The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-18, Page 2d *»■. jPAGE TWO I - 1 TRE I.UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QJJTARIO ’ - ’WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18, 1953 DONATIONS BOOST RED CROSS FUND Dbnations of some $400 to the • Lucknow and District Branch of the Red Cross Society have been . recorded during the • past week . and. oh Monday the total stood at $900.00 mark. This, while ” jgood, . is .still short upwards, to , $600 of last year’s campaign total which approached the $1500 fig- ' ure. ' The Red Cross can’t have a “weak link’ ’y^f-it-is~to~ continue 7 its humanitarian^: work. There must always be enough workers, enough equipment and enough money to keep ttie Red^Cross on < the job and. keep it dreds of Canadi ong. Huri- voluntariiy donate their time and energy td the work of Reid" Cross,. By cori- trifbutinig generously, Canadians will be making sure that the funds needed to carry on this i great work are always available. TAn additional list of donors' follows: Mrs. M. Puiivis ,50; Alex ' McLeod 2.00; Mrs. Christina Hod- Igiris 5.00; W, A. Porteous 10.00; Lucknow k/o-op 10.00; Pearl and Elizabeth Henderson 5.00; Mrs. ORGANIZE GIRLS* GROUP FOR VEGETABLE PROJECT v On March 14th the Paramount district girls held their first meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. J. El- phick, the . leader, with the-as­ sistant leader, Mrs. .Walter Dex-: Xer and ten girls out of a poss- ible thirteen present. ' L. Names for the club were dis­ cussed and it .was: 'decided, to take a vote pn it at the next meeting. ’ The„ subject of the project was- dressing up home grown vege- tablesandpamphletsweregivjen to each girl. ' The following officers were el­ ected: pres., Marilyn’ Kilpatrick ;> sec., Elaine McNay;, press report­ er, Nancy Johnston. At the Close of the meeting the hostess served S' dainty lunch. FRANK McNALL HEADS BARBERS’ ASSOCIATION Frank McNall of London been elected president of the Lon- has ST. HELENS Owing to sickness in the com­ munity the Community Night in the hall was not as largely at­ tended. The program,, opening with community singing, was as follows: musical number by Ter­ ry Wilson; ’guitar selection by Donald Taylor; readings by Mar­ ion MacDonald and Miss Ruther­ ford; 'piano instrumentals by Mrs. Wm. Rutherford and Mrs. Ches­ ter Taylor; duet by Helen;. Nich­ olson and Gertie. Campbell; jour- -nal-iread-“by^MaFgar~etTMilier^-^ by Mrs. Andreyy Gaunt arid a song by. a group of girls and boys from St. Helen’s school. .1 t. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. NeWman, Whitechurch, wish to announce the engagement of their daugh­ ter, Marilyn Grace, to Donald J. MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. James MacDonald of Brussels'. t don Branch-6f the Ontario Bar-1 The wedding .to take place the. . .. rm «of- ’lafTiai* iTiOff r\f lWarnn ’ Wilson. The meeting closed with singing “Blest be the tie ithai. binds pur hearts in -Christian, love”. Lunch was served by the committee composed of Mrs, Jasj Webster, Mrs. S. Reid and Mrs; Jack Henderson. Mirs. Gordon Morrison conducted a contest and appreciation to the hostess and al] assisting, Expressed by Mrs.. A. MacNay. - - W.^. Group l Plans For Entertainment March ?lst . . “Jesus Shall Reign Wher’er the Sun” was the hymn sung fo open the March meeting of Group _ I of the W,A. held at the home of Mrs. . Alvin Irwin... The leader,. Mrs. Jones, chaired the meeting and offered prayer. .The scripture reading was giyen by _Mrs. Mac- Nay and Mrs. Stott reported from ;the Cheerio committee^ Quilt blocks were received and the ^ewirig committee will arrange to have them quilted. A report was given by Mrs, A. Wilson that the program committee has plans, in­ cluding^ a play,. well’ underway for the. entertainment to-be held March 3list in the church base­ ment. A great 'number of laughs echoed' through . the room, as members responded to the roll call with an Irish joke. Mrs, E.. Taylor, in a very able manner, presented an Irish reading, fol­ lowed by a pleasing vocal solo by Mrs. Art Breckles. “An Irish Lul­ laby” was played/tby Mrs: Jessie Allin followed by ,a poem “The Making: of Friends” by Mrs; A.Lord’s. prayer in unison. Langside W.M.S." .r The March meeting of tluv W.M.S. "was held in the church. .The-meeting_opened„with„the.caLl—J— to worship . by the - ipresidoQt; Hymn 480 was sung. Mrs. Neil.. MacDonald read, the scripture les- son and1 the meditation was read " by Emma Richardson bn “A Tale of Two Gates”. A poem “The Place” was read by Mrs. Farish Moffat. Mrs. Peter G. Moffat led in prayer. The topic on . Africa arid “Life of . Livingstone” was read by Mrs: Bert Moffat. Hym ir > 394 was read* by five of the lad- , ies. The meeting closed with, tlic Chin 4.00; Wm. ’P^^as4.'00';’’Gdry don Fisher 2.00; N. H. Hedley 2.00;, A. E. McKim 10.00; John Hall & Son 5.00;. Wm. Schmid I 5.00; Cliff Congram 2.00 ; 'Mrs, E. Congram 5.00; Wellington • Hem derson 5.00; Sepoy Store 5.00; Mrs,. Jas. Ritchie 1.00; S. C. Rath- well & Son 10.00; Philip Stewart 2.00; Roy Finlayson 3.00; .M/..L. Sanderson 5.00; r Archie Smith 4.00; Hugh Cuming 1.00; J: S. ibers Association. There are 135 barbers in the city, he says. Frank is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert _ McNall of ‘ KinloSs. .... Frank is . also vice-president .of the Men/s Club. of Grace United Church, and says , a new prospect for their Club is Harvey Trelea- ven who lives , only about half a block away. Harvey has assured him he’ll join as soon as they get settled. • •>’••• As a lad Frank was a member of - the^.Willing„:Workers’ Class of the Lucknow United Church Sun- 4.00; Hugh Cunning 1.00; Ji day School and he says he often Kilpatrick &, Son 5,00 ;< Marshall /wonders if that class still exists. Gibson 2.00; Robert Rae 10.00;. • ■ ■ . ' ; Market Store;5.00; S. N. Mullin 1.00; Noble Johnston 3.00; Hector P]urdon 2.00; p^Iex MacDonald • ■5;0G;RusselL™Button-5.00;Altx Andrew ;5.00; Thos. Anderson 2.00; Wm. McLeod 5.00;, George Joynt 16.00; Cameron MacDon­ ald 10,00; James Durnin ? 5.00l Thos? Hackett 5.00; Grant Mac- Diarmid 2.00; Mrs. R. Robertson 2.00; Roy Alton 3.00; Clayton Al­ ton 1.00; John McRae 10.00; Dun­ can Cameron 5.00; James Cam­ eron 5.00; Mrs. Mary Finlayson "5.00;; Ada Webster 6.00; S. B. Stothers 10.00; Elizabeth ICum- rnings 2.00; Otto Pedersen l;00;« Donald McKinnon 2.00; Henry Gardner 2.00; Donald McCharles 5.00;-. Mrs. Ef. Ferguson .50; R. J, McKenzie 2.00; James Pickering , 5.00; W. L, MacKenzie 5.00;- Roy . Black 2.00; Mrs. Carruthers .50; Wm. Douglas 2.00; Hedley Bur- dep 2.00; Grant Gollan 1.00;, Jer­ ry, Cranston 2.00; Hazel Culbert 2.00; Garfield MacDonald 2.00; Mr-Sr—Neil-Gillies—LOOHarvey. - Houston 5.00; Elizabeth Reid 1.00; Guest Mitchell 1.00; Mrs. Cook 2.00; R.. Richards 5.00;' Lorne Johnstone 5.00; Peter Johnston 1.00; C. Crawford 1.00; T. B. Cle- * land 40,00; John . McDonald 2.00;, * Neil McCallum 2.00; T. W. Smith 5.00; Mel Greer '5.00; A. E. Pur- don 1.00; Miss Tena McDonald ;2.00; R. T. Douglas 1.00; George Whitby 1.00; Rev. Winn" 1,00; Lloyd Ashton 3.00; J. R. McNab 10.00; Jo6. Agnew 5.00; Willard < Thorripson 2.00; Harry Nixon 2.00; Robert Armstrong 3.00; Mrs. Wilson Irwin 2.00; Miss M. Clifton* 5.00; Elizabeth MacDonald 2.00; M. B; Sheridan 1.25; J. E. Mc­ Donald 2.00; Ladies Auxiliaiy- to Canadian Legion 10.00; E. R. Gaunt, 2.00; Leonard McDonald ‘ 2.00; Fred? Anderson, 2.00 Alton 2.00; Cliff Kilpatrick ’2.00; -----J~Rr~Ijane~i0700;—:—- • i LO LA-LE CLUB A social evening was held by the members. Of the Lo-La-Le Club on Monday, March 6th. The evening opened with a toboggan party in the town park, after whichthe^businessfortheeveri- ing was discussed at the girls’ apartment. It was decided to make another quilt. To finish, off the evening a dainty lunch was served by Margaret Philipson, Shirley and Phyllis Gibson. ‘OBITUARY ROBERT REID Stricken with a heart attack while on a winter vacation in Florida, Robert Reid, a Well- known resident of the Port Elgin district, died suddenly at Haines City, on Tuesday, March 3rd. The^late Mr. Reid, who was in his 78th year, Was born in Ash- field Township, Huron County, and after going west as a young man, spent 25 years in Western Canada, returning io farm in Saugeen township in 1918 until his retirement’ seven years ago, when he moved into Port Elgin. He was a member of the Port Elgin Presbyterian Church; and of . the Port Elgin Lawn Bowling Club, and also belonged to the L.O.L. For over 20 years he serv­ ed as tax collector for Saugeen township, relinquishing this of­ fice in the. fall of 1952. In addition to His widow, the (former Mary Shackleton, decease ed is survived by three sons: Ed­ gar of Lopdon; Melvin,, <who is in business in. Port Elgiri, and Har­ vey of BurgOyne; by a daughter, Mrs. W. A. Geddes (Myrtle) of Biirgoyne; ‘ and by three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Parks of burigan- -non^Mrsr-ZElizabeth -Begley—qp Leainirigton, and Mrs'. Mary Mc­ Allister of Dungannon. There are latter part of March. .. ____ ■ j. cn- /vuister oi uungannon. mere areKnow and' obey your .traffic • . ? . . j u uws for life • a*so nine surviving grandchild­laws—for life. HOUSE BURNS, NOBODY CARES! ; A, G/ (Mitch) .Mitchell reports * What he -has completed the job : of sorting’useable, materials from- •’ , - the house which he tore down ■^-^^xni^aveltyuk^Street^He“^is“^o^^ ’“burning down- the old house” as . fuel , for a very comfortable : basemerit home. Incidentally;, he never knew there were‘ so many dogs in town until they started running over his roof. Some peo­ ple are- Wondering • what" the .chimney is, MMk VAI VQC W ;/b0TIh'd“ tb’7§e ttle “■1 it tl e/ .chimney is, sticking out of tte ground, but these new houses afe • • '/Uxirrvzl--*<«5~w--l; •Hi s— - - : 6 * 'ren. v / • The ' funeral, which was con­ ducted, by Rev. Hugh Wilson from Port? Elgin ..Presbyterian church on Monday, March 9th, was^at* tended by many , relatives from .Toronto,' Detroit, - London, Dun­ gannon-and Kincardine. Pallbear­ ers were Messrs. Bert Collard; D.oll, Bert'Webb and Gus Shanks. Flowers, were carried by two igrrindsons; . John Geddes , and Dave Kirig? ■ arid by?four heph- ews, James Reid, Gordon Reid, Bob Roid^and Bob McAllister, in­ terment Was in Sanctuary Park. Tom Webster of West Wawa- nosh is Jtovafescmg follpwing an attack~oF prieutnbnm? 1 • 1 I For full information apply riglit away to: ' No. 13 Personnel Die pot, Wallis House, . • ( Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. . . No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bpgot Street, Kingston, Ont. Canadian Army Recruiting Station, ’ ' 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont, ' No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Stsk, London, Oht.> i /Ajrrriy'Recruiting Centre, , ■ • ' 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont. Army Recruiting Centte, James St, Armoury, . ;200 James Sf.- N.,* Hamilton, Ont -' . A353W-O ’ 'I 4 i . r ' . • 1 ' ' . ? ' *.*?...... .’.7 ■................ ...’j*;.:., I } J >i*i'****«*““^,«i*«i<*«*«^ One of the biggest jobs in the Army 7-? and, in fact, in Canada — falls to die ROYAL CANADIAN / ORDNANCE CORPS. This Corps has the huge job of obtaining and distributing everything the Army requires from shoe laces to tanks—- over. 220,000 different items. As the Canadian Army grows, the job of Ordnance grows. Right now more men are needed — riien who-can' quali f y as stofemeh, “clef ks, t ai lor s, sfioem akefs arid can - vas Workers. The Army will train men in any one of the . "many’different trades and skills required by . Ordnance. Once trained, the young man who serves in .this Corps will find truly outstanding Opportunities for promotions. ... With general conditions of service; pay and pension ans at an all-tinie high, there are Wonderful* prospects’ ’ for iihg frieri ih Ordnance. Learn a trade and build an ;* unusual dnd important career fbr yourself in the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps; , ‘ You afe eligible if you.are 17. to 40 years / ; of age, tradesmen to <5, physically fit and able to meet. Army test requirements. . . Applicants should bring bifth certificate . or other proof of age* when reporting for interview, > ’ 4* i ' 1 ft , J . 'i y • r.