The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-25, Page 7WEDNESDAY, FEB..2«h, 1953
T .< . ■ •..........•...........
23rd psalm was. repeated in uni
son. The hymn “The Church’s
one Foundation” was sung after
which the minutes, of the last
Plaps were made for the"World’s
Day of Prayer which was held
in St. Andrew’s United Church
on February 20th. MrS Melvin
Colling gave a temperance read-
irig after which hymn 488 was
sung. Mrs-. E. Osborne read the
scripture arid gave the comments,
Mrs, Howard Henry led in pray?
er, Mrs. Alvin Hamilton gave a
Clayton gave a chapter of the
study book;. Mrs. John Colling
Ross Black gave the closing re
marks, Miss Marilyn Finlayson
favored with a solo. Hymn 148,
was sung arid Mrs, Herb Clay
ton closed the meeting with pray
er. Lurich was served by the
committee iri charge,
■ ■ • . ; • « -r
resbyterian Young Peoples
The Guild meetirig was opened wiuwi tne minutes of the last
ith the call to Worship read by t meeting were read-and approved,
ladys Chin.-: Hymn 321 was. sung - . -
Bowed by the scripture read-
g by Wilda Reid, Gladys (Chin.
ive a /reading entitled “Heads
ent Low”. Alan Chin played a
ano solo? The topic was taken
r Gladys Chin which was “A
resbyterian Treasure Hunt”,
ladys. then played a horn solo.
The February meeting of the
inloss' United Church WMS.
as . held, at the home of Mrs. gaveJa. reading^after whibh Mrs^
mn Geddes. The president, Mrs. « - ’ • — -
m'. Campbell, presided. The roll
11 was answered by a verse on
ayer. Rev. Purchase spoke on
e theme for February, “The
crament of the Lord’s ^Supper”,
ripture readings were given by
rs. Ralph Haines and Mrs. Dean
jwitt. Readings were given by
rs. Albert Colwell, Mrs< Walter
lake, Mrs. Harold Bannerman,
rs. Frank Colwell and Mrs.
abel , Campbell. Mrs. Elmer
nnerman gave the chapter in
a. study book and the report
?' Community .Friendship. c The
arch meeting is to be held at
e home of Mrs; Albert Colwell
th Mrs. Lynn Geddes convener.
The World’s Day of Prayer iwgs
Id in 'the church on Friday,
bruary 20th with’ a good at-
ldance. Rev, Purchase gave an
cresting address on the theme
Talk as Children of Light”,
•s. Purchase sang an appropri-
» solo.
ivet W M S.
The Olivet W.M.S. met at the
me of Mrs. Orville Finlayson
' their regular meeting. The vvith- .ouR-presiden.t.'jMrs^Baiilfih.i.
as leader. Special prayers, were'
given by Mrs, Chadwick, Mrs,
Tom MacKenzie, Mrs. W. F. Mac*
Donald,. Mrs. Douglas Graham,
and Miss Dean MacLeod. Mrs.
Lloyd MacDougall gave a brief
address on the' Day of Prayer and
Mrs. Chadwick sang a pleasing
solo, “Sweet Hour of Prayer”.
The meeting closed with the ben
ediction after which a tasty lunch
was served by the hostesses and
; directors.. The next meeting will
be held on March 4th at the
home of Mrs. Allister Hughes.
ilidry for* a very pleasant even
ing. Following the current events
by MrK Pedersen, a number 9f
slides was shown of the Life of
David Livingstone and,/the ac«
compahying description fead iby
Mrs, M, Henderson, Hymn 192
was sung and Mrs, Norman Tay
lor closed the meeting with pray
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South Kihloss W.M.S, \
Misses vAnnie and Jessie Mac
Kay were hostesses for the Feb
ruary meeting which was held
on Friday when the World Day
of. Prayer was observed. ..The
.meeting -opened with: the singing
of hymn 162 and the Lord’s1'pray*
er. The’ minutes and correspon
dence were read. The. members
agreed to pay 25c each to help
defray the expenses of the com
plimentary; dinn&t at/the Synod-;
iCal in Wingham in April. Mrs.
A. Hughes gave a report of the
sewing meeting held’ recently at
the home of Mrs. R. MacMillan
when a baby layette. Was. made
lor a Dutch immigrant family
and for which the mother , was
very. grateful. The World Day
of Prayer service as prepared by
African Christians’ was followed.
. s.x• > a
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\ '
The W.M.S,. meetirife; was held
in the church on /February 12th
with; Mrs! Farish Moffat presid
ing. The World’s Day of Prayer
program was followed. Minutes
and correspondence were read by
the; sec., Mrs. Neil MacDonald.
Prayers were given by Mrs. Peter
G; Moffat, Miss Emma Richard
son, Mrs. Neil MacDonald, Mrs;
Bert Moffat and Mrs, Farish Mof-
,fat. The Glad Tidings’ prayer was
given by Mrs. Gordon. Wall.
United Church Evg. Auxiliary
The February, meeting of the
U mted ..Church .Evening Auxiliary
was held , in the church with 37
members and 14 visitors. Mrs.
Murdie, presided for opening ex
ercises, devotional and business.
The theme of the Sacrament of
Lord’s supper was dealt with' in
scripture by’ Mrs. Geo. JOyrit' and
prayers offered by Mrs. V. Hun
ter, Mrs, K, C, Murdie and Mrs.
T. A.' ■ MacDonald. Plans , were
made for the World Day of Pray
er. Mrs. Roy . Black presided for
the program: vocal solo..’by Miss
M.x Rae and a piano instrumental
by Mrs. H. R. Allin. Dr. Helen
Salkeld then gave her very- in-
teresting travelogue shoeing pip-
tufes / taken while studying
abroad. Her talk was most in
teresting and gave a very real
insight into some of/these eoun-
tries arid conditions nmthemrAf-
ter Mrs. C. Thompson moved a
vote of thanks, the meeting clos
ed w-ith prayer. A social half
hour followed.
Ashfield Presbyterian W.M.S.
The February meeting of Ash
field Presbyterian W.M.S. was
held? at the home of Mrs. Eliza
beth* Rose. It being the World’s
Day of Prayer the program es
pecially prepared for that day
was used. Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie,
1st vice- president, presided arid
acted as; leader, for thejprogram._
Prayers were offered by Mrs. D.
R. JMacKenzie, Mrs. Howse and
MrS. Stuart McLennan. Mrs. N. G.
MacKenzie gave an interesting
surfaced I roads.
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address biT~T~the History and'
achievements of the World’s Day
of Prayer. Mrs. Duncan MacKay
favored with an appropriate solo.'
Miss Sadie Johntsori was ■chosen
to act as delegate to the Synod-:
ical. which is to be held in Wing
ham on April 21, 22 and, 23. After
Mrs. Wilsoh, the president, had
eon d ucted - the.—business ; part, of-
the meeting,-, we closed ‘by re
peating,.'the Lord’s prayer in uni-
‘son. The hostess and committee
in. charge - served a nice lunch
and a social-time was enjoyed.
Presbyterian Evening. Auxiliary
A bountiful pot luck supper
was served at 6.30 p.m. tomem.-,
bers of the Evening. Auxiliary
and their guests,"the W.M.S., in
the ^basement :of -the--church, -Fol
lowing the supper, they held their.
meeting with Mrs. Jack Fisher
.in the chair; - Who took the open
ing exercises. Mrs. Morgan Hen
derson had charge of the topic,
assisted by Mrs. Jas. Little, Mrs.
Hugh Cuming and Mrs. V. Mow
bray. -Miss Mary MacLeod gave
.a preview of the book ‘‘Jungles
Ahead”; ' which is .in connection
with - the topic. The scripture
reading was given .by ;Mr$, Hugh
Cuming, Mrs. .Jack Bollock. gave
the second Beatitude, and. Mrs.
ing solo. During the business per
iod/ Mrs, . Jas*?' Little was jJhpsen.
as delegate to the Synodical .in, April 2-1* 22, 23, ;If
those who’ have any" Christmas.,
cards/will please send them to
Mrs. "Douglas Graham, she will
forward them to Formosa. The
next meeting is to be held at
'the Manse•^hjMarchr:MisS’dMury?
^4 DRY IN AN HOUR for rehonging pictures
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■ ji; NO MESSY CLEANUP—your hands, brush, • ■'
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. . • MacLedd expressed thanks from
-Ucknow ; Phone 150 : Uiitano .x- ^e^WM.S. to,the Evening Aux*
--........................ .... ....
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