HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-11, Page 3&
freshments were served and a
time of good fellowship enjoyed
•by alt
Dry in an hour
for rehanging pictures
and drapes..
Scrubs Cleon Again and
Again “7 without harming its
loyely “satin finish. v
' X
7 * ■ ,
< tfr
•15 p.m.i Sunday School and
Bible Class.'
p.m.: .Erskine; Dungannon,
pan.: Evening Service/
Easy "GHd&on" Application
—goes on as easily as stroking
a wall with-a'dry brush!
will con-
10.30 a.m;
. Low and Promise., Akela/TKomp;cm* *'”j
which the 23fd,psalm was sung*
SaiulC in • tippi utjawv** wx mivju -r “zT0 . 1treating all/with ’chocolate milk,'.’ for., the- Bible names .spiling
ron& ana huH. The ’meeting-AVa’sL^ Baulch
closed with the Grand Howl, Cub with Mrs? D, L. MacKinnon and
uuavu? . a/. “A vca fire) wiwnpr.
* >
* *
WgggpAW MARCH 11, 1953
nev, G. A\ Meiklejohn,"
;■ B.A>, B.D. ' <.
Prayer and the singing of
Canada •’ "'and
Brussels-, racK,. dj.,. > —-With- the Lucknow Cubs joining [by - Qdbert .Hamilton; witmStew?
in throe chehrs. The Local Scout ,■
Association. ..received .<
sal life, in •'
z Association, and ■ the Acout chap
lain, Rev' 'Jennings. The opening
ceremonies included the Grand
Howl led by. Sixer Alan Chin*
the Lord’s prayer and the Cub
VoTT th^n w^cohwd/the guests, af
ter,. which -the Sixes went, to their
L i a ^S“^T)T^TSpecti cat^-Kaa-Umbach--
thcn■ led the Pack in the Jungle
. Dance.' of. /Kaa the. Python,, and'
^presided ijt the pidho for a lively,
.sing song. ,-Baloo Stahley conduct
ed several gaihes and relays aSr
LSist'od by Scouts Bill Ritchie and
Alvin’,Baker„ Rev.•• Jehnings pre-
jrsonied an interesting -brain;
I teaser, Akela calicd' on Rev, Ellis'
for a few words, and then ex
pressed' His pjeasure’of having tho
Brussels^ Pack at/pur' meeting,■
.a- similar tyrb -Wihnets. Ted Collyer and
7ip]prbciat.idn of their Lloyd MacDougall, we-rfe* captains
’he color- film “Royal Jotirn-
?'■ produced by the National
ni Boar$ is now • available
m Hanover to members of the
dee and Grey County Film
tincils. This, was announced at
recent joint meeting' of the
ecutivo Committees of the two
uncils held recently ' iii Hap-
er; The film which was ex-
ptionally' popular i n t h e
?atres of Canada is expected to
in considerable demand . for
ne time*
As these lines are written glor-
js sunshine flood's the room,
inter is being challenged: so
e the blue moods and ungrate-
l attitudes. How often we take J
e sunshine for^granted and fail
be grateful. What a pity to
sume lightly any of our great
jssing’ss ■ •■■■'/
One of them is the special care
r the sijek made - available in
r days through hospitals,
nics, the Red Cross, specialized
alth research, etc. We would
Ipect to use them if we needed
I personally; but we; sometimes
Iget their vital place in our
Ition and community and world.
■Ve have reason to appreciate
Ir local convalescent home in
Ickriow. Though it is a private
Idertaking, it is a public asset,
l-visit- there ..jmakesT-a /person
mteful for the personal atten-
In and care, given to patients
K senior folk.R. health blessing easily oyer-.
Bked Is that of immunization
minst diseases. We don’t like
Bmps or measles, but they are
Brunon enough. Seldom^ do we
Bir of diphtheria, whooping
Bigh, smallpox or lockjaw: and
Bre is'an important reason. That
Bkes this announcement. import-
B. The Bruce County Health
Bit will begin the first of a
Bies of four clinics to immunize
■dren aver three months of age
Binst the above mentioned dis-
Bes—(diphtheria,—w-h o o^p-i-n g-
■gh, smallpox and lockjaw) on
■rch 17ith, in the Community Bitre from 10 to 11.30 a.m.
Blany are the evidences in our
|d of mercies th at "historically,
■se from "the"bea 1 mg~ love" of
Bist. Above all else we are
■nkful for4 Him. He
■ie to urge us..
Local & General
, Haiwey Webster of Montgom
ery Motors ..was ill at his home
with pneumonia for a few days.
Mr, Jofyn McQuillin is visiting
at Windsor wiiO/Ir. and ’’Mrs.
Irvin McCaB®.
Donald and Anna Finlayson of
Toronto spent the week-end .at.
the home of their mother, Mrs,
A. R. Finlayson1,/ < /■ /
Mr, Rod Campbell, who-has
been quite ill at his . home, is
Sjowly - .improving but still cqjv
fined to foecl, Mrs Campbell was
also oh the sick list blitz’s feeling
better again.; ' ‘ r ? '
. • > • • ■ ' '
Dr. and Mrs. E.y J* Robb of
Winnipeg were visitors with his
mother, Mrs. Alice Robb and Mr.
R. J, MacKenzie of town/*They,
left* on Wednesday morning for
Mrs. Wallace Miller of St. HeL
.ens underwent an operation on
Tuesday associated with a hiajor
operation she underwent a few
I weeks ago . in Victoria Hospital.
She • expects to return home . in
a "few "daysl. ' ■ " ; . //
, D. A. MacLean and R. A. Grant
returned on Monday from a
week’s holiday in Chicago where
they had a pleasant time visiting
relatiyes and friends.,, Mr. Mc
Lean .has a sister, Mrs. W. W.
Kincheloe living /in Chicago and
Mr. Grant has his son, Jim, and
a sister, Mrs. Allan McKenzie.
Mr: and Mrs. L. C. Thompson
motored ot Norwood last Thurs
day to bring home Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Thom who had spent the Win
ter there. They were accompan-
ied by Mrs. Charles Cook who
visited in Peterborough with Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Downs and Lar
ry’s mother, Mts. V. Downs. En
route home they called on And
rewThompson at Bowmanville.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Cameron
and children Mary Ann and Rod
dy of Port Colborne spent the
week-end here. Mrs. Cameron
and children will leave m a
month on a trip to her homeland
in Scotland, which she, left seven
years ago. They will ifly overseas
and expect to arrive at the home
of her parents on Easter Sunday,
just ty/enty-four hours after, tak
ing off .from Malton;
Mr.. Roddy Inglis df Forest vis-
i ted on Sunday at the home, of
his. parents, Mr. -dnd Mrs/ Thos,
Inglis,. •’ •;t
Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Neighbour,
.who have 'bepp visiting arpund
here , with hei/^sister, MF and
Mrs. J. Q, Gillespie, motored to.
Brantford on Sunday with Mi\
J, G. Gillespie, Mr. an4 Mrs, G.
F/ Farrier and family where they,
will visit with their niece before
returning home to the West;. ?:■:.•
~ 'Mrsy/Mr Ross and Miss, Olive
Terriff returned -home on Sun
day; froih Galt; They have- been
away ever since Ghfistmas with,
friends in Mimico and F.onthill
and/Galt, .
We are sorry to hear that Mr.
Robt. Ross isn’t as well as his
many friends would like -to hear,
suffering from a heart attack,. . /
Mrs. (Dr.) Simpson visited a
day last week with Mr, John
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dickson of
Belmore , spent Sunday at 4he
home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs.
A. Moore..
Mr. and Mrs. B. D^Mcdlenag-
han spent Sunday at the home
of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. El
wood Barbour of Fordyce.
Mrs. Robt. McNall and Garnet
spent a day last week in London.
**/ / ' "‘
Wonderful Vaiue, New Stylings-^twills, plaids, fleece, checks
in all-purpose materials. Misty blpes, nayy, brick, grey, black
—any choice/Ordered to 'yeur size, 14K> to 2414, 10 to 20.
We specialize in Made-to-Measure. Choose from 'new
/•---■----: samples“by Cambridge^andrTip^T^/“T
< Drop in for your own information.,
T ‘SKlRTS-^pla ids;' checks,.
plains, 10 to 20, 36 to 46.
BLOUSES—nylons, allur- .
acel, cotton, All latest
colors and styles.
BELTS—patent, plastic &
elastic, 'See' our new
ciricher belts.
HANDBAGS—all colors &
prices. Pouch, shoulder in
• • * • ’ . '
all 'materials.
GLOVES—nylon, fabric
kid. Choose early • for
' color and size. . '
oblongs and’, squares, all
colors and sizes. -
Flowers and Handkerchiefs
for color. ° /•'
Complete line- of nylon, crepe, rayqn and“lisle is offered
to you in latest color, size, lengths and weights,.We present
you a card (please pick up at your convenience) , at our
hosiery bar—(buy eleven pair,-r- any price — and get your
twelfth pair free). New stock at all prices. Sizes 81^ to .11%;
£Or y01ir wearable length and weight.
|Church of the Air, CKNX
farch 12th, Rev. E. W; Todd,
oxeter; March 16th, Rev. C.
Washington, Auburn; March
i, Rev. R. D. A. Currie, White-
!rch; March 18th, Rev. T. H.
ft, Hanover, , / / .
resbyterian Church
Rev. C. A; Winiij B.A.,
a.nn: Morning. Service.
i , , . .. !
WAY, MARCH 15th, 1953 j
a.m./“Believing in The I
‘ Fulfilment’/- , 4
15 p.m.i Suiiday School. I
"Joel and Jonah in j
Cbntrasi*/ ’
members-of the 1st Brus
sels Pack, with their leader Rev.
Norman Ellis, joined "with us last
week for an enjoyable meeting
together. Others present were
of the local JBoy Scout
n. and ■ the'-Scout chap-
South Kinloss W;M.S.
The March iheeting of South
Kinloss W.M.S. wass held Wed
nesday, March 4th at the home
of Mrs; Aliister Hughes with a
good attendance. The president,
Mrsi Baulch, opened the meeting
witTrfiTtihg scripture verses from
Psalni 18 followed, by prayer.
During the business period the
secretary was requested to write
Mrs. Hugh MacMtllari-and-invite
her to address the Easter Thank-
offering iheeting. Mrs. H. Buck
ton read the treasurer’s report
and all voted in favor of allocat
ing $4 from the March offering to
ward the honorary life member
ships. Mrs. A. Sutherland read
a letter re supplies and bale. The
roll ' call was . answered by a
Bible prayer Mrs. Lloyd Mac
Dougall gave the scripture and
meditation based on the Garden
of Gethsemane story followed by
Mrs. Burt read the, chapter in
the. study book on Africa and
Mrs. W. F. MacDonald read a
splendid report compiled by Mrs.
Ross MacMillan of the Presbv^
terial meeting held in Wihgham
in January. Mrs. Burt extended
a vote of thanks to the hostess
and after singing hymn 333 Miss
Dean MacLeod closed the meet
ing with prayer. ?
United Church W.M.S.
The Afternoon. Auxiliary of the
W.M.S. of the United ChurCh met
-at-thez home-of -Mrs.-Mary- Jane2
Webster on Wednesday, March.
4th. The president, Mrs. Robert
son, opened the meeting with
hymn 388 and Mrs. Scottrpffered.
prjayer. Minutes of last meeting
Were read by Mrs. Rae. Each
member answered the. roll call
with a verse of scripture. Mrs.
Breckles gave the scripture read
ing and Mrs. Ewart Taylor gaive
a paper on ^Christian Stewardship.
Mrs. W. B. Anderson read a let
ter from Miss Edith Clark in
Angola. Several pillow cases,
towels, etc., were donated for a
hospital in Angola. The program
was* in charge of Mfs. McDiar
mid and jthe followlng/numbers-
were enjoyed. Mrs. Haldenby of
Kinlough rendered two beautiful
solos and Mrs. Harvey Hall gave
a very fine talk on the last chap-
Wed., March 4 ............ B-15
Thurs., March 5 .. .... ..... N-34
Fri., March 6 ............; ..Jrl9
Sat., March 7 ... G-fi^
Mon., March 9 .............. B- 5
Tues., March 10 ... O-6»
ter of the study book on Angola.
A reading > by Mrs. Isabel Mac-
Kenzie, “Without a Cross”, and
prayer by Mrs. McDiarmid closed
the. meeting,. Lunch was served
by the committee in charge and
a socis^ time was enjoyed; The
April meeting vqII be .at the
home of Mrs. Ewart Taylor.
South Kinloss F. & F. Group „
On Sunday evening, March 8,
the Faith and Fellowship Group
met at . the, home of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Machines with a good
attendance. Opening devotions in
cluded the singing of the doxol-
ogy after which Rev. Mr. Baulch
read Isaiah 55. Further passages
were read by Ira Dickie and-Don/
aid MacIntyre. Mr. Baulch chose
“The Wordof God” as the theme
for the meditations; Mrs. Baulch
won the Bible .quiz contest._jThe
minutes of the two " previous
meetings were read by Mrs. Haf/
for two Easter Sunday Fellow
ship, worship services for March
29th .and April 12th . in South
.Kinloss Church. An educational
program followed. Mrs. Herb
Buckton dwelt, on the first and
second • Commandments., Fraser
MacKinnon on the 3rd, Mrs. W.
t. MacDonald explained -the 4th
and 5th; andr Mr.S.’ D. L. MacKin
non. the' 6th commandment. The
Bible farmer quiz was conducted
No Messy Cleanup
your hands, brush, or roller
coater, ail come dean
with water. 7 . .-
'rolls and fam. The meetirtg Avas yriatch conducted by :Mi%
; ... . ”O Mr! fed Cdllyer tied for winner.
“God Save The The dosing, remarks were given
. by?•-.Mr5/DLJb^acKinhon;..a£tefc
........ , ...' . which the 2$ rd , psalm, was sung.
Advertising doesn’t. Cdst/t pays! ’ At the elostf of the meeting,. >
O r