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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-11, Page 6
Painting & Papering Suriworthy Wall Papers Interior and Exterior Spray or Brush STEEL ROOF PAINTING Sanding & Finishing Estimates Without Obligation WEDNESDAY, FEB, lith, 1953THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO I THE A320 ■ hearing aid! No “B” Battery i— no. tubes no fading! And ’" > only $74:50. ‘ r THE A200 —The CORDLESS: hearing aid. No dangling cords— no clothing noi^! X - , THE A180 ' . , > —the MINIATURE hearing aid. Less than 3 ox., complete with batteries! Compact, powerful, / with amazing economy.. Tie Clasps and Brooches That Hear! \6 SPORT... MIDGETS SWAMP PAISLEY IN FIRST OF PLAYDQWNS Paisley Midgets were badly outclassed on . Monday night by the smpoth wording. Lucknow squad,'who hung a .30^2* defeat cn. th© visitors in the first of a home-and-home series in the W.QrAX playdowns, The return game was slated for Paisley Wednesday night. —Ron^Graham led the rubber deluge with 8 goals, J ack and Charlie Chin scored 0 egch, Ken McNay got 4, Allan McDonald 3, Roy Stanley 2 and Bob Mow bray-1* Hope ahd Wolf got; singletons for Paisley. There was a fair crowd on hand to see tlie^sjpooth-working ■locals perform, but the crowd was predominantly, rural, as the: town folk have not been turning out to support these'minor teams. What about being on hand for the next game? McNeil buys interest IN PORT ELGIN CLUB , , -7;^... H- • ..r- • "T Every So often a bit of fastball chatter emanates from up north as a sort of diversion from the regular diet of hockey news. In refuting an item in the South ampton'Beacon a couple of weeks ago, the Port Elgin Times has emphasized that Hughie Hall and, Charlie Justice will not be back in Port and Lucknow respective ly. . . : ■ .-('' ' ' The Times adds that .the Leg- ionnaires are “still on the prowl for a battery”rHank may be just Hying a.kite, for, while one can’t prophesy what rifay happen come spring, there’s certainly no one doing any “prowling’- here ?^t; ■present. ■?;. . ’/ . Incideritally,. Alex McNeil, the flashy catcher for the Lakesides, has purchased an, interest from Dave Jeffrey, in the Port : Club franchise, which definitely poihts to Port Elgin being in there again this season, which is more than we can predict for the Legion naires at the moment. ? ■ Emberiin & MacInnes LucknoW 194-m Wingham 654-J2 1——.... ... . ,1 Electric Motors ) p BONE CONDUCTORS— SKIN RECEIVERS . r . worn behind the ear. MIDGETS IMPRESSIVE IN GODERICH WIN JACK PRICE GETS TRIAL WITH C1HCAGO HAWKS . or . • ■ . . General Repairs, Rewinding, Cleaning, Brushes, Bearings, . ".Etc?. ELECTRIC APPLIANCE REPAIRS. . Efficient service Reasonable Rates < TUNED RECEIVERS ' < 1/ V' ■ —fitted to your individual need on a prescription / ■: basis.',' ■ A..' ? . ■ . ■ . '";■■■ - ■•■■ - ‘ -■■■■■< - - ‘ ' U.’ • ‘ '• ■ ” . *. INVISIMOLDS —the “button” need not show! attheJL HEARING AID CLINIC LUCKNOW CANADIAN LEGION HALL Tuesday, Feb.TI7ta 1.00-5.00. tym.; presented by The Latham Acousticon Hearing Seryiee r 902 2nd Ave. E., OWEN SOUND, phone 372 ■" ■' V. : - " . ■ : ■ , : -• • -■ REPAIRS — TESTED BATTERIES — HOME AND MAIL ORDER SERVICE Lucknow Midgets wound up the schedule^ last Thursday night in Goderich. when they chalked up an impressive 6-0 win over the Lakeside team* Lucknow was at full strength to start the (game but Ernie ^Gibson was sidelined early and Ken McNay and Kent Hedley finished the game on de fense without,relief. Geo» Richr, ards turned in a good game in ”the“nets"aiid/Jack; Chin-paeedthe team with three goals. Stahley, McDonald and C. Chin got single goals. ■ . ■'.* ... A Goderich report of the game had this comment. 7<‘The winners played like the team that brought fame to the Sepoy town A when Jack and Charlie’s famous broth er—line—were swamping hockey clitbs around here”. This x Legion-sponsored squad looks like a good bet to go places in _the_W O.A.A. “D” playdowhs, which are now underway. >-o-< Adjourned To Indefinite Date . The wet-dry issue that has spilt the Village of Teeswater has been adjourned to- an indefinite’ date by the Ontario Appeal Courit, and will temporarily upset the. vote^on the women’s beverage rooms, which had been set for March 11th. With reference to this the WalkefJjon Herald-Times concluded an article last week With the following paragraph: The -postponements in connec tion with the appeal are creating “returned to Teeswater” in order that’ they could qualify with the sixty day residence for the vote on women’s beverage rooms which was set for March 11th. ' Quite a number came, “home to roost” on or about Jan. 11th and therewasconsiderable-scurrying around looking-for living quart-' ers, for those concerned. As one wag has put it, “Many people go to Florida for ^he wiriter, tyit others go to Tcbswaier when there is a temperance vote com- a problem for certain people who ing up”. BIG VALUE CARS X.To Clear At r r F Enjoy Winter Motoring in any one of These Variety Of 1951 CHEVROLET and PQN’TIAC SEDANS and COACHES 1 ... $1595. «' ■ ■ ■ . 1952 PONTIAC COACH 1952 CHEV. STYLELINE SEDAN 1950 CHEV. DELUXE ^TYLEMNE COACH ’ 1947 PONTIAC COACH 1941 CHEV* SEDAN, coiripletely. reconditioned ? TRUCKS. 1953 DODGE 1/2-TON PICK-VP, selling at below list,. i946 MERCtJRY HALF^l'ON. PICK-UP ■ ■?'.<■?■■ -y-*;; - 193* ’/.-TON CHEV. PICK-VP .7 Brussels Motors • 4 ■ I V.. I 9 • !■ ■ i i g • X. Huron County’s Foremost Used Car Dealers k . Cash, Trade, Terms — Open Evenings Until 10 Z . Cities .Setvit^t^ieL^^ g BANTAMS TRIM EBENEZER BY COUNT OF 14-5 Lucknow and Ebenezer Ban tams tarigled on Monday night in the first half of a twin bill, with Abe .Chin’s lads "scoring a 14-5 win over the visitors to take a strangle-hold on the first series of the W.O.A.A. playdowns. It was nip and tuck in the first period with Lucknow having a 2>17^ger~They^trCtehed-^it^to- 5-2 at the end of the second and then ran wild in the third to out score' Ebenezer by 9 goajs to 3. Lucknow goal, getters were Eugene Gardner 4, Jim Wilson 3, Roy Emberiin, Teddy <$pllyer, Jack Coultes, 2 each and Paul ■Couse 1;...-. . For Ebenezer McNeal arid Arm strong each had two and a singleton. ■j ■ ' . - O-O-Q RIGGIN LOOKS LIKE BIG LEAGUE MATERIAL . '/.-L < ; A • Jack Price, who hails from Goderich, is having a three-game tryout with Chicago Black Hawks and for his Saturday night per formance in Toronto, got. favor able mention on the Hot S’tove commentary. . The Hawks took, both week-end gainies from the Leafs. Price teamed up with Gus Mortson, a former Leafian rear guard? , ■ ”’■ ■ j" ;Thehusky defenceman grad uated from Junior “A” ranks last year and this season has been playing with the C hath a m Maroons. He’s now getting hisf bigjchance with the Hawks under the amateur lend-lease system. Jack is the sqn of Mr? arid Mrs. Steve Price, of Goderich, His mother was 4he 'former .Jean Johnston ' of Lucknow, daughter of Wm. Johnston of . town and P. M. Johnston is his uncle, ■ ■* ■-——O-O-O-—- ■' Pee Wees Won Saturday . . Lucknow Pee Wees chalked up ? a 5-2 win over the Wingham Pee Wees, oh* their home ice on Sat urday morning. Jim . Pedersen scored 4 times for Lucknow with Bruce Baker credited with the odd ■ counter. Hetherington got both Wingham-goals. In the three games .they have played .the two teams are even up on goals scor ed with ten apiece. Weather per mitting these lads will go again on Saturday morning in Luck now. Otherwise they’ll be back in -Winghariir HAROLD HALDENBY Kinlough Phone Ripley 18-20 total close to 3100 pins. Othe^ .high rolling teams were Chipmunks, Lions, Wolverines & Coons who appear Oto be headed for Series A. _ Tiger 'Sanderson again took in dividual honors arid was pressed by Zebra Taylor and Wolverine Greer, Another Chipmunk star red for the ladies as Gladys Ham ilton put 623- and/99 together for a 722 total-Lorie shy of “ Mike’s- contribution. Cub Gwen Caesar and Beaver Jean Wilson also did exceptionally well as-.they fended on alleys one and two. • And what do you know! One of: our team captains actually set tled for a 313—and we do not mean ■ a single! The season, after alt, M wearing on and the past? time is strenuous and tiring, isn’t it, old chap. Team Standing Beavers 72,. Cubs 60, Gophers 57, Lions 57, Wolverines^ 50, Chips munks 49, Tigers 49, Zebras 47, Pole Cats 45, Coons 39. HOLIDAY CONFUSION Wolf Young. Dennis Riggin, 16-year- old son of Mr. ahd Mrs. Mel Rig gin of Kincardine, looks like a good National League prospect eventually. ^Dennis, who, won’t be 17 Until April, «plays goal for -Windsor -Junior “A”- Spitfires and tries out at elvery opportunity with the 'Detroit Red Wings*. He haunts the, Olympia when the Wings are home to study the style of Terry SaWchuck/1 and stands second in line after Glen Hall,' a$ a possible : successor, to Sawchuck. '‘ / Denni®, attends Walkerville Collegiate. He, got his first try- put with Windsor at. the age of 13, through Lloyd Pollock, a, nat- : rfTgTjf-jftnrnt^ownshiprr 1 It was back about that time that the. sensational net minting of young RiggimrobbCd Lucknow Midgets of a’W.OfA.A. champion ship, in a sudden death game with Kincardine in .Walkerton. Riggin played fastball . with Lucknow last summer and made a hit with local fans, Who will Be pullihg for him' td^make^ the grade in the hockey big time* * *> X • —d-o-0----- TIMBER TIPS 1 Several teams took the teams in front into camp last, week with the result that only lj points separate the six teams struggling for the two ' remaining playoff (berths. Tigers lost to the Wol verines, Pole Cats to the Zebras, Lions to the Chipmunks and (Go phers to the Zebras. The remain ing match. saw the Beavers ex tend their lead by out-rolling the Cubs with another high team i The 24th of May falls on Sun day this year and on some calen- dars- is^show-nLas a holiday on Monday, May 18tir'and bn others’ as May 25th* The holiday will be on the 18th, if Parliamentary legislation ad opted last year is observed*- The legislation provided for the 24th to be observed on a Monday re gardless of what day of the week it fell and to be observed the Monday preceding the 24th. Traffic officers’' don’t get all the law-breake^. Ambulances & hospitals get some . :. ai well as their victims? ; Schuett’s of Mildmay I j • '■■'*■•'’ i ' z_' , ’ ■ ■ - ■• ■ •■ ■■■ • • ■ Have For Sale In Their Two Large Showrooms » • ' .............. ' I-.1,7. in „j„ i ,■ ,i*<Wini .u i' .... ........., „ , , 20 BEAUTIFUL LIVING ROOM SUITES NEW PIANOS • USED PIANOS Cedar Chests, Novelty Furniture — |—®—Frigidaire- and -Mo£fat-Appliance$ < *:, f 18 MONTHS TO PAY - Godfrey Schuett 'a Mildmay and Mt. Forest * -Free-Delivery-*—— ». ' <1 b1 v ♦ V i i i i i l J i f i