HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-11, Page 2•TAGE TWO
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I *
Sixty Years Ago
At the residence of Mrs, Ewen
Clark, Gough iRey, A. Mq-
Kay ■ officiated at the marriage
of her daughter,. Tena, to Wm.
„ MacDonald oftCastleton, Dakota,
and former Lucknow -mill-owner.
They left for Castleton to make
- their home, - . . : .
Four hotel licenses, were grant
ed in Lucknow at $200 *each and
a shop license at $15Q. v ..
The “Poor House’’,-committee of
Bruce County Council reported
that the proposal to establish a
poor house had. been defeated in
a coUnty-wide vote by 5629 to
■ 3257. • ' >... ,
John Phillips,. son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Phillips. of Sundridge,-
formerly of Ashfield,* died of
injuries .caused when kicked in
the stomach by a horse,
Members- of- “the ‘ Oddfellows
Lodge were instructed in the new
drill and floor work connected
With their degree wprk.
Wm. Walker v/as killed when
. struck Iby a special train running
.north to Ripley.. The accident
happened about three miles north
of Lucknow.
When a large dog owned by
James Falconer attacked a small
dog of Dr. Garnier’s, the latter
emptied a couple of charges of
shot into ithe Falconer dpg. A
lawsuit followed but judgement
was in the doctor’s favor. -
— Thirty-Five Years Ago -
Driver Gerald R. .Holribeck,
who enlisted early in the war,
was home on three months’ leave.
Robert Matheson, 33 -year-old
son of Mr. and . Mrs. Norman
Matheson, died in the State of
At the home of Mr. and Mrs.
A. Reid of Langside tKeir daugh
ter Grace was united in marriage
to Dr. E. B. Balfour. “
Robert and Thomas Farrish
spent six weeks here and return
ed West with two carloads of
Harry McCharles was elected
a member of the Royal Astro-
nomical Society of Canada.. V
As SS. No. 5, . Ashfield, Mary
Hackett was teaching Janie Rit
chie, Marshall Gibson, Essie Rit
chie,; Margaret Webster, Olive
-Helm,-Gertrude-Stroud, Earl Gib
son, Edna Ritchie, Eva-Gardner,
Grace Pepper, Harold Gardner,
Willie Pepper, Dorothy Anderson,
Malcolm Webster, Edmund Gard
ner, John Ritchie, John McDon-
agh, D. W- Stroud, Jessie And
rew, Mil vert. Reid, Alfred Rit
chie, Verda Strong, Willie Hup-;
ter, Mary‘Stroud, Willie Webster.
The death occurred at Kinlough
-Of, Mrs. John Graham, fornjerly
Elizabeth Grundy. '
Will Reid sold the grocery bUsir
ne§s, which he. bought from the
W. J. Taylor Estate, to Messrs.
Solomon ahd McGuire. :
Twenty Years Ago
' William Haldenby was elected
County Master of West Bruce
Robert Davidson was president
^oLftheJ_West JWawanosh. Mutual^
Fite insurance Co. 7 . ''
; Silverwood Creamery had:“har-’
vested” 25 tuns of ic6 off Tre-;
leaven’s pond. It was item 8 to
12 inches thick. Joe MacMillan
was cutting his supply at Purves
Lake, where • a. team of horses,
Owned by his, brother Jack broke
through theJce; and tvere xemoy^
' ed xyith difficulty/ / . ,*
Rev.. J, L., Burgess of South
Kinloss conducted funeijpl, sete
—-vi^cs-for-John-MeLean^and" Isaac-
■.Mprrisbh;-: ’
Alex Middleton, 'w.h<b lear'ned
the/’baking trade here before go-
irig West, passed away at Kill-
arney in his 51st year.. '
r studerits mat St Helens School
were Grace Weatherhead, Gor-.
don McDonald/ , Perry Durniiij
Hugh D* McDonald, Jimmie Ait-
' chison, Johnnie Pritchar(ft RUSSPll
Webb, Doris Wilkinson, Angus
McDonald, Helen Woods, Mal
colm Buchanan, Mae McDonald,
Ross Gammie, Helen McDonald,
Margaret Aitchison, Marie Swap,
Allan Cranston! Murray Wilkin
son, Dorothy Webb, Marie Aiteh-f
ison. ’’’; ; ■ .7
Ten Years Ago
. R. g. Thompson retired after
40 years on the Fire Co., and
was succeeded by Joe'MacMillan.
Bill Stanley.underwent an op
eration on his forearm to relieve
the distress he was suffering after
the loss of his hand above the
wrist in athreshing accident.!
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ross, of
Toronto, and" formerly of Lang
side, celebrated their 60th ^wed
ding anniversary,
Mrs. Frank Henry died at
Whitechurch. '
... iStudehtsjQfGrade XIII: of Luck
now High School were Lloyd
Before you buy any car—see . . . check , . . compare the
53 Ford. For here’s the car that’s built to change your
mind so many ways! Step inside—-enjoy the difference ini
„ comfort on deep wide seats with soft, foam rubber .
/cushions ... run your hands dyer the fabrics and feel the
difference in quality . . (, look all around—at the luxury
interior trims, the, spacious roominess, the Full-Circle
Visibility! But, more than this ... Test-Drive it—watch
how its “Wonder Ride” smooths out the roughest roads
how easy it is to handle on hills and highways—on.
turns and in traffic! Xest-Drive Ford’s V-8 difference—
, ds V-8 smoothness-^with the Strato-Star 110-Hp. V-8—; .
the kind of engine that powers the finest cars—and yet
-Ford/s-pri^ —
Ford s three-way choice of transmissions—Forddmatic*.
yoti re missing; in comfort, luxury and performance—
change that thousands are makittg, to
Ford in 53! .Vhen Ford offers yoit so much more, so
many ways;,..
POWERED with the finest
PRICED with the inwesf
*Fdrdotnaiic Drive, Overdrive and
sideXvall tires ipptioHdl at extra cost.
...... U-........1.1^ ;............................................... I-
Ackert, Keith Hackett, .Catherine
Johnston, Margarpt McDonald,
Rodney McLennan, John* Mow^
bray, Helen Qrr, Katherine Prest,
Kathleen Reid, Wiiliaip. Trelea-
yen %nd Grace .Weatherhead.
A driiye. was on - to have Can
adians save “every ounce” of
waste fats for munitions manu
facturing, .
. Mr* and Mrs, Hector McKay of
Whftechurch ’dbfeerved their 66th
wedding anniversary. ■ ■ .. .
Bruce County Council passed
$15,000 in patriotic grants at the-
January session,; $2000 ’ of which,
was earmarked for Chinese war
relief. ’ '
9 »•' ■ ■ ....................... ■ ‘ ’
•V . ; . , , • t
Lucknow’S Fire Brigade
made a run to the home of .
■ Mrl and Mrs. Cliff Kilpatrick,
Concession 9, West Wawa-
hosh; about eleven o’clock on
Wednesday morning, after
fire was discovered spreading
between th6 joists. The up
stairs floor was ripped up in
places and the outbreak ex-
■ itinguished. by the time the
fire truck arrived.
Mr. and ’Mrs. Donald jMcCosh,
Mary and Dickie and Mrs. Gertie
Walsh visited with Mrs. . John
Colwell on Sunday*
The Purple ' Grove Institute
met. at' the home of Mrs. Donald
McKay last Wednesday afternoon
with a large attendance.
Mr. and Mrs; Robt. Knowles of
London, Mr. Joe Morgan and
Tommy of London,; visited; at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Eli Mor-
canon Sunday.------------------
Mr. and Mrs. Edbert Bushell,
George and Katherine visited the
latter’s mother, , Mrs. Dan Mc
Donald.; .
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Cliff,
Dianne, Barry and Rickie, Miss
Helen Farrell of London spent
Sunday .at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Herb Farrell.
Mary Lou Collins spent the
past week with her aunt, Mrs.
Glen Young of Kingarf. .
On Monday afternoon Master
Freddie Morgan held a birthday
party for his young friends in
the dbser|vance of his 7th birth
day. Frank. Gemmell and Bill Mc-
Tavish of Ripley were’ among
——----—T T
those who. attended.
Miss Roslind Swan entertained-
a group of girl friends on Mon
day evening, it toeing, her 11th
birthday. ’ ;
„ On Monday evening ^of last
week the Purple ’ Grove Farm
Forum met at ithe home of Mr.
and Mrs, John Emerson .with <7
good attendance. The weekly sub/
ject for discussion, was ‘‘How to
get more teachers”. The opinions
were quite varied with many dif
ferent ideas ^giyen. Some gave
the basic causes ^o^he shortage '
of. teachers as lpwJs^laries, "few '
opportunities for^^advancement.
poorly equipped, schools, low pres-
tige of. the profession apd inade- ’
quate pensions. It was pointed
out toy some that the shortage of
teachers was . greater , in the
rural schools than in urban eie?
mentary schools.and as the bur
den of public school finance is
entirely a provincial matter/orie.
group advocated federal aid as
the solution, The next meeting
will be held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Clark NePdham, .
Miss Margaret Robertson and
Donald visited . with Mr. • ®en
Scott on Sunday evening;