The Lucknow Sentinel, 1953-01-28, Page 8<»I
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 28th. 1953
r ; ■" ■ ■..................................'...■wffR
\ s
Mr.‘ Henry J. M^cftlenzie spen;
the week-end in Toronto with
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barrett.
2 tins ............ ..........35c
r‘"7 ;-T'-;ri-r- ........... . - . -• . - —
St Williams
24 os. jar,.29c
THAT Clayton Alton, has taken
over the Fairview Dairy milk
delivery route, succeeding Har-
- Lipton’s Chicken Noodle
3 for....25c
Ctonittiues AU This Week
I .17
<?lvwm Tn Our SALE SPECIALS la»t week, we Wi MANY NEW IT^MS
A • t
/ •- ■ L.
iSeeHythe SENTINEL /
(Continuedfrom page 11 •_ /' ■
THAT pumping equipment has
been installed at the new Water
System well south of the Flax
Mill and a small volume of
water is being puipped into the
system to augment the supply
from the other wells. ,
THAT Arnold and Frank Alton
of Ashfield were in Toronto
last week attending Achieve
ment Day for theJunior Farm
er Machinery Clubs. The Alton
brothers represented the Col-
wanash Junior Farmers, having
7 beentqp boys in. themachin-
7^/ery club spbnsored by that
THAT W. W.! Haysrim; new
~ district supervisor fpr_the Bell
Telephone Company, * was a
caller in town on Triesday^
Haysom’s headquarters are at
THAT extra &qu$ers are Free
this marie-to-
measure Suits at, Ashton’s.
THAT Garfieldlifac^^
' license: isstier, stated biY Tues-
day that he had received as
yet no notice of an extension
of time in obtaining licenses
. and advises motorists to act
now and avoid: the last minute
tush/1 ‘
vey Treleaveri who leaves Mon-
,day to take charge of his pool
,7 room business in London.
7 January 19th; 1953; t~
The first meeting of 1953 of
the West Wawanosh Township
School Area Board aSejt in the
Township Hall with all members,
present. Mr. J. H. Kinkead, IJP.S.,
was. also.present.
The secretary took charge of
the meeting and called for nom
inations for a chairman for the
coming year. Wm. Webster moved .
that Wallace Miller be chairman
as he had7 held the position for
two years .arid considered that
some other member was entitled
to the honor. This motion was
seconded by James Curran and
WaHacje Miller was declared el
ected chairman.
Mr. Miller took the chair arid
called for the minutes of the
last meeting) which were read
and adopted on a motion by Wm.
Webster and Ted Mills. Motion
carried. /
The following bills were pre?
fitted; Ross Errington, lumber
J.W. Henderson, $1.53, wages
5.00—$6.53;. Moyer School Sup
plies; water conitairiers, 37.40.
Moved by Wm. Webster and Jas.
Curran that these bills be paid.
Moved by Wm. Webster and Jas.
Curran that we take no further
action in Hilliard Jefferson’s a|c.
Moved by Ted Mills and Har
vey Anderson that we accept .with
regret Miss Eileen Gliddin’s re
signation as music supervisor for
. the Area. Moved by Harvey An-
derson and Ted Mills that the
Church reports
(Continued from page 1)
People’s Union noting continued
progress and a napre flourishing
condition than for some time.'
X/Mrs7 F? W< Hoag expressed
thanks for the co-operation she
received during her ■four years
as president of the Women’s As
sociation. She outlined the aims
and purpose of the W.A., asked
Co-operation for her successor
and expressed appreciaition of the
ten, years of service of Miss Eliz
abethMur die as 7^
who '■ was retiring from office. A
motiob Of thanks Was extended to
both Mrs. Hoag and Miss Murdie.
- ijetailed ^oup 'reports were
given (by Mrs. L. Ritchie, Mrs. R.
Ackert, Mrs. Isobel MacKenzie
and the financial report by Miss
l^rdie;-;_ 773L’7: '-- i. - .7^.
, Robert Rae gave the church
rtreasurer’s report,, stressing the
necessity of increased individual
givings i due to the increase in
.church/expenses;' aS in all other
Kelso McNay
were appointed eiders. The five
retiring stewards, Dr. W. V. John
ston, Grant MicDiarmid, Gordon
Morrison, Ewart Taylor and
Campbell Thompson, were re-ap-
j^i^U Jtayhard Ackert was ap-
pointed to succeed Harvey Tre-
leafven and Charles Webster, Mel
vin Morrison and Orville Elliott
were added to ithe Board.
J. W; Joynt and W. B. Ander*
in addition to the present mem
bers. ' ' >. :■
W. L. MacKenzie was appointed
church representative on the
Lucknow Council of Churches.
A vote of thanks was tendered
to Rev. ?and. Mrs. Meiklejohn for
their devoted sand unselfish ser
vice since coming to Lucknow.
XiigMrta&e KU
"TWlmndtlitrtpeedy ^5* from rbeu-----
matic and arthritic aufferini by uatag
-T-IUC'a. Don’t let dull* weariaonie aches,
arid sharp •tab«nri*lM ba«««^3g«
any longer. Try Twdetoa • T-R-CV
today. Only 65c. |1.35 at drui<iata. M44
THAT here’s another reminder
. to subscribers Whose, subscrip
tion expired the end of the
year, and who have not as yet
renewed it. And if you’re in
. arrears it’s doubly important
• to “pay up please’k j 7?
TH^J.Sundriy, January/25ih (Was
the birthday anniversary of the
Scottish bard,;/Robert. Burns.
Stormy weather has becane
traditionally associated with
thait anniversary but it appear
ed that this year would be
different as very mild w®a*th-
— err-rain^arid^og -^er^
weather menu all week,, as . has
been. general so far this win?
ter. However, late Saturday
y the weather changed, ahd Sun-
1 day’- ■mj^irigt^JriefW^',“S'.
brought the coldest
. day of the a '
that: it is (or was) spring in
Janriaty at JLochalsh, where/J?*
. A. Ma^Cribzie picked a daridbt
. lion Thursday
of ./•
THAT Russell Alton of Ashfield
served on the jury at the. Hur
on County assizes last week at
. Goderich wlien history iwas
made with Mrs., John K. Sully
becoming the ^Jirst woman
v juror. She was made foreman.
THAT Andrew Gaunt was elect-
Shorthorn Association at their
annual meeting in4 Guelph last
week. Andy is first vice-presi
dent of the Huron-Perth Short
horn Association.
That Keith Kilpatrick is in
Massey-Harris service school.
THAT Mrs. AUrwin and Orville
Elliott were prize winners at
the Monday night shoot patty
of twelve tables.
Watch for Advertisement in Thursday -s London Free Press of IGA’s
Canned Food Jamboree
CITY STORE PRICES IN LUCKNOW—all prices available at,
' /’.• • , \ 'v. • J '■ z
:v ■ V. ■
SMITH’S IQA Food Market |
S SHOP AND SAVE . . ■< . . 7 , Shop where your* dollar goes the farthest
X71 I
One sheet, one pair pillow cases,
regular $8.50 ■ :
tenders of the following be ac
cepted for caretaking: Mrs. Jas.
Curran, No. 4; Mr. Charles Rob-
irisoft, No. 12; Mr. Gordon Smyth,
No. 3; Mrs.
Ralph Godfrey, No. IL Moved by
Wm. Webster arid James Curran
that W. A. Stewart be sec.-treas.
for the coming year* Carried.
. Moved jbv Wm. Webster and
Ted Mills that the wood contracts
be let as follows: Elmer Woods,
25 cord, No. 4, $5.90; Elwood Bar*
hour, 25 cord, No. 12, $6.00; For-’
an Bros., 25 cord, No. 2 and 25 .
cord, No. 17, $6.35, and that P.
A. Murray’s tender for cedar to" ’
all schools, 2 cords each at $3.50
pre cord; be gpic^t^.;j^2E^ie!d.
Moved by Harvey Anderson &
Ted Mills that we adjourn • to
meet again on Tuesday. February
3rd; at 2.00 pan;
• • ’ . j. • \
' ..............."J— I I ■
'• BORN i J’
HENDERSON—in Wihgham, Hos
pital, on Monday. January 26th,
to Mn and Mrs. James R. Hen-
dersno, a daughter, Mary Eliza
beth/ ’ Z'.' ‘ '
SIMPSON—in Kincardine Hospi
tal on Friday,. January 23rd to
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Simpson,
Kintail, a sori, James Murdock.
tai on. Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs.
Lucknow, a
tai on Sunday, January 18, 1953,
to Mr. arid Mrs, Stuart Chairiney.
R. 2, Auburri, a daughter.
MARTIN—at Alexandra Hospital,
Goderich on January 16, 1953, to
Mr. and Mrs. Nace Martin, R. 3,
Goderich, a< daughter,- Jennifer
* . * •• * •. «*> , ■ • "
Size 81x100,-regular $10.50
Wingham Hospi-
January 25th, to
Sidney Gardner,
daughter, Edith
Wingham Hospi-
■. ■ i •' •'for *.
Horsey Blended
48.oz. tin ............
,‘50 lbs. ...............
D. R. Finlayson
Woolettes, Krinkle Crepe, ChamStay,
Lijneen, Taffeta, Picolay arid
Mercerized Broadcloth