; cob corn; 10 ton baled hay ; .500 bus. Clinton oats suitable for seed; 500 bus. mixed grain, TERMS—CASH No Reserve As Farm Sold. . — Mrs.-Edward-McBurney ,-Propr Harold Jackson, Auc. TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS j received by the undersigned -up I to April 6th, 1.953, at. 2.00 p.m. for the construction of the fol- lowihg> drains;___/ : A t Coming Soon-r“Hie CANADIAN ROYAL VISIT” in Color-. (Start Your Chicks 1 ' with NEW LIFE CHICK STARTER Ren O Sal Tablets in Solution Jamesway Feeders and Waterors p -' from Crawford’s Feed Store and Hatchery ORDER Moffat-Thomson, 4100 yards excavation and clearing tim­ ber, installing culvert, etc.. Emerson, 2800 yards' excava­ tion and .spreading. _ Conley, 3700 yards excava­ tion, spreading, .clearing, in­ stalling culvert. . . . MacIntyre,. 4200 yards exca­ vation,'" spreading, clearing & installing culvert. Tenders to be for lump sum in each case, with certified cheque for 10 percent of tender enclosed. Plans, specifications,/ etc?, may be seen at the office of James A. Howes, O.L.S., Listowel,< Ont.., dr at the Clerk’s Office. The lowest or any tender not From Princess To Glamorous Queen ■ For you. an account of the ^radiant childhood, happy girl-, hood, young womanhood,' and the splendor of next June 2 when Elizabeth II will * be crowned Queen of England. Read “The kxr 1\/ToY*i AH To Look For The Co-op Label K * ' ' ’JWhen Purchasing Your It.Is Your Guarantee Of • HIGHEST QUALITY • HARDINESS • VITALITY ■ r ■ ’ ........................z A.......................................... *.f- “PLANT WITH CONFIDENCE ? -HARVEST WITH PRIDE” SOLD AT YOUR '•- Lucknow District Co-operative r . your 1953 CHICKS NOW ! ! Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association “WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED” ' ,i ’ ■".■’• ■ ' •———;.......... .. -■■■ AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot 28, Con. 10, East; Wawanosh Twp., ;,4 miles south of White- 4 church, Division Line,, on THURSDAY, APRIL 2nd at 12.30 p.m. z CATTLE: 2 Holstein Cows re­ cently fresh; 3 Durham, cows re­ cently fresh ; 4 Durham cows "due to freshen sin April; Durham far-: row cow; Hoistbin, 2 yrs. old, bred; Poll Angus bull, 3 yrs., old; 2\ two-year-bld Durham steers; 2 two-year-old steers; 3 two-year-, ■old ’ Durham*? heifers, ready for market; 5 heifers, 000 lbs., ready for market? 5 steers and heifers, 1 yr. old; fy young calVes. MACTITN'ERY:r*TeTguson 'tract­ or,. tractor plow, and lift type tamdem disc; 4 yrs? Old, in ex­ cellent condition; Massey" Harris mower, like new;' Massey-'Harris hay loader; Massey- Harris, side rake; dump rake; 11-disc' Massey Harris.. fertilizer ■ drill; Deering riianure Spreader; 4-scction har­ rows; 2 rubber tired wagons; flat hay - rack.; gravel- box;, scuffler; Portland cutter;, cream separator with l.i H.P. motor; National milking •machine; Little Be aver: grain, grinder with. 3 H.P. motor; wheelbarj’Mv; fanning mill.; stone boat,;...• barrels,.' pig crat’d;. sling’ .ropes; hay rope arid fork; 32-,ft, extensibn laddeV; shovels,, chains. HAY & .GRAIN:' 400 bus. bf mixed grain; 10'to. 15 tons mixed, ■hayv • . .Therefore ... When Requiring Service -jPlione Collect CLINTON 242, KINCARDINE 101-r-7, MILDMAY130-r-12 - Week Days—7.30 to lO.OO a.m. » I Sundays and Holidays—7.30 to 9.30 a.in. Cows noticed in heat later than this would be more likely ti> conceive if bred on the following day. Group II of the W. A. , On -Wednesday, .March, 11th, Group II of the Woman’s Associ­ ation met ‘al ’the home of Mrs. R._J^DJattonL_vvjth__2JL_jiiem.bers. and one'visitor present* The lead­ er, Mrs. Kenneth Cameron, pre­ sided. The scripture and explan­ ation was -taken, by Mrs. W. G. Andrew. In the absence-of- the secretary-, ’ Mrs. R. Robertsoh callbd the roll which was respon­ ded to by^an Irish joke, Mrs. S< B:_ Stothers' reported ’for ■„ the Gheeni0--.;'COmmitice- and-^-Mrs-.- the fatherland .son-banquet, also for the hostess tea to be held on April 9th. The regular meeting was. postponed until Wednesday, .April 15th. Mrs, R. H., Thompson -presidcd~for-irthe--following--;-prcp-" gram: readings by Mrs; Bark well, Mrs. N. J. MtacKenzie and’ Mrs.' K. -pamcron and a duet by Misses BeSsie • R’eavie '‘and ^Marilyn’.-Kil-- ,pat-rick. The mizpah benediction closed 'the meeting’ Mrs. .Thbnip^ son conducted an interesting Irisii contest. Rofres,hmerits were serv­ ed by’the hostess and committee ’ ;in—charge ’and* •tendered', the,host ess by-. Miss:. ' Margaret Rae and Mr^- B. Roach,’