HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-18, Page 1A
$2.50 A -Year In Advance-^$l,00 Extra To U,S,A.
Mother and Sister are 'buried
brother “Big” John, who was W. t even mg. The Lippert family re-' interested in the advt. or to the
J> ••
hf ik i > ’ ' ,*nv •’Uiixy gi cuiciouiijW}!?eT^te.KejQneth..Cameroh..aiX|i.
w,. ■’**
hasn’t 'as Satisfactory results for
the advertiser.
•'■ 2 -----------------jUiovvui age a. .yiavuw mai isPert ^way last Wednesday! neither convenient to the person
side on Bob ,Purves’ farm east paper, and generally speaking
rtf T.iutlrnmir fTko 15441« O . ■■ : ‘ 0
~ f " "• . • ■ • -..............■ ■ \
did not pass unnoticed by many jative.' 2,_____//.•<";... _
: 'friends..who. showered Mrs. Mac^l . Said Mr. Findlater, “I was borri
Kenzie with flowers, cards, gifts and raised, in Lucknow but left
.■'ll • rt-f maCCQ CfAC rtf rtrtrt_ 4.1__________. ' v . ■ ‘there.fifty years ago to make my
home in Detroit. I think ft is a
»and scores of messagesof cori-
grtaulatipns and bestv wishes.
. ...... . ... . ..... ... ..... . ..... .7-r-^
position with the. John
•In making a'donation to the
South .Kinloss Memorial Gates
fund, Mr. William G. Findlater.
of .Detroit commends the "cem
etery corporation for their init-
Sharon Liippert, infant daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Lip-
Bel-1 Emile MacLennan was
Jwo brothers arid . two Asters, |‘ni8n *ouu‘ XUV17David,. James, Mary'. Ann. and ' <’<“ “ o’S
*n-e Passed .on- many years ago. ! reachin;.
——“ J • ■.,
, On Monday; Match 1.6th, Mrs.
Ewen Mackenzie of town feach
ed her 90th birthday, an event
that was quietly observed, yet
did not pass unnoticed by many
Mrs. MacKenzie enjoys very wonderful jdea' to keep the old
good health, .Her hearing apd cemetery looking mice _My; Dad
eyesight, are keen and she can 7 ___’ '
read without glasses, although j there. Hope your future plans to
she uses them. She .is currently 'build a mausoleum will come true
deep in a 533-page volume The 13s it is so much nicer for winter
Silver Chalice”. An adept knit-]burials”; •. . . .7
♦or Mrs. MacKenzie still olies 1 - — __■_____ter, Mrs. MacKenzie still plies
the' needles with dexterous hands,
and knitted unceasingly during, f
two world wars.
Mrs. MacKenzie i? a daugh
ter’of Joseph Agnew and;Mary
Jane McMillan and was born in
Ashfield Township ”90 ^years ago,
within a. stone’s throw of Hope
Church on the Boundary West. ,
Her husband, the late Profes
sor MacKenzie, was a son of Mr.
and' Mrs; John MacKenzie, who
immigrated! from4 Scotland to
Ashfield when EWen was 2 years
old. He was known as “Bush”
John, to distinguish him from his I
Irvine Henry of Belfast has
sold his farm on the Gravel Road
to RiisselL Phillips of Fordyce.
ML Henry: has bought the-village
property of Allan Reed’s of Dun
gannon, which has been occupied
by Mrs. Montgomery.
L. JWacKenzie’s father.
Upon growing to young man
hood, Mr. MacKenzie attended
school atKincardine to fit him
for the teaching profession. He
taught at St. Helens, and .then I
atBelfast.~Ttwasiwhilethere| he married “Maggie” Agnew and J
they resided at Belfast for three
years before Mr. Mackenzie de-
cidedHo enter Presbyterian Col-!
lege at Montreal to study for the
:ministry. Upon graduating .he
preached on a Mission Field near
Montreal toefpre accepting his
first charge at Chesley. From
Chesley they went'.back to Mon
treal where Rev. MacKenzie was
appointed pastor of St. ,Ma thews
Church. Later. o he accepted the
professorship in systematic and
A special bus will be run •
to Nobleton on Saturday ’ey*
ening for the.second game qf
the Ontario Championship
Midget. “D0 series.19
'"There; is accomodation for
about 35 passengers, arid tick
ets are . available at. Chin’s
Restaurant. Tfi6 price is $2.50,
-It is expected that. the bus
will leave about 4.45 p.m.
. <1___' '
An additional charge of 25c. will
hereafter be in effect on all class-
ified advertisements reading “ap
ply at The Sentinel Office”.
The reasons are that: such ad
vertisements are not convenient
‘.for those who wish to reply, and?
. that when they do apply, all the.,
information we can give is the
person’s riame and address. To
have the details of all these advts
and attempt .to convey them to
all those who enquire would take
valuable time far (beyond. the
worth of the little“waflt advt.”;
This charge, it is hoped, will
discourage a practise that is
; ;......................I. } 4 ’
The Sentinel Office had ~a big
job on. hand last week-—the set
tingof 4wo half sheet sale bills
and printing 4000 copies, for a
monster liquidation arid xemod-.
elling sale of shoes by SyC. Rath-
rwell Son. .
;; The sale; which' opened .on
Wednesday, is being, promoted by'
The. National Sales System, 7 un
der the personal direction pf Mr.
Paul G. Hoover.
It promises to be a tremendous
.gale. With prices slashed ot figures
unheard of. for many a day.
'' ‘ '■ 7 .
A number of subscribers have
been calling our attention to the/
fact that tlie label, date on their
paper has not been/changed. This,
no doubt, due to the fact. that
we have been constantly remind
ing our readers about renewals.
. The mailing list has not been
changed since early , in January,
but we will get around to that
task Shortly/ In- the - meantime,
those who. have neglected' to rer
new their Sentinel are requested
to, give this matter their early
of Lucknow. The little girl, 2V2
months old, had been ill with
The funeral was held on Fri-
I day morning from the McLerinan
I to . Riversdale Roman Catholic
I Cemetery. Besides her- parents*
•three sisters survive. iI ■/ -“
Kinloss Township Council last
week appointed its officials in
charge of the annual warble fly
spray campaign. E,ddie Thompson
is’inspector; Orville Elliott, tract
or man and John Downey, spray
operator. "practical theology at Presbyter-1 Mr. Thompson was the previous
lan College, and, (while yet a. tractQr man. In taking over the
young mail, and during one of jnspeptOI.»s joib'he succee^s prank
Ins classes,, he collapsed and died ; Miller who did not apply' for the
suuddenly from a heart attack.position due to the pressure of
That was 44 years ago.
Mrs. MacKenzie and her fam
ily of five children returned to
Lucknow to reside, where five1
years later^ she was: again sor-1
rowfully bereaved when her son
John* age^l8» apdsa junior bank
c|erk, died from pneumonia.
Grandson In Ministry
While Mrs. MacKenzie knew
grievous sorrow, today she has
the happy .experience of having
her grandson, Alex MacDonald,
studying for the ministry im Pres-
byterian College where his grand-
father’s, name and teaching is still
a cherished memory.’
Mrs. Mackenzie ? has been a
staunch and faithful member of
the Lucknow Presbyterian
( Church, and While health permit
ted was a moving force in the
•7 MS., in which She ?liblds a
life 'membership;. ' ’ • ' ,
Mrs.. MacKenzie has four dau
ghters,- Mrs. H. C. Moore (Jean)
^ Victoria, B.C,; Mrs. Alex Mac-
“ -wald^/Margaret) of Ni a gar a
Falls; Mrs. Lloyd White (Helen) ]
of Detroit and Miss Muriel Mac-
his farm work.
The first-of two spray treat
ments gets underway about April
ISt ' •' ..............
A Huron County school for
Warble ¥ly officers .and township
’officials was held in Clinton oil
Monday with all rural municipal
ities in the County represented as
well as other adjacent townships.
Bruce and Huron halve pioneered
in warble fly spraying, and are
tlfe only, two counties in Which
all..townships practise the treat
It is estimated that close to
: 1,000,000 cattle will be treated
this year in Ontario.Jt was point
ed out at .Monday’s meeting that
treathient must. not. start before.
April 1st; “
■ » , .......... ... . * •. , ' w
—Farm.auc-tion-sales are. poppjng
into the limelight again^with' the
' approach of’spring, and if the
THAT post holes are being dug
, along main street for the new
steel street light standards that
will be affixed to the buildings
with an extending arm over
head! The project Wil 1 eliminate
hydro poles and yriFes A0’1!
Main Street. * .
■ o1 ■■ •- - •1
THAT Laurine McNain, daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNain
of Ainberley,. underwent a
major operation in London On
Monday«>of last week for bowel
obstruction and adhesions. Laur
ine was taken to Goderich Hos
pital the previous'Saturday and
from there was taken toy aril-
bulance^ to Sick - Children’s
Hospital, London. Last summer
Lauririe ^underwent an appen
dectomy. < 4 !
■--------O— . ; ■ ' 7*.
THAT Lome Woods has been'ap
pointed secretary of the UjF.O.
Shipping: Coriipany pf ■ Luck
now, succeeding - the late C. E.
. . McDonagh;
. I. • —o-— ■ _■ :..f
THAT Kenneth Hendersdn of
M!oosom.in,‘Sask., says that “Do
You Remember?” was a great
“- write-up and he‘enjoyed it im-
• jriensely. • ■ / s.
—_o. t
THAT" George . I?win ■; phoned
Home word'last week that'he
More skunk stories this week
may give the Sepoy Town a very
smelly aroma in the nostrils: .of
our out - of - town readers! But
while the skunks are numerous,
the smells are few and far ..be--
Possibly because one means of
extermination has been ’ asphyxia
tion. One little “pussy” that de
cided to. hole up in a basemeht
Window in the Breckles building
met this fate. A car was run
into the alley way between Brfeck-
lesa and the Anderson apartment
and an attachment to the exhaust
pipe soon fixed the animal.
When the operation was get
ting underway a lady who was
passing by was given a warning
shout, but went haughtily on her
way,, apparently thinking it iwas
a “Wolf” rather than a skunk
that was in the alleyway.
George Whitby .used the same'
treatment .tpj despatch._an.other_eL
these animals which he had trap
ped iik a box.
: Down the .fldxmill way the gas
procedure was al§o tried, and
procedure was also tried, and
finally a rifle bullet was used
as the coup de grace to polish off
the so-called dead skunk—-but it
wasn’t that dead.
Then, they tell one aibout the,
“barking” skunk. A member of
the Highway patrol was. safely,
he /thought, observing the be
haviour of pne of the, little ani
mals, when a playful dog came
up behind him and -went “woof”.'
Startling, ‘ to. say the least.
Lucknow got some publicity on
Sunday mobning on Rdy jeweH’s'
“Town and Country”, (broadcast ,
over CFPL,~ London7 Mr.--Jewell,'
director of farm services for this'
station, visitPd! Lucknow last'.
Thursday afternoon when a re^/
cording was made of: the three-
riiinute “plug” by The Sentinel'
Publisher; ..
Here’s what was said] ,
The Sentinel is delighted, Mr,
-Jewell," to /have, this opportunity .
to extend greetings to your radio
audience from The Sepoy Town
of Lucknow, situated, as ;it is:,
on the boundary line between
those , two banner . counties of
Bruce and Huron. :
Lucknow,- incidentally, is incor
porated in Bruce County although
a . goodly portion of the Village ’
lies on thp. Hurpri side of the”
road. Years ago, these two coun-“
ties fought to possess Lucknow;
•to say nothing of' the two factions ,
within the Village. That, is. a tale
in itself! '
. The naming) of Lucknow is an
other story, which dates back to
the Indian Mutiny of 1857.
° The first White man to settle
here was eEli Stauffer, a mill
wright. That was back in 1850—
103 years ago. The settlement was
first 5 called Balaclava, hbut was
officially named Lucknow a few
years later, following, the relief
of the beseiged city of Lucknow;,
Indifiv The streets of btir Village
are named after British generals
who put down that Mutiny, such
as Campbell, Havelock; Outram,
.etc...../ .... . '
Native Indians troops; known
as the Sepoys, fought with the
Imperial forces in that uprising,
and hence the title. “The Sepoy
Town”, with ball and: hockey
teams, even to this day, retaining
the distirictive name, “The Se
poys”./ > . " • . .’■
But enough of the: past. Todhy
Lucknow is a ^progressive com
munity of sorrie 900 persons, in
the centre , of /a thriving rural
ereri. Symbolic of this progress
iveness is the new Lucknow Dis
trict High School now under con
struction and which will be pf-
ficiaily opened this fall; Our pub
lic-utility services are second to
none arid our social, civic, relig-
ies debunk the idea, which, some
city folks have, that /there “is
nothing. doing in. the small town”.
Here we have several small,
but busy industries, with room
arid facilities for expanding in
dustrial enterprises. The oldest
industry is the’ Treleaiven Millihg
Company which has grown up
with the Village. The Sentinel is
no youngster, either. It was es
tablished 80 years ago. Yes, the
small town’s a -good place in
Which to live and with its Scot-’
tish ancestry and traditions, The
Sepoy Tbwri has long beeri noted ■
as a friendly, congenial spot.
Kenzie of town TheVe a^ fote< 'bidding at Glen Fraser's sale, in ■ : was convalescing after 8 days
Wandsons and twri'greaHrand Huron .Township. last wee* >s any an •the army hospital With pneu-
children.'/ sale prices aro-.s^n^J .monial^ . :. ■ - ■ . .
jQsepif Agnew, is Mrs. MacKen-.Wfighew.is Mrs; MacKen- in« sh/,'P’y,'
7'6 S..f"young” fcrdthee-JHeUs; 85:1 Sttiw™ % v ervinc
Two. brothers arid , two 'sisters, I'111?11 ht $300. Thcic -s-a c y jl
yayid*. James, MaryAnn. and :
anie .passed on many years ago.
—__ ; litter
Ward from the. War UeparU
.. ent has been received in -Dee^
Mich:,. that Pfc. Wilfred
isk1 iJ been’wounded ih th^
1 and A how under Kos- W treatment'.. ■• . ’
•:h'v^re^’ Who,.has been serving
of tS5^e?’ 2? or>iy grandson
lvr^'C/“v -Kpnnetn^vamerox
s. Josephine Cameron of
grave,. ' , ,
< ' ' ' ; '
■/■"MrTTFraser has sold., the farm
to- his’ neighbor* Clarence Dun-.
4ep, and he and Mrs. Fraser have
moved to London Where Glen
has a position with the . John
Lafoatt Co.\ ' ,
The Fraser sale attracted a
huge crowd of people—the larg
est, it is. believed,, eyfer held in
the the auc>
.. •
THAT the .United .Church Choir
is. being entertained Wednes-'
day night by, the 'Ch(irch Board
at a concert in the Walkerton
district High Schodl featuring
The Toronto Public' School .Men
THAT while serving for six/years
.as'secretary of the St. Helen’s
. Women’s institute, Mrs.’ E. JV-
Rice established the record of
never missing d meeting.. Ac
cording'to Institute, regulations
•she relinquishes that position
after six .years’ service and her
■ successor is* Mrs.” Fred ■ McQuiL
lin. . • ' .
7—Tlie-A^^t~Wawanosh HJTrit~~TFf'
the Federation df Agriculture, is
this year promoting*-the' sale of
gate signs, according to Presi
dent Gordon MacTayish..,,-
. The signs will prominently dis
play'the farm owner’s riamejaS
•w,P^i as, ..the County Federation
imiprint. •; ‘
The' signs can #be' obtained with
the name on one side for affixing
to the gate, or. with the name
cn both sides for suspending from
a' post, in order that they may
be; read in approaching, from
either direction. ‘ . ■■■. > . '. ,
The West Wawanosh Unit is
Sponsoring a dance; in . the Parish
Hall, Dungannon, on Wednesday,
next, March 25th, in aid of the
Flood Relief Fund. It is hoped
tp have detailed informatipn re-
garding. the signs and prices th
suitaiit to those in.‘attendance at,
this benefit gathering.
For the -purpose of ..prgahization
of the Federation of Agriculture
in Kinloss Township a public
meeting . is . to' be held ‘in the
1 oyvnship Hall at. Holyrood on
Tuesday evening of next week at •
8*30. •’/' ’ " /• . ' ;
. Among those, to be present,; is •
J.im/Powers, field; man 'for the '
Bruce County Federation; '
-- .............. . ■■ ..•■_<■■■■ ------------- —; ■
Two young bulls from Andrew*-.
>Gaunt’s Shorthorn .herd brought
gbbd prices at the provincial bull
sale at Tororito last week.; The
■two animals* ages 16 and H inds.* •',?
(brought. $800 and $550 each. .
There .were 168 entries ’ ih . the
VF»' ... 'Shorthorns,'with, some 25,culled ,
. .but
The average price for the lot
was. $519.