HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-04, Page 8PAGE EIGHT • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO A . WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1953 T SPO RT’I *■ «' 4-TIMBER TIPS <? OUST HENSALL TO TAKE W.O.A.A. SEMI-FINALS Lucknow Midigete scored , an impressive. 15-2 victory ’on Sat- . urqay night to • take the semi­ final Serie? for the- W-Q-A-A, tro- , phy from Hensail; intwo -straight ■ games. On sticky ice m .Hensall on <’• Thfosday^-hight—theLucknow squad eked out a 6-5 .victory and > « cafne to-town on Saturday coff- 'fidebit they equid' tie; up the ser^ ‘les. ■ / ' / y ■ • But - on hard ice it was a difr f er ent story as Luckhow broke their hearts in the first frame when they scored six goals in ten minutes to take a 6-1 lead. Roy Stanley and Charlie Chin paced' the winners with 4 goals apiece, Jack Chin got three and Ron Graham, Bill McDonald, Ken MacNay and Kent Hedley one ? each.. • . . ,\ Lqckhow: goal, Geo. Richards; . def., Kent Hedley, Kenneth Me- Nay; centre,Jack/j^in; wings^ Chas.. Chin, Roy Stahley; ’alt/,' / Ron Gralham, Allan McDonald, Hughie MacMillan, Ross Mc- '. Donath.. '?'■■••'/ ■ ■■•■ Hensail: goal, McLaren; det, Ferk, Smith; centre, Parker; Wings, Welsh, Rennie; alt., Brock, Bell, Small, Horton, Faber, Lav- / ender. Referee: A/ MacLean, Seaforth. ;..•/'/,rr“/7“rFirsit'Period • 1— tLuckhow, Q. Chin 3,40' v.', 2— jLucknow, Stanley. ■ -J. Chin) 4.15 . 3— Lucknow, j; Chin —^ 6.40/___ __________________ 4— Lucknow, J, Chin (Stanley, C. Chin) 8.13 7 -5—Lucknow^ C. Chin (J. Chin) 11.10 6- —Lucknow, J7“Ctfiir“(Cr Chin) 13.25 ' . ' 7- ^-Hensall, Rennie (Parker) . 14.00 ' Second Period Stanley (J. Chin) Stanley (Hedley) C, Chin (McNay) (Stahley) (C. Chin, (Hedley) 8—-Lucknow, ; 120 •' 1 9—Lucknow, /' 5.00 10—-Lucknow, ' 7.30 .. ..... 1 l-^-Hensall, Brock (Welsh) 9.50 .V Penalties: "Hedley, MacNay, Parker, Brock. - Third Period 12— Lucknow, Graham (McDon­ ald) 11.13 13— Lucknow, McDonald (Gra- — \ ,ham) 12.00 • 14— Lucknow, MacNay 15— Lucknow, Stanley 13.45 : . 16—Lucknow, C. Chin 17.45 ; - 17—Lucknow, Hedley ' ■ ' 19.53 Penalties: ‘McDonald, Graham, Parker. ■ 12.50“^“ (MacNay) (J. Chin) (C. Chin) COTTON TO PITCH AGAIN* FOR HANOVER CLUB Hanover Fastball Club is the first team in the major loop to announce their battery for 1953. .It. will be' the colored duo of Charles Cotton and Reuben Haugh, .formerly of Levy’s, Tor­ onto. Cotton hurled for Hanover last season when that town made, its debut into WTO A/AT/fastball- with an . inexperienced team, ithat finished at the bottom of the looip. ■■ ,/ ’■ ?' . Cotton’s battery mate last year was Bill Polosky; A Hanover despatch says that Haugh will commute . between, Toronto and Hanover. Wasn’t ithat commut­ ing business one. of’the, reason? Hanover, got (into the playoffs last year or was it? Four : of the six teams were to go. into; the silverware play­ downs, but when Wingham and Hanover finished at the bottom, plans were changed and all six were in. One of the reasons ad­ vanced at thait tirpe. Cotton, who had taken up resi­ dence for the season, threatened to protest the commuting activ­ ities of some of the hurlers on other clubs. ' . -' Fri&n Kincardine comes word that there is italk there of get­ ting into the mlajor fastball ser­ ies this season. Chief problem, it. seems, is to get financial back­ ing to import a battery - that would give the Lakeside town a contending team. .. / In Meaford the fastball squad will Continue to Operate under the Amateur Athletic Association dOjf—that town. The question has been discussed as ’tb^wlietK^^or' not Meaford would have, been better to go into the Provincial playoffs last year than to con- Tinue in“"quest of the W.O.A.A. fastballf title which they coped with comparative ease. Walker­ ton, eliminated from the W.p.A,A/ series, went on to. the Provincial championship;. ; —-o-o-0 - SIGNS WITH BLACK HAWKS ' Jack Price of Goderich, and a; grandson , of Wm5. Johnston of Lucknow, has signed a hockey contract with the Chicago Black Hawks. Jack, a product of. the Galt Junior A squad, finished- his junior career last season and this . winter has been, playing with Chatham Maroons, coached by Jack Stewart. Price had a three- -game-tryout with the Hawks re­ cently and got a contract as a result Coach Sid Abel of the Hjarwks said after the itxyout, “I like him, he played very well. He’s hot the sensational type, but is a good steady performer”. T-----T----- ; • ■ Advertising doesn’t cost—:it pays! I Time To , Be Planning For ’ SPRING MOTORING PLEASURE BIG VALUE CARS S1952 CHEV. DELLXE STYLELINE SEDAN, | 1952 PONTIAC COACH ^^19527CHEV/STYLELlN.E-S'EbAN..„i ...|, 1951' 2 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. ^1951 CTVI ™ YIW1®* CfTfcAKT ••X 1951 '.>'1949 X§-"1947 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. . \ J;?‘ V 1941 CHEV. SEDAN, completely reconditioned g 1939 PONTIAC COA0II. ' ' TRUCKS : CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SUDAN. CHEV. STYL^LINE SEDAN. PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. . g 1953 DODGE H^TON PICK-UP, selling at belmFfisP^"7 '. | 1946 ^ERCURY .HALF-TON YpiCk-UP-, ■ f I Brussels Motors , Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade; Terms Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer '../Phonei'^x,.. Brussels has as many shareholders, Ownership of the'company con­ tinues to be predominantly Can­ adian. Shareholders living "in .Canada control 90 percent of the Stock; those living in Ontario and Quebec, the two provinces the The shareholders, • in elude 10,359 company employees and pension­ ers. . • - ' * . ' The construction of new facile ities during the year .was the most extensive in the company’s history and 136,373 . telephones were added, bringing. _the total number in service to 1,976,1.23; There were even more new ap­ plicants for service -than in <1951 but the. total of 58,354 unfilled orders at the .end of the year was the lowest at any. year^end since 1945. While the report deals with the company’s over-all operations, H. H. P. Johnston, Bell manager for this region, supplied local fig­ ures. .He said that 5 telephones were, added in Lucknow during 1952, bringing the number in ser­ vice to 3$1. Bannister’s Wolverines came from behind to edge the Chip­ munks in • games' to cliheh ■ the sixth and last playoff spot las|. week. It was a photo finish wifh ^ucWCv, the -Tigers who were nosed out; compahy serves, hold ,83 percent, by the Beavers jn a heotic Match* There was little difference be-< tween the four teams on .pinfall but the Wolverines bunched their “marks” to better advantage, to grab a ibig count and a chance at the silverware. ( --Congratulationsareverymuch in order to all members , of a new. team who beat out seasoned vet­ erans on such teams as Zebras, Pole Cats ahd Tigers who, along with A the Coons, will engage in another round" robin for a con­ solation ,pri£e! - ■ . Best , team totals were turned \jn by Chipmunks, Wolverines, Pole Cats, Beavers and Tigers, while top individual efforts were tacked up by Pole Cat Mowbray, Tiger. Treleaven and Wolverine Bannister. Top ladies were Bea-. Wer McKinnon; Gopher Crawford and Cub Park who scored heavily for4'their respective teams/ i . We Woul^ like; to see the teams turn out in full force for the playoffs beginning tomorrow1 night. Most teams will find it both advantageous and fair .(to I weaker prayers) to. substitute af-1 ter starting but with their .top players. When • a starter drops below the average of number six that # player should b?e given an opportunity to play. Th^s idea of rolling “hot” bowlers was used by practically all teams a year ago—including the Tigers. ' 7 It is felt that teams, should not score their own sheets and there­ fore captains, ar.e requested to score. for the opposirng ‘ teams. A tsecond—player-coqld- score dur­ ing a captain’s play. Final Standing McKinnon’s Beavers 87, Park’s Cubs 76,/.Eedy’s Lions (56, Hut­ ton Gophers 66, Johnstone’s Chipmunks 63, Bannister’s Wol­ verines 57, Taylor’s Zebras 56, Anderson’s Tigers 56, Crawford’s Pole. Cats 53, McDonagh’s Coons A9. > Six top teams enter Group A playoff round robin for* Silver­ ware while remaining four enter Group B for consolation prize. MIDGETS ONE GAME OFF W.O.A.A. “D” CHAMPIONSHIP Lucknow Midgets are within one game of the W.O.A.A. “D” championship. On Monday night in Lucknow the Howick Lions Midgets could do little to stop them as th^^ipumped”20"pucks into the Howick net, while only one goal was scored against them. As in Saturday night’s game Lucknow was Short Ernie Gib­ son and Bob Mowbray, who were sidelined by illness. Lucknow plays the return game in Fordwicn Wednesday night and a victory will send them in­ to the O.M.H.A. semi-finals prob­ ably against the winner of the St. George-Wainfleet series. . *Ihvo other series .are being played off now, Coldwater-Nob­ leton and /doe. Hill-Minden. The winners of these sets will poss­ ibly meet in the other semi-final series, . J ' '■■■■' ------OrO-O—----- FEE WEES EDGE WINGHAM. ........................ (ft,- ' Scrviee- and Sati&toctxrttC in Pluiribiiig Beating Automatic Oil Furnaces 4ii; . stalled—SeeThe-Oik-Banges. furnace repairs Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs Ai£<Conditihiiiiig. _ r _ District Agent=Fefr • / BEATTY PUMPS « REPAIRS Art Gilmore R. R. 3, LUCKNOW ’Phone 61-f-13, Dungannon < -I ’’At/., 7-----T .-. It is with men as with horses: those that do ithe most prancing make the least progress. Girl-to-suitor^2lJthink a double wedding would be nice, You mar- ry someone else and so will I”, .In their weekly Saturday morn- jng-^ngagementr7-this--i/;ime' in Wingham, the ^Lucknow kids, edged out a 4-3 victory' Jim-Ped­ ersen scored two: and Art How- aid, and Bruce' Baker singletons. Marksmen for Wingham were Dennis Smith, Pete Nasmith and Hither ihgitdnj,' Otto Pedersen is keeping the kids in Shape, for the Young. Can­ ada'tournament in Goderich early in. April. calise Of accidental death. bell reports 381 phones IN SERVICE AT LUCKNOW « __L__ * The number of shareholders. The Bell..Telephone Company Canada increased during 1952 / JL00,8903 or nearly foot times ■; (1) For the first 8 weeks, feed ^ ''fresh-mix Chick Starter made with National Chick Mix Concentrate supplying essential animal pro­ teins, vitamins and minerals. (2) For the next four months, feed a tasty "fresh-mix” growing mash made with National 34% Developing Concentrate. This has a growth-promoting meat-meal base and health-building vitamins and ; minerals.' ■ Remember9 bigger birds mean bigger eggs—and bigger profits. So grow your pullelslhe N^rlON^L wdy! See Your NATIONAL Dealer today— , look for the bright. Orange and Black Sign CONCENTRATE "A QUALITY FEED-MIX" FOR POULTRY, TURKEYS, HOGS and CATTLE WILLIAM STONE SONS; LIMITED / • INGERSOLL? ONTARIO , Fertilize Your Crop with NATIONAL Well-Cured, Properly-Blended FERTlUZtt of of to. ____________. ..many As there wero'^vem'yeaf^' ago/No other Canadian company D. R. FINLAYSON -^JttONE;.91- rrr;“^ ..--r 77Lu6l^OW;X)K^.•v