HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-03-04, Page 1A
* «'
>50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
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TEN PAGESr. \> <
4any Valuable Services Performed
.ocally By The Red Cross Branch
The ge.berat *s probably
ttle awgre? of the paany £m-
ortaht ; services that are per-
jiiried locally by the Lucknow
nd District Branch of the Red;
i*oss, which this week * has
punched its annual appeal (for
mds to help carry on this
umanitarian work at home and
broad—‘Wherever the need arises
r disaster strikes;
The local Branch finances all
food transfusions required in
bis district. 'The recipient re
vives the transfusion at no cost;
rith the Red Cross paying the
onor of the blood. Six wheel
hairs arid a hospital bed are .the
roper,ty of the Lucknow and
district ? Branch and these are
enerally in constant use.
Eye glasses have been provided
or needy children in the past,
nd at present the local Branch
; making* glasses available to
lembers ^pf - a New Canadian
ainily, whose eyesight was el
ected, by'a diet deficiency dur-
ig (the war years. .
A loan cupboard is stocked
rith hospital supplies^ bedding,
ilankets, etc., available free to
nyone ini case of sickness, acci-
ent oi; any emergency that war
ants the loan.
*These are some of the local
Refits the Red Cross offers, but
he Red Cross is a good neighbor
nywhere, anytime.
In time of disaster, it provides
helter, food, and clothing, blood
o save. lives, transportation for
'eteranSf. in. hospital, ’ comforts
nd training in useful, crafts for
lOspiWized /Veterans, hospital
are in reniote parts of the coun-
ry, educational programs such as
wimnyng and water safety, first
liid, home nursing, to help Can-
!(iians towards self-protection.
These and other vital services
►f Red Cross have saved lives
ind made other lives brighter in
he past. The work must be con-
inued in 1953. So when the Red
?ross canvasser calls, give gen-
irously; ■ "
The canvassers in, the North-
Cast section of the. Village have
ompleted their work arid cfona-
ions received amounted to $15.00
nore than a year ago..
■ 1 • ; .
The Bruce County Health Uhit
is laying-plans lor the holding of
an immunization clinic in the Re
creational Centre, Lucknow, com
mencing on Tuesdayj March 17th,
between the hours of 10 and.between the hours of 10
11.30 a.m.
This will ibe the first of
clinics, open to all children
three months _of age. Plans for
the Clinic ;are under the direction
of the Unit’s Public Health Nurse
for this area, Miss Patricia Bail?-
■lie. ■ /■"' ;
Inoculations . for diphtheria,
whooping -cough, Jockjaw . and
smallpox, will be administered
by Dr. A. R. Allen of the Health
Unit, assisted byMiss Crozier,
head of the: Unit’s staff of nursds
and by Miss Baillie.
On Wednesday evening of last
veek a family gathering was held
it the home of Mr, and Mrs’ Ste-
vart Bradley of Tiverton to cele-
)rate the 45th, weddimg anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry
>f Lucknow. They Were residents
)f^the Amberley district until,
‘etiring to LucknbW .a few years
igo. Mrs. Henry Was formerly
Sdith Robb, daughter of Mr. and;
tfrs. John Robb. They were mar-
fed at Amberley by. Rev;4; T,
cwdell of the; Methodist Church.;
They have a family of three
^ildre.n, Melville of; Amberley;
^rs. Jordon Lyons (Agnes) of
•Vest Wawanosh" arid Mrs. Stew-,
irt Bradley (Irene) of Tiverton.
A highlight, of Zthe family din
ner. was the presentation of a
)urs,e of money <to Mr, and. Mrs.
^enry. by their grandchildren,
prepda Jean Henry and John
jybns. They have seven grandx
—' -■«■■■ , ■ ..I*....* ,)■..............................—■ \
suffered heart attack .
, Jim Wilson of /Con. - 6, West
W0twanosh,, suffered a? severe
leart attack about jnoon on Sun
day and ; was removed by am
bulance to Winghafn Hospital,
where his cottdiitidri was report
'd ,a£ somewhat improved early
n the week.
Jibi lost his right hand in a
Lorn picking, accident a year ago
•ast fall/'and his many friends
are grieved to learn of his latest
’ >................ .............................
At a recent meeting of the
Official Board of the Zion-
Hackett-Blake Circuit of the
United Church, a motion was
supported? that favored the
continuance of the Circuit as
at present constituted. :
flan mass x-ray
■ ■ • / • • 1 L' T
The Executive of the
County Tuberculosis Association,
headed iby Dr. W. V. Johnston;
met in, Kincardine on Tuesday
night, (with heads of interested
organizations in the various,
municipalities to. lay plans', for
.a county-wide mass x-ray pro
gram this spring.
It is«hoped . that a corps of
volunteers can be organized to
make a personal canvass of Bruce
■County. residents; to have them
attend the Clinic.
* r......
... Anyone' who has articles or
photos dealing with the past his
tory of Lucknow and wishing
them preserved, would perhaps
consider, having them placed;in
the’1 Tweedsmuir, Book. Often
these have no importance, attach
ed to' them when falling into tlie
hands A'dt others. In the; matter
pf group photos it is yell to have
the names of those in »the pict
ure, if possible. \ . *.
Those interested in this mat
ter please contact Miss- Mary
MacLeod, or Mrs. J. W. Joynt,
Dr. W. V. . Johnston was guest i
speaker at the Fr^'ay evening'
meeting of the Wingham Lions
Club- He. spoke on ithe “Care of
the Aged”, pointing out the ad
vantages of providing homes for
such -aged- people ...who. ...are/at:
present con fined to Hospitals, for
lack ■ of some better place to ac
comodate them, and yet do riot
require active medical care.
■ Dr. Johnston feels that the hos
pital atmosphere is not the proper
environment for such people.
They would be happier in homes,
where they could mingle as a
family of elderly folk, enjoying
companionship, getting out J to
church and entering into such
activities as’their health permit
ted. ■'.
THAT Dale Congram returned
home the end of the Week from
Sick Children’s Hospital, Lon
■ ; ■ ■ •..■ -—o—
THAT applications for the posi
tion of secretary-treasurer of
the Agricultural Society have
been nil and Alex MacNay who
had wished to be relieved of
the duties appears to be ‘‘it”
for another year.'
The Imperial Oil Company
conducting a survey of Ashfield
Township in the never-ending
search for oil" lands; Options are
being sought on a considerable"
acreage of land, including sites on
Con. 6, Ashfield arid in .the Kings-
ibridge-Kintail district. ’
Land options have previously
been taken- up by-, another- com
pany in West Wawanosh and, Kin
loss Townships. / I
It is understood that the Im
perial Company will, extend its
survey into Huron Township. .'
• » <
. < Charles Edmund. McDonagh, a lifelqhg resident oi the Zion dis- • ? J..
triot in Ashfield, arid promiriqnt: / *
- in -. municipal,- fraternal , a p d, ’ -
church work, was laid tot rest ip
Greenhill Cemetery on Friday. \
The funeral service was conduct-'. >•/
ed at; Johnstone’s Funeral Home,
-whioii. fell far shdrt of accoimo-' ...
dating the huge concourse thatr
gathered to pay their last respects i
to popular “Charlie” McDonagh.
A public address system brought
the service to those who could
not gain entrance to the Funeral
Home. The-service was conducted.
by his pastor, Rev. J. R. Dickin
son, and at the graveside the
Amberley Lofee Of the Royal*
Black Perceptpry conducted the
last rites of the Orange Order.
Local and district members od| •*
the Fraternity turned out in lange
numbers for their farewell to a
brother, who had long been act
ively and influentially associated
with Orangeism.. ; .’
Pallbearers were Herb Curran,
7 Edrrie'^FarriSh;/' Wm; Helm^^^
three grandsons, Murray, Charles
and ,Ross McPpnagh. . . : ”
Mr. McDonagh was in his 81st
year. He’was .a sori of John Me-/
Donagh and Mary Ann Andrew,
arid was born oh December 24ith, ~
1872, on/the” farm at Zion where
he speriit his entire life, On Sep- , •
tember 5th, 1906, he . married z
Edith Johnston/ who predeceas
ed "him twelve” years ago "last” ~
Mr: McDonagh is survived by
a son, John, on the home farm
arid a daughter, Mrs; Ed Mc
Kenzie (Emma), London:. Charles
was the last surviving rpember-
of the McDonagh family, having
been predeceased by three sisr
ters, Mrs. Robert Hamilton (Car
oline) ; Mrs. Fred Topp (Flofa
Alice); Mrs. James Cook (Mary
Ann); and by three 'brothers,
John, William and Alex..
Mr. McDonagh was an Orange
man for almost sixty years. He
joined Maple Grove 1044 at Ziop,
on December 10th, 1894, and has
held* every1 office in that Lodge.
In 1904 he joined Royal Black
Preceptory, 315, Lucknow, and
rose to Preceptor of that Lodge.
At his death he was an honor-.
ary member of Amberley Pre-
<•♦. _
- *
< * ”
I •
A ;
. Gordori Fisher, 15-year-oid son
of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher,
will be in Wingham Hospital for
a couple of months as a result
of injuries received Saturday
night "when struck by' a car on
Highway 86 near his home east
of Whitechurch
Gordon suffered a compound
fracture of the left leg, concus
sion -and lacerations about the
head. The concussion does-not apr
pear to have been serious. Gor
don . Underwent an operation on
Monday morning to have a pin
put in the leg, which is now in
a cast. He was resting easier on
Tuesday*. ■.. ’' ; •
Gordon ;• was returning homie
from the Barn Dance in Luck
now with Mr. and Mrs. Bowie
of Wingham. They had stopped
at Bob Hutchison’s gate to get
out of the car to walk from there
to 'his'home nearby., H^had cross
ed to the proper side of the high
way for pedestrians.
Abe’s taxi of Gorrie, also tra
velling east, pulled out 'to pass
the. (parked Bowie car and failed.
Xo see Gordon, who Was rendered
unconscious when knocked down.
The taxi driver had the youth
in his car, and -he had regained
consciousness when his parents
reached the scene within a few
minutes. Gordon was then rushed
to the hospital. • .
. / '• •'
Has Fractured Hip
Leslie, Alton is another fracture
vicitim and is in Wingham Hospi
tal with -.a,broken right hip. Les
lie makes his home with his sis
ter, Mrs. . Sam * Morrison, .and
suffered the injury in aJfall inS
the bedroom of his home, a week
ago last Thursday. The injury
could\riot ibe immediately de-;
. tected, and Leslie remained at
home until last Thursday when
he was. removed'to 'hospital. ■
On Monday^ he uncierwent an
ppe.riatiqn when if, was discovered
that the break was more serious
than the x-ray revealed,. and it
was ■ necessary to put' a plate/in
the hip- to correct the injury. His
condition was satisfactory /oi-
Had , Wrist Broken
Robert T. Douglas has his right
arnl iri a cast, hayjing brbken two
bones in* the wrist when he slip-
jped anc^fell on, Saturday a't noon
On his Way- home , from down
on his wiay home Trom down
X'own. Mr. Douglas had the wrist
•,, >. ..i,
' . *
IfV4THAT Mr. and Mrs.; N.„S. Cal
vert and .Joyce of Paris spent
. . the . week-end with Mr, and
Mrs. William Douglas and were
- present at a family gathering
ori Saturday to celebrate. ^Bill’s’.
birthday. '
THAT there were 13 tables at
the. Auxiliary shoot party on
—-Friday-evening. -Prize—Winners
were Mrs. A. Solomon and Bob
Hamilton. The prizes were do
nated by Mrs; Mae Irwin
Mrs. Wm. MacDonald.
THAT Ted Collyer Wired
I Lighthouse at Point Clark Jast ' week, which this year will be
I lit and operated j>y . electricity.
Light keeper Jack Campbell
‘ rnake a trip to Parry Sound the
first of the week in. connection'
with the new mechanism that
Will be installed,
■ ■, ;---q_
THAT Eddie Moore of the Whiter
church ^district has been ap
pointed Rawleigh dealer in the*
. vicinity, including Kinloss arid.’
Huron Townships. Mr. Moore
had his left arm. amputated in
late October last year, after it.
^^^sjhanglod^in a corn-picking
machine.., .
o—■ '
THAT Joe Whjtby arrived home
frorri Halifax oh Saturday, just
in time for, his grandfather’s
■' funeral. Joe'is serving in the;
Canadian Navy arid, expects to;
‘sail to the Koreah theatre in
the spring. Mr. Whitby'S son,
- Fred, Was holidaying in Florida
. bt .the time of; hjs father’s death
and upon being located there,
• airport. /
Donations continue to be /re
ceived by the directors of South
Kinloss Cemetery Corporation,
for their Memorial- Gates—and-
Fence fund. About’ $200 is still
needed to complete the payment
of this project. The Directors
Wish to heartily thank all-those
Who have contributed to the
fund. .
The Board is looking to the
future and when in a financial
position to do so, plan to erectj
a mausoleum where the remains |
of loved ones may' be temporarily |
entombed during the winter
months. ■» , \
- Additional . donations to the
Memorial Gates fund are here
with acknowledged.
W. B. Anderson,, Lucknow,
$25.00; K. B. Kerr,' Charles .City,
Iowa, 10.00; Misses Ethel & Belle
.Robertson, Lucknow/ 5.00; Mac-,
lntosh Sisters (per Rev. H. A.
"McMillan, Toronto), 20.00; Col.
York, 20.00; Mrs. Malcolm Mac-
innes, Wingham, 5.00; Mrs. Mal-
Cdlm Ross, Whitechurch,- 5.00;
Mrs. David » Kennedy,' 'White
church, 5.00;. RussetjGaunt, R. 5?
UucknoW, 1.00; Russel Middleton,
R. -6: -Lucknowr2.00'; Miss. Helen.
Macintosh, Vancouver, B.C.,, 7.50;
Mrs. ■ Greta Campbell, Lucknow,
10.00; Alex .MacLeod,. Lucknow,
'5,00; jUawrenee MacLeod, R. 5,
J.»gknaw. ..5.pO.;:SanirMiller. May-
■mont, Sask.,' 50.00; Frank Millen-
R. 5, Lucknow, 5.00; Miss Isabelle
Macintosh, Hamilton (2nd dona
tion), 10.00; South Kinloss'Pres-
byterian Church, 10.00;, Mi's.-Bon*4
nett, Winnipeg, Mian., 5.0Q; Mrs*
Kilpairiok, Port
MacMillan, Cop.:- 6, 10.0Cb K
Latte, R. 2, HolyTood, 50.00; Mrs.
Margaret . Haibkirk, . Lu$ktt<wjx
2.00; E. Ki Gaunt, Lucknow, 5.00,
Mrs. C U MacDonald, Lucknow,
5.00. • ■ . , . *
' . *■ \ *A.
THAT there was _,a .full house at
the CKNX Barrt Dance on Sat
urday night and a jam-packed
. hall for the dance’that .follow
ed, The event Was sponsored
iby the Agricultural Society
. with their thirty percent share
of• - the: take; after- deduction of;
amusement tax, amounting to
■. about $T25r * ’/ < ■
5 » ■ * ’ '
set r in Wingham -Hospital
Monday rind returned to
yrbnr im. IWMIton liHMtamwl '..inirilul
ceptory, 132. Charlie was County
Master in 1909, and from 1912 to
1948 served continuouslyas re
cording-secretary1 of Bruce West
County Lodge. . /
For forty .years he was a muni
cipal official in Ashfield Town- ,
Ship. He served nine years as
tax collector and for 31 years
was township clerk. At his death
he was secretary of the Farmers’
Shipping Company, an office He
had held since the formation of
the Company 26 years agb. He
was a faithful and devoted, mem
ber of Zion United Church, and ''. .
has served on; ithe Church Boards
for many years. .
He continued active and alert
almost to the end. The’Thursday
prior to his death he was stricken \
with a heavy stroke. Removed to
Wing'ham Hospital his condition
and the following Tuesday even
ing the effects of the paralysis
had Noticeably lessened. But early
Wednesday morning he suffered '■>
■another seizure which was’fatal. ,
• -In his passing, this community. <• .
■lost "ari... .esteemed; ,citjzen,, who Lj. 1
lived a . full and. useful life of , <
service to his community, his , ;...
church, his municipality arid his .
fraternal brethreri.- Charlie Mc-
Donagh will be missed by a wide
circle of. fr,iends and/assoctates; Z
On Sunday morning Rev. G. A. *
Meiklejbhh baptized the follow- .
ing children, Brenda Jean -and
Brian AYilliam, twin children, of •
Mr, and Mrs. Kerineth Jardine;
Allan Roderick J sori of Mr. arid
Mrs; Alex Andrew ’ and Roberta-
John, sdn. of Mr, and Mrs, Clar
ence Greer.
• -r
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