HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-11, Page 55 & // V I* h birds. A. sing song was then on-" family joined other members of returned i. *V Crawford’s Hatchery o- B of Luck- Mr. and Cuyler, T <■ /1 j. Presents . „ , Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 12,13,14 The PLAYHOUSE 0 J CULROSS CORNERS i I 4 •tit ■ ALUMINUM ROOFING i |r h A, •>’ Mrs. Vic- im- Thursday, Friday, Saturday 3 DAYS--February 12, 13, 14 MAUREEN O’HARA, ‘ . PETER LAWFORD Lyceumf heatre WINGHAM , •. Two Shows Fath Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 . A . THE SNOWS OF KILIMIHJARO Adult Entertainment Adults 75c —Children 35c Mrs. Allan Graham visited last pveek with~relativesihTorontb I and Drayton. FOUR DAVS Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. FEBRUARY 16, 17, 18, 19 AVA GARDNER, GREGORY PECK, SUSAN HAYWARD — in . . ■ ■ , • ? kinlough Phone 150 FOURTH CONCESSION , <S» '.***■ ' • • • • GALVANIZED ROOFING ’ ~~ -—r; in KANGAROO HAT1NBB SATVBDAT veil, i y «■ 4 A WEDNESMT* ERB. MtKJflSS THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1 Friday, Saturday; Feb. 20, 21 Van Johnson, Paul Douglas' “WHEN IN ROME” -r7-- /Blake-Wi-^-Mr-S. ~ The February meeting of the Blake’s W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick on Thursday/ February 5th with —16 adUlts and-"3 childrenT-presenU The meeting opened with. Mrs. Cook presiding and the World’s Day of Prayer program from the //J .monthly was followed. Prayers for the Queen were given by Mrs. R. Johnston; homes and families, i- Mrs. G. Mac!ver; family prayers, •. Mrs. L. Menary; followers of Christ,. Mrs. C. Kilpatrick; hdn- ■ Christians everywhere, Mrs. J. Ir­ vin; peace, Mrs. I. Henry. The • roll teall and sec.rtreas, report were given and during/the busi­ ness period . it ; was decided to ' • make a quilt for the bale, with Mrs. Cook to obtain the material. - Benediction by the president- closed the meeting and lunch was • served by Mrs. G. Saunders, and I . /Mrs. J. Blake. *- Heads Rec Centre Board —---Atameeting-lastweekrOfthe Recreational Centre Committee, W. B. Anderson was appointed _ Board chairman/ Wif was recent­ ly appointed to the Library Board and to the- Board of. Dir­ ectors of Wingham General Hos­ pital. : A isasn aw ii— naihii mi® OF THANKS The Scott Family wish tovsiiv cecely thank;, friends, and neigh­ bors for their kind acts and ex­ pressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement,. / ' John .MacMillan wishes to sincerely thank all those who sq kindly remembered her in .yari- otis -ways wMe she was in the hospital. These remembrances were indeed appreciated: Mr. -and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan . J^ish^tp^thank-those-friendswho so- kindly remembered Mrs. Mac- ■ Millan. With cards;1 gifts irid vis­ its, while she was a patient, in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London,: Mrs. Janet MacDonald of . Sea­ forth wishes to thank the many friends df\Euckhow and vicinity who remembered her on the oc­ casion of the ninety-first anni­ versary of her birthday. ; To my many kind neighbors and friends who have so gener­ ously remembered me in my hos­ pitalization, I should like through The Sentinel to say thanks a million. I hope 'it won’t be too long ’till I’m ‘Home Sweet Home’ again. With best Wishes to dll; FRANK BARKWELL. #. ■’ , • We wish to express oUr grati­ tude to all, who, by their many acts of kindness and generosity helped us/to re-establish -oursel­ ves after two disastrous fires of our homes. Truly this is a great country, where neighbors rand" friends, both known arid uri- known,help--those ^henniisastef7| strikes.. Again we thank you. Mr. and;Mrs. Klaas DeYong: ■■-/■?;WHITECHURCH-,;.' , Mr.; and Mrs, Irwin McClen- , aghan and daughter Mary Louise . of St. Thomas spent the week-end at the home of his: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Mrs. t Ben McClenaghan returned home' (With them for, a few days. .Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Tichborne of Goderich spent Friday at her mother’s, Mrs. D. Kennedy. Mr.. Bill Thompson of. Hailey- bury, , visited his uncle, Nat Thoriipson one day last week. r - ”Mr.'"andMrsrHarbIdJdhristbn and family of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday at the’ home of Ker irioth- er, Mrs. - Will Conn. / ' The v W.M.S. of the, United church are holding a Valentine^ tea in the basement of the church on Friday, Feb. 13th at 2.30. The regular monthly meeting of the W.MJS. is being held on February 18th at the home of Mrs. E. Groskorth. . Mr. ?and Mrs. Ronald Hender­ son of Hamilton , spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Moore. Miss Merle . Wilson and Miss Annie Kennedy of Wingham spent a few days last webk at their respective homes* \ Mrs. Mary J. Tiffin spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. V. Emer­ son.. ’ ' Mr. Clayton Scholtz of London spent Sunday at his home here. PAGE FIVE Back to thrill you again, America’s No. .1 Cowboy, Itoy'ROiGiERs, in . The Heart of the Rockies SATURDAY MATINEE At 215 p.m.—Doors open >at 2 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb, 16, 17, 18 Fun and laughs as JOAN DAVIS has fun with-a The Harem Girl TIMKEN OIL HEAT The Farm Forum met Monday night at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Alex Whytock and family* There were 27 present. AH agreed there |sn.T good understanding between rural and urban/people. The ur­ ban people don’t understand our production costs.- Games were played, the high score in euchre for ladies going to Mrs. Grant Wall and men, Clayton Meyers; the low to Mrs. Don Donaldson and Jas. Wraith. A dejicious lunch was served. A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. and. Mrs. Whytock /for the use of their homes. The next,, meeting will be at Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall’s. - / Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hacke.tt and. Doug of Ashfield spent Tuesday with Mr. arid Mrs. Midford Wall and^Donnie,-.^.. Mr. Kiid .Mrs. Wm. Keith and Miss Gertie Wraith of Wingham spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. arid Mrs. Jas. Wraith. r Mr. arid Mrs. Jas. Wraith spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hodgins, and Drayton. .' Ross Hamilton missed several days’ school last week with the ’flu, . T~Mr; and Mrs. Wm. " Townsoh, Wanda, Calvert and-Frankie of Sudbury visited Oyer the week­ end, with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie arid family. Mrs. Townson and Frankie are staying for a time due to the serious illness of her father who is now a patient in Wingham Hospital. We are. glad to hear that George Scott, who is ill in toria Hospital, London, is proving. FREE SURVEYS AND . ESTIMATES . ; OIL BURNERS • OIL FURNACES • OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS / HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham ! i I i 1; | SPECIAL PRICE I ! GalvanizedRooling j | . and. '■ j I Aluminum Roofing I I » if order booked by February 28th. | You can save u____ „ --“this/crffelrby^ I money bytaking^Wyantage of | Mr. ,and Mrs. Jack McLaren from the West who are visiting with relatives in Bervie and Kincardine, accompanied Mr.and Mrs. Bert , McLean to the home of Mr.' and Mrs. Tom Hodgins where-theywere—dinner gtfests on Friday evening'of last week. Mrs. Alex Percy (Visited Thurs­ day in Durham with Mr. and Mrsi Albert Trafford. . Mrp. Wm* .Cox spent a few daysr with Mr.' and Mrs. Jack Scott, Concession 4. Mrs. Raynard Ackert presided fox the Women’s Institute meet* irig on Thursday afternoon at. the home of Miss Edna Boyle. Fallowing the usual opening ex­ ercises, local leaders were chos­ en, for two projects, to-be under­ taken by the young ladies in the community: 1st, Dressing up home-grown vegetables, . leaders Mrs. 'Raynard Ackert and. Miss, Eileen Elliott; 2nd: Garden Club, leadbrs Mrs7~Perry Hodgins, Mrs. Wm. Wall. Judges for the^ hbme- made Valentines were Mrs. Frank l^IauMerrr-MrsT^om-Hodgins-anR- Miss Margaret Malcolm .with prizes being awarded, ist, Mrs, P. A. Murray -. 2nd, Mrs. Raynard Ackert The A.C.W.W. convention I for August '21st- was discussed and’ plans will ibe made at a later •date, Mi’s* Tom Hodgins and Mrs. Jim Smith are conveners for a' card, party to be held in -the . Towriship Hall on Wednesday, February' 11th. The roll call Was a Valentine verse. Each member joyed. Mrs. Wesley Guest con­ ducted a Valentine contest; Miss May Boyle and Mrs. Jim Smith read Valentine poems. Mrs. Frank Thompson read a humorous art­ icle, “Home-Made Stew”. The motto, “Those who go ahead and do and those who sit and ask why wasn’t it done”, prepared by Mrs. Ernie Hanna, was read -by- Mrs. P. A. Murray. The current eventd were read hy Mrs. Eddie Thompson and the National an­ them closed the meeting. The hostess for the March meeting is Mrs. Frank “Thompson arid it will be an evening, meeting.__ Mrs. 'William Haldenby, who has been confined to bed since ^November, is able to be‘tip ^a short time each day and it is the wish of her many friends that -she/will^ontihuertb-improveTand'* soon be able to ibe out again. 1 The Women’s Institute had a most enjoyable At Home on-Fri­ day evening when they entertain­ ed their ‘husbands, families and friends. A variety program was greatly enjoyed followed by a bountiful lunch and ending with an old tiriie dance. About 150 at­ tended. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cooper and Grace pf Kingiarf visited Thurs­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bpnnet. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson & . ■- .•------—/—:——L—-----, ■■■ < ■ ' • the Cuyler family at the home of Mr. and Mrs* Jack Kincardine, . Mrs. Arthur Breckles how spent Friday with Mrs. Harold Haldenby. Mrs. Frank Johnston hoine after spending a while in LucknoW with Mr. and Mrs. Syd :Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Needham of Huron visited Sunday wfth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wall. / , The Rev. G. B. Cox left on Monday" for New York. He will sail from there to the Eastern Countries,__Jncluding^the^ Land. . Mr. and Mrs. Don McCosh, Mary and Dick of "Purple Grove spent Sunday with Mrs. J/ W. Colwell. DEAD Mock CASH PAID FOR CRIPPLED & DISABLED horses, CATTLE, SHEEP & SWINE. Call 37-r-12:Atwood collect for ■ prompt service, day or nigjht. . ■ ■.. ' • ■ ,t • or Contact SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW Incubators - -—4—. -NpW IN MOTION J Eggs set only upon receipt of a firm order. For early pullets and larger egg receipts order February Chicks from JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED -Ontario ■ »' Lucknow i l I i i I KIso namecCafavorite bird and imitated its call. Mrs, Frank Thompson, convener, then ' took charge of the program. Misses Edna, Boyle and Margaret Mal­ colm played a piano duet. Mrs. Wm. Eadie gave,?a splendid paper- bn the life of. the-late Jack. Miner and of the wonderful contribu­ tion he^nade to /wildlife, as well as his religious influence in the tagging of wild geese arid other LEAv£ YOUR EGGS WITH US Pick Up Twite Weekly By * GOLDEN GLOW, RIPLEY For real feed value buy SEMI-SOEID BUTTERMILK