The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-18, Page 5.V i ' ■ ■ * ■ WEDNESDAY, FEB, 18th/1953, * Z' V X.I * ”4 *1 * j| . THREE KINLOSS GIRLS WON ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 1 * *■ The thirteenth meeting of the Daughters of the Kairshea was held at Irene Roultson’s on Feb­ ruary 3rd. TJhe class completed their record books and displayed, them. The Club Stories were writ­ ten, and pattern alternations fin­ ished. The skit for. Achievement Day was written and-.a delicious lunch was served. Th® ■ fourteenth 'meeting . was a* the home of Marilyn Carruth - • ers on February 10th. The skit /wa^ sey>eraL;times and then a. summary pf achievement pnd success: discussed: The lead­ ers, Mrs.1 Donald MacKinrion and Mrs. Harry .Lavis, each were ipre-r sented with a lovely cup and saucer and were thanked for their persevering leadership. “For. they are jolly good fellows”. was sung? A tasty lunch was served, \ • ' Achievement Day Achievement Day was held in the Walkerton District High School on Saturday, February 14. Registering of about 1,20 .mem-, hers was from 9 to 10 a-m. The - gathering viewed the -dresses and record books of the sixteen clubs in Southern Bruce. r Miss Jean Steckle, home economist for Wes­ tern Ontario, opened,the activit- ; ies of the day and welcomed everyone. Four girls modelled for " church dressing were judged arid reasons given’ - by Miss Wall, a home economist.-The girls were .divided into three groups accord™ ing to' age and at 10.30 classes -began. -We ajfswered^a “quiz,Aj udg-“ ed four, dresses and then gave oral reasons. Lunch hour was. from 12 to 1.30: We changed into our cotton dresses. The first part: of the afternoon activities was the demonstration i and three-minute'^peeqhes, .These iwepe criticized arid the club [■members ~co^rigratglated. " Skits; i were then acted. Two provincial ! certificates were presented for completing 12 courses. About 12 County certificates were present­ ed for six courses; Betty Hamil­ ton, Joan Hamilton and Belle Graham received certificates, for achievement of two courses. They modelled their dresses bn the stage and each received a tea­ spoon of the “Gardenia” pattern, , vMiss Steckle thanked all for iritri this' Sunday’s, .February 22 [ their co-operation ; and another _ v ........iriterestirig Achievement Day was brought to a close. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO CREWE ti PAGE FIVE T Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two. Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7J5 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18,19 ^AVA GARDNER, : GREGORY PECK, ------—t^SUSANHAYWARD ’ ?■ ~ THE SNOWS OF ‘ KILIMINJARO Adult Entertainment Adults 75c Children 35c Friday, JSaturday^ Feb. 21, 22 VAN JOHNSON, PAUL DOUGLAS .— •• iri. WHEN IN ROME MATINEE SATURDAY •J Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3 DAYS—February 23, 24, 25' CARY GRANT,. . . \ /BETSY DRAKE ROQMjOlt 1 j40RE MEATHORSES ' ' and ■' ■ LIVE BOARS CASH PAID FOR CRIPPLED & DISABLED HORSES/ ' CATTLE, SHEJgP & SWINE. Call 37-P-12 Atwood collect for prompt service day or night. or Contact SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW Jhristine Jorgensen Describes . Emotional Problems Read the revealing human doc- iment all America is talking bout! In The American Weekly, jsuebf theDetroit Sunday Times, ’hristirie Jorgensen, the woman vho was once a. mari, fells in The Story of My Life”, about motional problem, that plagued er ^adolescent.... years. ..Get. .Sun ay’s Detroit Times. / The weekly reminder, if you lia|v-en’-t^et^enewed„_your_.Sen^ tinel subscription. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Boak arid family ivisited with her mother, Mrs. Fred Cook and family at Westfield. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Chaniney, Mr. arid Mrs*. Sam Thompsonj Mr- arid Mrs, Clarence: Charnney and [girls visited recently with JMEr, arid Mrs. -feyrhond Finnigan arid family, X \ Miss Sylvia^ Curran of God­ erich spent Sunday at her home _he$e.^——.—:------..... .The monthly meeting of the W.M.S’. was held-^ursday, Feb­ ruary 5th at Eidna McWinney’s, with 11 nienibers and two visi­ tors. Mrs; Hasty was in charge, for psiit’df the meeting then Mrs. Crozier took over. The scripture was read by Mrs. R. Finnigan; readings were; given by Mrs. Zinn, Mrs. Curran,. Mrs. Shackle­ ton; Edna McWhinney took the study book. Hymn 164 closed the meeting and Edna served a dainty lunch. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Currao and family ivisited with Mr. and Mrjs, V. J. Hunter and family. Whitechurch Mrs. E. Sherwood and daugh­ ter from Wilkie, Sask., are Spend­ ing a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier. Miss Winnifred Farrier of Tor­ onto spent the week-end at her home here. ■ : ; ‘ : _ BORN—inthe-QueenCharlotte Island “hospital to Dr. and Mrs. Donald ■/Watt/ta/ sori,^William- David. Congratulations. • . - We were , sorry to hear that little. Heather Lee Bell was sick with tonsilitis last week.. _JBDRN_L==Jn_-Wingham Hospital- to Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Morrison, a daughter. Congratulations. The World’s Day of Prayer will ibe held in the United church on Friday, February 20th at 2.30. Mr. arid Mrs. Basil Thompson and family and Mr. Russel Moo^e/ all of Preston, spent Sunday -at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore. Mr. Ar­ thur Moore is still under, the doctor’s ' care following a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Heiffer and family of Turnberry spent Sunday with Mrs.'E. Welwood. The W.M.S. held their Valen- tine tea inthe (basement of the United Church last Friday. Con-; tests were given by Mrs. M. Moore. A short program was en­ joyed and a lunch was served. A.social_time.wasi„enjoyed_„by everyone. 'u wiftirw-'-r—- - i' — 11 —i' — 11 — " —ll — ,l~11—11—11 — .1 • Heavy Cockerel »<l •o 1 ./■ We Supply Chicks and Feed Ir I PAY FOR YOUR FEED WHEN YOU MARKET YOUR BIRDS. ■ ■ ' ' ' ' ■ ' • • We Also Have Market For Broilers \ ON THE SAME BASIS. ? See Us At Once As Contractsj^eJ:irnitedL , , ”' • . . • • * .,4 Lucknow District Co-op tuclchoMr> Ont; J I -l 4 •' v ’ • » r V ii I i 1 i The playhouse :; Presents . ... T T $ /4 ^hurs<fcy, Friday, Saturday, February 19, 20, 21 - BURT LANCASTER, in “Ten Tall Men” -- A handful-of heroes^and a woman iii lbve^--- It’s_lFbugh and ready action and thrills supreme, as Burt Lancaster x way across the dese in an adveritiuu’e" saga. .."SATURDAY jMATINEE At 2,15 p.m.-^—Doors open at 2 pjn. •4 4 -.1 I tl Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 23, 24, 25 ' TONY CURTTS, the sensation of the generation heart-warming story of the fight game— “Fle£h and Furjr’’ with Mona Freeman. in a •v o; M I ■» •’TT?- rr « O' <1 *• A , f *. • * ’ll I- V < r- i - \ y 1 t Incubators NOW IN MOTION Eggs, set only upon receipt of a firm order. For early pullets and larger egg receipts order February Chicles from -• “™~_——0—-—— LEAVE YOUR EQGS WITH US .1 Pick-Up Twice Weekly By GOLDEN GLOW, RIPLEY For real feed value buy SEMI-SOLID BUTTERMILK I KINLOUGH The Anglican W. A; met on Thursday' at the home of Edna and May Boyle; The word for the . roll call was “Truth”. Each member took part in the program as it was; a devotional meeting. Mfs. Tom Hodgins presided. Mrs. - j.^W.- Cblweli—bffer ed~ a--pr ay er: for the .prayer partner, Canon Shepherd of Moosonee School. Mrs. Jim Smith read the scripture lesson. The meeting closed with the’litany arid prayer. Mrs. Wm. Wall will Be the March hostess. Refreshmerits were served by the hostesses. ' The annual business meeting of the Presbyterian church was held on Monday afternoon, • The local leaders, Mrs. Alex Percy- and Mrs. Frank; Thompson and their class of girls who have Completed the. course/ “Cottons may besmart’\ tbok .part in the Achievefnent Day - at Walkerton on. Saturday. The, final meeting for this group was held ■ at the hpme of the president/Miss Eil­ een Elliott. Contests and a social time was enjoyed. ’Mrs. Grarit j^ckerLsWiller read an appropriate address and" Mrs. Dari’ Mclnnes presented each leader with,a cup and saucer. The recipients thank- ! ed the girls .fittingly and all par­ took of a Sumptuous lurich. Mr. Geo. Thoihpson. of Purple Grove is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Alex Percy. ' On Friday night last,, while r’e- turnirig from Kincardine, Jim Hodgiris and Bud Stewart nar­ rowly escaped more serious in- j ury" when “their; car went out of control On,a curve at Millarton and was badly damaged. Mrs. Clark Needham and Mrs. Bert Nicholson spirit-Tuesday af­ ternoon at the 'home of Mrs; Allin Colling, Ripley. ■ Friends here Were Shocked to hear of the serious injury to Dale Congram, son of Mr,.„,and Mrs: Clift Congram pf Lucknow arid J .1 v*'. • ■ + » X f 1 1 t. I I. ‘•'.I •J./'. /■ 4 2i- /■...•I hope of everyone that he may make a favorable recovery. ' Congratulations are extended to Mr. arid Mrs. James. Hodgins on their 48th wedding anriiver* sary. We hope that they may still enjoy good health and be spared ' to celebrate their golden anni­ versary. A family dinner was. .heId-at/their-home-Saturddy-p^nr~^,“ Friday next, is Wbrld Day . of Prayer. The service for this com-' ipunity will be held iri the Ang- . lican Church with Mrs. John Em­ merson key . woman. All ladies Of the community are urged to attend this riieeting at 2.30 p.m. • Mrs, Dick Richards, of Para­ mount ivisited ; Saturday Mrs. J. W. Colwell.with Mr;, and Mrs: Bert Nicholson and family viisted dri Sunday < With Mr. and Mrs. Gieri Camp­ bell,: Amberley. Miss Winnie Percy,R;N., of Woodstock, visited during the week .with relatives here, Wed­ nesday.being the occasion: of_ hpr mother, Mrs. Wm. Percy’s,/ birth­ day. ■ . y ■ ' ' / ' Miss Nancy Needham captured/ the first prize ‘^t .the High School hard-time dariceu_af_^ipley^nnL^_- Friday p.ip., dressed a feed sacks. GATE RECEIPTS at' Teeswater Fair Were $6,416.00 to’ lead , all one-pay-day fairs in this respect. ASHFIELD Miss Maud MacKenzie of Dear-? bo.rn and. Mr. Gordon King bf / J^^amazoo^spent^lie ‘^^ei^erid~'’—* with relatives here. > , Mrs. Rose has invited the members of • the • Presbyterian W. M. S. to hold fjieif February meeting at her Home o.n • Friday, the 20th. This will be the World’s Day of Prayer, .Mrs, Hugh Mac­ Kenzie Will’be .in charge. : Miss Bertha Jean Blue of Rip^ ley ‘Was * rushed~-'i6 Kincardine Hospital oil Sunday for ah ap- formerly'i bf Kinlough.' It is the; pendik .operation. •'M> . \ * ' r • I , , rZi. <. ■ ...■..■>,* • y Ji '/ 4 J. < ■ • i 1 I L-. ■ I ■ r. ♦ 'I < r. II i i z> •> r i t I I t I / • I- v f ■ I t , f . , icIreaMamjwMnwia r * ,• • * :