HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-18, Page 4WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18th, 1953 -HORSE FOR SALE—7 years old. James Devereaux, R. 2, Lucknow. 35% HOG CONCENTRATE, $4.90 per cwt^Lucknow District Qq- cperative,’ Phone 71, 35% POULTRY CONCENTRATE, $4.95 per cwt, Lucknow District Co-Operative,; Phone 71. ' "" FOR~HSALE#Yorkshire, bbdF-.of- rserviceable age.. Oriville Elliott, * Hblyroodr phone 24-26 Ripley./ 6. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist, } Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St, in .WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services - Evenings by. appointment* Phone: Office,770; Res, 5.HALF price offer a hali price introductory, offer^to iiew subscribers only. The price is 16 months, for $2,00. Place ybur .order at The Sentinel Office? PAGEFOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO i I •n FOR SALE Buckwheat and cedar posts. Les Ritchie; R. R. «7, Lucknow," phone 67-r-16 Dun­ gannon. FOR SALE—the following used . furniture: iron bed, bed springs and mattress, o&k dressing table, small oak desk; A. E. McKIM. WORK WANTED Reliable girl wishes housework inLucknow. Phone Wingham _ 582W. between 5 p.m.and 7 p.m. FOR SALE—7 young, geese and ganders, for table use or breed­ ing purposes. Mrs. L. G. Weather­ head, Phone 141-w, Lucknow. TURKEYS FOR SALE—we have a limited number of eyiserated . turkeys for sale which we are “offering at greatly reduced prices. D. F. Anderison. FOR RENT — house; corner of Willoughby arid Havelodk Streets, available Feb. 1st.,, 6 rooms and bath, recently redecorated. Apply E. J. Farrish, Gorrie. SURGE MILKERS .^are safer~for your cows. They do milk faster and are easier washed. Contact Lovell McGuire, your Surge Deal- —-er—phone 593-wWingham. _ HOUSE FOR SALE — Modern frame dwelling in good condition. Three-deck poultry house on property. Apply to Ernie Craw-, ford.- . . ‘ '• CUSTOM CHAIN SAWING— Agent for all types of Mall chain saws, electric drills, sanders, planes, pplishers, hand saws; tools. JACK RARR, R. R. 1, Holyrood, phone Ripley 18-29. RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Bruce County. Trade well established. * Excellent op- portunity, pull time. Write at once. Rawleigh’s, Dept. B-271-189, Montreal. ‘ u AMONG THE best—Bray Chicks. So why wait to order? They’have wide range, mixed, pullets, cross­ es. Limited quantity started. Can­ adian Approved Chicks. For April delivery—order now too. Agent is=^ -r—'—-—- D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. NOTICE S. J. Pynim will be absent from his office from. February 2°th to February 27th. .'NOTICE"/ The Canadian Tire Corporation Associate Stoye in Wmgham will be closed on Tuesday and Wed­ nesday* February 24, 25. FOR SALE—house and lot in St Helens. Frame house with hydro, cistern, spring well, water press­ ure in house and stable. Barn on cement wall, cement floors, new stabling.Henhousel8x24feet, «2 acres of land. Apply to Thomas Colwell, St. Helens,-Ont. TENDERS / f TENDERS will be received by ' the undersigned until Saturday, February-28,* 1953, for the spray­ ing of cattle for warible fly in the Township of Ashfield. Low­ est or any tender riot necessarily accepted; ■ / Donald , Simpson, Clerk-Treas.; Kintail; Qnt. :, *TENDERS TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, February 28, 1953, for warible fiy spraying inspector for the Town­ ship of Ashfieid. Lowest or any tender not' necessarily accepted. > Donald Simpson, Clerk-Treas., Kintail^Ont?-A4— ---——— APPLICATIONS township of Kinloss , APPLICATIONS will be reciuved by the undersigned on or before 2 pm., March 9th, 1953: ' (1st) For the position of warble fly inspector at the rate of $1,25 per hour’ and find own trans-, portation. / ■ (2nd) For operator of spray machine at $l;00 per hour. (3rd). For man with tractor to move machine and help operator at $1.50 per hour. These are the same rates paid in 1952.' r-' ■ ■ J. R. LANE, Clerk Kinloss Twp. R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont. / TENDEKS TOWNSHIP OF KINLOSS SEALED TENDERS, accompan­ ied by Certified cheque for ID. per r. cent of . tender, Will be received by the undersigned up to 2 p.m., March 9th, 1953, for the crushing and trucking of approximately 12,000, yards Of gravel — %/inch screen—to be delivered on* the Township Roads under th£ super­ vision of the Roacl Supt., on , of befote October 31st; 1953. T’en- ders to be at flat rate per yard. The lowest or any tender not necessarily'accepted/ .' . J. R. LANE, Clerk Kinloss Twp. R. R. 2, Holyrood, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS! If you are interested in- keep­ ing your livestock (cattle ,& hogs) in good condition,/ VitarPurol special conditioner With vitamins; A and D is the answer. Try it once. See for* yourself! I will .be •caUing on you as soon as possible. WELL. HENDERSON ' - . ; ■ District Representative P.O. Box 75, Phone 108-j ———Luckrtow-r-Ontar-io . LANGSIDE The Y.P.S. met in the church on Monday evening. Charlie Tjfr fin presided. Rev/ Currie ,and R on a Id McGillivray • prepared the program. Clarence Crow^tpn read the scripture. and Jimmy Youri^ led4 in prayer, „ Mrs, Bill, Scott. read the topic which was prepared by Rev. Currie. Ronald MacGillivray conducted a Val­ entine contest, • ; - ‘■ The Ladies Aid held a Valen- tine social in the church .on Frh day evenirig. Rev. Currie was 'chairin.an< Mr. and • Mrs._ i/riiMP Steer sang; a duet. Readings were given by^ Mrs. Gordon Wall, Mrs, Bbrt' Moffrit and wi Gharlie; Tif fin. Ruth MacGillivray played an; instrumental and Gordon Wall played accordion numbers. ^ Val­ entine song by the pupils' of SjS. No. 8 accompanied by Mr. John­ ston, Mrs. Steer sang a solo. Fav­ orite hymns were sung with Mrs, Bill Scott at the organ. The film strips,. “Toro—the - African. Boy” and “Jack -and the Beanstalk”, also the slides on Kintail Camp were shown. A .number of con­ tests were conducted; by Mrs, Charlie Tiffin.- r SAW SLIDES OF FIVE OAKS At the evening service in the United Church, slides were shown of “Five Oaks” dentre. being of/ ficially opened this, week. Five Oaks, situated near Paris, On­ tario, is a, Christian Workers’ cen­ tre for training lay workers in the /five central conferences of the United Church. On Friday of thisWeektheyear-rpundbuild- ihg, “The House of the Inter­ preter”, is’being opened by the <Rt. Rev. Dr. A. A, Scott, modera­ tor of, the church. Telephone 175 Havelock St.,/ south of Supertest Garage F. T ARMSTRONG LUCKNOW ’Phone 76 ' Day or Night Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost . Moderate Prices DR. T/BzCLELAHP VETERINARIAN JOHNSTONE FUNERAL HOME MacLElffiAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE ; Services conducted accord­ ing to^your wishes at your ..Home, Your- Church, or at; our Memorial Chapel at. no additional charge. . / AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY audits For The ' ’ Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer. S. J. PYMM P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow, Ont, Office in Kilpatrick Block , ’Phone 23-w 7 OPTOMETRIST ~~ GODERICH ’ ■ ■ ’ f . FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 "■ ;For :rL’? Appointment or Information ’ See Wm. A. Schmid, ’Phone 167-w Lucknow . . • LADIES! Why buy U^rebuilt electric sewing machine’ when you can buy 7a- brand new Singer Electric Sewing Machine for $95.50 com­ plete with attachments and free sewing skills course. ~ Singer Sewing Centre, Haitover. / PERSONAL “SKINNY” GIRLS! GET LOVE­ LY CURVES! Gain 5 to 10 lbs., new pep. Try famous health and weight - builder, Osfygx Tonic Tablets'. Introductory, “get-ac­ quainted” size only 60c. AU drug­ gists.. , t ' MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar- ter. Beef killed under license from, the Department of ^Health. Hind quarters 40c, front 32c, a pound. < . Raynard Ackert, Holyrood /Phone 24-30 Ripley. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Joseph Weiler wishes to sincerely thank friends a n d neighbors who so kindly remem­ bered; her in various ways while in the hospital. These kind acts were much appreciated. Robert Macintosh/wishes to sincerely thank * friends a n d neighbors for their many kind acts and expressions of sympathy in his bereavement. These many kindnesses were indeed apprecia­ ted. '■. ■ ■.. - ' . 11 ■ ■ ‘ ’ The family of the late Mrs. Alex Rantoul wish to thank all relatives, friends and neighbor's for their many acts of kindnes and expressions, of sympathy ek-', tended to them1 in recerif sad bereavement, 'also for the many beautiful floral tributes. Special- thanks to Dr. Flock of Port Elgin and Rev. R.. D. A. Cur­ rie of- Whitechurch.. Asnews’Agency Howard Agnew —Jos. Agnew —■—. . — MEMBER OF Ontario. Insurance Agents’ Association INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, Automobile AND LIFE To Protect Your Jack/ Insure With Jack Today, J. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business) 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE < Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire * Insurance Economical and Reliable. See . o.. . , Ti A. CAMERON LUCKNOW . Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon CHICK NEW IMPROVED 20 PERCENT I HISELER and SON, Phone 426, WinghamA f • >' ds X- ■ < ... OIL BURNERS • OIL FURNACES * f‘ r ■ A ‘ r • ’ ' * • • ■ ‘ V • ‘ . Lucknow District Co-operative LUCKNOW —- PHONE 71 I I R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor ■■ LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW ;■ Every Wednesday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block ~ / Telephone: Office 135 Residence 31-J P. Stuart Mackenzie Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO - UN LUCKNOW ^^fcach Wednesday ° OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLdClC /II Kenneth J. Mackenzie R.0. ■ Optometrist LISTOWEL,, ONT. WiH be at Wrona’s Jewellery store, Ripley,. 10 a.m. to 9 p/m., _ WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th and every Second Wednesday/ Eyes examined - Glasses fitte^ For appointment ’phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. ENJOY^'^COMFORT • ■ • . L TIMKEN • Oil. HEAT FREE SURVEYS AND ESTIMATES OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS R. S. Hetherington,K.C. Barrister, Etc. /.; Wingham and Lucknow’ „ IN LUCKNOW /- EachMonday — and Wednesday Located on the grourid floor " in the front of John Kilpatrick’s Building , ’Phone .Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 ■ r t ,.W,. ' ■■ Insure With The Culross Mutual FIRE INSURANCE CO. z for Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims.settlement of claims. PARISH MOFFAT . . .. Your LcNSal Agent R. 3, Teeswater. Thone Teeswater 57-r<41 1 .. ..... . ~ ’ t , • ■ ' ' « • ’,Zv ’’ • ■ % f