HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-04, Page 5WHITECHURCH the Mr. the his ZION road spent i r, I * * . *1 ZZ hen disaster strikes < ’ ....... .........................................................;■ ..;.u....t. ■ mu................i. CLUB LEADERS ATTENDED SCHOOL AT WALKERTON ■n /■ * & v; :r ,•* . , . v 4. » ‘ \ .« , ' ■ , • f * ' W. B. Anderson, Pres., Phone 161, Lucknow .■ ’■ -. . " ■. ■ ' 1 ■.. ■ z ■’ ■■ ■ - ' ■ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIQ '■........., ..u,.,..... ..... ....................................... S’ • ' V ■ < —V—T , . / ■ V • - ? ••**** • upport your $5,310,600 is needed this year! • • dM ti> your Rid areiohely used. Each year the accouMitig;,, IE SIX KINLOUGH ■' —""" ■ '// ' * " r. andMrs. Stewart Needham, . 10, visited Tuesday with Mr. Mrs. Clark Needham. idies from here attended a »Uy demonstration the' e of Mrs.. Bert McLean on sday.PJn*r. and Mrs. R. Zettler, Con. visited an evening recently Mr, andMrs. Wm. Haldenby. rs. George Haldenby is in <erton with her daughter, ' Clare Sparling, who. with oaby son returned home from hospital/",, y ■ rs. J. W. Colwell was a: guest e home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn’ ies/ Kinloss. / i Tuesday evening the Ang- Evening Guild met at the j of ‘Mrs, Bert Nicholson with >d attendance. The president, Ronald Thacker* was . in je. The hymn “Jesus Master n I serve” opened the meet- Donna .Nicholson read the ture and prayers followed, roil, call Was answered with ble prophesy. The evening spent in knitting, sewing and ' work. The meeting closed prayer- and a dainty- lunch served. •/• / - s Holyrood W, I. will meet lursday evening at the hontb rs. Frank’ Thompson. Roll an Irish joke; conveners, Lome Eadie,. Mrs. Raynard rtf contest, a fancy pot hold/ pic, Ireland; motto, the sec- E life is not to do what you jut like what you dp; cur- events, Mrs. Wim. Eadie; ,.Mrs^.E-Mauldeh-Cs).,_Mrs^ idgins (s), Mrs. Tom Hod- THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE ' So we have beverage rooms in Huron, That’s not what they, are called by their patrons — but that’s What they are called by outsiders. And that’s what they are. We have beverage,, rooms even , though the people of Hiiron have never voted for them and do not want them. This is just another way in which the letter of the law is being evaded and the spirit of the law* -frustrated, it is in the record that every one j of these beverage rooms has ‘had police action brought ^against it. The question is^Miow long are men- going to keep on. paying a third more for their intoxicating beverages. > Moreover, beverage rooms-represent one of the Worst features 64 the liquor traffic nuis^ ance. The people 61 Huron do not want beverage rooms.—Advt. gins (c),-Mrs. Wm. Wall- (c). : Misses Iona Terry and May Boyle visited over the week-end with London relatives. . \ Mr. and Mrs. Bent Nicholson; Evelyn and Allan visited Wed­ nesday with Mr.. and/ Mrs./ Har­ old Slessor,\Giaitlis.' Mrs. Viance, Sr., ’ visited the past week with her daughter;. Mrs. M. Carry, Cargilh•<. ’ - Relatives from here were in/ London Thursday attending thei funeral of 'the late - Mrs. / Clark McLean. Mr? and ..Mrs. George Colwell and Jack of Holyrood, Mr. and Mrs- Ardill Mason of Huron vis- -ited-om-Sunday—with-Mrs.~Jr_Wr Colwell. A two-day trainings school wag held last week in Walkerton in preparation for the Spring Home miking Club project in Bruce. The project, sponsored by Women’s Institute. branches, . is “Dressing Up Home Grown Veg­ etables”, and is open to all rural girls between the ages of 12 and / Through their leaders the girls will have the opportunity, of pre-, paring and packings an appetiz­ ing lunch and discovering the value of vegetables in the diet, nutritionally and economically. i ..Leaders of Clubs in .this ’dis-, trict represented/at the ' school were/ Paramount, Mrs, John, El- phick, Mrs. Walter Dexter; Kair- shea, Mrs. Tom MacKenzie, Mrs. Lawrence , MacLeod; Holyrood, Mrs. Raynard Ackert/ Mrs. Jas. Smith; Purple Grove, Mrs. aDon­ ald McCosh, Mrs. Howard Thomp-1 son. ■ ■' '••■•:■/■ . ■ ’ . ■/ , The motor car killed an aver­ age of 19 persons a week in Ontario- in 1952., .' Christine Tells How i * She Became A Woman ! Read how Christine Jorgensen became a woman! For the first time, Christine reveals the de­ tails of the hormone treatments, ^^S^^/Zaiwr^ycKiatric advice that changed her into a woman, Be sure to read “The Story of My Life”, Iby Christine Jorgen­ sen, in. this Sunday’s (March 8th) |-Americari~ Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times. '’fir you can come to the> / lit Vk' 1 ' •/ UM 'Iffy; L When fellow. (Canadians lose their homes . 7^. and their hopes in disasters of fire or flood, ie victims be a thousand miles away^ catastrophe akes close neighbours of us all. Red Cross moves viftly to help the injured and homeless. With . implies and equipment that you help provide, the agedy of ruin is eased. By helping the.Canadian ed Cross carry on its work of mercy you .become tily a part of the rescue team. Give ■generously . keep your Red Gross strongs . ■ ' ’ ' ■■';‘/W ~ z I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1953 ff.-1!"1?1!1". . x.. . .., "!■ CULROSSCORNERS Mr. and' Mrs. .Perry Hodgins arid Sharon spent ’an evening with Mr. and Mrs. A16# Whytock. _>The Bethany. Forum were the Soutir guests of Salem-Crilrc^ss Forum Monday evening. Mr, Oryis and Mr, Clark pf Wihgham each spoke ibriefly op the Luc-Tee-Win club, Mr.^ L/ Lobsinger of Walkerton was guest speaker. He gave a very interesting address on com servation. Mr. C., Wallace. favor­ ed with mouth organ selections. Mr. Gros 'than showed slides. This tyros, followed by luncih . and a social time. A vote of thanks was tendered (the Salem -Forum. The next meeting .will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins., Mr. arid Mrs. Melvin Zettel | (the former Mary Schumacher of 'this community) have purchased a farm on: the Formosa south of No. 9 highway,, • Mrs. Everett Whytock Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Alex Whytock. ’ Mr. Albert Harris, who' has spent the winter working in Lon­ don, returned to his home here at the week-erid. _ . , .... Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and Donna spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie. ' / Mrs, Jack Schumacher & Helen | and Mrs*. Jas; Wraith attended a plaster of paris demonstration at Mrs. Bert Nicholson’s, Kinlough, on Friday evening. Miss June Harris of : London spent the week-end at’ her home. Mr, and Mrs: Tom Stewart & Harold spent Saturday evening with Mr; and- Mrs/ Ron Stanley, Kinloss. . We are glad to report Bud Ste­ wart to be able to leave the hos- pitat/He is with his., sister, Mrs. j Ralph’ Goesel . and Mr. Goesel, | Kincardine. He was able to come 1 for a drive home Sunday after­ noon. /. ./'" • '■/•■ // Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall & Donnie spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs; Tom Hackett, Ashfield. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs/ Tom; Stewart were RXissel Stewart, Olivet; Alex Stewart, uDept. of Highways, Wheatley; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Goesel and family^ Kincardine arid Bud Ste- ‘ wart. Their two little grand-, children (children of Mr., and Mrs. McPherson, 8th Con.), are at present staying, with them. . Mr/ and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson, Ardis and Harvey of Bervie and Miss Merle Nicholson, London,- spent Sunday evening with Mr., and/Mrs. Frank Brown & Reg. . Mr. and Mrs... Norman Ross of Wroxeter spent Wednesday ev­ ening With Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hanna/ , 4' Miss Eileen "Elliott spent a few days in ; Teeswater. . Mr. and Mi's. Earle Hodgins & Mr? and Mrs/’■■ Don Donaldson visited Mr. and Mrs. Allister [• Htighes: o.h'^eyeni^^^ A ; viMr. and Mrs. Frank Matilden.■ CS. ^<^4/,?f^‘ ^nc? spent/an evening with’ Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Murray vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyle one. Evening last week. # / ■ / '. Mr. and Mrs. Bob’ Millens. of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr/ and Mrs. John Ross. . Mrs. Martha McKep ’• and Alan of'Toronto, Mr/ and Mrs. Norman McKee of Hanover visited Sun­ day of last week with Mr. & Mrs. -Ern ie-Hanna and—MTr-Hanm^T^/ I'he Bethany Farm Foruhi met at the. home.of. Mr. and/Mrs.- Art Hodgins Monday evening. . / Miss Gertie Wraith of Wingfyahi was home, over the week-e'hd* ■Kir- and Mrs, Norman Ross ’of« Wroxeter visited .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thompson one' evening last week. 't.- //’ , /./ f The H.W.I. meets’ at the home Of Mrs. Frank Thompson, Thurs­ day evenihg.. '.■.//..'... ,, Another.machine that,is smart­ er than people is' the. siOVmach- ine^/smdrter/ that/iS, ’ than the people who play; ft - / Miss Anne Ritchie entertained 14 children at a. birthday party last Friday, : 4 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Nancy visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stobo last week. ■ Mrs. Charlie Wilkins returned home last Thursday from the hos- . PitaL.. .//. • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and family of Molesworth visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie.r ~ /•/ Mr. and Mrs. Nelson" Raynard ‘ and boys Visited in Goderich on Sunday with Mr/ and Mrs. Ivan Papernick. ///_/...,.//• ?/;/;/ :c . '•*<, /. Charles McDonagh of Toronto was up for his grandfather’s fun­ eral. / *. TEN. THOUSAND units of dried plasma/were supplied lb' the De-’ partment of National Defence last year iby~the Canadian Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service for the Use of armed forces. v .V /,- v ; v -r (Intended for Last Week) The World’s Day of Prayer was held. in the United church with I Mrs.- Jas. Falconer, Mrs. Jas. Mc- Innes, Mrs. D. Craig and Mrs. Milan Moo& in charge of the meeting. Mrs. Robt. . Ross;. and ■ Mrs./D. Craig sang a duet accom­ panied by Mrs. J. Conn at the . piano, Mrs. Dan Tiffin and Mrs. E. Scholtz saag a duet accom­ panied by Mrs. G. Farrier. Pray­ ers were given iby Mrs; Beecrofit, Mrs. J. Conn, Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. F. Coulter, Mrs. Rev. Watt and! Mrs, Earl Caslick. A’short ad­ dress was given by Rev. R. D. A. ; ' Currie. Collection was taken' up and; appointed Mrs. Hugh Simp­ son for key woman. ; ' ' - \ ' Mr. and Mrs. Groskorth of/ Unionville are spending a few . . days at the. home Of their son, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. E.. Groskorth. j - Mr.-and "Mrsr Fred/Neighbour, Mrs: J. Gillespie and Mrs. . E?’ Scholtz visited on Thursday with friends at Seaforth/ .,’ ■ Mr- and Mrs. Carman Simmons and daughter Nancy spent week-end - at the home of and Mrs; Chas. Martin. ■ - Mr. Clayton Scholtz spent week-end at ' the home of parents, Mr. and Mrs. *E. Scholtz, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent. Monday at Dungannon: ht the home of her sister, Mrs. ® Gray. ' / //. .': Mr. Jack Aitchison spent/last Week with his brother, Mr. Jim Aitchison, ■ assisting with some woOd. '•/ '• "'/'./ ■” . The ^regular /meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. E. Groskorth last Wednes­ day. Mrs. Milan Moore was in / charge of the meeting. The scrip-_ ture^Ws'^Fvcrr~6y Mrs., (Rev.) Waift. Mrs.. H. Laidlaw had. chargq of the study book. Special num- • her was given by Mrs.'; E. Gros­ korth. The meeting closed, with- a/prayer by. Mrs. R. Gaunt.’ . \ Mr. and Mrs. V,. Emerson spent/ Sunday at Bluevale at the home of Mr. Henry' Mathers. / . / Mr.andMrs?.Harry Moss and-. " ’ ' ” ‘ _______I Mrs. M^lvni McClenaghan and son Michael spent the week-end-, at the home of their-parents, Mr. / /and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. The Women’s Institute is send- / ing for more blankets this year. Those; who wish to have one are to have their woollens at Mrs...’ J. G/Gillespie’s by; March 14th. ‘ -Phyllis Moore Has been . sick and under the doctor’s care with a fever, following the ’flu. j_ZjrecL_McClenagh an-- is- drivriTg—- I around a nice hew Henry’J car/ FOURTH CONCESSION There- was a splendid’attend-, /aiice. at the Junior , Y.P,S.. of /South- Ranloss......Chui’ch - at/ - the.; - home Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert Ham- ■ ' il’ton on FihdUy**eveh’ihg., MrSs Wm/ Townson and Frank­ ie returned home" to Sudbury on .Tuesday. /////'../„ 7,/.'-i^.Z. -■■"^Mr/ Ira .Dickie wasHh Wiarton • , oh Friday /for the wedding of / his youngest sister, Aleta/to Mr, ’ Emmerson Fowlie. '.; / ■ ■ ’ Sandy ahd1 Bruce MacKenzie, 2nd Concession spent the week- end With the Hamilton tboys., . . Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Postma and three children; ffidVed ;on. Monday to a; farm, near Chatham*-- Mr; Postma .has been employed ;for almost two years by Mr; ■ v’ Lloyd/Madbeugail t / . » ., ' 'j, j,