HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-18, Page 4r WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1953 I u J » Lucknow Telephone J 75 X.I / * I t (1 ,1 I......L MEMBER OF - Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association FOR SALE—2 grey geese a ri d’ 2 ganders; also Cockshutt fertilizer drill in good/condition. Mrs. C. ■Weatherhead, phone 141-w Luck- now. FARM FOR SALE —' 109 acres, ^suitable for either cropping or grass,- never-failing spring creek, 7 acres of fall wheat. Phone ~210-r-il7 Lucknow;-"^ -- ™ jpOUiSE WANTED—middle-aged couple wish to renit small house, with bath/arid cellar, by July ls,t. Apply "Box 212, Wa^erl°°» Unt. FOR SALE—used furniture, iron (bed, with springs and mattress, oak dressing table with Jarge mirror; A. E. McKim. Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices DR. T. B. CLELAND . VETERINARIAN ■ V ■ . ■ ■ * Hajvelock. St., south of Supertest Garage FOUND a map’s wrist watch. . Apply to Joyce Mowbray,. FOR SALE—single shot, shotgun in , Al/condition. Apply at Spence -"Irwin’^,-Lueknoiw, ----- ---------— Agnews’ Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew F. T. ARMSTRONG -- OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT . ’Phone 1100 .. '..•/^■..,/FpA -•:_ Appointment Or rhformatiori See Wm. A. Schmid, . ’Phone 167-w Lucknow G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist " Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St. in WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointriient. Phone;, Office 770;,: Res. 5. GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 CEDAR POSTS:FQR_ SALE-rE. J. Hedley, Kihloss; phone Ripley llLr-11. > • ■ FOR SALE-4used tires & tubes, 17, 48, 19, 20» 21 inch, sorrie like new. G. Dorscht, St. Helens. PAGE FOUR anelWANTED — second-hand doorsi, not over 30 inches^wide, suitable for house. Apply ^o Gor­ don Morrison, R. 1, LucknSw. BIG-4 CHICKS—for healthy birds ’ and higher production, buy Big-4 Chicks. Lucknow District Co-op, .phone 71. WANTED—50 young; cross bi^d hens hatched in 1952. Mrs. C. Weatheriiead- phone 141-w Luck- ' how. ■ ■... ’ • ■ . • • .: •; FOR SALE—real estate property of the late Mrs. R. J. Cameron, on Main Street? Apply to Ken­ neth Cameron or Mrs. N. / E. Bushell. KINLOUGH SEED CLEANING PLANT is now in operation and will run steady fill jApril 20th. /Phone Ridley 18-16 for appoint­ ment. GEO. HALDENBY. . '?• f h i. t 4 /• * i ” > ? s' X V THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO - ... ■-'*?> •...... ............., . ' ; " FOR SALE—Walter Wodds elec-- trie - stove, new at- Christmas, heavy 4uty wiring. Reason for selling, gas irisjalled ih new house. Harvey; Ireleaven, Luck-. nO W; ~ ’J-----------------------------------------—--------------—--------—— SURGEMILKERS .... Having slow milking troubles? Gall Lovell McGuire, your Surge dealer,; phjgk 593W Wingham, We specialize in milking cows. SEED CLEANING Be prepared for' seeding timei Have your, seed cleaned and treated now, to" get full benefit of the treating.' Stuart E. Robert­ son, Lucknow. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, * disabled horses or cows removed free , of. charge. For prompt and efficient service call “SfTONES” collect Ingersoll 2 i, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182, PERSONAL ‘‘SKINNY,”/GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets.Iritroductory;^‘get-hcquaint- ed” size only- 60ic. All. druggists. MEAT FOR SALE ' Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed ’ under license from the Department of Health. Hind quarters 39c, front 30c lb. Raynard Ackert, Holy rood, Phone 24-30 Ripley. BRAY-CHICKS. Rising prices on eg^ markets ask for steady egg production. This Hatchery, has dayolds in a variety breeds and crosses, prompt shipment;''limit- ed quantity started. Ask us for prices. Agent— D. R, FINLAYSON, Lucknow. TEACHER WANTED Teacher wanted for S.S. No. 13, Huron, duties to commence, September 1953. Apply stating salary expected and experience to John W. Scott, R. 1, Ripley, Ont.; telephone Ripley 14 ring 24. FOR SALE OR RENT—100-acre farm, 70 acres for spring crop, balance hay. Thomas Welsh, Con. 4, Huron Twp., phone 14-17 Rip-, ley;' ", ■ r • -7FOTr/REN.T~^^~o^ . Willoughby and Havelock Streets, available Feb. 1st., 6 rooips and • bath, recently redecorated. Apply E. J. Parrish, Gorrie* / I FOR?7 SALE—Durham roan heif­ er, 2 years old, due to freshen in^May, TB tested and vaccinat­ ed; 1944 Dodge truck, 2 ton, in xcellent shape, platform or‘dump 'body; chain saw,. super twin 51 I.E.L., good shape.’ Dick McQuil- lin^_R._3v..Holyrood,phone27-26 Ripley. . \ RAWLEIGH business now open in Bruee County. Trade well established. Excellent opportun­ ity.. Full time. Write at once,, Rdwleigh’s Dept. iC-271-189, Mon­ treat ■ • - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE on la tie model car—1951 12-fpot John Deere combine; 1952 John Deere A.R., tractor and 3-furrow plow, ■ new; 1951 Ford pick-up truck. Thomas Welsh, Con. 4, Huron * Twp.,-. phone 14-17 Ripley. . • ■ —: AUCTION SALE p.f stock and imploments at Lot 24, Con. 11, West Wawanosh, 2V2 miles east of St. Helens, on Tuesday, March 24th af 1.00 p.m. See bills. James Aitchispn, Prop.; Emile MacLen- .nan, Auc. FOR SALE — Drop^head Singer sewing machines, overhauled and guaranteed,, priced, from $24,50 up. Tw;o only used •Eiectric. Portr able machines. All machines priced for. quick sale. For a home demonstration, write Singer Sew ing Centre, Hanover or 7 phone 403. , ‘ CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING— Agent for all types of Mall chain saws, electric drills, sanders, planes, polishers, hand saws, tools? JACK BARR, R. R. 1, Holyrood, phone Ripley 18-29. ELECTRIC MOTORS — general repairs, re-winding, cleaning, ' . brushes, bearings,' ,etc.: Electric appliance repairs. Efficient, ser­ vice/ reasonable, rates. HAROLD ' HALDENBY,' Kin-lough, -. phone ,/'Ripley 18-20. . . TENDERS / MARRED TENDERS will be re­ ceived by the undersigned until Saturday, April, 4th, J.953, for |he position' of Assessor for the Town­ ship of Ashfield for the year 1953. • Please state qualifications arid ■ salary.' expected. 'Lowest or any tender not fiecessarily accepted. ; • Donald M. Simpson, j. ...ClenkpTWpt of AShfieldr ’ Kihfail, Ontario. . 4 * ' • ' 1 ■ ■ \ • COMING EVENTS} DANCE AT DUNGANNON Colwa.nash Junior Farmers will Hold a dance in Dungannon Ag­ ricultural Hall on Friday, March 20th. Norm Carnegie’s orchestra. Dancing 10 to 1,00. Lunch coun- . ter. Admission 50c. DANCE AT DUNGANNON West Wawanosh Federation of Agriculture will sponsor a dance in the Parish Hall,. Dungannon, ;on—Wediiesday7”"March“25th iri ~ aid of / the Flood .Relief Fund. Bruce’s orchestra. Admission 50c. Ladies with lunch admitted free? , : '-/’‘CONFIDENTIALLY’’'• 7 '/ A humorous one-act play in the United Church, Tuesday, Mar. 31st at 8.00^ p.m., under auspices of Group 1 of the Women’s As­ sociation, Variety- program, lunch served. Admission 40c. Everyone welcome. ■ . ’ Bruce County Farmers 3 REGIONAL SEED FAIRS Lioji’s Head—Thurs,, March 19th. Tiverton—Friday, March 20th. Walkerton District High, School, .....Saturday, March 21st. • Which, is also Championship ’ Seed Fair. Crop Convention—2.00 p.m. PUBLIC MEETING Township of Kinloss A public meeting- will-be held i in the Township Hall, Holyrood- on Tuesday evening, March; 24th, 1953 at 8.30 o’clock fof Federation ,of - Agriculture organization in Kinloss Township. James Powers, field man, an<f_ ethers are ex­ pected to be present to address, the meeting. \ Planning Dance - The Catholic Women’s League is planning a dance in St. Jos­ eph’s? Parish Hall, Kingsbr/dge, on , Easter Monday night. Watch for further announcements. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm stock and implements at the farm of Mat MacDonald* Bluewater Highway, six miles north of Goderich on ‘Thursday, March: 26th at 1.00 p.m. See bills. -Mat; MacDonald, prop.; Emile MacLennan, *auc. IN MEMORIAM In loving remembrance of our Son on the 7th anniversary of his death, March 22nd. : The memory of the precious love we knew, The love that joy,: and tears had sanctified; Shall/give us courage still, for well we know In spirit, he is eVer at our. side.. —.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bucking­ ham. <> JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL l;SERYICil™_,, Services conducted ^ccprd- irig to your wishes at your Home, Your Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional’charge. AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night' INSURANCE Co-Operative Lif^ Insurance ^Co-OperativeAutomobile i? BUSINESS an^ TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS . . ..For- The Small Merchant, Professional irian and the Farmer? S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w /•' INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE ~ ^ND LIFE- ; To Protect Your Jack, Insure With. Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon . i- '• ' —-----■, - ---—— R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW ' ’ Every Wednesday and Satu r d ay Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block Telephone:- Office 135 Residence 31-J FOR SALE—attractive 13 Vz-acre farm at Amberley. - Good year- round water, plus- small bush. Good-barn- with^two_attached heiL houses. Excellerit: 7-room ranch style brick home, plus. 3-room basement, built-in cupboards and breakfast, nook in kitchen.. Quart- er mile off 21 Highway. Ideal'for raising fowl,./srnall' down pay- merif. Immediate possession. Thomas W. Koviak, Jr., R.R.; 3, Goderich, phone 110-f-27 Ripley. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of John Mac­ Lennan McIntosh, late of the Township of Huron in the County of < Bruce, Farmer, deceased, who died on or about the tenth day of February, A.D. 1953, are not-, ified to send to the undersigned on or before the fourth day of April, A.D. 1953, full particulars of their claims, in writing. Im­ mediately after the said . Fourth day of April, the assets xof. the said testator - will be distributed amongst the parties entitled theretq, : having regard only ' to, claims of which the executor shall 'then-have.-no'tice.^...:_______ ___. PATED* this. Twelfth day of March:, A.D. 1953. Crawford & Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, ; Solicitors for the Executor. ■ '' " ' -" - * r /. .. ...... . T SEEDS FOR SALE , Ontario grown. No. 1 clovers /arid-T-i-mothy/pOr^bushelr-alfal-fa- $23.50; red clover $16.00; alsike $24.00; white- sweet $6.60;- yellow, sweet $7.20; per lb.; Orchard 30c, Brome 26c; .Meadow Fescue 25c; Blue; Grass 756; White.Dutch 70c; Ree4 Canary 60c; Trefoil $1.00; Ladina $L25. We db custom clean­ ing of Buckhorn -arid noxious weeds from/cloVer seed. ’ ; ROY GRAMM & SON?-' Pirikerton Phone Uargiil 6$VV3 t / u TTIMiSiEJW OI1L. HEAT ' I Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable.' See ... T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW Phone- 70-r-10 Dungannon &i I P/ Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Each ^Wednesday OFFICE IN* HENDERSON BLOCK Kenneth J. Mackenzie ;///•/■' kA Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wropa’s Jejveilery Store, Ripley, 10 a.m*. to 9/p.m.; WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st andnevery Second Wednesday. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For., appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie/96-r-24 Ripley. FREE SURVEYS ANO ESTIMATES 011 BOILERS • WATER HEATERSOIL BURNeRS, • OIL FURNACES ' • HISEEER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham ' * m J R. S. Hetherington, Q.C. 'Barrister, Ettf. < Whigham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW —-—Eacb^^Wohday—~r- and Wednesday Located on the ground fibor / in the front of John Kilpatrick’s Building . ’Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 97. Insure With. The CulrossMutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. A • .. / ’ * ' for Reasonable rates, Sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims. FARISH MOFFAT * Your Local Agent ' ’'te; '3,' Tee^Water. ’Phone Teeswateii 57-r-41 , J1' / "H’-l"'? l' / ' ......' ' li in— , ■* • • - * miiKiuWxiMBKBtHaCTaraa * 7,