The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-18, Page 3• / ..... • • [WEDNESDAY, FEB. 18th, 1953 eOUNCIL MINUTES kinloss township Kinloss Council met in the hall ^bruary 2nd, 1953 as per ad- urnment, All/members present, Murray-Moffat that the min­ e’s of the last regular meeting January 12, 1953, as read be proved and signed. 1 Moffat-Murray that we donate 0.00 to St John’s Ambularide. Percy-McKinnon that’ the*clerk >tify W. P. Watson of the Dept. Agriculture, Toronto, that we N to exempt certain classes of ttle from warlble fly treatment. Percy-McKinnon that the clerk vertise for applications for irble fly inspector, also fdr. pp- ator, and man with tractor to >ve spray machine. Murray-J’ercy itiiat/ thq Road $. notify all parties having irk done by County machinery, it their accounts are due and yable on or before March 9th, >3. ..•■y ■ yfoffat-McKinhon that we call • tenders for the crushing arid L. -• township roads in 1953. Cer- ied- cheque to - accompany- ten’* rs- ••’ercy-Moffat that Geo. Tiffin re-appointed our member on: • Saugeen Valley Conservation thority for 1953. Murray-Percy that the Clerk •pare the refund on the Scqtt- fin drain, and the distribution the Government grant on the DougalL Drain and" the McFar< . Drain. ■ . ' ■. , Ioffat?Murray-that-we-,dp-now ourn to meet again on Mon- r, March 9th, 1953/ Cheques issued: Roy Huffman, fox bounty, $12*00; Gordon, jgkinson, 2-A>x-bounty, 4.00; ssell Barr, 1 /fox bounty, 2.00; laigie of Lucknow, fpre truck to iloss, 100.00; Municjipal World, subscriptions, ^!);; .Dr.. R. JW/ ckwell, school dental work, iO; H.E.P.C.: Wingham, White- uch street lights, 117.50; St. n’s Ambulance, grant, 10.00; rley Bush'ell/ bridge allbwance 3.-B. “drain, 75.00; Geo. Percy, nips, 5:00; J.. R. Lane, unem- irment ins. stamps, 2 88; Mrs. ies Smith, caretaking,' etc., ; relief cheques, 70.00; Frank well, relief supplies^ 4.50. ighway cheques: Pay roll No/ >182.50; C.” A.. McTayish, fuel 51.89; Rosco Metal Products, /ert, 411.84; F.; Tout, gravel- , 526.50; Pedlar People, eul- 450.53; Dominion Road Ma-. iery Co., repairs, 357.29; Dept, lighways, gas tax, 24.83; Geo. ?y, stamps; 3:00rGebfge’Hiltz7 >r, 10.00; Alvin , Hamilton, vplowihg, 66.00. • J. R. LANE, Clerk. ifikirig of 12,000 yards of gravgj. ed "fa . tXwnshin roads in 1953. CeiC^n?d wllh ave you renewed your Sen- 1 subscription? resbyterian Church Rev. C. Ai Winn, B.A., Minister. . : } UNDAY, FEBRUARY ^2 a.m.: Morning Service. 15 p.m.: Sunday School and Bible Class. p;m.r Erskine,“'Dungannon. P.m.jjULth Jn__Serieso£_Ser^ fiions from the Psalms, dnesday, Evg., Feb. 18, 8.00 i< Prayer Meeting & Bible Study at the home of t. and Mrs., W. A.,Russell. “7^ —— h-------- -—: —---------■; LUCKNOW i NITED CHURCH | Minister: , Rev.. G. A. Meiklejohii, J ; ■ B.A., B.b. . ■. - 'j ■ NDAx{FEBRUARY 2Jntl | »m.: “Believing in'the I Word”;• ■■■ | ^Uhday School. • • -;l )Jn.: “Ezekiel, the Prophet j >f . Recoiisiriictlon.”V * CHANNELS Our minds these: days are turn­ ed toward the great tragedy in Europe. Thousands of lives have been lost, homes and lands de­ stroyed and millions of dollars^ damage caused. Once^again we are reminded that the forces of nature are more powerful than man with all his science and ability to create power. We can­ not but 'ga^erwith~awe -and won-: der at the forces of nature /as they toss around the feeble ef- foftofnTanTMan^h^^^^^^ able to completely conquer the forces of nature,. He has learned how to control them, he has learned how to utilize them for his use but he has never been complete master. There is only one master of these forces, the. one who created them, God. ‘ We who liive in this part of the Lord’s creation are highly favored. The ‘forces of nature are kind to us. Surely we should utter a prayer of thanksgiving as we, read of what is happening to, people in other lands. We can show our thankfulness by joining1 with Others . of the’. Master’s ■church, by attending the House ..of such an’ Almighty. God, by • obeying His commandments, by being good stewards of the gifts the Lord has‘ given to usL. and *by-helpirigr0ujr-brethren in dis-, tress in-other lands. In our fav­ ored environment/ and .balanced ■forces of nature we/are apt to be complacent. ■ Let us. learn a 1 esson frorti the events across the sea. .• This is dur Father’s world, i : And to -our listening, ears . All nature sings,., and round us rings ■ . /■• ; ' . 1 ' ... ; The mtisic of the spheres. This is our Father’s'world,; ' We .resCus/in Tfie/tllougliV: - Of rocks and trees, of skies and seas ■ ' .' ’His hand the wonders wrought. CKNX’ Church of the Air, . . ’ 10.30 a m. , . . ‘ Feb. 19, Rev. J. Martin,, Bel­ more; .Feb; 23rd, Rev.- A. Lano, Brussels; Feb. -25th, RdV. C. A. .Winn,,Xudkn^jF^ G. Eaglek Clinton; Feb. 27th*. SaR V.atioh Aimiy; Feb; 2Sth/Baptist Church* ’ •o- I i Prof.: “What is the most out­ standing product that chemistry has given to the world?” Jim R.: “Blondes”. i ' .. PAGF THREE t / m > . .•» ...........iwwfew«w«iixi»ii8Mi»»KWHiswau MAY SET UP HEART DISEASE RESEARCH FUND ■ — ' ’ ‘........■ John W. Hanna’s one-man cam­ paign to obtain-provincial aid to combat the rising z toll of heart disease deaths, seems to be bear­ ing fruit, An announcement from Queen’s Park last week pointed to the possibility of special funds being set aside by the Ontario Depart­ ment of Health for heart disease research work. Mr, Hanna reports that he has had several recent interviews with Health Minister P3r. Mackinnpn Phillips, and has been assured that the Department ; is seriously, considering taking some action./ > < ■, . . Deaths, caused iby diseases of the -heart and blood. vessels are three times the number caused by cancer, five times as many as by violence and accidents and , eight times as many from tuber­ culosis. . ' ' • s” G ' ' _______________• United Church Young Peoples The regular meetin g of the Lucknow United Church Young Peoples was held on Tuesday, February- 10th; The meeting op- " a sing Song which was led by Beverley Ashton , and we were thgn favored with a duet by Marilyn* .Kilpatrick and Rod­ die Wraith. After a hymn, a prayer, the scripture was read by Ann Crawford. The topic, “Do You Know Your Church’’ Was taken by the night’s convener, Gladys Kilpatrick. A four group discussion was then held on the question; “What a Church needs /to /Survive”. This, was followed by a wprd quiz. Bessie Reavie Was elected convener of, the Cheer Committed i * » 4 . . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIQ Local & General Mr. S. J. Pymm leaves this week for New York to spend a week with Mrs. Pymm. Joe Whitby, Sr,, is another vic­ tim this week of the pneumonia “epidemic” which has been hit­ ting local residents. Mrs. William Fisher of town has been ill /with pneumonia. An­ other victim of-the same malady is Mrs. Annie Jewitt, v~Kd“Thoin is getting along well following "his recent operation in Peterborough and expects ./ ip leqiye the hospital by Thursday. . ? Mrs. John Carruthers is spend­ ing a cotiple of'weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher at White­ church. JoanMcNall, 4-year-old daugh­ ter of Mr, and Mrs. Ray McNall of Blyth has been a patient in Sick Children’s Hospital, London. -Mrs. Spence Irwin wa$ taken to Wingham Hospital on Wednes­ day with pneumonia. Spence is convalescing from a similar ill­ ness. ’ ..; • ’. Mr, and Mrs. George Book o< Loreburn, Sask., arrived from the West on Friday, and are visiting with , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beaton. They plan to spend a month or so here CHURCH L.D.H.S. NEWS ‘The. assembly program was un- der the chairmanship of Ross Mc?A Donagh. The social section of the meeting included a solo by Ann Crawford, a poem by David Kirk­ land and a piano solo by Jim Hackett and the singing! of the School Song; . ■ ; ■ After a particularly hilarious bus ride/, we arrived in , Ripley just in time to join the throngs at the Township Hall. Our ad­ mission of 40c and a red buttoh Was received and we were given red and white heart - namk pla­ cards. Students from Kincardine D.H.S. also attended. During the variety program of dances, three of our students were candidates for the prize of the lemon dance, but were nosed out in the finals —“who can eat the lemon the quickest?” Nancy Needham won a prize for the best “hard-time” costume—an old sack. A lunch of cake and coffee was served. Dan Rose offered a vote of thanks for the wonderful hospitality we received. 7 Thanks,! * I Would like to thank all my friends at school who so kindly remembered me with cards and fruit while in the hospital. It was much appreciated. —^Ruth Johnston. When we arrived at school on Monday morning we could not “push” out way through the un­ usually large throng of students in the hall. It could mean ’only one thing—the examination time- table-rthat innocent little slip of paper that is the’ cause of our sudden and continued nausea un- til^yes until! It surely is end-- less! Anyway they start on March 5th. and “extend.” until March 13, P.S.-—This • is not. a public notice for- all parents to lock their doors after 6;00 p.m.P T \ ... • ■ -~O— - . / ■ .Do you know the latest? There ' are many “geniuses” housed in that large institption On station street (note the am­ biguity ). Here ‘ a^e -some . inven­ tions they have ‘-master minded”:. ; 'Spaghetti Tamer* 1953, by, Mur­ ray McDonag,h. Does your wrist get'tired from twisting spaghetti onto a fork? Do you become angry when ’ the spaghetti: slips Off arid you have to go through the whole tiresome business again? Well, you no longer need to Worry! Prof. McDonagh’s lab est—a revolving spaghetti fork. Of course this may hurt the Ital­ ian who gave short courses in then’native;art ’ ' ~ “ Plast ic Cage, :! 953; by Ken “ Me? Nay. Nothing is sacred these j days. The old song about “only gilded ., cage” ipust be changed. Prof / * McNay h^as invented ■ a new plastic bird cage. The inventor states that you now see more of the bird thru transparent vbars. We must not let those “boids” lead a shady life! .■ A Sinile or two ’; Don: -‘Hey, look at that bunch of . cows”. . s Laurine: “Not bunch, herd”. . • Don: “Heard of what?” ■ Laurine:/“Herd of cows”. . iPbn;. “Sure, I’Ve heard of-cows”. Lautine: .'“I meant a cow herd”. Don: “What do I care if a cow heard? I hiajven’t said anything I’m ashamed of”. ■ ■ . * * ' fiiiiii li WriT-iTA^iii^iiiiTtiriw - ri iiiiili i OBITUARY AIRS. ALEX RINTOUL . The death of Mrs. Alex Rintoul occurred at the home of her dau­ ghter, Mrs. Jim Reid >■ of Port Elgin, on Tuesday, February 10th. ShemeverraHied^from a/ heavy stroke which she had suffered a few days before. A lifelong resident of Kinloss and West Wawanosh, Mrs. Rin­ toul was held in high esteem in the community, and sorrowing friends, filled Chalmers. Presby­ terian Church, Whitechurch; to capacity for the funeral service on Thursday afternoon, conduct­ ed by her pastor, Rev. R. D. A. Curried Following her death the remains had , rested a< White­ church at the. home of her dau- : ghter arid; son-in-law, Mr. and ^now * Mrs. Ewart McPherson. Mrs/ RiptoUl was 76 , years* of age.’ She was a daughter of the late John Gillies and* Margaret ' Hamilton and was born on' Oct­ ober29th, 1878 in Kinloss Town­ ship. On March 14th, 1900, she married Alexander Rintoul, who ' predeceased her a few years ago? She is survived by thuree sons and three daughters, John of Toronto, William of West Wawa- nosh, Gordon of Whitechurch* /. . Mrs. Ewart McPherson (Luella) of Whitechurch, Mrs. Ralph Cam­ eron (Euphemia) of Ashfield and Mrs. -Jim Reid-(Freda) of Port Elgin. A daughter Margaret (Mrs. Harry Lee) of Toronto predecea^-l ed her. / . ‘ Also surviving are twenty grandchildren, one great grand­ child, a. brother George Gillies of Saskatchewan and two sisters* Mary, Mrs. Duncan MacDonald of A§hfield and Lizzie, Mrs.\ Donald McDonald of St. Helens. Interment was in Greenhill. jCemeterythepallbearers-being— Jack Gilliqjs, Peter McDonald, Hugh David McDonald, Cairns Aitchison, John Boyle and Char­ lie. Martin. Flower bearers Were _Elw_Qo.dJBai±>our^Lloyd-Ph41Ups^ Wm. Webster, Angus McDonald, Thomas O’Malley, Myles Ste< Marie. . / • - j -, ...»...... . GLADYS REID, of Huron Town­ ship,, scored 132 out of a possible 150 points in the Junior Judg-t ing Competition sponsored by the HolsteimFriesian Association of Canada in connection with the selection of All-Canadian cattle. She therefore stood amongst the top 10.0 prize winners in the com­ petition. Gladys is a member of the Kincardine 4-H Club. ? 6Pt MOt?e +HAN A RX7 IN my sock' 4% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES!^ ' • .Authorized, investment for trust fundSi • Short term—5 years. ‘ 4 ’ • 4% yearly interest, payable half-yearly. In, five years, $410;l8 accumulates to $500.00 J.*' STERLING TRUSTS C 0 R P 0 R AT IO N 372 Bay-St., Taranto 1-3 .Dunlap St., Bonia' *. ’ • - . . - ■ V*. * <