HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-11, Page 4PAQE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,’ LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • »WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, 1953 FOR SALE — Good used piano. Apply at; Sentinel Office. FOR SALE—used tires* & tubes, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 inch^ some like new. G. Dorscht, Sf., Helens. SURGE MILKERS A Having slow milking troubles? Call Lovell McGuire, your Surge (dealer; phone 593W' Wingham. We specialize in milking cows. WANTED u—■ good sized colony ..house. Apply to Lloyd Collins, R. 71, Lucknow, phone 206-r-41.< FQR.SALE-^white gander hatch­ ed in 1952. Frank Miller; iR, R. 5, Lucknow. ’ ■; ' “'■’^V'SEED^ULEANING"^^’7'^'”' Be prepared for seeding time! Have your seed.... cleaned and, treated now to get full, benefit of the treating.'Stuart E. Robert­ son, Lucknow. -7 4 4 . ;.. COMING EVENTS j DON’T MISS “SPICE ON ICE/’ In: the Wingham Arena, March 13, 14. Adults 75^ Children . IQ years and under admitted free with adults. , ' ’ / ‘ COMMUNITY NIGHT: In St. Helen’s Community Hall on Friday, March 13th, Program at 8,30. followed iby dancing,, 'SiL ver collection at door. Ladies please bring lurichj 44 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on. Patrick St., just off the Main St. in WINGHAM DR.T.B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN Havelock St., south of Supertest Garage —— - —;----——:—: —'•—r""'""—FOR SALE—Carter oats and bar- dey, suitable for seed, Bob Purves* R» 1, Lucknow. FOR SALE — cedar posts. Alex Percy; R. 3, Holyrood, phone Rip­ ley 18-30. WANTED—100-acre grass farm near Lucknow, or in Ashfield Township; Phone 82r7 Dungan­ non. •............■' ................ WANTED TO BUY—a moveaible henhouse. Mrs. Irvine Henry; R. 2, Lucknow, phone 84-1 Dungan­ non. FOR. SALE—team of horses, and one Quaker oil burner used, one season. Apply to John MicCharles, phone 2-r-8 Ripley. LIVESTOCK WANTED Dead, disabled horses or cows removed free of" charge. For prompt and efficient service call “STONES” collect Ingersoll 21, Wingham 561J or Ripley 182. AUCTION SALE of stock and imploments at Lot 24, Con. 11, West Wawattosh,. 2 % miles east of St. Helens, on Tuesday, March' 24th at 1.00 ,p.m. See bills. James Aitchison, Prop.; Emile MacLen- nan,’Auc. AUCTION SALE of farm, stock and implements at Lot 32, Con. 4, Huron Township on Thursday, March 12th at 12.30. Big list of cattle, pigs, implements, grain, etc. Farm offered subject to reserve •bid. Glen Fraser, Prop.; Emile MacLennan, Auc. PLAY AT HOLYROOD ir The play ‘‘Hen 'Pecked Henry” Will be presented by JPine River and Rethel. m Holyrood Hall, Friday, March 13th at 8.30 under W. I. auspices. : TEA ANb BAKE SALE The; Local Association of Girl Guides wilL/held a tea, bake sale) and white elephant sale in the- Recreational Centre, Lucknow on Saturday, March, 14th, from 3.00 to 5.30 p.m. , COMING! To Zion School on {Friday, March 13th at 8.00 p in.; a lecture and pictures by Miss Helen Sal­ keld, Silver collection. Lunch served. Proceeds for the Red Cross. v’<irj. J Professional Eye Examination Optical Services Evenings by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. ),5. T jpHNSTONrS FUNERAL HOME ’Phone 76 Day or, Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost Moderate Prices * T LUCKNOW ’7 Telephone 175 7 business es TAX SERVICE . MONTHLY AUDITS For The ■ Small Merchant, Professional mail and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 < Lucknow, Ont Office in Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w CHICK STARTER—new improv­ ed 20% 'Chick Starter at $4.85 per cwt. Lucknow District Co-op, phone 71. 7. ' HOUSE WANTED—middle-aged couple wish to rent ^mall house, with bath arid 'eell-ar, by July 1st. Apply Box 212* Waterloo, Ont."1 STOVE FOR SALE — coal and, ---wOodLcirculator^iheater.. $49 new, will sacrifice for $20. No place to store. Apply at The Fruit Mar­ ket. FOR SALE — Drop-head Singer sewing machines, overhauled and (guaranteed, priced from $24.50 up. Two only used Electric Port­ able machines. All machines priced for quick sale. For a home demonstration, write Sihgbr Sew­ ing Centre, Hanover or phone '403.'. . PERSONAL ^SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight-builder, Ostrex Tonic Tab­ lets. Introductory, “get-acquaint­ ed” size only 60c. AU druggists. FOR RENT — house, corner of Willoughby and Havelock Streets, available Feb. 1st., 6 rooms and bath, recently redecorated. Apply E. J. Farrish, Gorrie. * A FORt SALE — centre floor self- serve stand, 8 ft. long, 44 inches high, 26 inch base. Three gradu­ ated levels, end shelves included, $40.00. Elmer Umbach DrugS; Lucknow, Ont. . > FOR SALE—attractive 13%-acre farm at 'Amberley/ Good year; round water, plus small bush. Good barn with two attached hen houses. Excellent 7-room ranch style brick home, plus 3-room basement, built-in cupboards and breakfast nook in kitchen. Quarti­ er mile off 21 Highway. Ideal for raising fowl, small down pay­ ment. Immediate possession. Thomas W. Koviak, Jr., R.R. 3, Goderich, phone 110-r-27 Ripley. • - --- -------—'Ci ,4 * n — WANTED: Reliable man as Deal­ er in Bruce County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to ‘step into old profitable busi­ ness where Rawleigh Products halve /(been sold for years. Big profits. Projects furnished ; on credit. Write Rawleigh’s Dept. C-271Ti«3r'MQntreal. r . 4 ~ PIANOS FOR SALE Various makers of : new pianos including: Mason i& Risch and Willis. Priced reasonable. Liberal allowance on your old piano. < GARNET FARRIER Whitecliurch, Ontario Phone '711-J-l Wingham MkLENNAH and MacKENZIE , funeral service Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes1 at your Home, Your Church, or at odr Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. ■ AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknpw, Day or Night / Agnews’Agency _____: . • I"-. .• Howard. Agnew — Jos. Agnew V MEMBER OF Ontario insurance Agents’ Association AUCTION SALE COW FOR SALE—purebred Hol­ stein cow rising 4, vaccinated and accredited, due now; and several othersto-freshenat- a—later— date.^ Harold Gaunt; R. 2, Lucknow, - phone 44-r-3 Lucknow. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— set of Minneapolis three-section spring tooth harrows, almost new, ahd 15-run Massey-Harris power drill, new. Gordon Andersdn, R. 7, Lucknow. WATCH FOUND—A lady’s gold wrist watch jin the Town Hall. Finder may have saM/by prov­ ing property and paying "expenses. Alex Havens/ phone 121, Luck- . now. ■ - FARMS FOR SALE—200 acri^,. side by side, hydro and new fur- J-mare* nace in house, water in barn and house, barn on adjoining farm. Two cowk for sale freshening F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 ■ ' For 7 Appointment or Information See Wm. A; Schmid, 'Phone 167 -w Lucknow „ ; x: insurance . FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE —AND LIFE 4—- -- To Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3,. Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon • ' • ' R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every- .. ... ; Wednesday and. Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Blopk Telephone: 7 Office 135 Residence 31-J <* GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 * Residence 138 $18 AN EVENING . - For your , spare, time, Just 3 easy free trial-sales amazing Pat­ ented Automatic Refrigerator De­ frosters can pay-you that. -Hun* dreds of hot prospects. Commis­ sion. Rush name, address for guaranteed profit offer. D-Frost- O-Matifc Co., Dept. 84, Newmar­ ket, Ont. Clearing Auction Sale of farm stock and machinery at Lot 33, Con. 10, East Wawanosh Town­ ship, 4 miles* t south 'and 4 miles west of Wingham on Thursday,March26thatl2.30 CATTLE: 6 cows to freshen in April; Black heifer with calf; 2 black heifers to freshen in Mar.; 4 black heifers, 2 years Old; black steer, 2 years bld; 20 Poll Angus steers, ready for market, weight 1100 lbs.; roan; cow, freshened March 1st; Holstein heifer, fresh­ ened in February; red heifer, freshened in November; . black registered Poll Angus bull; Here­ ford cow due in May; Holstein icow due in April; 2 red cows, light roan cow, due time of sale; rearling heifers and steers; 3 /ves, 5 months old. . > HORSES? Grey Mare; Brown MACHINERY: W4.McCormick- Deeririg. tractor 2 yrs., old; Woods electric roller, 3 yrs, old: McCor- mick*Deering manure Spreadbf, like new; MasseyrHarris one-way disc; 4rsection.* spring tooth har- rbws; 2rfurr.ow McCormick-Deer- ing tractor plow; 3 yrs; old; sidb rake; harrows; McCormi'ck^Deer- ing, power mower; Walking plow; scuffler; dump rake; wagon oft rubber with, good hay rack; tr til­ er with rack; Case forage harves* ter and blower,, like new; steel posts; Vega LB .-Eaton cream sep­ arator; roll woven fence wire; roll barb wire; lumber,'barrel of molasses; double harness: single harness; electric fencer m> good • condition;- forks, shovels'' chains, and other, articles. . GRAIN: alfalfa seed; cob born; 10 toh baled hay; 500 bus. Clinton oats .suitable for seed; 500 bus. mixed grain. . - TERMS—CASH No Reserve As t'arm Sold1. . Mrs. Edward vMcRurpeyy ^rbp. Harold Jackson* Auc. ,14y< -./cafve >4 HC right away., Apply to Tom Glen, R, R. 7, Lucknow. ELECTRIC MOTORS — general repairs, re-winding, cleaning, brushes, bearings, etc. Electric appliance repairs. Efficient Ser­ vice, reasonable rates., HAROLD’ ; HALDENBY, Kinlough; phone Ripley 1.8-20, .. 4 C U S T O M CHAIN SAWING—. Agent for all types of Mall, chain saws,*, electric •, drills, sanders, -planes, pplishefs, hand saws* tools. _J. ACK-^-ARR ._.rL.R , 71. ,_Hol y rood, phone^ Ripley 18-29. GOOD INSURANCE'is a flock of Bray chicks. For , egg or "meat m^rjcets.'-Thte-Hatchery, can give . immediate or later shipment in a, wide, range of pure, breds and crosses, dayold, started. Cocket- •’ 61s, pullets, mixed. Full particU- , lars from 1 n. swstet H 2 NOTICE I have ibden appointed Raw-- leigh. dealer for Lucknow, Kin­ loss, Huron and Kincardine Townships and will be calling regularly; Immediate. delivery of any of our products by writing or _. calling Ed Moore, White­ church,. pfione 401-W-12 Wingham. SEEDS FOR SALE Ontario grown No. 1 clovers and Timothy, per bushel, alfalfa $23.50; red clover $16.00; alsike $24.00; white sweet $6.60; yellow sweet $7,20; per lb., Orchard 30c, Brome 26c; Meadow Fescue 25c; Blue Grass 75g; White Dutch 70c; Reed Canary 60c; Trefoil $1.00; Ladina $1.25. We-do custom clean- dng^_oLLBuckhorn_La)id--noxious.. weeds from clover seed. . . ROY CRAMM & SON Pinkerton Phone Cargill 68W3 A"woman, is a person who will spend $20. on a beautiful slip arid then . be annoyed if it. shows. '4 •• ■ ■; ~~ 4 ’ ’...“ .4 —• ■ INSURANCE ■J _ ” • Co-Operative Life Insurance -^-Co-Operative-Automobile - Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable. See ... T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW’ Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon 211 P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday Kenneth J. MacKenzie R.0, Optometrist* LISTOWEL, ONT. Will be at Wrona’s Jewellery store^Ripley^iO-a;m^to-9-p.mTr WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18th -and-every^econdAyednesdayr Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, ;Q6-r-24 Ripley. ENJOY COMFORT OIL HiEAT. i •! R. $. Hetherington, K.C. Barrister, Etc. Wingham and Lucknow _^__JEacli_Mojnday„ and Wednesday Located on the ground floor in tbe front of John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham Office 48 ‘ Residence 97 J a. Insure With The CulrossMutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. I - ; . . ” FREE SUI?VEYS^Ah|D ESTIMATES Ofl. BURNERS OIL FURNACES • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS 1 HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Winghain - ....... 1 ior • Reasonable rates, sound pro4 tection & prompt, Satisfactory ‘’settlement, of claims.‘’settlement., of ..y ;, . FARISH MOFFAT z Your Local Agent ' R. 3, Toeswater. ; , 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 '‘i : ; '■ * * ' ,7 ’’■ • ' ’ # ’ ’ )