The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-18, Page 2d
I -
Dbnations of some $400 to the
• Lucknow and District Branch of
the Red Cross Society have been
. recorded during the • past week
. and. oh Monday the total stood
at $900.00 mark. This, while
” jgood, . is .still short upwards, to
, $600 of last year’s campaign total
which approached the $1500 fig-
' ure. '
The Red Cross can’t have a
“weak link’ ’y^f-it-is~to~ continue
7 its humanitarian^: work. There
must always be enough workers,
enough equipment and enough
money to keep ttie Red^Cross on
< the job and. keep it
dreds of Canadi
ong. Huri-
donate their time and energy td
the work of Reid" Cross,. By cori-
trifbutinig generously, Canadians
will be making sure that the
funds needed to carry on this
i great work are always available.
TAn additional list of donors'
follows: Mrs. M. Puiivis ,50; Alex
' McLeod 2.00; Mrs. Christina Hod-
Igiris 5.00; W, A. Porteous 10.00;
Lucknow k/o-op 10.00; Pearl and
Elizabeth Henderson 5.00; Mrs.
v On March 14th the Paramount
district girls held their first meet
ing at the home of Mrs. J. El-
phick, the . leader, with the-as
sistant leader, Mrs. .Walter Dex-:
Xer and ten girls out of a poss-
ible thirteen present. ' L.
Names for the club were dis
cussed and it .was: 'decided, to take
a vote pn it at the next meeting.
’ The„ subject of the project was-
dressing up home grown vege-
to each girl. '
The following officers were el
ected: pres., Marilyn’ Kilpatrick ;>
sec., Elaine McNay;, press report
er, Nancy Johnston. At the Close
of the meeting the hostess served
S' dainty lunch.
Frank McNall of London
been elected president of the Lon-
Owing to sickness in the com
munity the Community Night in
the hall was not as largely at
tended. The program,, opening
with community singing, was as
follows: musical number by Ter
ry Wilson; ’guitar selection by
Donald Taylor; readings by Mar
ion MacDonald and Miss Ruther
ford; 'piano instrumentals by Mrs.
Wm. Rutherford and Mrs. Ches
ter Taylor; duet by Helen;. Nich
olson and Gertie. Campbell; jour-
by Mrs. Andreyy Gaunt arid a
song by. a group of girls and boys
from St. Helen’s school.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. NeWman,
Whitechurch, wish to announce
the engagement of their daugh
ter, Marilyn Grace, to Donald J.
MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs.
James MacDonald of Brussels'.
don Branch-6f the Ontario Bar-1 The wedding .to take place the.
. .. rm «of- ’lafTiai* iTiOff r\f lWarnn ’
Wilson. The meeting closed with
singing “Blest be the tie ithai.
binds pur hearts in -Christian,
love”. Lunch was served by the
committee composed of Mrs, Jasj
Webster, Mrs. S. Reid and Mrs;
Jack Henderson. Mirs. Gordon
Morrison conducted a contest and
appreciation to the hostess and al]
assisting, Expressed by Mrs..
A. MacNay. - -
W.^. Group l Plans For
Entertainment March ?lst .
. “Jesus Shall Reign Wher’er the
Sun” was the hymn sung fo open
the March meeting of Group _ I
of the W,A. held at the home of
Mrs. . Alvin Irwin... The leader,.
Mrs. Jones, chaired the meeting
and offered prayer. .The scripture
reading was giyen by _Mrs. Mac-
Nay and Mrs. Stott reported from
;the Cheerio committee^ Quilt
blocks were received and the
^ewirig committee will arrange to
have them quilted. A report was
given by Mrs, A. Wilson that the
program committee has plans, in
cluding^ a play,. well’ underway
for the. entertainment to-be held
March 3list in the church base
ment. A great 'number of laughs
echoed' through . the room, as
members responded to the roll
call with an Irish joke. Mrs, E..
Taylor, in a very able manner,
presented an Irish reading, fol
lowed by a pleasing vocal solo by
Mrs. Art Breckles. “An Irish Lul
laby” was played/tby Mrs: Jessie
Allin followed by ,a poem “The
Making: of Friends” by Mrs; A.Lord’s. prayer in unison.
Langside W.M.S." .r
The March meeting of tluv
W.M.S. "was held in the church.
to worship . by the - ipresidoQt;
Hymn 480 was sung. Mrs. Neil..
MacDonald read, the scripture les-
son and1 the meditation was read "
by Emma Richardson bn “A Tale
of Two Gates”. A poem “The
Place” was read by Mrs. Farish
Moffat. Mrs. Peter G. Moffat led
in prayer. The topic on . Africa
arid “Life of . Livingstone” was
read by Mrs: Bert Moffat. Hym ir >
394 was read* by five of the lad- ,
ies. The meeting closed with, tlic
Chin 4.00; Wm. ’P^^as4.'00';’’Gdry
don Fisher 2.00; N. H. Hedley
2.00;, A. E. McKim 10.00; John
Hall & Son 5.00;. Wm. Schmid
I 5.00; Cliff Congram 2.00 ; 'Mrs, E.
Congram 5.00; Wellington • Hem
derson 5.00; Sepoy Store 5.00;
Mrs,. Jas. Ritchie 1.00; S. C. Rath-
well & Son 10.00; Philip Stewart
2.00; Roy Finlayson 3.00; .M/..L.
Sanderson 5.00; r Archie Smith
4.00; Hugh Cuming 1.00; J: S.
ibers Association. There are 135
barbers in the city, he says. Frank
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
_ McNall of ‘ KinloSs. ....
Frank is . also vice-president .of
the Men/s Club. of Grace United
Church, and says , a new prospect
for their Club is Harvey Trelea-
ven who lives , only about half
a block away. Harvey has assured
him he’ll join as soon as they
get settled. • •>’•••
As a lad Frank was a member
of - the^.Willing„:Workers’ Class of
the Lucknow United Church Sun-
4.00; Hugh Cunning 1.00; Ji day School and he says he often
Kilpatrick &, Son 5,00 ;< Marshall /wonders if that class still exists.
Gibson 2.00; Robert Rae 10.00;. • ■ ■ . '
; Market Store;5.00; S. N. Mullin
1.00; Noble Johnston 3.00; Hector
P]urdon 2.00; p^Iex MacDonald
• ■5;0G;RusselL™Button-5.00;Altx
Andrew ;5.00; Thos. Anderson
2.00; Wm. McLeod 5.00;, George
Joynt 16.00; Cameron MacDon
ald 10,00; James Durnin ? 5.00l
Thos? Hackett 5.00; Grant Mac-
Diarmid 2.00; Mrs. R. Robertson
2.00; Roy Alton 3.00; Clayton Al
ton 1.00; John McRae 10.00; Dun
can Cameron 5.00; James Cam
eron 5.00; Mrs. Mary Finlayson
"5.00;; Ada Webster 6.00; S. B.
Stothers 10.00; Elizabeth ICum-
rnings 2.00; Otto Pedersen l;00;«
Donald McKinnon 2.00; Henry
Gardner 2.00; Donald McCharles
5.00;-. Mrs. Ef. Ferguson .50; R. J,
McKenzie 2.00; James Pickering
, 5.00; W. L, MacKenzie 5.00;- Roy .
Black 2.00; Mrs. Carruthers .50;
Wm. Douglas 2.00; Hedley Bur-
dep 2.00; Grant Gollan 1.00;, Jer
ry, Cranston 2.00; Hazel Culbert
2.00; Garfield MacDonald 2.00;
Mr-Sr—Neil-Gillies—LOOHarvey. -
Houston 5.00; Elizabeth Reid 1.00;
Guest Mitchell 1.00; Mrs. Cook
2.00; R.. Richards 5.00;' Lorne
Johnstone 5.00; Peter Johnston
1.00; C. Crawford 1.00; T. B. Cle-
* land 40,00; John . McDonald 2.00;,
* Neil McCallum 2.00; T. W. Smith
5.00; Mel Greer '5.00; A. E. Pur-
don 1.00; Miss Tena McDonald
;2.00; R. T. Douglas 1.00; George
Whitby 1.00; Rev. Winn" 1,00;
Lloyd Ashton 3.00; J. R. McNab
10.00; Jo6. Agnew 5.00; Willard
< Thorripson 2.00; Harry Nixon
2.00; Robert Armstrong 3.00; Mrs.
Wilson Irwin 2.00; Miss M. Clifton*
5.00; Elizabeth MacDonald 2.00;
M. B; Sheridan 1.25; J. E. Mc
Donald 2.00; Ladies Auxiliaiy- to
Canadian Legion 10.00; E. R. Gaunt, 2.00; Leonard McDonald
‘ 2.00; Fred? Anderson, 2.00
Alton 2.00; Cliff Kilpatrick ’2.00;
-----J~Rr~Ijane~i0700;—:—- •
A social evening was held by
the members. Of the Lo-La-Le
Club on Monday, March 6th. The
evening opened with a toboggan
party in the town park, after
ing was discussed at the girls’
apartment. It was decided to
make another quilt. To finish, off
the evening a dainty lunch was
served by Margaret Philipson,
Shirley and Phyllis Gibson.
Stricken with a heart attack
while on a winter vacation in
Florida, Robert Reid, a Well-
known resident of the Port Elgin
district, died suddenly at Haines
City, on Tuesday, March 3rd.
The^late Mr. Reid, who was in
his 78th year, Was born in Ash-
field Township, Huron County,
and after going west as a young
man, spent 25 years in Western
Canada, returning io farm in
Saugeen township in 1918 until
his retirement’ seven years ago,
when he moved into Port Elgin.
He was a member of the Port
Elgin Presbyterian Church; and
of . the Port Elgin Lawn Bowling
Club, and also belonged to the
L.O.L. For over 20 years he serv
ed as tax collector for Saugeen
township, relinquishing this of
fice in the. fall of 1952.
In addition to His widow, the
(former Mary Shackleton, decease
ed is survived by three sons: Ed
gar of Lopdon; Melvin,, <who is in
business in. Port Elgiri, and Har
vey of BurgOyne; by a daughter,
Mrs. W. A. Geddes (Myrtle) of
Biirgoyne; ‘ and by three sisters,
Mrs. Margaret Parks of burigan-
-non^Mrsr-ZElizabeth -Begley—qp
Leainirigton, and Mrs'. Mary Mc
Allister of Dungannon. There are
latter part of March.
____ ■ j. cn- /vuister oi uungannon. mere areKnow and' obey your .traffic • . ? . . j u uws for life • a*so nine surviving grandchildlaws—for life.
A, G/ (Mitch) .Mitchell reports
* What he -has completed the job
: of sorting’useable, materials from-
•’ , - the house which he tore down
’“burning down- the old house”
as . fuel , for a very comfortable
: basemerit home. Incidentally;, he
never knew there were‘ so many
dogs in town until they started
running over his roof. Some peo
ple are- Wondering • what" the
.chimney is,
;/b0TIh'd“ tb’7§e ttle “■1 it tl e/
.chimney is, sticking out of tte
ground, but these new houses afe • • '/Uxirrvzl--*<«5~w--l; •Hi s— - - :
6 *
'ren. v /
• The ' funeral, which was con
ducted, by Rev. Hugh Wilson from
Port? Elgin ..Presbyterian church
on Monday, March 9th, was^at*
tended by many , relatives from
.Toronto,' Detroit, - London, Dun
gannon-and Kincardine. Pallbear
ers were Messrs. Bert Collard;
D.oll, Bert'Webb and Gus Shanks.
Flowers, were carried by two
igrrindsons; . John Geddes , and
Dave Kirig? ■ arid by?four heph-
ews, James Reid, Gordon Reid,
Bob Roid^and Bob McAllister, in
terment Was in Sanctuary Park.
Tom Webster of West Wawa-
nosh is Jtovafescmg follpwing an
attack~oF prieutnbnm? 1
• 1
For full information apply
riglit away to:
' No. 13 Personnel Die pot, Wallis House,
. • ( Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont.
. . No. 5 Personnel Depot,
Artillery Park, Bpgot Street, Kingston, Ont.
Canadian Army Recruiting Station, ’
' 90 Richmond St. W., Toronto, Ont,
' No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks,
Oxford & Elizabeth Stsk, London, Oht.>
i /Ajrrriy'Recruiting Centre, , ■
• ' 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Ont.
Army Recruiting Centte, James St, Armoury,
. ;200 James Sf.- N.,* Hamilton, Ont -'
. A353W-O ’
. r ' . •
1 ' ' . ? ' *.*?...... .’.7 ■................ ...’j*;.:.,
I }
One of the biggest jobs in the Army 7-? and,
in fact, in Canada — falls to die ROYAL CANADIAN /
ORDNANCE CORPS. This Corps has the huge job of
obtaining and distributing everything the Army requires
from shoe laces to tanks—- over. 220,000 different items.
As the Canadian Army grows, the job of Ordnance
grows. Right now more men are needed — riien who-can'
quali f y as stofemeh, “clef ks, t ai lor s, sfioem akefs arid can -
vas Workers. The Army will train men in any one of the .
"many’different trades and skills required by . Ordnance.
Once trained, the young man who serves in .this Corps
will find truly outstanding Opportunities for promotions. ...
With general conditions of service; pay and pension
ans at an all-tinie high, there are Wonderful* prospects’ ’
for iihg frieri ih Ordnance. Learn a trade and build an ;*
unusual dnd important career fbr yourself in the Royal
Canadian Ordnance Corps; ,
‘ You afe eligible if you.are 17. to 40 years /
; of age, tradesmen to <5, physically fit
and able to meet. Army test requirements.
. . Applicants should bring bifth certificate
. or other proof of age* when reporting for
> ’
i '
, J .
• r.