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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-04, Page 7
She’s Working Her > Way Through College Friday, Saturday, Feb. 6, 7 GIG YOUNG, ?. .-. JANICE RULE . — in •• ■ ' Holiday For Sinners MATINEE SATURDAY .. .... —-n : ; rr4! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 3 DAYS—February 9, 10, 11 BING CROSBY, JANE WYMAN "v "' — .in — ■ ?/ JUST FOR YOU I ,r IP WHITECHURCH s Eggs set only upon receipt of a firm order.and if order booked by February 28th.I .r I •Ji ’» A I r Jack Craig, Mr. Coulter and Mr. Coultej4 were at; I i LEAVE YOUR EGGS WITH US ■ STONES CAUSE MISFORTUNE I ©rawford’s Hatchery SPECIAL PRICE , ;/. , : .. : on ' • •••/■ ■■■ - ■t - ■ / ? I j, uLWWOWW TIMKBAz, \, ■. ■ , WEDNESDAY, FEB, 4th, 1953 Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM , Two Shows Each Night FIRST SHOW AT 7.15 RONALD REGAN , ' . 1O-* 4 . .. * * ' Wednesday, Thurs., Feb. 4,5 VIRGINIA MAYO, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW* ONTARIO KINLOUGH PAGE SEVEN DUNGANNON? ’ MRS, RALPH FOSTER Tlie pyngannpn^Pq^t Gilbert district was shocked, and. sadden ed fey the death pii Wednesday- eyenirig pf Mrs. Ralph Foster, who passed away iri Goderich Hospital where she had. under gone an pperatiori. Mrs, .Foster, who'was only 36 years of age, was formerly Vic toria Clare' Pentland, daughter of Mrs. Alex Pentland and the late Mr.' Peritland. The untimely death of this' young mother bereaves ;her hus bands and three, children, Lynda 8; Barbara § and Philip 2, Also surviving afe' he^/mothef, a sis ter j ;Mrs,‘ Ernest Pritchard of Tor* onto and six brothers^ Laverne of Detroit^ Benson of London, Frank and Wilfred of Dungan non, Allan and Ronald of North Bay, ‘ .. ■* "/ * Mrs. Foster was a faithful and detvoted member of Christ Angli can-Church/ Port Albert, rind was a vocalist of note who gave freely of her’talent. ; Following a private service at the Lodge Funeral Home in Godr -er ich, - a . public service - was- held in Christ Church on Saturday af ternoon conducted by Rev* H. L. Jennings of Lucknow, assisted by Rev. George Watt of Dungannon. Interment was in Dungannon Cemetery with her six brothers acting as pallbearers for the final act of a very sorrowful seriyiice.’ NELSON STEWART A telegram was received by William A. . Stewart of Dungan non on Saturday telli ng of the death of . his only /brother, , Nel- sori H. Stewart, 63, of Walla Walla, Wash., who was a native of Dungannon, a sori of the late Andrew and Ann Jane Mallou'gh Stewart. At the. age of 17, he went to the west and for 40 years was engaged in the dry cleaning busihess~in Walla. Walla., In Jate years his son has been in part- [ nership with him. He was,, last here 27 years ago. on a visit Death followed an unexpected heart attack; he had been in ap parent good health. He is sur vived by his wife/ a son, Wil liam; a daughter, June; one bro ther, .William,-’ Dungannon; and a sister, Mrs. Iona Cartwright, 70 Indian rd., Toronto. A brother Robert, died at Duluth a few’ years ago. ■ Mr. a,nd Mrs? George Cuyler and family of Millartoh, Mr. and, Mrs. Glen Campbell and Glenna visited Tuesday /With Mr, and Mrs. Bert Nichplspn. •. Mr. and, Mrs. Goldie Emergoh visited Monday evening with iMr.: and Mrs. Jim Boyle, Holy rood. Relatives here were • shocked during , the week to learn of the sudden passing of the late Ben Hodgins who visited here a few' weeks; ago among relatives and friends/and* While visiting at W.oddstock was taken ill arid passed away. His remains Were returned to Manitoba for burial, 7 The Angjicrih 'Evening Guild met on Tuesday evening , at , the home of Misses Edna and May Boyle with .Mrs. Ronald Thacker, president, in charge. Mrs. Howard Thompson read the scripture. The hymn “I need Thee* was sung followed by prayer. This being the first meeting in the New. Year .work, -was- -distributed, knitting, sewing • and embroidery to each member. Programs were planned for the future meetings. Mrs. Bert Nicholson, gave the closing remarks andLthe, presidenCclosed the meeting With prayer. / 7 ■ Friends, from here attended a reception in Bervie.'. on Friday evening last in honor of’.Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Emerson^ newlyweds.- : Mrs. Dan Mclnnes, teacher at S.S. No. 3 with her pupils, joined Mrs. Dave Ross and*her pupils on Friday afternoon and enjoyed a: tobogganing party at Mr. E. • Ackert’s farm, Holyrood; . , Mrs. -George Haldenfoy spent a few days; in Walkerton at the, home of her daughter and son-in- law-, Mr. and Mrs; Clare Sparling. Mr. andf Mrs. Wm. Bushel! of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Ardell Mason of Con. 4, Huron, visited Sunday with. Mrk J. W. Colwell.. Mrs.- Catherine Hewitt :and her son,. Mr. Wallace Hewitt of Wat erford visited Saturday ’with Mr. and Mrs. George Graham. Mrs. Hewitt has -been at Waterford for a few weeks and returned to her horde in Kinloss. The PLAYHOUSE Presents * ■• -• Thursday, Friday, Saturday, February 5, 6, 7 Randolph scott . . the man of action in a picture filled with action— Man In The Saddle ... .. ■ . A SATURDAY MATINEE At 2.15 p.m.—Doors open at 2 p.m« . .. : ‘ a . ••*'**. • S'.y. .. 1 ■ - ’** - ♦’ ■.■**•■* . J * 1/ k » ; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 9,10,11 TONY MARTIN, who thrilled the crowds at the exhibition, with his great voice, comes to /Hie Playhouse in a Wonderful technicolor production*— Two Ticketsto Broadway So here is your chance to see a great picture. OIL KAIRSHEA COTTON CLASS 7 The tenfh meeting of the Dau ghters-oftheKairshea was held at the home of Betty and Joan . Hamilton on January "20 th.The • meeting opened with the theme song. There were many ideas in the roll call for our skit on ^ Achievement Driy/TTK^jmeettrig' was continued with sewing. A tasty lunch was served. The eieventfumeeting was held . at the home of our leader, Mrs. Lavis/Some. sewing was done on the dresses that are not finished. Buttonholes were made. The dresses; and record books are fo be ready for the next meeting at Irene Roulston’s and to be taken to Walkerton on February.5 th, A -- delicious lunch was ^served. Mr. Norman ’Valad of Rivers- dale, is .having his share of tough luck—and all because of stones. Two weeks ago he broke his .arm when the truck" he was driv/ ing ?hit/-a, stone. The "steering wheel twisted suddenly, catching his arm and .breaking it. This week-ehd he was admitted to a London hospital with an eye ’in j u ryr’-He^was—dim bing- out-of ■ his car in> front of. a 'store: at Blackhorse when • the. car - ahead started up. . The. spinning rear wheels flipped up a stone, which hit "him in the. eye. Doctors be lieve his sight will not be Jost- Walkerton Herald-Times.. R EE“S U RVI VS “A N>“E STI M AT E $ OIL BURNERS OIL BOILERS • WATER HEATERS HISELER and SON, Phone 426, Wingham Christine Jorgensen’s Otyn Story ' Starts February 15th Read the dramatic story of: the Woman who was once a man! Read ’“The Story of My Life”, in J which ChrlstTne? Jorgensen /tells 7 —in her/.own words-^of her. »re,-i> markable transformation. Chris tine Jorgensen’s own life story— ; with /exclusive; photographs — starts iri February .15 issue of The . American Weekly, exclusively with Detroit Sunday Times. . I !■■ . i. . 'i- ■ ./ . I I ! Aluminum Roofing i": i. ' i' —i— i . i • ; I'- : I . -I" ’.-t • Lucknow GALVANIZED roofing ALUMINUM ROOFING i i i i i i i r i i ■ -L- I i i i ji i i Ontario, i.- United Church Young Peoples The regular meeting of the Lucknow United Church Young Peoplies was held on Tuesday, Januafy727tKfv^ithvTI) presentrThe meeting. opened with a sin/ song led/by Beverley Ashton Which was .followed by a short prayer iby the president, Kenneth Mc- Nay. The meeting vWas turned over to Miss Margaret Rae, the Paith. and Evangelism convener. After a hymn the Lord’s prayer was repeated. The scripture was read by Roddie Wraith. A read ing was given by Beverley Ash ton and a Bible quiz on J.esus’ life followed. We enjoyed a vfery interesting talk on “Faith in Everyday Life” which was given by Mr. Elmer Umbach. Young Peoples membership cards were given out and explained by . the president. Prayer by. Rev. SMeik- lejohn closed, the meeting. . ,■ . l.a......J , .. . T^s.'"C^vni^Mii'Sfieir.''Kifs7 Brown7 who had been spending . a few days here, returned home with them* ; Mr. arid Mrs/ Wilfred McQuil lan and Mr. and Mrs. J.^rAnder son spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ab McQuiljin. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. McIntosh of Wingham spent Saturday after noon at the home of Mr. & M/rs,' Ab McQujllin arid. Mrs. D, Ken nedy/ .. •. ■ ' • The: Women’s institute month- • ly meeting will "be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Far rier next Tuesday, February 10 at 2.30 p.m, Miss Margaret Bro phy Will be the guest speaker. Mr., and Mrs. Ab Coultes and I family spent Sunday at the home of her,father, Mr. Kerry at Pais ley. ‘ , ’ ’ - -Mr?—and Mrs;- Gr vilJe Ha Stings and daughter Beverley spent Sunday at the home of her par ents, Mr. arid Mrs.pJas. Mclnnes, Mr, Jack Coultes spent the week-end at the home of Murray Shiells, East Wawanosh. ■ ‘ Mrs. Irene Sparling and son Douglas spent , Sunday *• at the home of her parents, Mr. & Mrs. TT H. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Frank and Mrs./W. J. the: funeral at Auburn last Wed- nesday of their brother-in-law, ithe late Mr; Thorn. We are sorry to report' that Mr. Ab McQuillin is not improhr- ing as weir~as his many friends would like. Mrs. Wm. Scott is assisting Mrs. McQuillin. . Mrs. J. J. Tiffin is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and/ Mrs. V. Emerson. > . Mrs. Ezra Wetwood, Gordon & Mrs. Clifford Heiffer of Turn berry spent Sunday at Westmin ster Hospital, London. Mrs. Wet wood; on returning home, stayed with her daughter, Mrs. Heiffer; •for a couple" of days. . ' We are pleased to hear .• that Rev. J. Pollock returned hoihe f to Wingham last Sunday after undergoing a major operation, in Victoria Hospital, London. ___ . . / •_________n '■ . * _ PEAD stock CASH PAID FOR CRIPPLED & DISABLED HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP & RWINE; Call 37-r-12 Atwood collect for prompt service day or night. ' ’ or Contact SID GARDNER, LUCKNOW Incubators NOW IN MOTION You cart save money by taking advantage of ~TjBr^F^ypIacing^ JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LIMITED -T^rPhoiie 15 0 ; ■ We ai"6 sorry to hear that Charlie Taylor is ill with .pneu monia. He is getting .al,ohg as well as can -be expected. , Mfsi Ir0ne. Paterson "spent the week-end . at. the * home of . her .mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mrs*. Ezra Welwood has had'; the • telephone" installed , in her home last week. Her humber‘ is. 711-W-2. • A few. ladies ’of fhe W.A. of fh?e^Umted-^C’hureh—speht*-—W-ed^- hesday afternoon .at the home of Mrs. . G. Gillespietying a cjuil't to go to Korea, We .are sorry to report "th$t Mrs. , Webley. Tiffin had a major pperatkrn in Wingham. Hospital last. Saturday. . , " • Mr. and Mrs.-Jerry Smith' arid family, Miss Merle1 Brown and Mr/-Art,hui^ Bfutoh, onto,* spent the week-end with For/early pullets and larger egg receipts order February Chicks from Pick-Up Twice Weekly By GOLDEN GLOW, RIPLEV For real feed value buy SEMI-SOLID BUTTERMILK J . . ; ? » fr . • . . ■ f • r '1 ! . *r * 7'1 ’i' >■ >’i ,4 •.’.i r J• I . ? I *........... .............. 2 *' j .. /• 1