HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-11, Page 8WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1953 ~r fl 4 r* KIN LOUGH 200 Pounds Of * Orland Richards, Raynard Ackert, A. E. McKim, 1 Steve Stothers, Committee Chairman. . Eniest Blake, . T. A. Cameron,/, , Kenneth Murdie, , a/ Rev. G* Meiklejohn, Pastor.* PAGE EIGHTH THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I SEE BY THE SENTINEL (Continued front page 1) . THAT Bessie- Reavie, Elizabeth Webster, Marilyn Kilpatrick and. Donna Johnston /sang a ’ number at the morning service in the United Church. /’: s . * . * THAT there were thirteen tables at the Monday, night Shoot party. High score winners were Mrs. Barkwell and Howard “ Harris: Consolation prizes went- . to Mrs. J. C. Armstrong;, arid ’•<« Fred Jackson. > 7(’- / : «-O^. ' ; THAT ‘ the ifirst of a< series of ( inoculations for diphtheria, • whooping cough, lockjaw and smallpox, ‘ wiR be conducted next Tuesday morning in the Recreational Centre by officials of the Bruce County Health Unit The clinic is for children over three months. - - THAT Arnold Alton placed third in the senior seed judging com- (petiiiori ut the Huron Co. Seed i. ■ Fair, at. Clinton last week. He ( •e scored 680 marks out of a poss­ ible 800. The first place win­ ner, Earl McSpadden,. scored 718 points. In. the junior judg­ ing Frank Alton had a score of 663 and Lome Hackett 629. THAT Provincial Constable Bruce Woods Of Kincardine has been transferred to Dundas, where he reported for duty the first of the week. other people who help support it, ( ^'DOING-WHAT-YOU-WOULPTDG-IF-Ybu^WtRE-^HEREi^— TO DO YOUR (EST TOR OTHERS, GIVE generously TO YOUR RED CROSS a- BED CROSS DONATIONS (Continued from page 1) R. C. Whitby 100; Len Ritchie 1.00; Mrs. Marshall 2.00; Flora . and i John McDonald 1.00; Mrs. Rena’McNab 10.00; Clair Agnew 2.00; Clark Finlayson 1.00; Mor­ gan Henderson 15.00; Mrs. J. W. . Henderson 10.00; James Hender-^ son 15.00; Wm, Fisher 2.00; Kair- shea W. I. 25.00; Jbhn W. Hen­ derson Lumber Company 50.00; Donald Henderson 15.00; A Friend 1.00; Donald McLean 5.00; ■n Alex Havens 2.00; Mrs. Eweri Mc­ Kenzie 2.00; Harvey Webster 2.00; Albert McQuoid 2.00; Thos. Burris 5.00; Jas. DeGruchey 1.00; Ted Howey 1.00; Jane Bowman 1.00; Mrs. A. D. Armstrong .20; Esther McGill 1.00; Dan Smith 5.00; Mrs. King’. 1.00; Miss Martelman .50; Mrs. Shaddick .50; Mrs. Ed Little 2*00; Jessie andfc AnnieMacKay 25.00. . Christine Describes “My First Days As A Woman” • Christine Jorgensen, the wo­ man who once was a man, tells about the „ plastic surgery opera­ tion that completed her trans­ formation. Also, in The American Weekly with this coming Sun­ day’s (March 15) issue? of The Detroit Sunday Times, she .quotes frotm hfeartrrending letters receiv­ ed from hundrecls of unfortunates “lost between the stexes”. 10.00; Mrs. Wilson Hamilton 1.00; Betty Miller 1.00; Redvers John­ ston 2.00; Joe^ Wasney 2.00; Jas. McNaughton . 1.00; Agnes Mc- -Quaig 5.00; Mrs. R. V. McKenzie 2.00; Mrs. D. C. Taylor 1.00; Rds- zella Mullin 2.00; Mrs. Barbara Stothers LOO; Mrs./ Nellie Scott 2.00; Jack Fisher 1.00; H. M._ Mc­ Lennan 5.00; . W. B. Anderson 2 Maple Leaf Lard, lb ...... ■ IGA Blended Juice, 48 oz. ;.. ..... 31c 5S Campbell’s Vegetable Soup ................/ 2 for 25c ■ Nature’s Best Choice Cream Corn. ...; 2 for 25c5 Shredded Wheat ..... . .. . 2 for 31c V' THAT for copies of the February 4th issue our thanks to Mrs. ' Melinda Nivins, R. 1, Clinton and to Mrs. Harvey Webster. T THAT at a Clansmen meeting on Friday night, the financial statement revealed / that the.: Club had liquidated (the debt personally assumed in connec- ■" 'lion with the Recreational Cen­ tre. "Other outstanding inciden- tials show the Club to be $42.65 in the red, and a , spring dance is planned to wipe out this deficit THAT Legion Auxiliary shoot club winners for last Friday ni^ht were: high lady, Mrs. Lome Johnston; high man, Mel —Stanley- and Peter; Johnston; consolation prize, Mrs. William Stimson. Prizes were donated Iby Ernie Crawford, Mrs. R. E. Forster and Mrs. A. Solomon. There were nine tables. THAT a note from Mr. Stanley J. Pymm at Hotel Irvin in New York City says that his return’ to the Village may be delayed. ■(................... I ,i ■ UM Swap it! Sell it! Rent it! Buy it! Use Sentinel Want Ads. , | WHY FAY MORE? SHOP AND SAVE AT YOUR I.G.A. STORE! ■ And SAVE On Qur Everyday Low Prices. ’ 16c Try some French Roquefort cheese for lunch J Tomatoes,. 14 oz. cello .....23c. ■ Grapefruit, large *..7...5 for 29c " Florida Juicer Oranges, 250*s ............ 29c ■ Sunlcist Oranges, 220’s, doz. . ..................... 35c 2 Celery, large stalks 3 for 21c ■ Spinach, 10 oz. cello ............ 19c " i MARKET I ■ LADIES Pi^re Silk Headsquares Leather Belts 45c to 98c $1.39 to4$1.89 novelty and tailored styles. ■ .J * >& / H'S.'./ < T ’ ..... EASTER NdVELTiES We have, a good supply of Easter Novelties, Eggs, 7”- Bunniesf Lambs, Chickens and Baskets. ; ; Prices range from 8dc - ......- ............... ............... .... ■ MEN..;. Fiirte Shirts “Sanforized” ■ sizes 14 to 17 $2.95 each — 2 for $5.75 “Snag Proof” Smocks $4.50 and $4.95 FREE Hankie with each garment / .• r ■ . ’ / • *'•*” .. ' / /• ' . /'. ■„ ' . .. o ~~0neJMore-W^eek Only To-Jluy-Your WINTER UNDERWEAR AT 20 PERCENT OFF »N ■ ■’ 1 ' ' V- r • ,. ■ ' V • • ■ r 1 *., ■ ■ ■ ' , „ V , , 7 ••" -•» .♦ ; ■ ■ ■■ ■ ... ■ ‘ ’ . 'f* r/ ? \ \ ; 7 ' * , V . : ' r • ' •• v • * ■ i'-'f . ■ *• ? ' j* ■. * ■ FATHER and SON BANQUET LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Thursday, March 19th - - 7.00 pan. ADDRESS—“Character Building”, by Rev. W. A. Young, B.S.A., Chaplain Ontario Agricultural College. Tickets $l«50 each. Bring your son/ 7 If' you have no sorirborrow-pne/^^—----......... tick^yts: may be Secured from the. following: \ Eniest Blake, . I Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy vis­ ited with friends in London on Thursday. ‘ Mrs. Roy Graham entertained- ladies in1 the community on Fri­ day ,evening at .a^novelty^dem­ onstration at her home. Mrs. W. Thompson of Bervie visited recently with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Jack Hodgins. Mrs. Walter Kaake returned to her hotne at Kinloss after spend­ ing a few days with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Ezra Stanley. . Ladies from here attended the shower at Clark’s Church on Sat­ urday afternoori in honor of Miss Iris Pollock, bride-elect. Mrs. Wm. Wall will entertain the Sr. WA. at her home on Thursday afternoon. / Miss Winnie Percy, R.N., of Woodstock, spent a 7 few days With her riiother, Mrs. Wm. Percy arid other meinibers of her family here. Mr^andMrs.-JackSchumacher arid Helen spent Sunday at Writ Wall’s. Mrs. Gertrude Walsh, Jack and ScOtt, Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bushell spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hod­ gins and Don Gillespie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell and Janet. The girls riiodelled their dress­ es which they completed at the recent course “Cottons May Be Smart”. Credit is due Mrs. F. Thompson and Mrs. Alex Percy for their time arid effort. The meeting closed with / God saye the Queen and lunch was served by the hostess and committee. Mrs. F. Miaulden will be the next hostess** Mr., and Mrs. Ronald Thacker and family visited on Sunday with Mr* and Mrs' Bert Nichol­ son. ■ ■ The H.W.I. met on Thursday eVeriingx^at the home of Mrs. Frank Thompson. Mrs. R. Ackert presided; After the usual opening exercises,, minutes were read arid correspondence was debit with. $10 was voted to the Red Cross. Plans Were made for a play “Hen Pecked Henry” ito be presented on Friday evening, jMarcri 13th. Committee, Mrs. R. Ackert and Mrs. Jim Smith. Comiriittee for the new slate of officers: Miss May Boyle, Mrs* Wm. - Wall arid Mrs* Alex Percy. Program Com­ mittee/ the standing committee members' With the executive and Mrs. Wm. Eadie and Mrs.- E. Ack-' ert. Judges-for .the po<t holder contest, Mrs: Harold Haidenby, Mrs. Ross Martyn and Mrs. - jack ---_BORN—.—-------------- - KEITH r— In .Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday^ March 10th to Mr. and Mrs* Evan Keith (nee Margaret Graham), a son, Brian Hewitt. Mrs; Lome Eadie, con-1 Richard. ’ . ; ' d 6 1 at 10c lb. Bring your own Container.- CASH PATO FOR HIDES AND SKINS. ; ’V* ‘ •: • ” • ; N. H. HEDLEY BUTCHER - PHONE41 verier, took charge for. the fol* lowing program: solo, Mrs. Har* old Haidenby; /Mrs. Ross Martyn of Ripley Was guest, speaker and her topic was “Ireland” and was much enjoyed. She also favored with a sold; current events; Mrs. Wm. Eadie; piano solo, Coraibelle Thompson ;. motto, Mrs. Raynard Ackert who also conducted con* tests. Prizes .. went to Mrs. Win. Eadie and Mrs. Ernie Hanna for their pot holders. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins at? tended a family dinner at Kin* cardine on Sunday, it being the occasion of the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Bell. • THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE A United States senator puts it. . this way-, “The appeal for tem­ perance should continually be’ made upon the high basis of the good of the individual, the pres* ervation of the home, the1 happi­ ness of the family, the advance* ment of community life, the de­ velopment of high moral fibre and spiritual strength of all the people, young? middle-aged and old’*. Trie senator might have add* ed—the safety of the highway, the efficiency of the worker and the stamina of the athlete. All these are desirable ends. The use of alcohol, is a’ threat to every one of ithem. This paragraph does appeal for. resistance to the en­ croachment,of alcohol.—Advt. i * . ■. ' .1 * :--i ........ xbmHNMHnw * *> ■/ ,