HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-04, Page 10<i 4, j 'H.<6 <1 Ask for FREE COPY of Booklet, Ontario (•V i i to !.Tr 1 Wallpaper I 29c 39c 23c 88c ► ► Raynard Aokert, A. E. McKim, Steve Stothers, Committee Chairman. THAT Elizabeth Ann Finlayson entertained a number of young friends lasit Wednesday bn the occasion of her 10th birthday. 1 < ■ < • < ■< FINAL CLEARANCE .< < . < < iFRUIT AND VEGETABLES Pascal Celery, 6-s....... 2 for 15c New Texas Carrots, 24 oz. cello....... ....19c . Sunkist Oranges, 220’s ......... 37c Wilson Brand Tomatoes, 14 oz. cello ............25 c CHURCH NEWS • I # - 1.11^1. - . Presbyterian Young Peoples AI L THICKNESSES ...#"'•*.. All Stoek To Clear At One-Third Off ‘ 1 ,./■' ■••’I plain nylon. Yard A fashion first •; _ . colors, checks, plaids. Sanforized top, 36 inches wide. Yard SEE THEM THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKN0W,‘ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1953 i.-. ■ . . < .. . ~. ■ - —t ■ at ASHTON’S And Cottons outshine everything for “Make-Them-Yoursclf Fashions this Spring and Summer. SAVE ON THEM!SEW THEM! 1 SEE THE SENTINEL (Continued from page 1) THAT Mrsz • Joseph Whitby has gone to Camp Borden to spend - some time with her .daughter, Mrs. Sydney Rouse and Mr. Rbuse. Evelyn was unable to get home for her father’s fun­ moral as both her daughters, Judith Ann. and Doris were ill with* pneumonia. NEW PATTERNS In prints imported from. United States in •I* flnwANfl VftTd ■Checks, stripes, flowered. Yard NEW CHARACTER SPORT DENIMS . . i' for separates! Plain 98c NEW WEAVES . Linen-like plain and printed cottons treated for crease-resistancy! Also Krokays, Criskays, djl Q embossed cottons, air washable too. Yard ........ * •T’iz DRESS LENGHTS Just Arrived—Dress lengths in patterned-and $1.95 Many Other New Materials In This Week. Drop in and look them over at your convenience. MEN'S, LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S WEAR ’ Piece Goods .and Woollens • THAT a quintette from Miss Ruby Webb’s room in the Pub­ lic School sang two; numbers) at the evening service in the United Church. They were Nancy Webster, Joan Crawford, Patricia Thompson, Alan Chin, and Billie Robinson. Now is the time to paper your kitchen at a big saving — Numerous Kitchen Papers to„ Choose From. MRS* R. J. CAMERON . ESTATE a . ■ At the Residence Each After­ noon or by Appointment. THAT , next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesdayt The Playhouse is presenting an amusing picture, “The Fjrst Time”, and is of- ; feringnfree to mothers of ’53, a baby book with the compli­ ments of Ashton’s ,Children’s Wear. . '*■ v THAT Mrs. N. H. Hedley ■ and Lome Johnston were the prize winners at the Monday night shoot party. ' There were ten tables present. —o— '■ THAT* Mrs: Howard; Cowan had good reason for nostalgia last week when She attended The. Playhouse Theatre and in ithe hews reel saw pictures of fam-, iliar faces' and places taken in her home town of Chilliwack, ...B.C. ■' THAT The Davies “Singing Stars of Today*’, presented another of their very popular concerts in the^TOwir Hall last Wednesday afternoon. Students of the Pub­ lic and High School7 attended the event. The concert- party Was introduced by Mr. Stuart Collyer, / : . . ■ _o—- ■ .... 7 THAT the muskrat , season in Hiiron and Bruce runs from March 20th to April\21st. THAT in renewing her Sentinel, Miss Viola Kerry of Elmira says: “The Sentinel keeps me in touch with the town in ’• ’which I am still quite interest- . ed, particularly the activities of the church: and, community in general. I do hope that the next seven years you will have1 fewer tragic, items to report. ; However), your method of re­ porting such; items, as well as those of a more cheerful nat­ ure makes. The Sentinel seem like a letter from hpme”. • ;. ■ —o—i ' ? . THAT skunks appear to be hav­ ing a rollicking good time withr 7 inthe Village limits. There are ^reports of them cavorting in the eastern and, northern sec­ tions of the town and on Sun­ day evening the writer’thought wisdom the better .part of valor by pulling up on Station Sit;,- r North," until one of the critters decided to amble off the road- ■ : way^. . . that the article “Do You Re- — member”, fay Mrs. Waiter Ma^ Kenzie, was most popular and we are still halving inquiries I for that issue—February 4th— but unfortunately the supply _. .jwas^exhajus time ago. THAT February bowed out with about the heaviest, snowfall of the; Winter and March brought along a sub-zero drop, in tem­ perature, that sent the mercury skidding to 5 below Sunday morning. TJie temperature didn’t get above 24 degrees during the day and early Mon-, day. morning slipped back one „below. The regular Guild meeting was held in the church basement on March 2nd. The call to worship was read by Marie Duncan. Hymn 448' was sung followed by the Lord’s prayer and the scripture reading. The topic, “What it meansto be a Presbyterian”; was very ably taken by Norman Tay­ lor. Hymn 289 was then siirig. The roll call showed 16 present. There was a musical number by five girls. Hymn 295 was follow* ed by the benediction.' United Church Young Peoples ' The regular meeting of the : WHY PAY MORE? SHOP AND SAVE AT YOUR I.G.A. STORE! J Lucknow’s Newest Cash-and-Carry Store. J Breakfast..(Hub Raspberry Jain, 24 oz. jar 35c ■ IGA Grapefruit, Juice, 48 oz '£ Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon ■ Doghouse Dog. Food Sunny Morn Coffee, lb I ■■ ■ ► ► ► ► k ►. ► k k k ► ■ ►' ► ► » > A. JU PLYWOOD • ■ * * ? z i ■ , One Carload B. C, Waterproof FIR PLYWOOD . - now rolling - “PracticaT Ideas for the Home And Farm with Weatherproof Plywood”, JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED Lucknow . Phone 150 FATHER and SON BANQUET LUCKNOW UNITED CHURCH Thursday, March 19th ADDRESS—“Character Building”, by Rev. W. A. Young, B.S.A., Chaplain Ontario Agricultural College* Tickets $1.50 each. Bring: ydur sdm . ‘ if you have no son, borrow one. TICKETS MAY BE SECURED FROM THE FOLLOWING: _ — Qri and -Richards, - * ■ Blake, T7 A. Cameron, Kenneth IMurdie, Rev; G. Meiklejohn, , Pastor. Lucknow United Church Young Peoples iwas held on Tuesday, February 24th. The meeting op­ ened'with a sing song which was led by Shirley Burden. Prayer was offered and the meeting turned over to the Missions and World Outreach convener, Shir- . ley Burden. After a contest the topic, •‘Missions in Africa” was read by Eunice Button, Donna Johnston and Bessie Reayie.. Ged., Anderson presided for the wor­ ship period.. Rev. Meiklejohn closed with prayer. United Chureh Mission Band -TheMissionBand.meetingfpy March opened with the Mission Band hymn, members’ purpose and motto*,The president, Eliza­ beth Webster, took the program. Solos iwere rendered by Jane Joynt, Carol Wagner and Betty Marriot? piano solos by Franklin Murdie and Mary Allin. Poems iwere read by Tommy Rathwell, Nancy Webster, Clifford Wagner, Marguerite MacKenzie and Joan Crawford. The girls from Grade III. and JV sang a song and the boys from Grade III and IV also sang. After a*duet by Beverley Rathwell & Beverley MacKenzie we sang “God sees the Little Sparrow Fall” and our leaders, , Mrs. .Jpynt,ahd Mrs. Cleland, each read us interesting stories. Fraser Ashton closed with a prayer. World’s Day of Prayer service in the W.M.S. Monthly. Mrs. Geo.. Alton read a chapter from the study book. The roll call was answered with a verse of scrip­ ture. Mrs. Wilkins moved that-?./ we set up a committee to consult with the trustees to get the cup­ boards built in the church base­ ment. Committee members are: pres., Mrs. Andrew Ritchie, Wz M. S. pres.; Mrs. Jim Nelson,- W . A. pres.; and Mrs*. Alex Hackett, ^ W.A; treas. Hymn and prayer concluded the meeting after Which the hostess served a dainty lunch. ■ ?. ' BUY NEXT WINTER’S UNDERWEAR NOW All Winter Underwear At 20 PERCENT REDUCTION. •.m •' / ■ ■■' ■ ■. . sfew AND SAVE WEEK Hackett United Church W.M.S. The Februarymeeting of Hac­ kett’s W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs^ Bert Alton with 13, members present. Mrs. Andrew Ritchie presided. Hymn 401 op­ ened the meeting followed by the South Kihloss T. & F. Group On Monday evening, February 23rd, the South Kinloss Faith & Fellowship Group met . at The Manse for a Valentine social. Af­ ter the opening devotions brief meditations were given, by vari­ ous members. and Retv. Baulch summarized and discussed these meditations. A hymn was sung followed by a'reading, “The Le­ gend of ’b St. Valentine” by G. Hamilton, The only business was an invitation to the Group from Brussels ‘Y.P.S. to a social on March 9, which had to ,ibe can­ celled for ithe timO. Mary Mac­ Intyre conducted a word form­ ing contest from “Valentine” with' Joan Hamilton being the winner. iFor the social part crok- inoie tournament was “ prayed, in which . Belle Graham and John •; Thomson were; the. winners’ A ' delicious lunch was served. Mr. H. Buckton, moved the vote of thanks and the meeting was. closed by singing The Queen, CHILDREN'S WEAR Be sure ana see our good array of PRINTS, BROADCLOTHS, ETC. ^' Sew Before The Fine Spring W^ather^- ,New Shipmerit on Display now of Girls’ Dre*sesrsizes 2, 4, 6 . $1.98 Boy** Wash Suits^