HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-04, Page 3t ' 4*4 fEDNESPAY,? MARCH 4, 1053 A >THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO- I . . 1 • , ■ .. f ' ’ ‘page three . * WOLF CUBS WED HERE FIFTY- EIGHT YEARS AGO Mr. and M^s. Ezekiel Phillips observed their 58th wedding an- niversary at their home at Au/ burn on Friday, when friends and neighbors called to offer congrat­ ulations. The wedding of 58 years: ago was performed ah the Anglican Church rectory, Lucknow byRev. Charles. Mills. The couple were attended by Eliza Phillips, ■ now Mrs. Alfred Tebbutt Off Goderich, sister of the groom, and James W. Medd, Auburn, brother, of the bride, / ■ ■ . • ■ Mrs. Phillips is the former Mar­ garet EllenlMedd, youngest dau­ ghter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Robert Medd of West Wawanoshr. Mr.. Phillips is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ezekiel Phillips of Fordyce//’ .. Mr.- Phillips has three sisters living: Mrs. Andrew; (Jennie) Fpx of Bly th; Mrs. William (Keziaj Hello agciin from Akela, your ack scribe. It was . good to get ick to the Jungle again and see ie usual good turnout M last eek’s meeting. Twenty - five uibs reported for inspection, fol­ wing (the regular -opening cere- onies led by Sixer Fraser Ashr >«/ Special ceremonies .were iOn held for; the' investiture of ordori MacNay to full Cub atus, arid the presentation of ie year service -pins to Cub Sec- ids George Gibson, Murray unter and Cub Kenneth Jones, he Cub Instructor’s Badge was resented to Scout Billy Ritchie >r one-month’s capable instruc-1 Humphrey of St. Helens and Mrs> on on Cub Test work. The bal- - - - nee of the meeting was given 7er to instruction and examiria- on on first, star work with all aders taking part. The Whites and the Tawny s iused a big upset in the Inter- ix competition last month by indinig the high-scoring Greys own to 3rd place. The White ix, led by Sixer Ashton, gained >p berth, their first, this year, ad as’ a result; receive the Hon - nr Award Pennant and Fraser ecornes Senior Sixer for March. •——J* * , i i I ■* i» ... --A- ■ ALF OF FEBRUARY’S SNOW ELL DURING 4.AST 2' DAYS Alfred (Eliza) Tebbutt of God­ erich. One sister and tjyO broth­ ers died some time ago, Mrs. Phi­ lips has only, one brother living, James W. Medd;. Auburn, Two sister^ and four brothers are.dead. Mr., and,Mrs. Phillips have one son, Robert J. Phillips of Auburn and two daughters, Mrs. Thomas S. (Ellen) Johnston, Auburn and Miss Laura at ihpme.. Ther couple are members" Of St. -Mark’s Ang­ lican Church? Afternoon tea was served by Mrs. T. S. Johnston, Miss Laura Phillips and .Mrs. Robert J.' Phil­ lips. ' •I I The month of February , cart­ ed but the winter’s trend ph a did open winter. The high for te month, was 53 degrees on the 1st, followed two days, later by ie coldest day . of the month— mere 18 degrees above zero. It as a very calm month. “Rmnfallttbmired“/57^inches“arid- riprisingly, it may seem, there ere 28 inches of snow. Much f it disappeared soon after it ‘11. The last two days of , the lonth brought 14 inches of snow r half of the total fall for the lonth. t - There was Only one complete- r clear day, 17 days of partial jnshirie and 10 days completely vercast. WITHIN HOURS Of receiving word of -the western European floods your Tied Cross was pro­ viding blankets and other mar teriaiS’-from—supplies—stock-piled­ in Geneva. CHURCH CHANNELS ?' ■ -..........■. devotedChristians “Worship iet Jail Sentence Two district o mbn, charged, ith taking the ornamental . iron •om some seats in the no-longer- sed 4th Concession schoolhouse, nd selling it for Scrap metal, *ere—sentenced-last-wee^by lagistrate McClevis to a month 1 jail. One of the men drew an dditional 15 days for driving rhile his license was under, sus- cnsion. - ' • Lucknow Presbyterian Church Rev. C. A.*Winn/B.Ao , Minister. SUNDAY, MARCH 8th, 1953 11 a.m.: Morning . Service. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School and Bible Class. > 3 p.m.: Erskine* Dungahnon. 7 p.m.: ‘Sparrows and Altars’. Prayer Meeting & Bible Study; Wednesday evening, Mar. 4 th; at 8.00 p.m? at the home of Miss Mary MacLeod. LUCKNOW I UNITED CHURCH ! Minister^ j Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn, ! B.A., B.D. ...../..1. SUNDAY, MARCH 8th, 19531 11 a.m.: “Believing in Sacred ?. Living”. ! 12.15 p.m./ Sunday School. | . 7 n.m.; “Prophets of the Re-| stored State0? J I ■.... ................... X" 1 ........ • Local & General I • Mr... W, W. Hill is visiting in Flint, Mich. Mrs. Etta Roberts has been a patient in Wingham Hospital: Mrs. J, M. Greer has been con­ fined to bed for the past ten days, v . ’ Mrs: Neil J.MacKenzic re­ turned .from a month’s visit0 to Detroit. . ; - Mr, and Mi's. Stewart England and Terry Lyne,. Mrs. Jim Eng-, land .andij^onaldavisitecL in Pres- ton and( Elmira. . John Hogan and Miss Margaret Hogah have returned to the fam) > in Ashfield rafter. spending the i winter in Goderich.' « ; Mr. and Mrs, Donald ■McKin­ non and iboys Douglas and Don­ ald spent the week-end at Aurora with Mr. and Mrs. Augus McKin­ non. / ' Mr. and Mrs. Stewart England and Terry Lyne, and Mr. ,. Don England Of Echo Bay, visitecj with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim England, ' f Mrs. Wilmer Harlton and son Tommy, of St. - Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Vic • Kannapiri and Miss Eileen. Campbell of Kitchener spent , the week-end with the lad­ ies’ ’parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Campbell. Mr;-;and Mrs. - Joe Agnew and daughter Judy of Detroit spent the (week-end with ihis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Agnew. They were accompaiiied~~here? by; Mrs; Agnew who had been visiting in Detroit. . The regular meeting of the Lucknow Women’s Institute will be held on Friday; March 13th in -the—Town Hall.- -Hostesses,/the Executive. Roll call, “An ^trish Joke’’. The theme, “Summary of Home, arid Country”. Program in charge of Mrs. Philip Stewart; Pot luck suipper, each one bring their own dishes. \ ' / I As each Sunday in. the Lord’s House, it is hard for them to realize ..that there are others who act as if they would like to see the church nailed up. With eight nails it is passible to. naif up the church. Nail One, Do no go to -church—whentheweatberistoo warrn—a close atmosphere, is not beneficial to bodily health, your spiritual health will suffer thru sympathy. Nail Two, Do not go to church when the weather is tOo cold; there is no -money, ex­ cept for the doctor, in church , drafts: . Reinember, people are more liable to get' cold in church ithari elsewhere. Nail three? Be sure to be late. Nail four, Take, an interest in everything but the ■ services? Take sufficient .interest, to ’ notice" all mistakes and te.il them to everybody. Nail five, Be sure to never .put currency ol’ silver on tlie -.plate. Sometimes put a^ copper oil tlie plate. This will give you the right, of find­ ing fault to an’unlimited extent. Mail six,- Don’t' tail- to. forget meet­ ings fol’ church work- Find fault ...with.. Jiy cry th i ng that. w as .done and refuse to • do anything- ' be-' /cause -you. were not consulted. Nail seven; Bp sin’O to tell the • minisilert 'his .Taul.ff when "he calls,’, how .lie does not compare favor­ ably * with- his predecessors, I 'b/ • getting too -proud. Nail, eight,* On no account send the ministei tvord* when you arc ilk He should know -all about it. It is enough to send tor the -doctor.. Aftei "Vdtf r~r cwveiwT^ ■ cal Is, tell him how ill '-you .were,; and ho.w he.neglected you.? , •Church of the Airr-CKNX ? 10.30 a.m; ’ ’ Marell 5th, Rev. C. H. Jensen,. KCA.K; Clinton; March 9th, Rev. G. Boggs,, Molesworth; March loth, Rev.desborof March T1 thf-R^v.* W...E.,.. I 1 liumblc. him. if you cart, ije may i h.„v ■•ati +?;w inn wnud. Nail eight. Bramwell, Blyth. . 4 '«■ ■ f i I 7 0 ♦F I 9 DUNGANNON theThe February meeting of Dungannon Women’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Herb Stothers and was conducted by the president,- Mrs. Omar Brooks. After the usual opening, Mrs. Robt. Irvin read the scrip­ ture lesson. The roll • call was answered by a proverb. Tweri-ty- five members and 3 visitors were present. Plans were made for a card party in the Parish Hall. ( Mrs, Lorne Hasty and Mrs. Clif- leaders for the Junior club spring project. Mrs. Hasty introduced the “nig making” which will be a rug made, by thk members to enter the Salada Tea contest. Rev. G. Watt gave'an interesting ad­ dress on “Attitude” stressing the influence our attitude has on young people. Miss Norma Sher.-T wood favored with a solo. Mrs. Brooks thanked those who had taken part and the meeting clos­ ed with the; Queen-The hostesses .for lunch were Mrs., Barr, Mrs. Minnie .Jones, Mr^ J. Finnigan and Mrs, McConnell. Mrs. Harvey Mole on Thursday attended the funeral of. eighteen- months-old James Melville White, Owen JSountL She was accompan­ ied by hert cousin, Mrs. T. J. Drennan, tylrs. Albert Brown & Miss Thelma Johnston,. -Goderich. Thb child parsed away with virus pneumonia very suddenly. He was the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. MelVille. White, formerly of <God- reich and, his mother before her marriage, was Phyllis . McCreight of Port Albert. Surviving child­ ren-arte Sheilia 6 and David one’ month. : ■ : Mr. and Mrs, Harold Err.ington and daughters, Dianne . arid Eliz­ abeth Ann spent Sunday With he.r Gee, Blyth. ' ’ ' Ken Brown; Queen’s Uniyersity student, Kingston, spent last Week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Brown. ■ Mrs. Orlahd.Here has returned from Goderich Hospital, recover­ ing from a bad seige cof sinus. Mrs. Henry Hdrton, her ihother; £"aasialing ~ ■ ■ v •< I L‘A j i THAT NEW' . . . SPRING SUIT or TOP COAT For The Men... Again we have the pleasure of introducing to you our I ■■ special representative, MR; ROBT MacKENZIE, j popular stylist for t| ^-CAMBRIDGE CtOTFIES May we Suggest an . early appointment for j WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th i i. i at your convenience throughoutJfhe day. ? 1 See tlie hew arrivals in fabrics and styles for j Spring and Summer; 0 * ! We suggest made-to-measure ’ 1SUITS, TOP COATS, SPORT JACKETS, TROUSERS. ? *>• to ■ y Sfjas^es Ken McAlliste,r a student. at Stratford Normal School, spent the week-end with his parents. lMe,. ..and .jMrs.rMason. -McAllister/ STANBURY—PETRIE The Rev. _D. W. Williams of­ ficiated at Hie wedding in Vic­ toria St. parsonage, Goderich, on SatuFday77aRerribbrr at 2/b’clbck of Margaret Eliza Marina* Petrie, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. W. Petrie of Dungannon and Robert Ball Starubury, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Staribury, R. 1, Au­ burn. The bride wore a blue grey kuit with navy, accessories and a pink corsage. Miss Marjorie Er- . rington of Dungannon /was. the bride’s attendant, wearing a pale green suit with black accessories and rosb colored corsagp. Mr.. Kenneth Petrie, brother of the bride, was groomsman. A recep­ tion was held at the home of the bride’s parents, after which the cbuple left on a short honeymoon. On their return they will reside -in-^Gol'borne :Townshlpr7^— Newlyweds Honored Mr.. and Mrs. Fred Crawford (nee Mary Sriiith), newlyweds, were honored with a dance -re­ ception at the Dungannon Agri- <fc. WINGHAM KINSMEN CLUB ■. )• Wed., Feb. 25 ..............;.... 0-76 Thurs., Feb. 26 ........1... B- 8 Fri., Feb; 27: .................. G-46 Sat., Feb. 28 ..................... 1-26 Mon., Mar. 2 ..... G-66 ■ Tues., ■ Mar. • 3 //tSf...-../~G-5T u*i ’ i”*. ’ • ■ ’ ‘ . . ■ ’ ; >, ' ■■■' •?” . cultural hall on Friday night. Pierces orchestra supplied music and at lunch time the young couple were, read ‘an address by Mrs. Melvin Dickson and Mr. Grant Chisholm presented them withr" ^a ~well “filled-^>urs^“0f~ money. The groom responded with, a fitting reply of good hum­ our, thanking: their' friends; for the gift of money and the fine evening. Here’s a real enamel for inside and outside use on , wood, or metal. Paint woodwork and trim in sparkling colors, do over » the furniture in gay tones. Waterspar flows out easily to ^PITTSBURGH WATERSPAR /< • ENAMEL J a smooth gloss, dries quickly, resists wear and abrasion, Can ; be washed of ted without injur­ ing its lustre^ r .FREE—(,Paint Right with \ /’ Color. Py,nai»ics,> booklet J ..J___ *» ENAMEl John w. henderson LUMBER LIMITED Lucknpw: Phone 15& Ontario V 4 aa