HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-25, Page 1o A Year InAdvance—$1,00 Extra To ILS. A.-.^LUCKNOW, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25th, 1953
is the
to; ■ Europe,the' British, field .6nt February .19th, 1870,. on
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rs. Clark McLean of London,
formerly of Kinloss Town-
passed away at her home in
ngthy illness,. She w^s in her
year and \had been ailing
several months; .
rs. McLean was formerly
y Ellen: (Hel£n) Dawson,
jhter Of Mr. and Mrs, Joshua
awson, Concession 2, Kinloss.
>n attended Lucknow- Con-
ition School and later clerk-
V Thompson’s Grocery Store
• to her marriage to her
ft husband. They lived in
jharn for some time ‘before
’ng to London:
e funeral service will bp
on Thursday afternoon at
ham’s Funeral Home with
mentr in-London; ■—
s. McLean is survived by
msband; a daughter, Gwen;
i, Kenneth; her parents* and
brothers, Alex, Wijliam and
art of London; Harold of
itp and Huntley . on the
farm in Kinloss. <
The Lucknow Water System
hasn’t a. water user in arrears
at the present time. El H. Agnew,
secretary-treasurer, of this nnih-
licnRRityTstates that it is the
first time he .can 'remember. that
the System has been free of ar-
ifegrs<; ■ 1
Considerable collection work
was involved in achieving this.
■ -... ■
Kintail Women’s Institute
sponsoring a raffle by which the
lucky ticket holder will receive
the Institute’s “Salada Tea Quilt”
which was awarded 86 of 100
points* in a?' recent competition..
The quilt will be displayed in
.Johnstone’s 'Furniture . Store
where "tickets 7 will be available
as well as from all Institute mem
1 Ten nails, a metal slug
from a hydro box and a five-,
inch piece of wire made up
surgery -from the stomach of
a cow owned by Ted Collyer.
. The ailing 'beast was oper
ated on last week by Dr. T.
B, Cleland. It was. discovered
that one of the bent nails
had perforated the . stomach
and re-entered it again. Some
h of the nails at least are be-
• liejved to have been in the
stomach for a long period.
It was the piece of wire
„ that brought on the emer
gency operation as it had
punctured the stomach and
would shortly have set up a
- fatal operitphitis infection. > ,
and Mrs. Dan Cameron
es, 711 Westmouht Drive,
nbra, .California, are happy
nounce the safe arrival of
daughters on Sunday, Feb-
22nd. The babies are the
^andchildi^ bf" Eyan Ged-
■ormerly of jLucjaiow, and
grandchildren erf the late
>hniel and Mrs. Geddes.
roTthe birth’ was phoned
ran from California to his
Dean, Mrs. J. A. Robertson
lunt Forest.
ies of the. Anglican, Pres
to and United Church con-
ions gathered in; the latter
i on Friday afternoon for
servance of the World Day
yer. ,
ladies were received by
Margaret Rae and Mrs. X
istrong and the prescribed
rf service distributed,
sers oL the missionary op
tions/ of the various
es led in the worship ser-
ihey were Mrs. Russell
son and Mrs. K. G. Murdie
United Church; Miss Mary.
1 and Mrs. Morgan Hen-
of the Presbyterian
and Mrs. H. L. Jennings
rs. Wm. Stimson of the
in Church; . . !
its were offered by , Mrs.
t Lavis, Mrs. Scott, Mrs.
Alton,. Mrs. Jdnnings, Mrs.
ollock and Mrs. Bob Reid,
■feting was received L by
arvey Webster’ Oncl Mrs.
Philip Steer gave a^very.
g address on the “Power
et”, and at the .conclusion
-' talk sang - a- solo,- /with
animen£ iby Mrs. ^G. A.
ohn. < .; ..J__12
With his leg in a cast, Earl
(Joe) McCoy was brought to
Lucknow by ambulance last week
to the. home of his brother Well-,
ington, ' / <?.’
Earl had the leg broken in two
places in .mid-January when'
struck by a car in London. He
was. in the hospital there until
brought home last week in John-
Donald Smith, 17-year^old. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Smith of
Holyrood, left on Monday for
Toronto to complete his diesel
and motor mechanics training.
Donald has been taking a home
study course with the Chicago
-Vocational School; and has scored
high marks in the course. He will
now receive six weeks practical
training at the School’s Weston
Road "plant in Toronto. -
The death of Mrs. Ernest
Nicholson occurred in Toronto on i
February 1st, after a lengthyVilL
riess. She was in-her 45th year
and had been a semi-invalid since
a number of years, deceased was
an aunt of Gerald Wagner of
Lucknow add of Lloyd Cornish
of Huron Township. /■■//.
Directors of the newly-fornied
Bruce .County Beef Producers!
met in Paisley last week and set
up a Committee to deal with cat- j
tie rustling.,, Officers of the As
sociation' are: pres., A. A. Mc-
Tavish, Paisley; ivicerpres., Ern
est Ackert, Holyrood; secretary,;
Norval Stewart,.?R. 6,’ Lucknow,
and Earl' Gordon of Alienford, ,
THAT -Constable Alex Havens
had the“speed trap” mechan-
iSm ih dperation at the eastern
approach - to* Main ) Street on
Thursday and Friday of last
week and it was amazing the
slow down that resulted in con/
trast to the terrific speed with
which some motorists roar into
town and “over the hill” at this
’ .J- ‘ ‘—-o—
THAT after ten weeks in Strat
ford Hospital with a fractured
ankle, Cameron Geddes was
discharged on Friday with a
walking cast. Three bones were
; broken in the ankle. Cameron
; expects to soon be back on the^
air from CJCS. ,
THAT the. report is good on Dale
Congram’s condition. It was ex
pected that Dale would have
the cast applied either Tuesday
permitted to return home in a
few days—possibly the end of
the week.
THAT Joseph Whitby’s condition
' grew worse last week /and on
Friday he was removed by am.-
bulance to Westminster Hospi-
* tai, London. On Sunday Mrs,,
Whitby motored to London
with Mr.: .and Mrs. Russell
Whitby and.’ is remaining there
with her daughter Rose.
THAT Glen Tasker who has been
stationed at Clinton R.C.A.F.
station for the past few months
has been posted to Greenwood
base jn Nova Scotia. Mr. and
Mrs. Tasker and family plan
to: leave by. motor for the Mari
times on? Thursday.
The death of Charles E. Mc-
Donagh of Zion occurred „ early
Wednesday morning in Winghana
Hospital,: whOre he had been a
patient ?since last Thursday when
ho suffered a heavy stroke at his
home. \ /
Mr; McDonagh was 80 on De-
cemiber 24th.
The funeral service will be
held at , the Johnstone Funeral
Home, Lucknow, on Friday after-
noon, February 27th, at 2.30 with
interment in Greenhill Cemetery.
The L.O.L. will assist with
service? ; *•
.U. .... ■■ ■■■■■.I. .— ■■..■I— ,
~ Mac MacDonald cf -Chatham -
had his cheek bone smashed in
while skating on Saturday night
in the local arena. Mac flipped-
in a hole and went headlong on
his1 face. '■ •
After recovering somewhat
from the blow, Mac resumed
skating but it was soon apparent
that he had suffered more than
superficial injuries ili "the fall
and a trip to the doctor’s office
revealed he had a badly crushed
cheek bone. . •
Mr. and Mrs, MacDonald; and
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, were
spending the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs, _ Charles
“Steward. They returned to Chat
ham on Sunday where Mac would
have to undergo some surgical
treatment to halve the crushed
eheek bone liftedr ^ . •...."■
Tp pick up a billfold contain
ing a $1000 cheque as well as
some bills, was the eye-popping
experience recently of “Chuck”
McDonagh of Toronto, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McDonagh of Zion.
“Ohuck” is a Loblaw employee
in Toronto, and was entering his
temporary boarding house when
he picked up the wallet, which
he discovered upon enquiry be
longed to another resident of the
boarding house. . . ?
Chuck was rewarded with $40’
for the discovery and return 64
the-wallet.—?—r---—’ ■
Lucknow and District Branch
iety has its canvassers appointed
for the annual campaign which
i opens across Canada oil Monday. «
This community has been most*
generous to all Red Cross- appeals
during the war apd in the post
war years. In 1952 approximately .
$1500 was donated, and Branch
officers are hopeful thatr-this .
achievement can5 be repeated ”
again this year. .
As in' previous campaigns a
house-to-house canvass will be
made in the Village, While. rural
residents, are requested to leave*
their donations at, their neighbor
hood store or in. Lucknow at Mc-
Kim’s Drug Store or the Bank
of Montreal.
Canvassers "are as follows:
South Side Main St*: Charlie
Webster; North side Main St.,
Bob MacKenzie; South 'of Main
’St., west of River, Steve Stoth-
ers, Norman Taylor; South of
Main St., east of River: H. D.
Thompson, Lloyd Ashton; North,
of Main St., west of River: Floyd
Wilson, Innes MacSween; North
of Main St. to Bose St. and. east
of River, Fred Jackson, Ernie
Crawford; North of Rose St., east
ofBi ver: Donald MacLean, Jim
Henderson.. ■
The Red Cross work of mercy,'
is: a noble work. It doesn’t call
for payment. It is unsullied by
selfishness and greed. The peo
ple who volunteer their time and
this. '■ .
When disaster strikes, when
help is needed, the Red Cross is
always there . ' . The Disaster
Service,, the . Blood Transfusion
Servicej the Outpost Hospitals
where aid is given to those liv-%
ing in the isolated sections of the
country.. These .important ser
vices must be maintained in 1953
and to carry these on" will re
quire $5,300^600. In Ontario alone
$2,100,300 must be raised.^ _
When the Red Cross con vasser
calls, remember the many vital
jobs which, must be done with
those dollars, and contribute gen
erously. You will have a part in
the Work of mercy througih_vour
Red Cross.
' ' - ' -I ' ■ ' "■ ■ '
d Central America have
the appetite of Rev. G.
Cox for more trips
ReVi Cox has been mak-
home with his brother,
>x *Of Con. 10,. KinlOss,.
now enroute to the Holy
i Middle East. From New
sailed on the Nonweg-
Osleford, via the Can-
mds and through the
anean Sea ‘to Haifa. By
d bus he Wilf complete
td the Holy LandHe
visit ihrTurkey enroute
d expects to be back in
■k by the second week
I ’ ‘ . .
• Mrs. Elizabeth . Alton celebrat
ed her ?83rd birthday last Thurs
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Reed. ;
Mrs. Alton was born in Ash-
the farm now owned by Mrs., E^
Wilkins and son' Herb and. form
erly oWned by« Wm« J. Lane. She
Was the daughter of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John. Lane. Her moth-
v er’s maiden- name; was Deborah
the Lucknow, district almost all
her life. ' . ■* •
■Relatives and friends Called
during the day and her son, Wm.
G> .Webster, Was able to be at
the birthday dinner,; this4 being
his first visit With her since his
recent illness. ; :
■' Cardgj^gn^ _ gifts ;ftbm .jnahy^
friends and a “telegram from, her
son, Jack Webs.ter at Prince Rup-,
brt, B.C., all helped to make the
occasion a very happy one. -
THAT Mary Allin entertained a
number of girl friends on Sat
urday at her 9 th birthday
, party., Higlilijght of the enter
tainment was some tricks of
magic ’ performed /by Mary’s
, grandfatherr Mr. W. L. Mac-
'. • O—-
THAT Mrs. Grace Lockhart' ob
served her -85th birthday ’ last
'splendid health although' her
. eyesight is f ailing . her - some-
what. .' ■ ■ ;■
THAT Elizabeth Webster was the
winner of the costume prize
• for Room IV girls at the redent
school, carnival. Although. that
Wasn’t, fedW thp records read, it
w was" bur" “mistake; when Twe
D. A. MacDonald of Lochalsh
celebrates his 79,th birthday on
Thursday. Nothing unusual about
that" but he had a full stet of
teeth on the lower jaw and
bought his first tooth brush about
a month ago, ; .
Don’t get the idea though that
Dan hasn’t been looking after his
teeth. For, these many years he.
has cleaned them three times
daily with salt and a. brisk mas
sage of. teeth and gums with his
finger. Dan says he rubbed them
till they “squealed’’, and he
shows sparkling set of teeth
top and bottom, There are a few
malar-gaps-on-the'"upper jayv, but"
the lower teeth hre intact. A few;
of them/ have been crowned, be
cause they became worn down by
years of -mastication;
We didn’t^ think to ask; -Mr.
MacDonald what had.decided him
to <buy the tooth .brush after
seventy-nine years without one; ’
D. A/is hale and hearty, light
of . step ahcl ftesh of face, His
hearing is. bothering him .Some.
fapd bn Monday he caught..a Jb.USr
T6r"Xondoh tb^ cbiisuft • a special
ist. Before returning he planned
to ’visit membets of his* family
in London, Chatham, Windsor
and Detroit. , ;
‘ Incidentally Mr. MacDonald re
ferred to' Duncan Cameron know
ing seven generations/ That’s1 oriO
better; than Dan can cl^qpj. He
go back beyond his^^hdtL.
mother, who was bom in 1790
■ ■ - . ■■' V-
. Two children were baptized at
the morning service op Sunday
in Ashfield Presbyterian church.
They were: Brian Kenneth, .in
fant son Of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
MacDorfald and Donna Isabel, in
fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd MacDonald;
yv ao wma ••’***• . ~ j UliOUnt?! t yvilU Wdb UU1X1 111 A / aU
changed the seasons by referr- and died in 188,1 at the age of
ing to it as a /‘Hallows’•”<' 91 ’when Dan was a lad of seveti
-rather than a V'^mtine n t■
■^/ .. . ■■ / ?’•’ ■ '. z-;
prizes Went out of town
. Proceeds of the dance and prize
draw staged by The Clansmeh on • ’
Friday night all but wip^d out
a note personally backed ..by
members of the Club to complete
the construction costs of the Re- ?
creationsl Centre..
There was a good crowd on;,
hand, for the- dahce to- music by
Carruther’s. Orchestra, an d a mid - '
night ..Mrs. Harold ‘ Taylor drew
the tickets for the seven prizes.
. Winners were as follows: 1st.
suit of clothes, H. B. -Eiurdfen/ ;
Lucknow; * 2nd, cedar chest, N,_
,H; Hedley,’Lucknow; 3rd, set of
dishes, Mrs.,Geo? Fisher, While*- .
.church;. 4th, tricycle, Ron' Earl, .
London 5th,:, electric steam^roii.^-
“Jos? E.Legault, Owep Sound; 6th, -
electric kettle,. Ken Wilbee, Ethel;.. .
.7th, 'smoker, Daye “Zeke” Snell,
Toronto. ■/'• ; •
Oddly, • enough .. three of the. -
prize-winning; tickets were sold
by the Thompson family. . Cam
sold Mrs. George' Fisher'her tic^/
ket; Marg sold the tricycle win-
nihg .ticket, to .Roil Early-a paper-
company; traveller from London
and Don sold- the 7th prize ticket
to a fellow student at Ryerson /
in- Toronto/ .’