HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-18, Page 3WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18,1953 —r— Local & General Mr. Robert Douglas is. quite poorly at present., , Mr. and Mrs. George Jpyijt and Jane spent the week-end with Dr and Mrs. F. R, Hdwsqh, Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carter spent Friday in Kincardine at the iCl'arke and Clarke real estate of- Mr. and Mrs. E. D. “Tex” CanW efon of Walkerton returned, re­ cently from a, six weeks- Widay ■ ' Mrs. G/'A; Meiktejohh is visit­ ing at Westport :with; her mother, ' Mrs. Bresee, who recently under-' " went a major operation in King­ ston Hospital. The Carter. children* ot R. 2, Wingham, returned to school on Monday after being absent for two and a half weeks with mumps . and ’flu. . Bill Webster has-resumed his duties at Silverwoods downtown office after. being off work for several weeks with a heart con­ dition. . There is little chahge in the condition of Mr' M. H. Thompson who has been a patient in Wing­ ham’ Hospital for the past five \weeks. ■■ ■■ ‘ Mrs. Allan Stuart and daugh­ ters-; Margaret, Mary and^EtheX of EganVilie are spending this week at Paramount at the home of her mother, - Mrs. W., .R. -Mar­ lin; Mrs.. Stuart, who is local lead­ ed of the Junior Institute, attend- ed'a convention at Toronto at the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John ■ Martin: and David of Maple were week-end visitors at the Martin < home. - -----o-o-o----- FATHER OF LOCAL LADY LAID TO REST SATURDAY a ... ''the LI , ----- , ; " -■ * V .DUNGANNON The Women’s Institute sponsor­ ed a cfuehre last Wednesday in the parish hall withdl tables qf players. High prize# went td Billy Stewart and Mrs. Allan Reed and low to Donny Mole and Mrs. Ce­ cil Blake, About 35 friends of Miss .Bertha Jones, R.N., honored her in view of her approaching marriage at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones on Thursday. Mrs. Harvey Mole conducted IbingQ’ and IVIiss Jean Free a con^. testvHumdrous readings were given iby Mrs; Allan. Reed, Mrs. Lorne livers and Mrs.. Cecil Blake, Miss Betfy Black read' an address of . ibest wishes and. -Mrs,' Allan Reed made the presentation of a trilight lamp and wall mirror. Bertha thanked the ladies in a few well chosen words. Also at­ tending-for the occasion Were her two sisters, Mrs. Steve Heleiic, Goderich, and Mrs. Wijfred Mas­ sey and baby daughter of .Cleve­ land. ;.The C.G.I.T. group met Mon­ day night in the church for the bi-weekly meeting with Marilyn Anderson, president, in the chain and. led ih the call to worship. Elizabeth'Pentland gave a pray­ er,- Dianne Compton reacF' the scripture lesson. Marilyn .read a story which was . followed with games and concluded with taps. They’w.ni entertain the..Goderiehf group on Friday night. Mrs,. Tom. Park was hostess at; her home for the March meetirig bl St; Paul’s Ladies Guild on Thursday afternoon, March 5th. The president,; Mrs. Wm. Caesar, was j in ... charge. The scripture reading was'given by Mrs..., Gladys Rivett. The roll call was answered with a verse containing /“Sacri- "fi^TTKahlFyou notes were read?' A letter, from the Dorcas sec­ retary at Southampton was read listing the articles, to be. sent for I the Deaneiw^baleT-A-bus-iness-per-- iod followed. Rev. H. L. Jennings gave an. article entitled “Early Anglican Missions in Alberta”. The meeting'. closed with prayer by the minister.. Afternoon. tea was served, by Mrs. Rivett and Mrs. Park. The- April meeting is- to be held at’ the home of Mrs. Elmer Black. • . .. The Junior Club will .soon-* be­ gin the spring project. “The Club Girl Entertains”. Girls - will be enrolled ages 12-26. by -March 20 ■with Mrs.; ..Lorne Hasty leader & Mrs? Clifford Crozier,, “assistant. Aged Lady Passes Mrs, Jesse Gray, 95, Who died ' After a lengthyillness, the death Of William - Franklin Fan^ son occurred “in Westminste r Hos­ pital, London, on Wednesday. He . was in .his 54th year. The funeral service was held on Saturday, af- • ternoon at' the Needham. Mem-’ orial Chapel conducted by Rev. ■ Carlyle Husser of Hyatt Ave.’ Un­ ited Church and Major, the. Rev.- C. W. Cline, United Church chap­ lain at Westminster Hospital. In­ terment was in. Mount Pleasant CeipetOry, London. y__■■ ■' Mr; Fanson is survived by his. widow, four daughters and one son, Mrs. Harold (Muriel)'Ritchie of Lucknow; Mrs. Robert (Fran- ___ ___ ces) Berry, London; .Mrs: Arthur1 Thursday at the home of het —(Jean-l^Br-ig-htonT-jLohdom—Miss-l^-ta-u-g-hteiy-Mi-s.—Matthew-Shackle^ Jtine Fanson at. the Brantford School for the Blind and Robert • I'arison of Toronot. Another son, Owen, predeceased him two years ago last July. There are . four grandchildren.' . ' ' • " . i i ii I SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd, 19531 |11 a m.: “What Wait I For.” | • 112/15 p,m.: Sunday School. ’• | -7 p.ih;: ^Joel and Jonah^»|“ I - Prophets in Contrast”, j, * ---------■ - — - —— ----- ----------------------TT-*- — 1 EUCKNOW I UKITED CHURCH i I •J Minister: ■ , Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, B.A., B.D. ton, was buried, on Saturday in the family plot, in- Dungannon cemetery. Mrs. Gray, formerly Jane 'Steels,: was born on July 22,J1857. Her parents were the late John and Mary;Anil Smith Steels of Lobo township, Middle­ sex county. She was married on October 24, 1879, to Mr. Gray, who died iri 1943. After „ their marriage they lived on, .Con, .4, Ashfield township, near Dungan­ non, for many years, later mov­ ing to Goderich township, and then retiring to Goderich. Mrs, Gray is survived iby three daugh­ ters, Mrs. H, (Fanny) Durnin, Vancouver;. Mrs. M. (Map/) Shackleton' of Dungannon;- Mrs. Clifford (Olive) Webb, Goderich; TV* \ • r Mr- and Mrs.^Clair MacDougall I 150% 100% 75% I 125% ’ * PAGE THREE There’s still time for “Kin Kerio”. Get your card today. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin & new home which they purchased from Archie arid John MacKin- OW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO —!__.______ ______ ____:___"\ 4* V, MATERIALS AVERAGE HOURLY RATES COMMODITIES IMPLEMENTS W. ft ■ CHURCH CHANNELS A Lenten . Meditation A. group of people were asked, supposing they were each to be­ come one part of a; Jjpcpmptive, -Whieh^jp^—.they^v^uldMike^tq •be? Qne said; the whistle, another the -Bell, another the brakes*, etc. One man, who was well known to be one of the most dependable meh in. the community, was ask­ ed what would be his choice. He said he would choose tojbe the black coal and be all burned io ashes. ’ The secret of victory in life is the crucifixion of self. We live in an age of power. Passengers and goods are now transported at speed formerly undreamed of. Bulldozers tear a road through the African j ungle in a matter of. hours! The antibiotic drugs h^ve greatly increased our pow­ er over certain destructive organ­ isms, And London has a new fire engine. But ..with all these re­ sources,: ive seem to be powerless to stem the rising tide of hatred, and selfishness that-masquerades asxnati'oiialism--hr many countries and that advocates self expression instead of seif, negation in our. personal lives. With ability? to control diseases, hitherto .uncon­ trolled, we still see a strange . « ’* ' —-- j ■ _. ■— . , Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stahbury (nee Marina Petrie) newlyweds, were tendered a dance reception -on-Mqnday-^ighl-at—the-^Dung-ah-- nori Agricultural jfall. The West­ ern Five provided music for danc­ ing. The young couple were read an addr^s of best wishes by Miss Margaret Black and a purse of money was presented by Brian! Hallam. " I ** - ' ate De&xcrtcd/ TEA & COFFEE A lack of power tq control the in-1 FAITRTI4 ward tensions and fears that are I V . ** Mr. Peter MacKinnon of. Flint, visiW vW,ith Mrs. \D. ' ward tensions and fears that are so much more destructive to Our i ieace and our mentality thap: Mich ’ .bacteria ^ toxins.. ■ MacKinnon and John the first The secret of victory in life of the week +Of . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin * 4lwee sons have moved to theirfine codes of morals but lack the power to put their teachings in- to operation. Before the victory non“la^t “fall 01 the resurrection morning came the complete self-emptying pf , _ t r r> • i . Gethsemane. II Cor. 8:9, Phil. 2-7.: 5,n<^ Paisley visited on rm. > j ‘ * 1 • x- Sunday at the home of Mr., aridThe fundamental nusconcephon. Mrs L1 d MacDdugall. of the present day is the failure*! -- < ' to realize that/the most powerful j1*11?’ ivniis, wno nas spent the forces operating in '-this world arespiritual-forces. Eph. 6:12.'“Not L by night,, nor by power, but By my spirit, saith the Lord of: hosts”. jZech. 4:6. This is the only power that can overcome . the fears arid tensions that are fill- Tfig- W ho^itais^fnistratiiig our i statesmen, and creating discord instead of harmony in our daily ' lives and in human relationships. • Provided for; us at infinite . ebst, it is offered freely, Whosoever : will may come. . >' Churcli of the Air, CKNX 10;30 a.m. Mar. 19th, Rev. C. Scott, Blvth; Mar'. 23rd/ R^., W. A. Beecroft, ; Wingham; Mar.24th, Rev,; M. Baillie,. Bluevale; Mar. 25th, Rey. B. Geelhaar, Listowel. ' f mu 4- j ‘ x- Sunday at the home of Mr., aridW fundamental mwronceptaon.. L1 oyd MacDougall. of the present day is the failure*, . ^5... 'ix xu..x xu/---------x __c. * I £ . Mrs. Mills, who has spent the Mrs. George1 Lockhart and Mr. -Lockhart, returned to. Lucknow on Friday. Advertising; doesn’t cost — it pays!, , . . . - ■' Percentage of Price Increases in Canada since 1941 165.0 50% WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB Wed., March 11 .......''1-18 Tliurs., March 12 0-6^ Eri. ^March 1 . G-49 Sat., March 14 ....N-33 Mon.y March 1(>1-30 Tues., March 17 ....B- 7 PRODUCTS FARM WAGE RATES •Index of total Avorogo hourly rote* of *Totol index of all Index of Mqitey-Horri* *lndex of Canodion *lndex of farm iron product* - poy Moiiey-Horri* • commodities' . retailprice* of Canadian- farm product* wage rates . Canadian Plant* mode, form implement*. . ' INDEXES SHOW IMPLEMENT PRICES AT LOW LEVEL OF INCREASEI threes6nsr-Wiilardr-7Sam.Eran^. . cisco;’ Asher(. Vancouver; and - Lawrence, ,Bdlleyil;l.e. A funeral; sei’vic.e-was held Saturday, afte 1 -1 noon at the Dungannon United j Church With Rev. George Watt.-; .the pastor,. In.-charge.'' The pall-• bearers yvere.. Leonard -Westbi 0.0k sr-,; Leonai’d' Westbrook • Jir... EcU’l_ ; Cooper, Bonslm. Shackleton, ’Wai- i'ter Westbrook unci. CliffordAVebb. - Mr, and Mrs. Harold Maizd'-are■ pleased- with th'e'progress..of their : little 14-m0s;-old daughter ,wildfV ' i who has a'' heart condition.' Ari .. ’ ’ ■■ I; ■ is exacted she will J’QC tmam. ' Children I thf, Toronto, for another month. . ’ Mrs. Itarvdy . Maize; spent .two weeks visiting her .daughter; Mrs... Gletvh ■ Springdm at 'TipsonpUrg,, ■ i ('turning oh Sunda,V; ;With. Mr, & Glenn Springer :md pttk who’ spent..rhe-werk;-; ’ end at. the;Maize hpmo, . p Lucknow : Presbyterian Church J . Rev. C. A. Winn, B.A., ■ I. -- Minister. . 1 SUNDAY, MARCH '22nd, 1953 11 a.nr.t “I Believe In Jesus; . ;;.Chr^t’\? ' ■ ; ‘ " , J. *72.15 p.m.: Sunday School and I Bible Class; ■ .. ' : N h“ H‘d * - 3 p.ift;: Erskhie< Dungannon.. i (main af' Sick Childro.il s Hosm; I pah.: "What God Will Do ■ "Fot usM? i ' Wednesday Everting, March 18, . 3.00 p.m.—Prayer Meeting and i . • \ • ^41«ible^Siudy ,at --the— homie of J- - I s- jMf-i anti .Mrs/-Wihi Douglas; ’ her ’ nbrniul-' ’ ■ y. ’• * • * • ■ w / f .. . ,'i ■ - ■■■< ..; ■ z. ■ ’ >'.... ................• — ;ThatimplementprieeS“have-been-kept-at~a-*lowlevel is.clearly shown -by'...... the comparison of Dominion Bureau 6f Statistics index figures, which give • an increase in "all commodities" since 1941 of-82.3% as against an increase in a comparable index for Massey-Harris, implements of dnly 66.5%. This low percentage of increase, too, is shown in the face of an increase in the • ' index figw^®r.materials- o^3:9 % and of Massey-Harris hourly rates of pay: •/.of 165% ^s can be seen by referring to thb chart shown; above.; ... . Hr ■ ■ ' ' • r ‘ ’ ' - . ■ ’ , ‘ , •• ; : • Also, the indexes show that while farm.implements have only increased. 66,5% there has been an increase in the price of farm products of 93.8% and the'scarcity of farm labour has caused farm wage rates to climb to;175.3%. . —The partial "absurptron of the- increased costs of dnateriKls^and^labouri- jias :f been made possible by the continued great world demand for farm mechan- , -ization giving a volume^that permits’a low ratio of selling expenses and ‘ . high* operating efficiency^in manufacturing,. ,•/ \ MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED . of high*q0dtjfy 184/ >»