HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-02-04, Page 49 I- fi I ’Phone 76 \ A t I Moderate Prices cl I 0 P. Stuart Mackenzie i' / I * i ■ i i i ii i Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON,ONTARIO for ' removing other noxious For ■’ Appointment or Information See Wm.A. Schmid, 'Phone 167-w Lucknow 1 FOR SALE // small, used Cole­ man oil heater in good condition. Apply» to Mrs. Ronald Forster, FOR SALE quantity of dry ' cedar. Apply to John Mowbray; . ' phone, 21-w. LOST—car jack near the arena, . Wednesday, January 28th. Finder please leave, at Sentinel Office.. ; ... LOST;—child’s hand sleigh, new. ■ . • Finder... please telephone 220. FOR SALE—Tamworth boar,,20 months old, free frdm" disease. Wm. Evans, Lahgside, phone 46-r-23. . "... /'•- PIGS FOR SALE —• 35 chunks. Ross Henderson, R. 3, Lucknow, lihone 68-18 Dungannon. P . ■ 1 ■ ‘ --------: J ; ---------; HOUSE FOR SALE — Modern frame dwelling in good condition. Three-deck poultry house ..on property. Apply to Erni6 Craw­ lord. .’' '' ... ■ • Day,or Night, Ambulance Service < USE OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost MEMBER of Ontario Insurance Agents’ Association Professional Eye Examination Optical Services. Tr Evenings- by appointment. Phone: Office 770; Res. 5. G. AUM WILLIAMS . Optometrist Office on Patrick St., just off the Main St. in WINGHAM COMING EVENTS | COMMUNITY NIGHT iri St. Helen’s Copimuriity Hall on Friday, February 6th. Program including a Short play by Hack­ ett ladies starts tat 8.30, Dance after. Silver collection. Ladies please bring lunch. ■ / , Agnews* Agency Howard Agnew — Jos. Agnew IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday > OFFICE IN HENDERSON BLOCK ; PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SHELLED CORN FOR SALE— Phone Robertson’s, Carlow, 15-30. HIGHEST PRICES for stoves, .rags; metal1. Phorie 208-r-ll Ltick- ■; now.' CUSTOM CHAIN?” SAWING —" • Jack Farrish, R. R. 7, Lucknow, phone 82-13 Dungannon. • WOQD FOR SALE—10 cords of 14-inch maple and beech body . wood, dry. Ross Gammie, R. 1, Lucknow. ' • . GANDERS FOR SALE White Emden and White Chinese. Gold­ ie Marlin, R- 3, Lucknow, phone 68-r-6 Dungannon. ’ \ FOR RENT house, corner of Willoughby and Havelock Streets, available' Feb. 1st., 6 rooms -and bath, tfeceuttiy redecorated. Apply. |E. J. Farrish, Gorrie... STOVES FOR SALE — McClafy Charm cook stove, almost new, with water front and in first class­ condition;''also U coal or wood( .heater. Donald MacCharles, Box 45, Ripley., . ' NEW/ IDEA MACHINERY — spreaders, mowers, rakes, booms, wagon unloaders, Pax hog and turkey feeders, Whirlwind' feed mixers and all farm equipment. NEW IDEA DISTRIBUTORS Phone1 Carlow 2821 p Goderich, Ont; FARM FOR SALE — 100-acre farm; clay 10am, all tillable; 1 Vi storey—frame—housernew,with hard; and soft water; barn 60x40 ft; with 25-ft. lean, new garage, artesian well, cement silo, hydro throughout, 5 minute walk from R.C./ church, school and store at Kingsbridge, possession in spring, price reasonable. Nace Martin, R. 3,-Goderich.. ’ < , •• • . • i i ■■j i-4 i ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW AND sAi; for Full information drqp into our Office\ LucknoW, ^Ont,’Phone 71 -‘T**—------ SURGE MILKERS are safer for your cows. They do milk faster and. are - easier washed, -Contact Lovell McGuire, your Surge Deal/ er, phone 593-w. Wingham. WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Bruce Coun­ ty. Permanent connection with .large manufacture^. Only reliable hustler considered'. Write Raw- leigh’s Dept. B-271-131, Montreal. REFRIGERATOR SPECIALS—4 nationally advertised brand , name refrigerators, 9 cu. ft refrigerators at $269.00. Shop and save at SMITTY’S SHOPPING CENTRE, Hanover. ■■ ? FOR SALE—-house,and lot in St, Helens. Frame house with hydro, cistern, spring ‘Well,, water press­ ure in house and stable. Barn on cement wall, cement floors, new stabling, Hen house 18x24 feet, 2 acres of land, Apply to Thomas Colwell, St. Helens,, Ont. / FEBRUARY-MARCH, chicks ma- Iture for the good summer-fall markets, 'egg or broiler. Bray Hatchery has/. chicks you want for any market. Ask us .for par­ ticulars. Agent— D, R. FINLAYSON, , LucknoiW. PIANO SALE—February Sale at Smitty’s. Largest variety of new and usedpianos in Western On­ tario, priced from $89.00 up. All reconditioned, tuned,/benches. to match. Free delivery, Now on display at SMITTY’S: SHOPPING CENTRE, Hanover. > APPLICATION WANTED for the position of secretary-treasurer of the LucknoW Agricultural Soc­ iety, either man or lady. Applica-s tions to be received by the uridejj/ signed by Saturday, February 14. Alex T.. McNay, .LucknoW. CLEARANCE SALE of all used Singer sewing machines, console, portable and drop-head machines. All machines reconditioned, and fully guaranteed. For full inform­ ation write Singer Sewing Cen­ tre, Hanover pr phone 403 Han- over. ■' '■ y LOGS & STANDING TIMBER( We are paying highest, prices, cash,/for hard maple, and bass­ wood either in , the log t or on sttimp. " ■ . Jas. T. Craig .& Sori, Auburn . Phone Blyth 43/r-24 .. Quality Co-op i■JIrlIt MEAT FOR SALE Good beef for sale by the quar­ ter. Beef killed under license -from—the-^Departmeri^t^CHealthk Hind quarters 40c, froht :32c, a pound./ > , '..Raynurd Ackert, Holyrood". > Phone 24-30 Ripley. : ~ C.I.L. FERTILIZER Order your C.I.L. fertilizer^ to­ day. All regular brands available at, attractive^ prices. Early deliv­ ery discounts, February payment, discounts, .cash with order or on ' delivery discounts. Call collect, R. J, Boak, phone 171, Lucknow. ATTENTIONFARMERS! If you are interested in keep­ ing your livestock (cattle' & hogs) in ‘ good condition, Vita-Purol jspeciaLcpnditipner witii vitamins A and D is the answer. Tj^r it once. See for yourself! I will be calling on you as soon as possible. WELL. HENDERSON District Representative P.O. Box 75, Phorie 108-J . LucknoW, Ontario \ FOR SALE A complete stock of No. T cloyers, timothy and grasses for all purposes. Prices are low this year. Farmers-^-take advantage of our machinery Buckhorn . and weeds from your clovers. It will pay off well.. No, 1 Red Clover, $16.00 per bus. - Roy Cramm & 4Son, Seed deal­ ers and cleaners, Pinkerton, Ont„ phone Cargill 68-W-3. ^NOTICE?7 73 ‘•/The. Culross Mutual.Fire Insur­ ance. Company annual meeting yrill be held , in the Town Hall; Teeswater, on Saturclay, Febru­ ary 7th, 1953; at 2.30 p.m. to re­ ceive and dispose of the financial and auditors’ reports, to elect directors and to transact any other business that may come be­ fore the meeting. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who remembered me and. my baby ' daughter with cards, letters, pres,- en-ts and fruit while in , the hos­ pital; also those who visited me. _Sincerely, Edyth Gardner. Spence • Irwin wishes to thank all those who so willingly helped his wife and family move to their hew home while ihe was iil with pneumonia, and also to thank Mr. Elmer Farrish for letting them remain over the week-end in This house. I 4 -1 NOTICE The annual meotihg of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Jn* syrance Company will be held jn the Parish Hall, Dungannon, on Friday, February 6th at 2.00 p.m. to. receive reports, elect directors and for the transaction of general business, The . retiring directors are. Harvey' Anderson, , Maryin McDowell and Ross’McPhee. Durnin, Phillips, Sec.-Treas. ; IN MEMORIAM HUDSON—In loving memory of Wy1clear'brother,-George-Wr"Hud«- sori; ‘ who passed away February 14th, 1952. - ■/. • —Evbr . remeptibered iby* Sister Margaret. ‘ \ . ■■ „ JOH NSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME MacLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord­ ing to your wishes at your Home, Your Church; or at our Memprial Chapel at no additional charge. ’ AMBULANCE SERVICE ’Phone 181,. Lucknow, Day or Night GENERAL INSURANCE Established Oyer 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE Co-Operative Life Insurance Co-Operative Automobile ■Insurance Mercantile & Farm Fire —-—-Insurance- 1; Economical and Reliable. See .... T. CAMERON .LUCKNOW ■Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon Kenneth J. Mackenzie —IU0. - Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. Will4’ be at 'Wroha’s1 Jewellery stord, Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., ’ WEDNESDAY, ^EB. 18th arid eyery Second Wednesday. Eyes examined' - Glasses fitfed For appointment ’’phone Roy MacKenzief 96-r-24 Ripley, . ‘ii -r,v, 1^; ... ’ - 1l WEDNESDAY, FEB. 4tfr, 1953 DR. T. B/CLELAND VETERINARIAN Telephone 175 ilayelopk St., south of Supertest Gprage LUCKNOW BUSINESS and TAX SERVICE MONTHLY AUDITS . For The •' Small Merchant, Professional man and the Farmer./ S. J. PYMM P.O, Box 74. - Lucknow, Ont Office in ..Kilpatrick Block ’Phone 23-w . F T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST ... GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT ’Phone 1100 > ■ : ■ ■ ■ INSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE ^;~^A-N©-LTFE— To, Protect Your Jack, . Insure With Jack Today. 3. A. McDONAGH R. R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. ’Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN LUCKNOW Every' Wednesday and Saturday — . • Afternoon Office Tn the >J6ynt Block . Telephone: . . Office 135 Residence 3LJ R. S. Hetherington, K.G Barrister, Etic. Winghamxand Lucknow IN LUCKNOW “r^Eachl^ondajr;----- - and Wednesday Located "on the ‘ground floor in the front of ' John Kilpatrick’s Building ’Phone Wingham . Office, 48 Residence 97 Insure With The FIRE INSURANCE CO. ■; ■" ■/. ./fur . Reasonable rates, sound pro­ tection, & prompt, satisfactory t settlement of claims." t FARISII MOFFAT _ Your Local Agent ... s R. <$,, Teeswater. ■ ■ ’Phone Teeswater 57-r-41