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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-25, Page 6
•ft broadcast © / ADULTS 75c ❖ •V f r ? • / 7” TIMBER TIPS WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25th,’ 1953 °h •, • .. J ' . ■.. ■] Broadcast at 8.00 sharp- i / FEATURING STARS OF RADIO AND STAGE, Sponsored by The. Lucknow Agricultural Society. 0 CHILDREN 500 _______________ 7 • ‘ / .,•> ■ | DANCE TO FOLLOW — 9.30 to>12.00. •>* THE; LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ✓< WJNTER—in Vulcan, Alberta,, to * Mrr'and Mrs. Allen Hunger, for* -TT-T AND YOURSELF• 1 / i* MijiiiUiMi £<ii.X*-iiU»rRWC-?j V ' ■ , ' • * *,. . ** CANADIAN ARMY FOURTH CONCESSION Mrs. Geo. Scott, who recently underwent a maj or. operation1in ■ Victoria Hospital, London, was ■' able to return home last week. Her -sister^in-law, Mrs, Nettie Baird of Toronto, is helping care . for. her. ’ Mr: Stuart Brough, who is tak ing an advanced mechanics course in Toronto at present, and Miss Phyllis Stade of Walkerton, visited recently with the former’s grandfather, Mr. L. Maclver at iLthe home of Mr. and Mrs, „ Ira Dickie.- • ‘ ■.-7 , ••/ • 7 * Mack; MacDonald . and* * Billie Buckton missed a few days school last week due to illness. We are sorry to> hear that Mrs. Robt. MaeCormick is not enjoying good, health at present. . A joint Farm Forum was held Monday night .< in " Flowerdale , school with Mr. Welsh of Kincar- dine as guest speaker. He would like to interest farmers in sellrng milk* to the powdered milk ?fa(?t- ory. ' ‘ i / • '•/ born ■ WALL—in Wingham Hospital on Wednesday, February 18th, to Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wall, R. 5? Luck* now, a son; ' J LINNELLr—in Victoria Hospital, London, on Monday, February 23, to Mr. ;and Mrs. Wilfred Linnell, Strathroy (nee Dorothy Macln* tosh), a son^ ; s nierly ofLucknow, a son^ Mich- ael, ; . •• .-./7 BUSHELL—in Kincardine Gener al Hospital, on Sunday, February 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Max Bush- ejl, Holyrood, a daughter, Brenda Irene. . '■ J*» » r ‘ Time To Be Planning For SPRING MOTORING PLEASURE BIG VALUE CARS 1952 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. 1952 PONTIAC COACH \ 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 1951 CHEV. DELUXE STYLELINE SEDAN. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE COACH. 1951 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN. . 1951 PONTIAC STYLELINE COACH. 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1941 CHEV. SEDAN, •completely reconditioned. 1. t>■ SPORT... MIDGETS SCORE 52 GOALS IN MONKTON SERIES Lucknow Midgets drubbed th^’ Mohkton lads ’ in Lucknoyr laSti Wednesday night by a score of 27-0, and back in Mitchell on Monday night almost repeated (the dose with a score of 25-1. . Lucknow now meets Hensail on the, latter’s ice on Thursday evienirig/arid fhe second game of the set will be back in Lucknow on Saturday night ; ; - The O.M H.A. is demanding a W.O.A.A. winner by March 1st and it could be, that this will, be the. final series in the W.O.A.A, To date Lucknow has eneount- eifed “no opposition” in the play downs, They have a smooth, well balanced team, and with a strong opposing, team it ‘wquid be mighty good hockey to watch. • . GOT US WRONG, HANK! AND NO, WEBSTER DIDN’T GO Hank Smith, Port Elgin Times sport columnist, got us wrong a couple of weeks ago, when he claims we took exception- to. his* statement that Charlie Justice wouldn^t be back in Lucknow. We were simple quoting you Hank to bear Out that district sport / fans, are : aware of what everyone has known here since., playoff time a year ago. As for the “prowl for players”; the -Legion’s recent decision to- back the team has given the pro moters the green light and it’s rip secret that contacts areT now being : made, but there hasn’t been much “prowling” going on. Chuck Webster will be sorry to have missed that imaginary trip you had him on down Fort It’s Coming . . , • The . CKNX BARN DANCE from^the CARNEGIE HALL, LUCKNOW I I i T I.- i TRUCKS 1953 DODGE |4’*TON PICK-UP, selling at below list 1946 MERCURY HALF-TON PICK-UP Brussels Motors Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers * Cash, Trade, Terms — Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Servlet Dealer Phone 73x, Brussels Wayne way. Chuck’s “boss” is holidaying in Florida, and much and all as Webster might have like to go along with a stopover at/Fort2Wayne,he”reallyhadto stay at home and look after the hardware store customers. But Hank, you may not be too far out on that Lucknow- Winghanj Combine proposition. It may be the answer. The Times article suggests that Guy Sparrow might be in the Lakeside town this season. Johnston’s Chipmunks .and Eedy’s Lions haye practically clinched a playoff berth during the past two weeks. Four teams 4—Zebras, Tigers, Pole Cats and Wolverines, will be battling to- ,morrow night for that coveted sixth rung and a chance for a go at the silverware. After knocking on the door for two seasons the Chippers finally made it. Good teafti play plus some sensational and consistent bowling by Anna and Kay have pul them over; This team can be the dark horse of the tourna mentwhich begins next week! Meanwhile the Tigers, Pole Cats and Wolverines have con tinued to flounder while the up- and-coming* Zeibras threaten to take oyer. As the Cubs1 have been coming through with some of the seasonal high team scores; the Tigers settled for dismal seasonal ■lows!' ■' : Other individual honors go to Cub Eedy, Gopher Button and Culb Caesar who racked up flats of 697, 679 and 647 respectively. Cuib Gwen Caesa^ was runner-up to Chipmunk Anna ■ Johnston A "strong” Canada, today,, is essential if we are to preserve our freedom, our own way of life. Freedom demands constant guard and effort by ri/Z whoeniqy.it. A "strong Canada” is the responsibility of all Canadians. whose consecutive high flats of. 634 and 663 'included the record- breaking, ladies single of 305 ping. “ Believe it Or noty^that dashing young blade who was scintillating on alleys 9 and 10 was the same man who came up with that “high single” a short time ago. A little needling and a new sports ensemble from a<?rass .the~ border/ seems to have turned the trick’ fit . may provide the psychological oomph which his team will need next month! .Team Standing1 . Beavers 82, Cubs 74, Gophers 64, Chipmunks 61, Lions 61, Zeb ras 54, Tigers 54, Wolverines 52; Pole Cats 48, Coons 44. Christine Models Her New Wardrobe See remarkable photographs vividly portraying the striking contrastfoetweenGeorgeJorgen- sen; the man and Christine Jor gensen; the woman. Read Christ ine’s own account of. the growing • confusion that moved her to seeli ; medical advice. "See “The Story of My Life”, by Christine, Jor gensen, in The American Weekly. With March 1 Detroit- Sunday Times. iTiTiWbbhWi t r <• I Accountant, stehogfaphetj typist. cook, baker ... You can acquire One of these tfades an4d skills — and many more. : ’ • Learn about the*NEW enlarged opportunities for ADVANCEMENT for COOKS “T-learn about a trade that will give you a promising career.’” Free health, services, generous pension plan, 30 days holiday a year — all /combine to make Army service a sound career for bright young men who are good enough to make the grade, IN THE ARMY In the ROYAL CANADIAN ARMY SERVICE CORPS, the world will be your work shop. Korea, Germany and the far corners of Canada — the Service -^Corps-goes-wherever-the Canadian Army gws. -You can go with them, gain- / jng experience in your trade under interesting arid, at times, exciting conditions, r 110®.- % Foil are eligible if you are 17 to 45 years of age and able to meet Army, test requirements. Applicants should bring birth Certificates or other proof of age when re porting for interview.' For full information apply right away or write toi No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. ..... No/5 PersonnefDepot, Artillery Park, BagofStreetKingston**, 6nt; '7 ‘ .Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 90 Richrttbhd St. W., Toronto, Ont. No. / Personnel Depot/ Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts., London, Ont. Army Recruiting Centre/ 230 Main Street West, North Bay, Onh « ’ Atmy Recruiting Centre,. Jarties St. Armouty/^OOJdmes St. N;; Hamilton/ Ortt A‘e4'4w'-o